View Full Version : World Average IQs by Country

17th September 2013, 02:53 PM
Discuss amongst yourselves.......


17th September 2013, 02:56 PM
The jooz still have to work on China...

17th September 2013, 03:00 PM
I thought 60 was the threshold for being able to take care of yourself. Seems odd to have an entire country average that low. Especially considering most Aussies I've met were competent enough. Must be all the bushmen you don't see that drag down the average.

17th September 2013, 03:16 PM
Dump someone raised in Manhattan in the middle of Australia and see how their IQ advantage works out.

Dump that same Manhattan in the middle of the Amazon and he will make it out ... as a shrunken head.

17th September 2013, 03:18 PM
I thought 60 was the threshold for being able to take care of yourself. Seems odd to have an entire country average that low. Especially considering most Aussies I've met were competent enough. Must be all the bushmen you don't see that drag down the average.
I think the map relates to where the population originates from... So most "Aussies" are not from Australia originally, but European or Asian for the most part.

17th September 2013, 03:21 PM
Australian Aboriginal skull versus a typical Australian White skull:

Which one is human?

17th September 2013, 03:22 PM
I think Glass is from Australia, maybe he has some input?


The China example goes to show that all the intelligence in the world means nothing without original thought, and creativity.

Who gave IQ tests to the bushmen?

17th September 2013, 03:25 PM
Australian Aboriginal skull versus a typical Australian White skull:

Which one is human?
Both are human, one is Homo Erectus the other is Homo Sapiens Sapiens...

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 03:33 PM
you have a source mamboni?

I am kind of shocked on Australia

17th September 2013, 03:41 PM
you have a source mamboni?

I am kind of shocked on Australia

Why, aren't they a product of prisoner's and outcast genes?

I'm surprised by Russia and Eastern Europe...

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 03:45 PM
Why, aren't they a product of prisoner's and outcast genes?

I'm surprised by Russia and Eastern Europe...

yes, I guess I never put that into the equation, plus Australia has been rather isolated, not much influx of new genes

I think Africa has to be lower on the IQ than Australia,

17th September 2013, 03:47 PM
this map is bogus

In NZ at the moment no one is worrying about IQs ,its all about the ................

34th America's Cup (http://www.stuff.co.nz/lightbox/sport/americas-cup/photos/9140336/34th-Americas-Cup?KeepThis=true)

17th September 2013, 03:52 PM
Both are human, one is Homo Erectus the other is Homo Sapiens Sapiens...

You're saying the modern day Australian Aboriginal is Homo-Erectus? RACIST!!!1!!

I'm trying to point out the Australian Aboriginals are another species entirely. Everyone overlooks this. Africans have more in common with Whites than Aboriginal Australians have in common with either.

17th September 2013, 03:57 PM
I don't know where to start with this, suffice to say I too am shocked at Austrlia'a figures.

The other myth that needs to be dispelled is that most Austrlaians have convict ancestors. Those that came here in the early to mid 19th century as 'convicts' are far far fewer in number than those that arived at a later date as free citizens.

Most Australains don't have any relatives that were convicts and of those that do its an isolate in the family tree.

Also as far as outcast genes are concerned, one can hardly be called a degenerate for having stolen a loaf of bread just so they could feed their children. Most Convicts were convicted over extremly petty crimes, there weren't even many hardcore murderes or criminals, most were usually excecuted in the home land. If anything the convicts were an inteligent and hardy bunch. A lot that escaped managed to eek out an existance on the fringes of the colony within the Aboriginal community. They were a resourcefull bunch. One group manged to escape the penal colony and made their way back to the British Isles by building their own boat, not once but TWICE.

I don't get the IQ map, I suspect it is extremely flawed.

17th September 2013, 04:06 PM
I don't get the IQ map, I suspect it is extremely flawed.

I agree apart from the NZ/OZ comparison ...;D

17th September 2013, 04:11 PM
IQ and the Wealth of Nations is an excellent and thorough source for national IQ's. I would post the list but I couldn't get it to fit.

Africans by far have the lowest IQ.

The list is here:

Here is a small sample.

Eq. Guinea 59
Nigeria 67
Barbados 78
Guatemala 79
India 81
Iraq 87
Mexico 87
Argentina 96
US 98
China 100
UK 100
Italy 102
Japan 105
Hong Kong 107
Argentina: 93 and 98
Australia: 97, 98, and 99
Austria: 101, 103
Belgium: 99, 103, 98
Brazil: 88, 84, 90, and 85
Bulgaria: 94, 91
China: 100, 92.5, 103.4
Democratic Republic of Congo: 73, 72
Poland:106, 92
Ireland: 98, 87
Israel: 97, 90
Kenya: 75, 69
New Zealand: 101, 99
Qatar: 78
Russia: 96
Sierra Leone: 64

17th September 2013, 04:19 PM
mamboni sir, would be so kind as to post your source? :)

17th September 2013, 04:23 PM
Dump someone raised in Manhattan in the middle of Australia and see how their IQ advantage works out.

Dump that same Manhattan in the middle of the Amazon and he will make it out ... as a shrunken head.

Intelligence and knowledge are two different things. Anybody put in a strange environment at first will have trouble surviving. The question is how well do they adapt after the initial shock. Whites in Australia seem to have done pretty well. How have the blacks done in America?

17th September 2013, 04:24 PM
Did the researchers factor in the beer consumption?

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 04:25 PM
IQ and the Wealth of Nations is an excellent and thorough source for national IQ's. I would post the list but I couldn't get it to fit.

Africans by far have the lowest IQ.

The list is here:

Here is a small sample.

Eq. Guinea 59
Nigeria 67
Barbados 78
Guatemala 79
India 81
Iraq 87
Mexico 87
Argentina 96
US 98
China 100
UK 100
Italy 102
Japan 105
Hong Kong 107
Argentina: 93 and 98
Australia: 97, 98, and 99
Austria: 101, 103
Belgium: 99, 103, 98
Brazil: 88, 84, 90, and 85
Bulgaria: 94, 91
China: 100, 92.5, 103.4
Democratic Republic of Congo: 73, 72
Poland:106, 92
Ireland: 98, 87
Israel: 97, 90
Kenya: 75, 69
New Zealand: 101, 99
Qatar: 78
Russia: 96
Sierra Leone: 64

that makes the most sense, from my own time/travels in Africa, I agree

17th September 2013, 04:29 PM
It would be nice to see the breakdown of race and gender as well. I believe China and Japan are some of the least-diverse countries racially. I think some of these low numbers probably have a cultural influence in addition to the genetic influence, probably once you get into average levels below 85 the cultural issues exasperate the already lower IQs, so they get measured even lower than they otherwise would be.

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 04:30 PM
when they did the study on Chernobyl, they found all the animals in the region (radiation), had much much smaller brains, and they said the animals intelligence level had been effected..

so we can expect to see the Japanese dropping down the old IQ ladder in a hurry

17th September 2013, 04:34 PM
They were a resourcefull bunch. One group manged to escape the penal colony

Resourceful, in my estimation is directly opposed to the IQ test

17th September 2013, 04:37 PM
Bulgaria: 94, 91

This looks like a better estimate for Eastern Europe and Russia.

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 04:39 PM
It would be nice to see the breakdown of race and gender as well. I believe China and Japan are some of the least-diverse countries racially. I think some of these low numbers probably have a cultural influence in addition to the genetic influence, probably once you get into average levels below 85 the cultural issues exasperate the already lower IQs, so they get measured even lower than they otherwise would be.

I think japan is very closed with regards to race, China I think is kind of a hodge podge (mongols, Chinese, etc)

Japan lends itself to closed society, Island nation

17th September 2013, 04:44 PM
How have the blacks done in America?

They seem to dominate. They have many more children than caucasians. They have convinced society that welfare is a natural state. I see them all the time working on highway jobs. Well, the word work is subjective. Usually ten are having a coffee break and the only one working is holding the STOP sign.

I wouldn't care to say more. That might be called stereotyping.

17th September 2013, 04:48 PM
I tend to look at a persons awareness level over any IQ level.................plenty of people with high IQs who are basically stupid..........

17th September 2013, 04:50 PM
They have convinced society that welfare is a natural state.

WHO has convinced society that welfare is natural? Not the blacks. They have just been the beneficiaries of the agenda pushed by another group.

17th September 2013, 04:54 PM
people with high IQs are basically stupid..........

Are you from Australia? :)

17th September 2013, 05:07 PM
I tend to look at a persons awareness level over any IQ level.................plenty of people with high IQs who are basically stupid..........

You are so right.......in the army there was this one guy who could only do nothing of nothing jobs, he had 2 Phd's, 3 Dr's and a whole bunch of other titles.......all that he could do better than me was to spell hahahahhahhahah........
I think that I have a mental block with spelling........even with an IQ of 115-116 and 123.


17th September 2013, 05:12 PM
Maybe mamboni photchopped Australia due to some ignorance he ran into from "one of those" site?

17th September 2013, 05:19 PM
Are you from Australia? :)

live there but from NZ

17th September 2013, 05:24 PM
live there but from NZ

any tribal tattoos?

17th September 2013, 05:27 PM

17th September 2013, 05:29 PM
any tribal tattoos?

Not really but here take a look at this ,what a high IQ can lead too ............http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2423306/Taps-flow-beer-instead-water-pranksters-plumb-friends-house-viral-stunt.html

Large Sarge
17th September 2013, 05:30 PM
that little red dot in Africa is Botswana,

beautiful country, very low population density...

17th September 2013, 05:32 PM
This looks better.



17th September 2013, 05:33 PM



17th September 2013, 05:34 PM
Not really

Is it Serpa or Serpo?

What do you mean, not really...!

17th September 2013, 05:34 PM
I don't know where to start with this, suffice to say I too am shocked at Austrlia'a figures.

The other myth that needs to be dispelled is that most Austrlaians have convict ancestors. Those that came here in the early to mid 19th century as 'convicts' are far far fewer in number than those that arived at a later date as free citizens.

Most Australains don't have any relatives that were convicts and of those that do its an isolate in the family tree.


That's what a convict's relative says.

17th September 2013, 05:44 PM
Where The World's Fattest People Are

17th September 2013, 05:51 PM
Where The World's Fattest People Are

Nice way to make 5 lbs look extreme.

Hatha Sunahara
17th September 2013, 06:20 PM
You have to keep in mind with IQ numbers, these are 'averages'. That means that roughly half the people are above that number, and half are lower. IQ, however is a measure of one's facility in solving problems. When solutions to problems are institutionalized--meaning that culture has prescribed solutions to common problems, it makes IQ meaningless. For example, in order to insure safety of people driving on roads, a country develops a system of traffic control conventions that everyone learns. There are signals that tell you to stop, and ones that tell you to go.

Similarly, you can teach an entire population to submit to authority and not question it. "Smart people pay their taxes." "Smart people vote." Intelligence is then subordinated to belief. You solve your problems by 'conformity and obedience.' By that token, the average IQ of the entire planet is about the same level as Australia. Maybe a little lower. The 'lowest comon denominator'.


17th September 2013, 06:39 PM
Similarly, you can teach an entire population to submit to authority and not question it. "Smart people pay their taxes." "Smart people vote." Intelligence is then subordinated to belief. You solve your problems by 'conformity and obedience.' By that token, the average IQ of the entire planet is about the same level as Australia. Maybe a little lower. The 'lowest comon denominator'.

I'm not sure if I'm in the Bizzaro world thread, or the IQ World thread...?

17th September 2013, 07:05 PM
That's what a convict's relative says.

Maybe, but not in this instance doucebag :)

Fact is hardly any convicts were murderes or rapists, at that time the British justice system had capital punishment for these offenders. FACT. Most were convicted of PETTY crimes, the judiciary actively prosecuted petty crimes with this severe sentence so that they had a labor force to send to the new colony. This is not hearsay but fact.

Just sayin

17th September 2013, 07:14 PM
Most were convicted of PETTY crimes,

Just sayin

If we would backtrack from "most" now, too the "very few" from the post before.

We might then be able to see the difference between calling a thief "resourceful", or an entrepreneur as having a high IQ.


17th September 2013, 07:17 PM
live there but from NZ

As I have correctly pointed out, you're an interloper...and you became an Australian citizen because?

I can't see any solid reason other then you're embarased by your heritage, lol...:rolleyes:

17th September 2013, 07:19 PM


Chapter 14- Intelligence


17th September 2013, 07:20 PM
Is it Serpa or Serpo?

What do you mean, not really...!

If you come from anywhere you carry a tribal mark inside yourself.Mine is invisible.

If you mean a moko tattoo on the chin as the Maori people used to do.This was for certain reasons they did that and not for decoration as they do tattoos today.

17th September 2013, 07:20 PM
If we would backtrack from "most" now too the "very few" from the post before.

We might then be able to see the difference between calling a thief "resourceful", or an entrepreneur as having a high IQ.

As per usuasl your posts are neither insightful nor enigmatic, just rubish. You're what we called a 'try hard'. Heres some advice, less verbosity more clarity try being pithy ocasionaly

17th September 2013, 07:23 PM
As I have correctly pointed out, you're an interloper...and you became an Australian citizen because?

I can't see any solid reason other then you're embarased by your heritage, lol...:rolleyes:

Quite the opposite as I am embarrassed by your culture as what you just posted is part of.

17th September 2013, 07:26 PM
Quite the opposite as I am embarrassed by your culture as what you just posted is part of.

Then why did you bother to jetison you're heritage and take up Austrlain citizenship...o)(~

17th September 2013, 07:29 PM
You're what we called a 'try hard'.

Careful, your pirate blood IQ is showing mate.

17th September 2013, 07:41 PM
Careful, your pirate blood IQ is showing mate.

As is the badge on your forehead that says FUCKTARD, ahahah...:D

17th September 2013, 07:47 PM
Some insights from this thread,

Kiwi's will answer questions, while Aussies have all the grey answers.

17th September 2013, 07:51 PM
Some insights from this thread,

HORN is a retarted fool who's own wife and kids find him embarassing

Fixed it for ya :p

17th September 2013, 07:55 PM
I was surprised to see the aussie number on the map. Is this the IQ of people or animals.... some say there's not much difference between them here in Oz. I think the list is probably more a reflection. I hope it is.

It could have something to do with beer. Also maybe the test is multiple choice? Everyone knows that C is statistically more correct than any other letter. Aussies are genetically slack (lazy) and the answer to any difficult problem is "She'll be right mate" or Option C.

Or it could just be that Aussies are stupid. That might explain just about every damn thing. Here's me thinking people are somewhere close to me. I'm smart of course because I think I am.

ITs most likely that no one could be bothered to show up for the exam or could not get the envelope opened with the test paper in side? If the answer paper was just small boxes you black out with a pen a lot of people might have thought they were entering the Lottery.

IF thats the case the test should show that most aussies know their own birthdate because that would be one of their lotto numbers.

Other than that I got nothing.......I don't even know mine IQ. I know it caused problems but what it was I have no eye deer.

17th September 2013, 08:01 PM
Fixed it for ya :p

Aeon had to carve his own wooden spoon as a child,

as plastic was too shiny and would be frightened by his own reflection while supping.

17th September 2013, 08:04 PM
Mamboni never put up a link for this and it is disputed quite a bit.

IT IS BULLSHIT. If I recall this has been put up before...

Here is the real map...

17th September 2013, 08:07 PM
IQ, however is a measure of one's facility in solving problems.

2013 architecture in Africa

:rolleyes: exactly

17th September 2013, 08:09 PM
my final suggestion was going to be that the map was made by kiwi's, but then they would have put themselves at the top and aussies at the bottom wouldn't they? and the kiwi's are in the middle. So I dropped that theory. Still we are talking IQ here.

17th September 2013, 08:09 PM
Aeon had to carve his own wooden spoon as a child,

as plastic was too shiny and would be frightened by his own reflection while supping.

too late dufus, it ain't me that is an embarasment to his own family, remeber when you posted that Haloween pic of yourself at GIM dressed as an Arab and your kids were in it to, I laughed so hard, I thought what sort of fuckwit would use his own children on the internet as his avatar?

Only you. What an EPIC fail...ahahaha

You're an embarassment to not only your current family but all of your ancestors.

17th September 2013, 08:27 PM
Mamboni never put up a link for this and it is disputed quite a bit.

IT IS BULLSHIT. If I recall this has been put up before...

Here is the real map...

The map is sourced from Wikipedia. So yeah, it might be BS. We had a thread here recently trashing Wiki, deservedly.

17th September 2013, 09:23 PM
You're saying the modern day Australian Aboriginal is Homo-Erectus? RACIST!!!1!!

I'm trying to point out the Australian Aboriginals are another species entirely. Everyone overlooks this. Africans have more in common with Whites than Aboriginal Australians have in common with either.

Aboriginals have blood of the third subspecies of human, known as denisovans.

As far as blacks go, some are 100% cro-magnon.

Whites have a mixture of cro-magnon and neanderthal (a few % neanderthal).

Semitic populations supposedly have very high levels of neanderthal.

17th September 2013, 09:37 PM
Aboriginals have blood of the third subspecies of human, known as denisovans.

Another wiki definition to explain the behavioral results of our current specimen in Aeon.

Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. One definition of transference is "the inappropriate repetition in the present of a relationship that was important in a person's childhood."Another definition is "the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object." Still another definition is "a reproduction of emotions relating to repressed experiences, especially of childhood, and the substitution of another person ... for the original object of the repressed impulses." Transference was first described by Sigmund Freud, who acknowledged its importance for psychoanalysis for better understanding of the patient's feelings.

17th September 2013, 10:13 PM
transference was a concept created by sexual deviants such as Freud who are now able to claim that accusations of molestation by physciatrists of their clients, which is a base and rampant behaviour of these people can be refuted by claiming it is the victims who are to blame because they are "falsely" projecting against the good Dr, their imagined abuses.

Does that MO ring a bell to anyone?

17th September 2013, 11:35 PM
IQ really doesn't mean anything because is up to the standards of modern time and not of that of stying alive... in a jungle you would be dead in ten minutes as a jungle man would be dead in NY in 10 minutes......is only a matter of where you are and what lessons you have about being there.


18th September 2013, 03:23 AM
WHO has convinced society that welfare is natural? Not the blacks. They have just been the beneficiaries of the agenda pushed by another group.

Welfare is a dipole. The two ends of the spectrum are those who fund it and those who accept it. These two extreme viewpoints do not exist without each other. Take either away and welfare crumbles.

The same might be said of war and peace (as a dipole condition that is). The invader comes in offering peace and the defender suggests war might be the better option. Anyone offering peace is an invader and should be either treated as one or ignored. Anyone offering war has been presented with an offer of peace.

In Brazil they call this the TANGO.

18th September 2013, 04:34 AM
Australian Aboriginal skull versus a typical Australian White skull:

Which one is human?
Here is Homo Erectus. Aboriginee seems to be somewhere in between classical homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens...
Maybe a bit more Erectus...

18th September 2013, 08:57 AM
having an 125 IQ, I find all these charts veryyyy scary...

18th September 2013, 03:32 PM
I think my IQ has dropped a few points after reading this entire thread.

18th September 2013, 03:38 PM
I think my IQ has dropped a few points after reading this entire thread.

I hope that dosnt mean you have entered negative territory.................

18th September 2013, 04:25 PM
I think my IQ has dropped a few points after reading this entire thread.
G'day mate! :)

18th September 2013, 04:49 PM

18th September 2013, 05:22 PM
G'day mate! :)

No offense to Serpo, or Glass or any of our other folks from down undah, but I laughed, given the OP "infographic" whatchamacallit.

18th September 2013, 05:36 PM
If people cannot laugh at themselves occasionally then they take life too seriously .............

Most Aussies find it VERY difficult to laugh at themselves.......................

Im classified by Inadaze as a aussie interloper as this is what happens to kiwis living in OZ

18th September 2013, 07:11 PM
If people cannot laugh at themselves occasionally then they take life too seriously .............

Most Aussies find it VERY difficult to laugh at themselves.......................

Im classified by Inadaze as a aussie interloper as this is what happens to kiwis living in OZ

Thats right you're just another deadshit Kiki who comes over here thinking you shit doesn't stink and the drivel you posted here confirms this.

How many Australians go over to NZ and although they've forsaken their homeland (like you upstarts do, for various excuses - which prove how decrepid NZ is - like I can't find me a decent job, or the weathers better here, or I married an Aussie) decide that they need to rub it in everyones face they come from Oz by arrogantly displayting some symbol of their country emblazoned all over their car (I'm thinking of you're pecious silver ferns here) - thats right NONE, I have NEVER SEEN ONE in all my travels all over NZ

Thats right everyone, not only do we have to put up with these douchbags crawling all over our country by the 100,000's and acting as if their kin are a higher life form, but they insecurely feel the need to put emblems of home ALL over their cars.

Look here for examples:


And more "Whats the go, everywhere I drive every SECOND car has a silver fern on it"


It is so rife I bet Serpo has one too, don't you. This is proof that these vermin have a greater difficulty laughing at themselves than Aussies do, we have enough dignity and class not to feel the need to go shoving it in peoples faces.

The opposite of what this interloper says is true, Kiwi's they take themselves far too seriously.

Judge for yourself fellow GSUS's, have alook at the link.

18th September 2013, 07:20 PM
Inadaze in his wisdom married a kiwi and now he hates them

Im beginning to think maybe Mambonis OP chart was spot on

Not really into silver ferns ,I prefer these...... http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4945857850180456&pid=15.1&H=160&W=108 (http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/ln/20130824/240813_news_all_blacks_vs_australia/steve-luatua-2013-bledisloe-cup_3832522.jpg) http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4790165296316831&pid=15.1&H=106&W=160 (http://www.charterworld.com/news/carbon-free-americas-cup-summer-racing/americas-cup-san-francisco-trophy-%c2%a9-acea-2013-photo-gilles-martin-raget)

18th September 2013, 07:32 PM
Thats right you're just another deadshit Kiki who comes over here thinking you shit doesn't stink and the drivel you posted here confirms this.

How many Australians go over to NZ and although they've forsaken their homeland (like you upstarts do, for various excuses - which prove how decrepid NZ is - like I can't find me a decent job, or the weathers better here, or I married an Aussie) decide that they need to rub it in everyones face they come from Oz by arrogantly displayting some symbol of their country emblazoned all over their car (I'm thinking of you're pecious silver ferns here) - thats right NONE, I have NEVER SEEN ONE in all my travels all over NZ

Thats right everyone, not only do we have to put up with these douchbags crawling all over our country by the 100,000's and acting as if their kin are a higher life form, but they insecurely feel the need to put emblems of home ALL over their cars.

Look here for examples:


And more "Whats the go, everywhere I drive every SECOND car has a silver fern on it"


It is so rife I bet Serpo has one too, don't you. This is proof that these vermin have a greater difficulty laughing at themselves than Aussies do, we have enough dignity and class not to feel the need to go shoving it in peoples faces.

The opposite of what this interloper says is true, Kiwi's they take themselves far too seriously.

Judge for yourself fellow GSUS's, have alook at the link.

Inadaze is absolutely right I am deadshit kiwi vermin ......................oh how the truth hurts

18th September 2013, 07:33 PM
I really can't relate to folk who get all tied in a knot over differences in population IQs. I posted the map because I found it interesting - for about a second or two; but, such factoids are fairly meaningless IMHO. Who really cares about the average IQ of a population, let alone IQ in general. Intelligence is too complex and variegated thing to be quantitated by a test. My old man tested 170+ yet he flunked the police entrance exam, go figure. To be sure the man was a genius - but he'd never get through a university degree program, no way no how. I was a much better student and test taker and my IQ is not nearly that high. I've known incredibly gifted people who flunked out of school. We are all so different and full of oft undiscovered unrealized potential. But the emphasis must be on the individual and his peculiar talents and strengths, not some average of some numerical measure of dubious utility.

18th September 2013, 07:42 PM
Inadaze in his wisdom married a kiwi and now he hates them

Im beginning to think maybe Mambonis OP chart was spot on

Not really into silver ferns ,I prefer these...... http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4945857850180456&pid=15.1&H=160&W=108 (http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/ln/20130824/240813_news_all_blacks_vs_australia/steve-luatua-2013-bledisloe-cup_3832522.jpg) http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4790165296316831&pid=15.1&H=106&W=160 (http://www.charterworld.com/news/carbon-free-americas-cup-summer-racing/americas-cup-san-francisco-trophy-%c2%a9-acea-2013-photo-gilles-martin-raget)

And you deadbeat? YOU BECAME AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN, so by default you're actually describing yourself when you call Australians thin skinned.


My partner has lost her Kiwi accent, and adopted the easy going ways of Australians, however I would NEVER ask her to relinquish her Kiwi citizenship, She should be rightfully proud of it as she is a decent and secure person. Unlike yourself, plauged by insecurities so much so that you feel the need to become an Austrlaian.

Not only are you an embaressment to Australians, but you're an embarasment to Kiwis as well clearly you're so insecure you need to take comfort in the false trappings of bunch of dudes kicking around a leather bladder filled with air.

Just remeber who FIRST managed to take the cup, NOT THE KIWI's thats for sure ahahaha....yo guys always try to copy what Aussies do...:rolleyes:

I bet you ran outside before posting this trite and removed you silver fern sticker from you're car, does it take up ALL OF THE BACK WINDOW, if so it would be directly proprtional to your insecurity.

18th September 2013, 07:43 PM
I really can't relate to folk who get all tied in a knot over differences in population IQs. I posted the map because I found it interesting - for about a second or two; but, such factoids are fairly meaningless IMHO. Who really cares about the average IQ of a population, let alone IQ in general. Intelligence is too complex and variegated thing to be quantitated by a test. My old man tested 170+ yet he flunked the police entrance exam, go figure. To be sure the man was a genius - but he'd never get through a university degree program, no way no how. I was a much better student and test taker and my IQ is not nearly that high. I've known incredibly gifted people who flunked out of school. We are all so different and full of oft undiscovered unrealized potential. But the emphasis must be on the individual and his peculiar talents and strengths, not some average of some numerical measure of dubious utility.

Why did you post it then? Seems a little odd to come out and say this now...

18th September 2013, 07:51 PM
Inadaze everything you post is an attack on other forum members here.........what is your real agenda?

18th September 2013, 07:53 PM
Inadaze everything you post is an attack on other forum members here.........what is your real agenda?

Simple, exposing fuckwits like yourself :)

18th September 2013, 07:54 PM
Just remeber who FIRST managed to take the cup, NOT THE KIWI's thats for sure ahahaha....yo guys always try to copy what Aussies do...:rolleyes:

Yes we copied the Aussies on the Americas cup because we thought ,shit if Australia can do it then so can we.

Didnt copy you guys on the under arm bowling though ,you guys where way out there own your own.

18th September 2013, 07:55 PM
Simple, exposing fuckwits like yourself :)

BS everyone here you treat as an idiot

18th September 2013, 07:58 PM
Yes we copied the Aussies on the Americas cup because we thought ,shit if Australia can do it then so can we.

Didnt copy you guys on the under arm bowling though ,you guys where way out there own your own.

oooh, can't laugh at yourself now can you.

This was perhaps our finest sporting moment and you just proved it. I will forever humbly be thankfull to those blessed boys.


18th September 2013, 08:01 PM
BS everyone here you treat as an idiot

No, I have self respect maggotbrain, and treat those that know their stuff accordingly, unlike you who doesn't know when they've been handed it to them and keeps coming back for more...and more and more...you love it don't you, you twisted little insecure piece of trans-tasman detritus.


18th September 2013, 08:02 PM
oooh, can't laugh at yourself now can you.

This was perhaps our finest sporting moment and you just proved it. I will forever humbly be thankfull to those bleseed boys.


Pathetic sports people who stoop to underhand tactics to win a sporting event .....................and you say it was Australias finest hour ...haha

18th September 2013, 08:09 PM
Why did you post it then? Seems a little odd to come out and say this now...

I was curious to see others' reaction to it. I never imagined the firestorm it has apparently set in motion. Most of my threads die a quick and quiet death in the forum memory hole. Now when I post a seemingly innocuous Wiki graphic its spark, chain reaction gone critical, virtual life is created. I will never understand the behavior of groups.

18th September 2013, 08:10 PM
Pathetic sports people who stoop to underhand tactics to win a sporting event .....................and you say it was Australias finest hour ...haha

Should I tell your neighbors how you talk about them? Remember where you live little miss muffet.

Here is Serpo disrepecting her ADOPTED country, what utter trash you've shown yourslef to be, in the old days people like you were lynched.

Don't start the my neighbors a decent people bla bla bla, we all know what you think of the them and the coutry you live.

You're a hypocrite who can't admit as much and should just go back to the hole you came from....want more cup cake?

18th September 2013, 08:12 PM
I was curious to see others' reaction to it. I never imagined the firestorm it has apparently set in motion. Most of my threads die a quick and quiet death in the forum memory hole. Now when I post a seemingly innocuous Wiki graphic its spark, chain reaction gone critical, virtual life is created. I will never understand the behavior of groups.

Innocuous? Because you know the map is bullshit, right? There are others you could've posted but you didn't.

Admit the map is false Dr...:confused:

18th September 2013, 08:26 PM
Innocuous? Because you know the map is bullshit, right? There are others you could've posted but you didn't.

Admit the map is false Dr...:confused:

I'm no authority - I don't know that the map is "false." If you have a better one, you should post it here.

18th September 2013, 08:34 PM
I'm no authority - I don't know that the map is "false." If you have a better one, you should post it here.

I don't do reposts, maybe you should go read your own thread a little better and ye shall find the answer, I have respect for ya doc but I gotta say this thread had a foul stench to it from the start, infact I think, no I'm sure you've posted this before years ago when I wasn't a member.

Besides, feigning ignorance isn't your forte.

I know, how about you go do some due diligence, then come back to us and admit the map is grossly false?

18th September 2013, 08:52 PM
wow. hot thread. I have to say, or I don't have to say but it's 2 bob and they're mine. I know a lot of kiwis in passing and some quite close. Never met a bad one yet. Never met one who wouldn't just help out without question. Have met some with scarey ink but seriously, aussies could take a leaf sometimes. Especially with family.

18th September 2013, 09:00 PM
Hi Glass!! How is Wikidpedia today?

High IQ Video... Example of Super High IQ black American... with slightly higher IQ narrator... he-out, he-out, he-out, he-out... he-out, he-out, he-out


18th September 2013, 09:24 PM
My apologies to the continent of Australia - hadn't zeroed in on that when I posted the graphic. I never would have guessed that Australia had an average IQ of 60. I don't believe it. But it comes from Wikipedia. I don't know who their source is.

18th September 2013, 09:45 PM
I'm no authority - I don't know that the map is "false." If you have a better one, you should post it here.

Based on the elementary verbose coming from the dazed Aussie, I'd say your first gut instinct posting was the correct map.

Seriously Aeon, your letting something you don't even believe in upset you too much, its a sign of low pirate IQ.

18th September 2013, 10:30 PM
Should I tell your neighbors how you talk about them? Remember where you live little miss muffet.

Here is Serpo disrepecting her ADOPTED country, what utter trash you've shown yourslef to be, in the old days people like you were lynched.

Don't start the my neighbors a decent people bla bla bla, we all know what you think of the them and the coutry you live.

You're a hypocrite who can't admit as much and should just go back to the hole you came from....want more cup cake?

Did you say her , so Im a women too you ,thanks Cebu

Im still a kiwi and have a piece of paper to say I am Australian as well.

I dont normally get too involved in stuff about where I come from ect

Why get foul tempted and abusive to everyone all of the time.............

18th September 2013, 10:33 PM
My apologies to the continent of Australia - hadn't zeroed in on that when I posted the graphic. I never would have guessed that Australia had an average IQ of 60. I don't believe it. But it comes from Wikipedia. I don't know who their source is.

It is panning out though............{0}

(not you glass ):D

18th September 2013, 10:39 PM
Did you say her , so Im a women too you ,thanks Cebu

WTF? I stayed out of this completely, thanks.

18th September 2013, 10:49 PM
Did you say her , so Im a women too you ,thanks Cebu

Have you been drinking this evening, Serpa?

18th September 2013, 10:51 PM
Have you been drinking this evening, Serpa?

I have been drinking quite heavily and I have no idea where this came from.

I do not drive like this either.

18th September 2013, 10:52 PM
I have been drinking quite heavily and I have no idea where this came from.

I do not drive like this either.

I thought you said Serpa was a perfect lady a couple threads back, must've been the beer goggles.

18th September 2013, 10:54 PM
WTF? I stayed out of this completely, thanks.

no you called me a she once and Inadaze I think believed you , haha....

18th September 2013, 10:58 PM
Have you been drinking this evening, Serpa?

Not normally plus its afternoon here

Not really drinking much but its always fun

18th September 2013, 11:00 PM

18th September 2013, 11:00 PM
no you called me a she once and Inadaze I think believed you , haha....

Wow... sorry man, link me.

18th September 2013, 11:03 PM
Wow... sorry man, link me.

It dosnt matter anyway.......link...too hard

18th September 2013, 11:21 PM
Ive spent decades here in Australia working and raising a family and the whole time Ive had to deal with attitudes from Australians.

Ive been harassed for weeks on end in the work place before anti harassment laws came in.

It is nothing new to me .

Kiwis come after boat people on the social ladder....hahaha

there are many great Australians and New Zealanders

Inadaze is faced with Kiwis everywhere going crazy if they win the Americas cup, maybe tomorrow even. hahahaha

there will be more silver ferns ,

I never see anything like that myself ,depends where you live and as to whether I have a fern or not ,ah no but thanks for the idea.

http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4661531020298570&pid=15.1&H=131&W=160 (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english_au&cat=pics&c=pf&q=silver+fern&h=164&w=200&th=131&tw=160&fn=silver-fern.jpg&fs=5.7%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DH.466153 1020298570%26pid%3D15.1%26H%3D131%26W%3D160&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.keywordpicture.com%2Fkeyword%2Fne w%2520zealand%2520silver%2520fern%2F&udata=4e201285a0e0b67459c82722b273cd67&rid=OHLNRTPRLROQ&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwww.uwec.edu%2Fjolhm%2FNZ%2FNewZeal and%2FHomePage%2Fsilver-fern.jpg)

18th September 2013, 11:53 PM
Based on the elementary verbose coming from the dazed Aussie, I'd say your first gut instinct posting was the correct map.

Rememer when you used to follow Drill and Fill around like a love sick school girl at GIM thinking you and he were bests and that you two were the epitomy of witty repartee?

Then he decided to ditch you like a lovesick hanger-on. That was funny to see I have to say. Think I don't remeber who you really are do you?

You're an ass clown extrodonaire, don't try and pretend you have any style, I know you're a pathetic wanabe imitation of Drill and Fill, you looked like such a cockholster, now all you do is poorly try to emulate his legendary style.

The stupid donkey had it over you in spades, ahahaha


Now on to the interloper...

Don't try and wallpaer over your hate for Australians, and your hypocisy by abandoning your heritage, it is obvious to anyone from a mile away and you admited as much...

There is a saying in Australia for Kiwi's,

Kiwi's are the Poms of the South.

Because all they do is whinge 'poor me' and try and bring Australians down because they're insecure jealous twats for the most part.

Truth hurts, doesn't it ladies.

Now both of you fuck off, you've been told...:D

19th September 2013, 12:04 AM

19th September 2013, 12:05 AM
Its the Drill and Fill wanabe, yay!

19th September 2013, 12:06 AM
Told ,told by who?

19th September 2013, 12:07 AM
Told ,told by who?

Clearly your retarded

19th September 2013, 12:13 AM
Clearly your retarded

True true but only by you............

a raving nut job....hahahah ..........

19th September 2013, 12:17 AM

Chopper is an icon and very funny...............

19th September 2013, 12:17 AM
Truth hurts hey? I understand

19th September 2013, 12:20 AM
Oh look some news..........

Fairfax NZ

Aucklanders were out in force to back Team New Zealand, as they inch closer to bringing the America's Cup home.

http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1379546816/063/9185063.jpg GRAHAME COX/Fairfax Media
EARLY START: America's Cup fans in Downtown Auckland's Shed 10 gather to watch the cup races on the big screen.
America's Cup
Oracle in catchup mode since their 2012 capsize (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9181165/Oracle-in-catchup-mode-since-their-2012-capsize) A long way to fall for Oracle's Sir Russell Coutts (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9181267/A-long-way-to-fall-for-Oracles-Sir-Russell-Coutts) Forecast for America's Cup racing 'promising' (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9183622/Forecast-for-Americas-Cup-racing-promising) Russell Coutts left fearing the sack from Oracle (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9179242/Russell-Coutts-left-fearing-the-sack-from-Oracle) Kiwis prank Larry Ellison (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/videos/9179733/Kiwis-prank-Larry-Ellison) http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1378959513/static/images/icon_video.gif Fans left disappointed on Auckland waterfront (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9179477/Fans-left-disappointed-on-Auckland-waterfront) High winds force Cup racing postponement (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9179179/High-winds-force-Cup-racing-postponement) http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1378959513/static/images/icon_video.gif Cup champagne on hold due to wind, bay tide (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9178709/Cup-champagne-on-hold-due-to-wind-bay-tide) Dean Barker's sole focus on job at hand (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9176403/Dean-Barkers-sole-focus-on-job-at-hand) http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1378959513/static/images/icon_gallery.gif http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1378959513/static/images/icon_video.gif Apology to Coutts possible after NZOC botchup (http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/americas-cup/9177223/Apology-to-Coutts-possible-after-NZOC-botchup)
A packed crowd on Auckland's waterfront was left waiting again, but is no less excited to see Team New Zealand win the America's Cup.
Nearly 1000 people had turned out to see the second and potentially final race before it was cancelled due to high winds, including some who are very close to the team.
Debbie Ockleston and her kids Blake, 8, and Ashley, 11 were their to support husband and dad Peter Ockleston a boat builder with Team New Zealand, in San Francisco on his third cup campaign.
"He was up for hours last night," Mrs Ockleston said.
The family was sure the team would bring the cup home despite the delay.
"We've got the best sailors, the best shore crew, designers," Mrs Ockleston said.
"And we are amazing!" said Ashely.
The roud children and mother were excited to hopefully have their dad back home soon.
"We love you daddy," Ashely said.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown was frustrated the second race was cancelled after such a good start from Dean Barker and the crew.
"Awesome performance, we love what you are doing there, so proud of how you are going out there. They shouldn't have cancelled that last race. It was going to be 9-1," Brown said.
The mayor was jubilant but refused to start counting his chickens before they had hatched.
"Grant (Dalton) and I are in fairly daily contact and he is totally zoned in with that team and they are taking every race as it comes. That is the way we do things here in New Zealand, chill out, hang tough, and get it over the line. Then we will be celebrating," Brown said, before breaking into a cover of "Let's Hear it for the Boys".
Some fans who had been really close to the action recently themselves were just as excited to come back tomorrow and hopefully see the team win from Auckland.
"We are so geared up for the big win. Nevermind it just makes it more exciting tomorrow," said Judy Langley, who had just returned from watching the racing in San Francisco.
She was impressed by the huge turnout at the Waterfront.
"Everybody is really coming on board, it is great that it is close because it makes it more exciting."
Other fans had dusted off their 1995 Team New Zealand kit, hoping to see New Zealand take the cup for the second time.
"I've treasured it. I had to get it dry clean for the first time," said Leo Neal.
He was confident the Team would win and excited to see the city host the America's Cup again.
"Best place in the world to have it is Auckland," Neal said.
- © Fairfax NZ News


19th September 2013, 12:34 AM
Vic judge rejects crim's low-IQ claim

A judge has dismissed as "utterly implausible" claims that a man who managed a network of 21 marijuana crop houses in Victoria had an IQ of 40, jailing him for at least six years.

Justice Mark Weinberg said Van Hung Nguyen, who has lived illegally in Australia since September 2002, played a "managerial role" in the Melbourne enterprise, which grew a Victorian record amount of marijuana.

Police seized 4590 cannabis plants, with a weight of about 1300 kilograms, from the crop houses in Melbourne's outer northwest.

Each house was fitted with "sophisticated" water and lighting systems to grow the plants, and bypassed electricity meters to avoid police detection.

Justice Weinberg said Nguyen, 42, had been spotted visiting the crop houses in 2011 and early 2012 and had even changed number plates on his car to conceal his trips.

Sentencing Nguyen in the Victorian Supreme Court on Monday, Justice Weinberg dismissed a psychologist's report which measured his IQ at 40.

"Someone with an IQ of below 40 would not be able to drive a motor car, let alone perform many of the tasks which you routinely carried out," he said.

Justice Weinberg found Nguyen most likely deliberately underperformed in the IQ test.

He rejected defence lawyer Charlie Nikakis' claim that his client's lack of intelligence reduced his ability to exercise appropriate judgment.
"I think that you knew exactly what you were doing, and knew full well that it was wrong," Justice Weinberg told Nguyen.

Upon his arrest in April 2012, Nguyen told police he had worked as a fruit picker and handyman and struggled to earn enough to eat.
But police found $39,000 cash hidden in his home, a Rolex watch worth $37,960 and two pairs of Tag Heuer sunglasses worth $3,500.
Nguyen pleaded guilty to cultivating a large commercial quantity of cannabis.

Nguyen was sentenced to eight years and nine months in jail and must serve a minimum six years.


Drill learned everything he knew from me, he was just better at being an ass.

19th September 2013, 12:45 AM
Clearly your retarded

Stay away from the sink, sinkie

You might catch a reflection in the chromium faucet.



19th September 2013, 01:01 AM
Quantification of Inbreeding Due to Distant Ancestors and Its Detection Using Dense Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Datahttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3176119/

19th September 2013, 02:23 AM
Quantification of Inbreeding Due to Distant Ancestors and Its Detection Using Dense Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Datahttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3176119/

Not much witty repartee now huh?

How about both of you inbreds stop tag teaming eah other up the arse, surely you've had enough for one day...:p

19th September 2013, 03:08 AM
Oh look some news..........

Fairfax NZ

Aucklanders were out in force to back Team New Zealand, as they inch closer to bringing the America's Cup home.

Been watching these airplane boats hauling ass all over the bay for months. I'm glad the kiwi's are winning. I've been rooting for them.

Personally, I don't even think you can call these things boats. They are out of the water most of the time.

Do you think the kiwi's will bring back the traditional sailboats for the cup? I sure hope so. Screw Oracle, imo.

19th September 2013, 03:20 AM
Ive been meaning to ask you about that , I really love watching it ///

well these cups are never won until the very end as anything can happen

I think they will keep the catamaran but make it smaller so its cheaper

Also if they win it they may make it so only people from their own country may be in each team.

19th September 2013, 07:00 AM
Here's the culprit, the map maker, a frickin' Norseman no less!


19th September 2013, 07:17 AM
Ok good for you doc.

I could write a whole thesis on my thoughts of the Aboriginals, I can see why they would score lowest on western style standardised IQ tests, having said that there is something about them beyond this that is hard to put down into words, you kinda have to meet 'em to know what I mean, they are definately not like Africans although they clearly show physiological similarities and an early genetic divergence from African stock at about 45 to 50 ky.

I will ponder this some more and pen my thoughts, I may even start a separate thread...

Just to get htis clear I have predominantly Irish heritage, if that isn't obvious from this thread, haha, just so you know I'm not an indiginous Australian...

19th September 2013, 07:59 AM
Wasn't Forest Gumps IQ just under 80?

60 and you would probably have trouble tying your shoes.

19th September 2013, 01:12 PM
actually I have been pondering the ingenuity of the charts a lot since I posted... and they all seems to to fit right in the "racial divide and conquer" mantra ...

I was curious to see others' reaction to it. I never imagined the firestorm it has apparently set in motion. Most of my threads die a quick and quiet death in the forum memory hole. Now when I post a seemingly innocuous Wiki graphic its spark, chain reaction gone critical, virtual life is created. I will never understand the behavior of groups.

Large Sarge
19th September 2013, 01:18 PM
I am telling you from direct experience, Africa has a lower IQ, call me racist or whatever....

Africa is certainly lower than Australia,

19th September 2013, 01:27 PM
sure on a continent like Africa, it is obvious... but I am not trying to compare at all. People who live in the jungle or in very deep poverty have other perceptions which we do NOT have (yet)... or have lost

actually I should have been careful before talking the first time...

19th September 2013, 01:35 PM
Here's the culprit, the map maker, a frickin' Norseman no less!

So it is what I said on page one. The map shows the IQ of the original population of the country...

19th September 2013, 06:37 PM
Been watching these airplane boats hauling ass all over the bay for months. I'm glad the kiwi's are winning. I've been rooting for them.

Personally, I don't even think you can call these things boats. They are out of the water most of the time.

Do you think the kiwi's will bring back the traditional sailboats for the cup? I sure hope so. Screw Oracle, imo.

interesting, of course the Catamarans were used in the AC for the very first time the next time next cup was contested after win by the Alan Bond funded, Ben Lexcen designed winged keel single hull yatch Australia II.

Dennis Conner was the guy who introduced the catamarans to the AC. Lots of controversy but I agree, it dilluted the essence of what the America's Cup was all about IMO. I think there is a place for double/triple hulled and skiff racing but I don't think the AC is it.

aeondaze, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the original people. I got a lot of respect for them. I hate seeing whats been done, being done to them.

19th September 2013, 06:52 PM
Dennis Conner was the guy who introduced the catamarans to the AC. Lots of controversy but I agree, it dilluted the essence of what the America's Cup was all about IMO. I think there is a place for double/triple hulled and skiff racing but I don't think the AC is it.

It has been an interesting time here in the SF Bay with the cup and all. Seeing these cats going 40 knots right at you, while you are in a boat doing 6 knots, gives a feeling of awe.

Glass, I'm sure you know more about the AC than I do. I've crewed on racing sailboats before, it just doesn't interest me. My whole philosophy on sailing is just too different.

Perhaps if the AC went back to monohull boats, more traditional, I'd be more interested. Do you ever read latitude 38? It's a good, free publication here, all about sailing, there's a lot of good letters written and published....

Here's the online link.


19th September 2013, 07:39 PM
actually I should have been careful before talking the first time...

The part about Eastern Europe and Russia is what makes it racially bias.

As whatshername posted before, Bulgaria is in the lower 90s not in the 100s as the rest of Europe, and also over and above any mixed nations.

This still doesn't negate the original inbreeding and Aboriginal in Australia though.

20th September 2013, 04:03 AM
This still doesn't negate the original inbreeding and Aboriginal in Australia though.

How about you try some facts instead of you're predisposition for spurious trash.

Of our 23,000 protein-coding gene base pairs, we get 11,500 from each of our parents, 5,750 from our grandparents, 2,875 from our great-grandparents, and so on. That repeated division means that by the fifteenth generation - which is only a few centuries ago - your average ancestor (assuming zero inbreeding) is contributing, on average, less than a single gene to your current genome. Go back a thousand years to the 30th generation, and the average genetic contribution is effectively zero.

While it isn't really accurate to say that we're all inbred, at least not in a genetic sense, it might actually be fair to say that we're all the descendants of inbred people. Numerous theories have been put forward about a huge decrease in the human population tens of thousands of years ago - one particularly extreme version suggests the human population in sub-Saharan Africa remained under 2,000 for as much as 100,000 years, while more moderate hypotheses suggest a population bottleneck of about 15,000 that occurred about 70,000 years ago. Either population bottleneck would most likely necessitate fairly extensive inbreeding, and that's backed up today by the relatively low level of genetic variation within humans.

You're just as inbred (maybe more so, you seem to want to throw the accusation ot there) as any one else...:p

20th September 2013, 05:14 AM
Here is what an IQ of 173 gets you


Former Amazon CFO Joy Covey dropped out of high school, used her 173 IQ to get to Harvard Business School, helped Jeff Bezos take Amazon public--and then proved that you can lead a full and very rich life beyond business.

FORTUNE -- Joy Covey, who was Amazon.com's CFO in its startup days and guided the company through its IPO, died Wednesday in a bicycle accident in California. Covey, 50, was reportedly struck while cycling on Skyline Boulevard in the mountains of San Mateo County. She leaves an eight-year-old son, Tyler.

You can be road kill with a high IQ as easily as the dumbest person on earth.

20th September 2013, 07:01 PM
less than a single gene to your current genome

Looking for a fig leaf to cover up with, are we?
