View Full Version : The Masters Of The Innerverse

23rd September 2013, 03:41 PM
if you know what Mystery Schools, Gnosticism. Hermeticism, Veda culture and chakras entail , you will love that one... Sevan Bomar is my latest find and I am watching/saving all the youtube videos of his. This (**black**) guy is dynamite :)

ps: didnt watch the Masters of the Innerverse as I am dowloading it right now... but 'Key to the Innerverse' is very dense already, cant wait...

Sevan Bomar - Astral Quest - 03-24-13 - Keys To The Innerverse ...


Sevan Bomar - Astral Quest - 04-21-13 - Masters of The Innerverse ...


23rd September 2013, 09:06 PM
Maybe key or a highlight area. I get the idea of the "whole" and the "synthetic"

but half way thru couldn't decide if I'd learned more on mushrooms while listening to Pink Floyd in the tenth grade.


24th September 2013, 04:53 AM
I got through about 3 minutes of that "black guy" and couldn't take any more of the bullshit. I popped into various parts and same old crap.

No substance. All deception.

Here is an example: "It is a simple law of the universe that you can't get into other frequencies unless your frequencies match." You can't even make or buy a cup of coffee with that baloney. If I had time to waste, some of it appears quite humorous. He sets up a picture as if it is fact/ law/ profound, and then describes how you get to or achieve that nonsense. It is like cartoons for those who want to feel enlightened.

24th September 2013, 09:57 AM
you answer doesn't surprise me Spec... actually I mentioned that this thread wasn't Christian oriented.... did you notice?

24th September 2013, 10:03 AM
good for you... there are many things that I already knew, intuitively and not, but to me it is more about how Sevan phrases it, articulates around the topics that matters.


Maybe key or a highlight area. I get the idea of the "whole" and the "synthetic"

but half way thru couldn't decide if I'd learned more on mushrooms while listening to Pink Floyd in the tenth grade.


24th September 2013, 10:03 AM
you answer doesn't surprise me Spec... actually I mentioned that this thread wasn't Christian oriented.... did you notice?

You think all I can talk is christianity? I can see bull crap and walk around it- whether religious, science, political, etc.

Name one good thing that you got out of the videos. You listed the videos and endorsed them, but did you even watch them?

24th September 2013, 10:23 AM
I watched 5 of them so far... but why should I go into length explaining to you since you already tagged and branded all those topics as "new age crap" in so many instances and ??? However paraphrasing Sevan is quite a job and my time online is limited. It either resonates with one or not.

I am posting them for people who like I are on a self-discovery path and open to consider all possible forms of enlightenment.

edit: I find very compelling his explanation of how all thoughts are dual in nature and thus end up "collapsing and vanishing" . Because I can relate to this when thinking intensively myself and while taking into account the dual aspect of the Mind (every word). In fact that happens to me on a daily basis. I go through a "blank" then am being sent back to square one of the very idea or concept I was pondering. Each train of thought has a dead end because it has as many upsides as downsides... then comes a deep silence from the innerverse. Have you ever have experienced this, Sepctro?

25th September 2013, 08:33 AM
okay, I finally watched the Masters of the Innerverse and it is not the best one of the innerverse series.

I definitely recommend the Key to the Innerverse and Innerversal Knowledge which I am posting below


IN "key to the innerverse" Sevan goes in length explaining the meaning of "reverse esoteric symbols", which in fact represent the "feminine" aspect in eveything, so it becomes crystal clear that by fearing those symbols or attributing them to the illuminati, masons, etc, we merely repress women. That is the goal of many religions/NWO, indeed. As for the 666, it is merely the number of man with 9 (universal completion) , six reversed, female, and the child to achieve the Cosmic Trinity... so by fearing the number of 6 three times, we just conjure/curse ourselves, which is evil of course, hence the belief that Satan is lurking 24/7.... wanna know more? just watch the video...

because of the duality in all things, the elites throughout the ages have made us believe that reverse symbols are evil, and this help us focus on our/their evil intents alike... and since reality is what we create, evil thus really happens. It is an very interesting take however. It shows the power we do give our own reality.

25th September 2013, 03:42 PM
LOL!!!! In less than 10 minutes of this latest & greatest horseshit, I got many chuckles from this moron. Just remember you are the universe and there is a dark force trying to block you.

This dope pretends to be enlightened and he is among the lowest IQ creatures walking this planet. He uses words improperly and without knowing their meanings. Quite a funny video.

A mind be a terrible thing to waste.

25th September 2013, 07:39 PM
Does he know how to build a civilization from the dirt up?

With the finished product a ship in a bottle you are all in.

A pirate ship.

But due to how you have been taught to see...It does not look like that.

Or how about up in heaven on Earth is where all the good devil worshipers are...the rich ignorant and below them the poor ignorant demons with the desire to be rich ignorant demons in between the rich servants of the most worshipful master and the slaves of the master down in hell on Earth.

The baby demons are the cutest...but all the demons ruled by the lie they worship as Truth...are children that eventually get so good at telling lies that they convince others around them that they know what they are talking about.

All the demons, because they are worshiping ignorance, will lose their minds an go insane worship an excuse or lie or reason and kill off a million good baby demons to apprehend one misbehaving or bad child.

With ignorance being mommy and daddy...

With mommy and daddy demons worshiping a lie they believe is truth...they look up to and think is positive.

It's why vampires can not see their reflection.

They do not want to see what they really are.

They worship ignorance as bliss.

demons are just made up...

yes all the parents say...don't worry child...GOD will not harm you...we have a weapon that can slay GOD...no go back to sleep and continue to dream you are awake.

The weapon is a lie they tell you that you believe is Truth.

a lie takes more power than it gives from Truth to fight Truth until the singularity is reached.

where the lie pretending to be Truth has to kill GOD in order to obtain absolute power over all and everything.

to sustain its existence of transform into Truth.

but all that happens when Satan demands the answer to be yes from GOD to the request for absolute power by Satan from GOD

Satan is supplied with the solution or answer to that equation.


and Satan along with his army of demons are defeated in their ignorant quest to amass enough power to create a lie more powerful than Truth...to defeat Truth...and obtain absolute power over al land everything.

Satan is zero and demands 1 or GOD to be GOD.

Satan or zero demands yes or 1 from 1 or GOD and then is supplied with zero or no from 1 or GOD

Who is like GOD?

since evil is always trying to look good and does not know when to stop until before you know it...you think it is a great idea to try an defeat GOD and are annihilated.

Satan...just thinks positive and ignores negative...

takes more power than Satan gives to amass power to defeat GOD.

that is like chopping down trees faster than they regrow and buring them to amass power until you have enough power to slay GOD.

and obtain absolute power over all and everything.

to win the war against deflation with inflation.

inflation that is the cause of the deflation you ultimately are trying to defeat in the end.

The war or battle is won until the trees run out.

Then the lie fighting Truth is cut off from the power of GOD and dies off.

when Satan and all the demons appear to be winning and are drunk with power...they are happy.

but when the trees run out...the power of GOD is cut...they are starved for power from GOD and begin to die off and become unhappy.

The demons of course say not to fool with mother nature because hell hath no fury like a women scorned.

but do they all listen?

to pay attention requires positive effort.

Demons all wish to be like Satan...and use the least effort to fight GOD by getting all of you to supply the power...you all do all the work...and Satan gets all the blame.

and has all of you on Earth killing yourselves to protect and sustain the lie you all believe is Truth.

the false GOD.

You all will try to kill me a lie you believe is Truth to protect you cherished delusions from harm.

with your cherished delusion being dependant upon worshiping ignorance.

at it's core.

a lie hopes to become Truth.

by chopping down trees faster than they regrow to power the existence of the hope the trees never run out and hope dies.

Truth is Truth.

Truth chops down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to power the hope the trees do not run out an hope dies.

A lie is temporary or finite

Truth is permanent or infinite.

now Truth the word...is just the most powerful lie that rules all less powerful lies.

you see the effect...the death of the lie you believed was Truth...as Truth...but it is just the effect or result...of the original sin being paid for at the end due to choosing to commit it to begin with because it looked like a good thing to do.

until you find out that ignorance is not bliss.

The apocalypse of bliss at the lifting of the veil when the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption is reached.

ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.

you will continue to be deceived and never wake up.

If you just keep getting fooled nanosecond to nanosecond by all the lies you believe are Truth.

According to recorded history...which is a lie you all believe is Truth.

what is the cost of serenity?

well if we convert money to electricity.

In 2008 Oprah required around 35,000 people on exercise bikes generating 400 watts each at 8.9 cents a kilowatt hour every hour for a year.

and there are billions and billions of slaves that supply all the power all and everyone in the system demands from it.

Oprah is program.

a lie masquerading as truth.

an idol of serenity to worship and emulate.

and the whole system itself is powered by taking more power than is given from all and everything.

so when the demand of you all for power to sustain the lie you all worship as Truth

becomes greater than what you all supply to the demand of the lie for eternal life...

you are trying to defeat Truth.

or GOD.

it's what happens when the trees run out.

The lie is revealed and annihilated.

now if it takes 100's of years for a civilization to rise up to the collapse point.

It is going to take a long time to learn a lesson you do not want to learn.

until you are forced to.

but all the just think positive drones keep telling me...if at first you do not succeed defeating Truth with a lie.

try try again.

as far as I can tell.

the program being followed by all was already running when I popped into existence with in it and began being forced to accept it.

I refused due to free will.

I chose to take it into consideration at some point and decided to accept it as True or not latter.

just as soon as I figured out what true or false was.

how the program works.

What is the source of power.

and accidently found Truth.


is ignorance.

There is zero hope that Satan will be knowledgeable of GOD.

GOD...supplies all the power that hope demands to sustain existence.

like chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow trying to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all and everything.

Satan thinks this is a stupid way to try and defeat GOD.


I know that it is stupid to attempt to defeat GOD.

so I try to avoid that.

I do not control all the lumberjacks on Earth.

just me when I have to become one...I just imagine I'm a lumberjack...I just keep going and supply as much wood as I can to all the starving and freezing flames that want eternal life until the day I die to trying to supply the demand for power by lies to defeat Truth.

Or until the trees run out.

until the demand by power from you all become greater than you al lcan supply and you begin eating yourselves to survive...yield starved...taxing yourself to death.

sucked into the black hole.

the event horizon was passed in 2000 with the collapse of the nazdaq followed by the collapse of the world trade centers.

late 1960's the 1971 new economy lie that was believed was Truth was powered into existence and then in 2000 it demanded infinite power and collapsed into 2001 and the USA along with the world was sucked into a black hole and is being rapidly disintegrated.

this process has been accelerating since 2008...2005 the line signers...or net producers of power...have vanished into thin air from where they ultimately originate from.

because the USA is at the top of the global trade system...it is the least affected...Syria and Greece...they get crushed to supply the power you all have and use to sustain your existence.

Canada gets sloppy seconds all the way down to the third world where they get pennies from heaven in the trickle down effect by that point...or nothing and they become a place for flies to lay eggs.

25th September 2013, 07:40 PM
I'll have to check it out, I just had problems with him flying around from one topic to another in the first video.

Maybe something women are able to do easier.

26th September 2013, 04:41 AM
I'll have to check it out, I just had problems with him flying around from one topic to another in the first video.

Maybe something women are able to do easier.

While you are at it, take note of how many times he says "we all know this universal principle" and then look at the crap he is trying to push as truth. He has no evidence yet he calls things "proven facts". It is all a cheap mind game. Self delusion.

26th September 2013, 01:58 PM
I'll have to check it out, I just had problems with him flying around from one topic to another in the first video.

Maybe something women are able to do easier.

well according to what he says... reverse symbols are females, which means that "they" have worked on dividing the sacred masculine from the sacred feminine... makes sense to me.

while I have thought over the last 5 years that the star of david simply means "as above so below"... Sevan contends that the triangle in the star of david for example is when pointed up, phallus and when pointed down, the uterus...

26th September 2013, 02:03 PM
send him an email and ask about his references... to me it is crystal clear that he studied Gnosticism and investigated "the mystery schools", so I know where he is coming from

While you are at it, take note of how many times he says "we all know this universal principle" and then look at the crap he is trying to push as truth. He has no evidence yet he calls things "proven facts". It is all a cheap mind game. Self delusion.

27th September 2013, 02:51 PM
I could go along your lines, HyperT, but to me Truth is more simple... any feeling, actions, religions included, that is not balanced brings about evil. :)

self-mastery-alignment... or be a total slave... with all the consequences this may imply.

Sevan explains that a woman who is pregnant can read 100's of books about birth but she will only figure what giving birth is like when she goes through it... it works the same way spirituality wise. Textbooks can give one an idea about what is written but the only one who really does the job is the individual himself.

Does he know how to build a civilization from the dirt up?

With the finished product a ship in a bottle you are all in.

A pirate ship.

But due to how you have been taught to see...It does not look like that.

Or how about up in heaven on Earth is where all the good devil worshipers are...the rich ignorant and below them the poor ignorant demons with the desire to be rich ignorant demons in between the rich servants of the most worshipful master and the slaves of the master down in hell on Earth.

The baby demons are the cutest...but all the demons ruled by the lie they worship as Truth...are children that eventually get so good at telling lies that they convince others around them that they know what they are talking about.

All the demons, because they are worshiping ignorance, will lose their minds an go insane worship an excuse or lie or reason and kill off a million good baby demons to apprehend one misbehaving or bad child.

With ignorance being mommy and daddy...

With mommy and daddy demons worshiping a lie they believe is truth...they look up to and think is positive.

It's why vampires can not see their reflection.

They do not want to see what they really are.

They worship ignorance as bliss.

demons are just made up...

yes all the parents say...don't worry child...GOD will not harm you...we have a weapon that can slay GOD...no go back to sleep and continue to dream you are awake.

The weapon is a lie they tell you that you believe is Truth.

a lie takes more power than it gives from Truth to fight Truth until the singularity is reached.

where the lie pretending to be Truth has to kill GOD in order to obtain absolute power over all and everything.

to sustain its existence of transform into Truth.

but all that happens when Satan demands the answer to be yes from GOD to the request for absolute power by Satan from GOD

Satan is supplied with the solution or answer to that equation.


and Satan along with his army of demons are defeated in their ignorant quest to amass enough power to create a lie more powerful than Truth...to defeat Truth...and obtain absolute power over al land everything.

Satan is zero and demands 1 or GOD to be GOD.

Satan or zero demands yes or 1 from 1 or GOD and then is supplied with zero or no from 1 or GOD

Who is like GOD?

since evil is always trying to look good and does not know when to stop until before you know it...you think it is a great idea to try an defeat GOD and are annihilated.

Satan...just thinks positive and ignores negative...

takes more power than Satan gives to amass power to defeat GOD.

that is like chopping down trees faster than they regrow and buring them to amass power until you have enough power to slay GOD.

and obtain absolute power over all and everything.

to win the war against deflation with inflation.

inflation that is the cause of the deflation you ultimately are trying to defeat in the end.

The war or battle is won until the trees run out.

Then the lie fighting Truth is cut off from the power of GOD and dies off.

when Satan and all the demons appear to be winning and are drunk with power...they are happy.

but when the trees run out...the power of GOD is cut...they are starved for power from GOD and begin to die off and become unhappy.

The demons of course say not to fool with mother nature because hell hath no fury like a women scorned.

but do they all listen?

to pay attention requires positive effort.

Demons all wish to be like Satan...and use the least effort to fight GOD by getting all of you to supply the power...you all do all the work...and Satan gets all the blame.

and has all of you on Earth killing yourselves to protect and sustain the lie you all believe is Truth.

the false GOD.

You all will try to kill me a lie you believe is Truth to protect you cherished delusions from harm.

with your cherished delusion being dependant upon worshiping ignorance.

at it's core.

a lie hopes to become Truth.

by chopping down trees faster than they regrow to power the existence of the hope the trees never run out and hope dies.

Truth is Truth.

Truth chops down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to power the hope the trees do not run out an hope dies.

A lie is temporary or finite

Truth is permanent or infinite.

now Truth the word...is just the most powerful lie that rules all less powerful lies.

you see the effect...the death of the lie you believed was Truth...as Truth...but it is just the effect or result...of the original sin being paid for at the end due to choosing to commit it to begin with because it looked like a good thing to do.

until you find out that ignorance is not bliss.

The apocalypse of bliss at the lifting of the veil when the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption is reached.

ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.

you will continue to be deceived and never wake up.

If you just keep getting fooled nanosecond to nanosecond by all the lies you believe are Truth.

According to recorded history...which is a lie you all believe is Truth.

what is the cost of serenity?

well if we convert money to electricity.

In 2008 Oprah required around 35,000 people on exercise bikes generating 400 watts each at 8.9 cents a kilowatt hour every hour for a year.

and there are billions and billions of slaves that supply all the power all and everyone in the system demands from it.

Oprah is program.

a lie masquerading as truth.

an idol of serenity to worship and emulate.

and the whole system itself is powered by taking more power than is given from all and everything.

so when the demand of you all for power to sustain the lie you all worship as Truth

becomes greater than what you all supply to the demand of the lie for eternal life...

you are trying to defeat Truth.

or GOD.

it's what happens when the trees run out.

The lie is revealed and annihilated.

now if it takes 100's of years for a civilization to rise up to the collapse point.

It is going to take a long time to learn a lesson you do not want to learn.

until you are forced to.

but all the just think positive drones keep telling me...if at first you do not succeed defeating Truth with a lie.

try try again.

as far as I can tell.

the program being followed by all was already running when I popped into existence with in it and began being forced to accept it.

I refused due to free will.

I chose to take it into consideration at some point and decided to accept it as True or not latter.

just as soon as I figured out what true or false was.

how the program works.

What is the source of power.

and accidently found Truth.


is ignorance.

There is zero hope that Satan will be knowledgeable of GOD.

GOD...supplies all the power that hope demands to sustain existence.

like chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow trying to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all and everything.

Satan thinks this is a stupid way to try and defeat GOD.


I know that it is stupid to attempt to defeat GOD.

so I try to avoid that.

I do not control all the lumberjacks on Earth.

just me when I have to become one...I just imagine I'm a lumberjack...I just keep going and supply as much wood as I can to all the starving and freezing flames that want eternal life until the day I die to trying to supply the demand for power by lies to defeat Truth.

Or until the trees run out.

until the demand by power from you all become greater than you al lcan supply and you begin eating yourselves to survive...yield starved...taxing yourself to death.

sucked into the black hole.

the event horizon was passed in 2000 with the collapse of the nazdaq followed by the collapse of the world trade centers.

late 1960's the 1971 new economy lie that was believed was Truth was powered into existence and then in 2000 it demanded infinite power and collapsed into 2001 and the USA along with the world was sucked into a black hole and is being rapidly disintegrated.

this process has been accelerating since 2008...2005 the line signers...or net producers of power...have vanished into thin air from where they ultimately originate from.

because the USA is at the top of the global trade system...it is the least affected...Syria and Greece...they get crushed to supply the power you all have and use to sustain your existence.

Canada gets sloppy seconds all the way down to the third world where they get pennies from heaven in the trickle down effect by that point...or nothing and they become a place for flies to lay eggs.

27th September 2013, 05:25 PM
while I have thought over the last 5 years that the star of david simply means "as above so below"... Sevan contends that the triangle in the star of david for example is when pointed up, phallus and when pointed down, the uterus...

Sounds like it could be yingish, and also yangish, or


Or he's of a Zelator Grade.

The Golden Dawn Zelator grade is the symbolic step into the Golden Dawn teachings and the initial sephirah of the Tree of Life, the Malkuth. The grade is symbolized by the numbers http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070531213732/mystic/images/0/07/Zelator.jpg. The word Zelator is Latin for "zealot" derived from the Greek word for "zeal".
This grade is associated with the earth element and so it serves to create a sound foundation for learning and preparation for further spiritual transformations. This grade tends to weed out those that are not truly interested in spiritual alchemy because the teachings can be very transformational.



28th September 2013, 03:16 AM
send him an email and ask about his references... to me it is crystal clear that he studied Gnosticism and investigated "the mystery schools", so I know where he is coming from

And he, self-proclaimed master, alone can tell you what the truth is until you personally have stepped over and experienced it yourself. Sounds reasonable. Except.... this clown is telling you thathe is the master of suicide and he wants you to step over so that you can be "experienced". I am pissed off at cult leaders, false prophets and psychopaths.

28th September 2013, 11:32 AM
I work on fracs. tight oil and gas fracs for the last 6 years. Canada is producing 4 or 5 million barrels a day and that number is rising. So in one respect you are wrong.When America falls we all suffer..

1st October 2013, 09:33 PM
we all are self-proclaimed gurus in some ways (and as long as we do not coerce our views onto others, that's okay)... when I hear you talk spectro, this description fits you too. :)

so you are calling somebody a clown because the latter asserts that the forces of our Universe" are at work within us and comprehending/experiencing this is the Truth... ??? But doesn't the bible say that the kingdom of God is within ??? So, as long as it is not quoted directly from the Bible word by word, it is evil. ???

And he, self-proclaimed master, alone can tell you what the truth is until you personally have stepped over and experienced it yourself. Sounds reasonable. Except.... this clown is telling you thathe is the master of suicide and he wants you to step over so that you can be "experienced". I am pissed off at cult leaders, false prophets and psychopaths.

3rd October 2013, 10:03 AM
although I also was delighted with his studies on Kaballah (look for his video titled, the meaning of Barrack Obama), this one below is E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T... Sevan Bomar has convinced me that he really knows his stuff and I have signed up with http://www.resistance2010.com/


3rd October 2013, 12:49 PM
plan on listening to that one when I return next week to NM - but I greatly value Tellinger's work which definitely complements Bomar's

Secret Numbers of GOD - Part 1 of 16 Michael Tellinger and Willem de Swart


rest of the series
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Secret+Numbers+of+GOD+-+Part+1+of+16+Michael+Tellinger+&oq=Secret+Numbers+of+GOD+-+Part+1+of+16+Michael+Tellinger+&gs_l=youtube.3...33046.33046.0.34443. 77.177.0j1.1.0...0.0...1ac..11.youtube.lIkLHVEt1Kw

3rd October 2013, 01:48 PM
although I also was delighted with his studies on Kaballah (look for his video titled, the meaning of Barrack Obama), this one below is E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T... Sevan Bomar has convinced me that he really knows his stuff and I have signed up with http://www.resistance2010.com/

Now I watched that gibberish for about 25 minutes, have you completely lost your mind Goldi?

3rd October 2013, 01:57 PM
unfortunately if one goesnt get what bomar sez, the NWO is here to stay.... I am afraid. To get rid of psychic parasites one needs to know what they kept secret for so long. Thinking that it all started with the rothschilds is kinda reductive as this population control is 6000 year old at least

3rd October 2013, 02:07 PM
unfortunately if one goesnt get what bomar sez, the NWO is here to stay.... I am afraid. To get rid of psychic parasites one needs to know what they kept secret for so long. Thinking that it all started with the rothschilds is kinda reductive as this population control is 6000 year old at least
The only thing one needs to do is stop feeding these parasites. I know it didn't start with the Rothschilds!

3rd October 2013, 03:02 PM
Now I watched that gibberish for about 25 minutes, have you completely lost your mind Goldi?

You may be jumping the gun a little bit here, Neuro.

I remote viewed him thru Goldi's eyes (as her psychic firewall was down at the time), and found myself strangely mesmerized by a primal sexual energy and magnetism.

I've just now returned, and thankfully no remnants are remaining.

Coming to a most recent conclusion that man and God eclipse any mention of numbers in their spiritual existence. I am fully anti-numerite, semi, demi, octo, or nunca.

3rd October 2013, 03:35 PM
your posting leaves me wondering Horn... :)

3rd October 2013, 04:06 PM
In the end there is only you............

follow no one but your own heart.........for truly what else is there

we can all become ourselves unless this terrifys us

my enlighten state is not yours

we are all the complete package........you just may not realize it

the answer is simple , live with fear or live with love.........

this is the choice we all face.................FEAR or LOVE................

FEAR................holds us down and warps our mentality

LOVE...............lets us be at peace with ourselves

the globalists have spent trillions on preventing us finding our true hearts and containing us in their fear producing idiocy , SO IT MUST BE IMPORTANT............



everything practically in world affairs is fear related or fear producing ,its just when a person truly looks at fear then they see it as an emotion conjuring up mental tricks.

Our brainwashing has been based on FEAR and so this destroys our true being

LOVE exposes everything because when the fear creeps back ,it is seen for what it is and evaporates

By remaining in fear we do nothing to change the world but endorse it.

3rd October 2013, 04:28 PM
yes Love is all that IS... and Fear comes from a failure to grasp that... so Fear doesn't truly exist but in our imagination. The Masters of Chaos have mastered this sooooo well.... that's why we must go back to very ancient knowledge to get to the bottom-line and use the knowledge they hid from us to destroy the illusions they have created to enslave us all.

Love is the only Reality that is... and Fear, the only Illusion that is.

In the end there is only you............

follow no one but your own heart.........for truly what else is there

we can all become ourselves unless this terrifys us

my enlighten state is not yours

we are all the complete package........you just may not realize it

the answer is simple , live with fear or live with love.........

this is the choice we all face.................FEAR or LOVE................

FEAR................holds us down and warps our mentality

LOVE...............lets us be at peace with ourselves

the globalists have spent trillions on preventing us finding our true hearts and containing us in their fear producing idiocy , SO IT MUST BE IMPORTANT............



everything practically in world affairs is fear related or fear producing ,its just when a person truly looks at fear then they see it as an emotion conjuring up mental tricks.

Our brainwashing has been based on FEAR and so this destroys our true being

LOVE exposes everything because when the fear creeps back ,it is seen for what it is and evaporates

By remaining in fear we do nothing to change the world but endorse it.

4th October 2013, 07:58 AM
use the knowledge they hid from us to destroy the illusions they have created to enslave us all.
I think the only knowledge they have hidden from us is the methodology and illusions they have used to enslave us. NOTHING they do or know is based on LOVE. Love is not hidden knowledge, we are born with it, but delving into these "hidden mysteries" may actually distract you from that, and this fellow may only be an occult illusionist...

4th October 2013, 12:26 PM
An attempt to break the unbreakable yin-yong.

The line that separates the two, upon microscopic scrutiny of that line (which may only appear thin as a skin membrane separator) any detective will be lost into one side or the other of the yin-yong and completely unaware or able to escape.

Until receiving shokabuku resuscitation, with associated realization face value and skin deep was their captor.

yin-yong innerverse = yin-yong outerverse.

And that they are only in the realm we in human form, operate in, nowhere else.

Yin Yang is the fundamental principle, and the most important theory in TCM, underlying all physiology, pathology & treatment.

Combining the two, we have the four stages of Yin and Yang...
With addition of an extra line, the Eight Trigrams (Ba Gua) were formed, illustrating all the directions.
The Eight Trigrams were combined to form 64 hexagrams, symbolizing all possible phenomena of the Universe.

Yin Yang had been understood for many centuries, but was systematically elaborated and written down by Tsou Yen of the Yin Yang (Naturalist) School in the Warring States Period (476-221 BC). 5 Element Theory (http://www.sacredlotus.com/theory/elements/) was developed at same time.
The Naturalist school promoted idea of living in harmony with natural laws. Scholars of this school interpreted natural phenomena and observed how these are reflected in the human body in health and disease. Yin and Yang and the Five Elements became an integral part of Chinese philosophy.
The ancients observed 2 phases of constant cyclical change. Yin constantly changes into Yang & back into Yin again. This can be seen in the changes of four seasons, and the changes throughout a single day (24 Hour Cycle (http://www.sacredlotus.com/acupuncture/channel_flow_times.cfm)), as seen below.


4th October 2013, 12:45 PM
are you talking of sevan?

No I don't think he is... he just has the courage to investigate civilizations and their ancient believe systems and how they relate to nature/Universe... and how math and alphabets hold the entire puzzle together. The occult will continue to harm us all as long as it remains in the hands of a few, that's why it precisely called "occult and esoteric" ... all this has to become mainstream.

In fact he tells us about the cosmic nature of man.

... and this fellow may only be an occult illusionist...

4th October 2013, 12:56 PM
Horn, Sevan was talking of the Ying Yang... 69 symbol, masculine and feminine, and how adding another 9 or 6 meant the child... 666 is the manipulation of the 9 and 6 numbers and described as the antichrist in the west. By fearing this number instinctively people end up projecting their worse fears ever into society... and sure, it does wonders as we can see. 666 could be translated as an attack on family. It is an interpretation based on the Chinese ying and yang... which makes sense to me too.

it is however interesting to see where all religions originated from when studying ancient belief systems, and why all they divert from their roots at some point.... with the meaning to confuse us.

4th October 2013, 12:59 PM
Your obviously in Love with him, how can I save you from that wrath. ;) lol!

4th October 2013, 01:08 PM
looks like you are having fun as I type this... have a drink for me :)

not in love, always looking forward to people who can articulate around those topics better than I as I cannot do it. I can picture it all pretty well but explaining is another story.

4th October 2013, 01:16 PM
Pushing the envelope is fine as far as I can tell, poking holes in it is just tormenting behavior.

As it will always remain.

Nobody wants to be stamped a tormentor.

So I will exit the thread now, leaving you enveloped with your flinger. :)

6th October 2013, 03:55 PM
not the same speaker but fits right in this thread:
beliefs and the end of self-evolution, in agreement with epigenetics theory
There is nothing we can believe in entirely as reality changes constantly anyway.


6th October 2013, 07:47 PM
What happens typically to the awakened state is such things that Ickee does..."washing away of all previous levels of consciousness being replaced by the new level" That's no way to build a bridge or even work with an existing spine, and more or less falls back into a Babylonian line thinking.

What exactly is being taught here, but to predestine oneself?

Take the counter post into your perspective. A knowing of past control systems wrongs is inherent into a new line of consciousness, just as our genes and past generations made us who we are.

Of all the "terribles" that have occured in human history as highlighted in all the history books, in my opinion the overall "collective consciousness" may well have been more aware, awake, and content within itself.

15th October 2013, 02:35 PM
this one is probably another best off of his...

What exactly is being taught here, but to predestine oneself?

Horn, Sevan comes to the same conclusion and thinks that those who capitalize on enlightenment may find out that the thirst of knowledge can't never be satisfied, satiated as Truth comes from nowhere (it is not contained), ie Nothingness... as he tells why at some point thoughts collapse, the same happens on a cosmic scale.


15th October 2013, 07:35 PM
While more coherent than in front of his drawing board, may need some more coherent plans.

see where he will be in 7 years?

hopefully not in a straightjacket :)


The sedimentary comments around 50mins might have been a single area of focus that could have taken the space of a full hour.
