View Full Version : The poison in my drinking water......................... V

11th September 2013, 12:51 PM
the "Indian Hill, LLC" are going to start spraying 15 different kinds of poison, like atrazine, clopyralid, glygosate and on and on, up hill from me in order to kill the trees that they don't want for wood............the party will start uphill about two miles from my home and then down one mile right over my creek..........and off course when the rainny season is here it will push all that poison into the creek, a water filter will not work......they are supposed to stay away 60 feet from the creek but they are doing it from a helycopter and that means the the blast from the blades will push it another 60 feet.

Hey world, Morituti te salutamos.


mick silver
11th September 2013, 12:54 PM
call a jew lawyer he can help you ... are some tree huggers . but i know i would not like this at all ... no way man

11th September 2013, 12:59 PM
Did they make a public notice of this fact?

11th September 2013, 01:06 PM
did you scan a can of tuna or salmon yet with your rad thing?

11th September 2013, 01:13 PM
Go outside and wait...


when you see them spraying and getting closer then 60' to the creek...


11th September 2013, 01:18 PM
hey wait, don't chainsaws work out there?

11th September 2013, 02:56 PM
the "...... Hey world, Morituti te salutamos.


Lo queno mata ensorda, morituti es morituti

11th September 2013, 02:58 PM
hey wait, don't chainsaws work out there?

no they love poison ,its something they can relate too, a bit like their own natures ...poison.

11th September 2013, 03:39 PM
The did published only to a few people but one of them was the lady next door who likes to get into everything and she came to see me in person......she said that if enought people called in that they would not do it...I already called in but the guy is out in the field, let's see if he does calls me.

Almost forgot, bought two differn kinds of tuna and one of the other one and they were clean.....but.....that does not means anything.....I only trust my five years old tune that me and my cat eat.................humsssssssssss we are growing horns, I wonder why?


11th September 2013, 03:43 PM
I think I would have the water tested now, either by you collecting a sample and taking it in or having a outside source ( county, state, somebody )come in and test it , then after they spray test it periodically. But it needs to be tested now so you have a baseline.