View Full Version : Secret Lives of the Super Rich

25th September 2013, 05:43 AM
I saw this segment this morning on CNBC about a show that will air today about the super rich.
This Robert Frank dweeb, one of CNBC's biggest dickheads, I guess will narrate the show. He is CNBC's most unlikable character to date, right behind Maria Fartaroma.


Frank is a Jew and the biggest Jew ass-kisser I've seen. The kind of guy where you could walk into a bar and immediately want to punch him out.

Anyway, they were showing these missile silos the rich are paying 3 million bucks for a space in, in the event of a disaster.

I wondered if these rich Wall Street fucks have given any thought on how they could possibly live together for more then a few days. These are the biggest narcissist, sociopath/psychopaths on the planet.
What would they do if their world was gone tomorrow and there was no one left to screw, or do the work to service them?

I bet Rod Serling, if he were around today, could write a few scenarios for TV viewing pleasure.

25th September 2013, 05:52 AM
The delusional ought to be pitied rather than envied.

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?

[Takes a bite of steak]

Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.

25th September 2013, 07:21 AM
I wondered if these rich Wall Street fucks have given any thought on how they could possibly live together for more then a few days. These are the biggest narcissist, sociopath/psychopaths on the planet. What would they do if their world was gone tomorrow and there was no one left to screw, or do the work to service them?


Always plenty of servile goyim who will work below deck on their mega yachts. Peeling their kosher grapes. Pouring their kosher wine. Washing their silk underwear.


25th September 2013, 11:10 AM

Always plenty of servile goyim who will work below deck on their mega yachts. Peeling their kosher grapes. Pouring their kosher wine. Washing their silk underwear.


I'm sure they pay you well, and let you eat the scraps when they are available.


mick silver
25th September 2013, 11:12 AM
i just want to know who in the hell took the picture of my boat ... didnt a few years back all the freeze dried foods being brought up by the gov to store if needed

25th September 2013, 11:57 AM
I can just see all the globalists scurrying into their underground lairs if there is nuclear war or a bio weapon release.

Of course once they are down there they will turn on each other because that is what psychopaths do.

Sort of reminds me of the movie Day Breakers. Where vampires take over the earth and eventually run out of humans to feed on until they turn into even more monstrous creatures and start preying on each other.

25th September 2013, 12:04 PM

Always plenty of servile goyim who will work below deck on their mega yachts. Peeling their kosher grapes. Pouring their kosher wine. Washing their silk underwear.


Goyim can't physically touch kosher food which has been "blessed" by a rabbi. When I was working in the high end restaurant business they would give us these tin containers that had a thin white cardboard lid with food in them. It had all the fancy Hebrew language on it I couldn't make out. We weren't allowed to take off the cover, or plate the food. Nope. They just wanted us to stick it in the oven for a certain time, and a certain heat, and take it out. And that was it. We were told "No goy hands may touch!" Back then I didn't understand what that meant, but I talked to some of my co-workers and they told me about them. They then told me that the Rothschilds and ruled the world and all the Middle East wars we fought were for Israel...

25th September 2013, 12:12 PM
Goyim can't physically touch kosher food which has been "blessed" by a rabbi. When I was working in the high end restaurant business they would give us these tin containers that had a thin white cardboard lid with food in them. It had all the fancy Hebrew language on it I couldn't make out. We weren't allowed to take off the cover, or plate the food. Nope. They just wanted us to stick it in the oven for a certain time, and a certain heat, and take it out. And that was it. We were told "No goy hands may touch!" Back then I didn't understand what that meant, but I talked to some of my co-workers and they told me about them. They then told me that the Rothschilds and ruled the world and all the Middle East wars we fought were for Israel...

The hebes don't want the goyim touching their food because they're afraid they'll poison it. You see, when you are fucking over someone, you supremely distrust that person because you project onto him the feelings you would harbor if you were on the receiving end of such evil and treachery. Jews live in fear that one day the goyim will wake up and discover who their true torturers and exploiters are.

25th September 2013, 12:40 PM
The hebes don't want the goyim touching their food because they're afraid they'll poison it. You see, when you are fucking over someone, you supremely distrust that person because you project onto him the feelings you would harbor if you were on the receiving end of such evil and treachery. Jews live in fear that one day the goyim will wake up and discover who their true torturers and exploiters are.

French toast Hebe style
