View Full Version : New trojans out there - Update your security

General of Darkness
8th September 2013, 09:23 PM
Just an FYI because the one that messed with me hijacked my internet connection and started DOS attacking sites in my registry. I know people don't like AVAST but it also notified of me of an URGENT update today. Doing a second pass with Malwarebytes, just to make sure. Since it's running right now I can give you the name in the log.

Just a friendly warning.

8th September 2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks for the warning.

I bet you the Jews did this. Bastards. When will we ever have peace.

General of Darkness
8th September 2013, 09:45 PM
Thanks for the warning.

I bet you the Jews did this. Bastards. When will we ever have peace.

Your sarcasm is horrible. BUT to play along we knew in the WN movement that the internet was going to be paramount in spreading the truth. If you don't think TPTB fricken hate the internet and would love to plant trojans in everyone's computer you're seriously mistaken. I bet I could get the people I know to write a script to load viruses, implant porn etc.

To be on the internet you need to protect yourself and this was just a public service announcement.