19th September 2013, 12:13 PM
I flew into Orange County over the weekend, and saw this. I openly mocked made fun of the sign, and most everyone else in the security line agreed with what a joke it all is.
Please, don't lecture me on how, by flying, I have no right to make fun of or ridicule the system. For some of us, flying is still a necessity. When I fly, I simply try to disrupt and ridicule the system as much as I can. I opted out of the full body scan, and also jacked up the security line by leaving my laptop in my bag. Then I left my video game in my bag too. They had to scan my bag three times, holding up the whole line in the process.
Please, don't lecture me on how, by flying, I have no right to make fun of or ridicule the system. For some of us, flying is still a necessity. When I fly, I simply try to disrupt and ridicule the system as much as I can. I opted out of the full body scan, and also jacked up the security line by leaving my laptop in my bag. Then I left my video game in my bag too. They had to scan my bag three times, holding up the whole line in the process.