View Full Version : Deutche Bank Plunges
Large Sarge
25th September 2013, 11:43 AM
Remember, Jim Willie offered the warning about them, said they were outside the reach of the ECB support system...
25th September 2013, 11:49 AM
We need to watch this closely, as it cold be the black swan event to bring the massive house of cards down. All the bad news about a deteriorating economy are coming home to roost. Even Walmart sales are collapsing. People are finally waking up, realizing that there are no 'green shoots,' that QE has been a failure and a disaster, that Wall Street and Washington are self-serving liars who have been cooking the economic indicators and deceiving the public about the true state of the economy whihc is in free fall collapse.
mick silver
25th September 2013, 11:56 AM
but but doc the evening news told me it great now . new homes are being build at a all time high and lets not forget about the free phones
25th September 2013, 12:05 PM
but but doc the evening news told me it great now . new homes are being build at a all time high and lets not forget about the free phones
Sarge, I cannot recall a better set up for a collapse of markets heading into October '13. I have been itching to make a big purchase of silver and gold for a few weeks now, waiting for smackdown to $1200. Stocks are way overpriced. Earnings suck and are getting worse. The RE market is a total scam, the bulk of sales for cash from hedgies. So the 10y tips up a mere 100 bp and RE sales collapse 70%(!!!) and now hedgies want out of the buy-to-rent housing market. And the middle class has been decimated. Obamacare is the coup de gras, as thousands are getting laid off or downsized to part time. This economy is primed for a major collapse. There is absolutely no good news anywhere to hold it up. So I'm waiting for the end of October, on the chance that the market crash, and gold and silver drop to ridiculously low prices briefly; then I will pounce. Because after that the FED will have no choice but to announce massive QE to infinity.
25th September 2013, 01:45 PM
i always wonder why they let some big banks fail, but not others.
they let Lehman fail, but not AIG.
the US gov. has a history of using some insurance companies as an asset for the CIA, because
(by virtue of being an insurance company) AIG has inside info on companies worldwide.
i don't know enough about DB to know their "insider status".
in 2008, stock price was a definite 'danger indicator'. i checked DB after this article came out on Zero Hedge, the stock market is currently saying that DB will live.
but the stock market is not omnipotent as a 'company health' indicator.
Large Sarge
25th September 2013, 01:59 PM
if the collapse gets to big/bad, they will do Bail-ins here...
so keep that in mind,
also, I think the whole system is on the edge, and this comet ISON/Grid shutdown Nov13-14, will coincide with some currency reset/transfer of wealth
I have said for awhile, I do not think the dollar sees to many days in 2014....
I am sticking with that prediction,
we might have a new dollar by then...
25th September 2013, 02:03 PM
Deutche Bag
25th September 2013, 02:13 PM
Geee Doc.... not a good prognosis. Hasn't this patient been on life support for a while now? Maybe if we double the dose of antibiotics and cocaine.... and a little slip of heroin..... and we can get many volunteers to pass out KoolAid while every holds hands, thinking happy thoughts.
I agree with you outlook on PMs and stocks. If there is a fair wind to blow through, there will be a sharp drop- even if temporary. The race to the bottom will have to be won by the dollar value and everything else cannot be far behind.
26th September 2013, 11:07 PM
DB nay not be the biggest derivatives holder (maybe 3rd or fourth), but I think they maybe the most leveraged.
Twisted Titan
27th September 2013, 06:55 AM
I agree with Doc
Having to purchase insurance under penalty is going to be the straw that breaks the financial of millions of middle class just holding on by their fingernails
It will make more sense just to drop out because over half of your paycheck will just be going to payments for coverage.
January is going to be a bloodbath on multiple levels
27th September 2013, 07:53 AM
There was some blather on the news about a Rep. trying to delay the individual mandate for a year. That might delay the crash slightly but I doubt it.
mick silver
27th September 2013, 12:02 PM
if you cant buy food just how in the hell can they make you pay a fine for no health care
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