View Full Version : Reid: 'Anarchists have taken over' in Congress

12th September 2013, 10:03 AM
I'm not able to embed, but here is the link to the video.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress.

Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues.

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

“People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

On Wednesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said he would prevent votes on lawmakers' amendments to the energy bill until he's assured he'll get a vote on his amendment, which would require some congressional and executive branch staff to enroll in the ObamaCare health exchanges.

“It’s defund ObamaCare, and I guess as the fiscal year comes to and end that’s what it’s all about,” Reid said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also introduced an ObamaCare-related amendment that would delay the individual health insurance mandate for one year, and codify the Obama administration's one-year delay of requirements that employers provide insurance.

“Let’s delay ObamaCare mandates for families right now,” McConnell said. “Then let’s work together to repeal the bill.”

The Senate is working on S. 1392, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. This bill is meant to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Reid said he hoped he and McConnell could work out a deal to allow votes on germane amendments later in the day.


12th September 2013, 10:13 AM
A user response at the original link. Definitely post worthy here.

HarryObrian OLLPOH
• 19 minutes ago

'Infinitum' ....
A Patriot is always an anarchist to a Marxist...

Hatha Sunahara
12th September 2013, 10:16 AM
If you don't have a good argument, then demonize your opposition with labels. Anarchists!

The founding fathers of this nation were anarchists who understood the need for a powerless government.

Authoritarians like Reid don't understand the benefits of a government that leaves people alone.


12th September 2013, 10:28 AM
Reid doesn't understand what anarchists are if he thinks the house and senate are filled with them.

12th September 2013, 10:38 AM
Anarchists are people who see reality for what it is: THERE CAN NEVER BE A LEGITIMATE RULING CLASS.

And now some of these people have ran for office to become part of the Ruling Class? LOL

Tea Party = STATISTS.

They just want a very small 'limited' SLAVE MASTER. They want to use the club of 'Government' to further their own agenda. They have not a moral principled bone in their body. If they did, they wouldnt be involved with the largest CRIMINAL ruling class in the history of the world.

If the 'Mob' came into your town, and started strong arming people and business', would your first idea be to 'infiltrate' the Mob and try to change them from the inside? 'Playing Politics' is as INSANE as thinking you can change a gang of violent criminals into virtuous loving individuals by 'joining' their Evil club.

Stop IMAGINING that there is even a thing called a 'Politician' and start seeing them for what they are: The most insane, irrational, self-contradictory CULT on the face of the planet.