View Full Version : WHY I AM NO LONGER A COP...by Hitcher

20th September 2013, 07:05 PM
That's a fair question, Book. I will answer your question, honestly. However, this thread is about porn stars. Not police depts. and their past employees.

Here you go Hitcher. Your own thread dedicated to telling us at GSUS why you are no longer a cop.


20th September 2013, 07:22 PM
Alright. What questions do you have for me?

(I hope this thread dies a quick death)

20th September 2013, 07:34 PM
Alright. What questions do you have for me?

Take as long as you need to tell us WHY you are no longer a cop.

You probably already posted at least a hundred "When I Was A Cop..." tales in various threads here at GSUS going into great detail and great length. So far you have always refused to tell us WHY you are no longer a cop.

Here's your chance to tell us the whole story. What happened?


20th September 2013, 07:35 PM
Tell him nothing ,we dont care as its none of our business, he just wants to use it against you

20th September 2013, 07:35 PM
You can no longer be a cop because you cannot follow the illegals orders that they wanted you to imposed....simple.


20th September 2013, 07:40 PM
Tell him nothing ,we dont care as its none of our business, he just wants to use it against you

I agree with Serpo. Book you've been around long enough for us to know that you'd just use whatever reason Hitcher has against him some time in the future. It's his business, and his reason whether voluntary or not. It really isn't any of yours or our business why Hitcher isn't a cop anymore.

20th September 2013, 07:41 PM
You can no longer be a cop because you cannot follow the illegals orders that they wanted you to imposed....simple.


Thanks, Ponce!

Book, this is why I can no longer be a cop. ^

20th September 2013, 07:55 PM
Hitcher is a different person than the one he used to be when he was on the force. If you've never changed your mind over 10, 20 years of life, you're not living.

midnight rambler
20th September 2013, 08:29 PM
I wouldn't feel the need to explain jackshit to a dyed-in-the-wool statist.

old steel
20th September 2013, 09:29 PM
He woke up to the fact that cops will be targeted first when TSHTF.

20th September 2013, 09:54 PM

Putting aside the fact that you owe no one here an explanation of your life choices, I would admonish you to remember that BOOK is the Hannibal Lector of this forum. Do not ever let him inside your head. He is a sadist and spends his days here looking for any member's weakness or psychological pressure point in order to inflict maximum pain and suffering. He is a psychological vampire. He must feed off the life energy of others in order not to turn inward and self-destruct, as his existence is void of any positive feelings, love or compassion. Even the Garden of Eden had its serpent; and GSUS has BOOK. Tis best to acknowledge his malignant presence and stay far away from him; for nothing good can come from interacting with him. I was once a friend of BOOK. I soon learned that a man cannot befriend a scorpion; for it is in the latter's nature to sting, to inflict pain and to harm others.

20th September 2013, 10:03 PM

Putting aside the fact that you owe no one here an explanation of your life choices, I would admonish you to remember that BOOK is the Hannibal Lector of this forum. Do not ever let him inside your head. He is a sadist and spends his days here looking for any member's weakness or psychological pressure point in order to inflict maximum pain and suffering. He is a psychological vampire. He must feed off the life energy of others in order not to turn inward and self-destruct, as his existence is void of any positive feelings, love or compassion. Even the Garden of Eden had its serpent; and GSUS has BOOK. Tis best to acknowledge his malignant presence and stay far away from him; for nothing good can come from interacting with him. I was once a friend of BOOK. I soon learned that a man cannot befriend a scorpion; for it is in the latter's nature to sting, to inflict pain and to harm others.

"Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist."
― George Carlin

I think Book gave up a long time ago on humanity. Instead of trying to help and inform his fellow man against the great evils around us he has found it much easier to hate his fellow man. It's like when you first wake up to all this stuff and you try to tell everyone you know and they think you're nuts, so you feel angry at them. So why not make fun of a fellow slave when you don't feel you don't have a chance in Hell of inflicting even a scratch on the Master.

20th September 2013, 10:15 PM

20th September 2013, 10:39 PM
I was once a friend of BOOK.


http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif that hurt man. to find out in a public thread like this...

20th September 2013, 10:40 PM
That's a fair question, Book. I will answer your question, honestly.


20th September 2013, 10:56 PM
What a retard,

Book what the hell is the matter with you..?

I can't wait to hear the answer......

20th September 2013, 10:58 PM
http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/images/smilies/cry.gif that hurt man. to find out in a public thread like this...

You made a thread to call out Hitcher and it turned into an anti-You thread. Personally I wish we could all try to get along here, we have differences but we all have more in common here than almost anyone else we'll all meet in the real world. I really think you are highly intelligent, but you spend so much time putting down others instead of putting in your own input.

Does it really help you feel better? Does it bring you peace?

A lot of people (I think) feel its just mean spirited rather than constructive criticism. I'd love to hear more of what you think can be done to improve/solve things. We aren't here to "wake" up the generally dumb public who want to stay ignored and be enslaved. We (I presume) are here to help another keep sane, stay financially sound, keep healthy, and so on.

20th September 2013, 11:02 PM
Beer out the nose sucks even when LMAO... funny stuff here.

20th September 2013, 11:05 PM
I think he is one of those infiltrators, to get the subject changed to their agenda.

Get all our eyes off what is really going on..... He is good at his job.

20th September 2013, 11:16 PM
I think he is one of those infiltrators, to get the subject changed to their agenda.

Get all our eyes off what is really going on..... He is good at his job.

I don't think so. I used to be like that myself. I used to torment and troll Christians like crazy and do everything I could think of legally to make their lives miserable. It just brought me more anger, sadness, and hate. I don't do that stuff anymore and my opinion and attitude towards Christians has pretty much inversed. Even if though I disagree with them I find it better to just be friendly to them. I'm a much happier person now that I'm nicer and try to avoid conflict. Besides, you can convince people of things easier when you can convince them you're a respectable and good intentioned person rather then who you're generally hostile. That just causes of cycle of suffering which will come back on you almost all the time... that is unless you're a psychopath. Then sadism benefits you.

20th September 2013, 11:33 PM
Then he is just mean and hateful and has a very sorry life, I guess I should feel sorry for him.

Good night GSUS and sweet dreams... see ya in the AM :)


20th September 2013, 11:37 PM
Such drama in a relaxing thread... I dont get it.

20th September 2013, 11:53 PM
GOODNIGHT, relax and take it easy !

20th September 2013, 11:54 PM
night again.

20th September 2013, 11:59 PM
Even the Garden of Eden had its serpent; and GSUS has BOOK.

Book is the best cop on this forum, Magnes could never keep as steady a beat when he was regularly employed.

21st September 2013, 05:10 AM
Book is the best cop on this forum, Magnes could never keep as steady a beat when he was regularly employed.

I think you meant "sanitation engineer". Someone who insists on picking through garbage and can see nothing but garbage is either a garbage picker or a sanitation engineer. My question is this: can you be a sanitation engineer when sanity is constantly elusive?

If you have horns, eyes and goatee like a billy goat, maybe you are just feeding on the garbage.


Celtic Rogue
21st September 2013, 05:48 AM
Oh no not this same ole shite again! 8-)

21st September 2013, 06:40 AM
Book is the best cop on this forum, Magnes could never keep as steady a beat when he was regularly employed.

Why does this forum need a cop?

21st September 2013, 08:06 AM
Even if though I disagree with them I find it better to just be friendly to them. I'm a much happier person now that I'm nicer and try to avoid conflict.

No. Really. Your barber did a fine job Mamboni!

No. Really. Those uniform pants don't make your ass look fat Hitcher.

Either one is fine. Just go with the one that makes YOU feel younger Zap.

No. Really Horn. Looks natural!

This will be much cheaper than those big wheels on your pickup truck General!

Fine with us Spectrist. Henceforth you will now be addressed as Miss Spectacular.


21st September 2013, 08:21 AM
"Sadism is a behavioral disorder characterized by a callous, vicious, manipulative, and degrading behavior expressed towards other people.

Sadism involves gaining pleasure from seeing others undergo pain or discomfort. The opponent-process theory explains the way in which individuals not only display, but also take enjoyment in committing sadistic acts. Individuals possessing sadistic personalities display recurrent cruel behavior and aggression. Sadism can also include the use of emotional cruelty, purposefully manipulating others through the use of fear, and a preoccupation with violence.

While some sadistic individuals do gain pleasure in imposing pain and suffering upon others, sadism does not always involve the use of physical aggression or violence. More often, sadistic individuals express aggressive social behaviors and enjoy publicly humiliating others in order to achieve a sense of power over them."

21st September 2013, 08:59 AM
LOL.... that'll be Ms Spectacular to you Book. I always thought you had a thing for trannies.

Now we see the psycho lash out at the whole audience. I must be a jew too. And probably a sock puppet for the zionists. And a schmeckle & goy eater.

Oh, and Jewboo- those voices you are hearing are not the ones to be listening to.

21st September 2013, 09:09 AM
Sadism involves gaining pleasure from seeing others undergo pain or discomfort.


:rolleyes: Obviously a Sadist. Let's put him on Ritalin and alert the authorities.

midnight rambler
21st September 2013, 09:18 AM
Let's...alert the authorities.

JoooBOOK's fave four word phrase.

21st September 2013, 09:36 AM
Tell him nothing ,we don't care as its none of our business...


:rolleyes: GSUS and Truth

21st September 2013, 01:26 PM
What is it you do for a living up there in Idaho, Book?

You a pensionista?

21st September 2013, 01:47 PM

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
― Kahlil Gibran (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6466154.Kahlil_Gibran)

21st September 2013, 01:54 PM
i'm no longer a Chippendale because i lost my 6-pack. :)

21st September 2013, 01:58 PM
But you must still at least have a one pack.............hahaha