View Full Version : Adolescence now ends at 25 to prevent young people getting an inferiority complex

25th September 2013, 08:01 PM
Is this real?

An adult at 18? Not any more: Adolescence now ends at 25 to prevent young people getting an inferiority complex

Child psychologists getting new guidelines about the age range they cover
The upper age range for adolescence is being increased from 18 to 25
It is hoped changes will prevent children being 'rushed' through childhood

By Victoria Woollaston (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Victoria+Woollaston)
PUBLISHED: 10:48 EST, 24 September 2013 | UPDATED: 10:50 EST, 24 September 2013

Adolescence no longer ends when people hit 18, according to updated guidelines being given to child psychologists.
The new directive is designed to extend the age range that child psychologists can work with from 18 years old up to 25.

It is hoped the initiative will stop children being 'rushed' through their childhood and feeling pressured to achieve key milestones quickly, reports the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24173194).

New guidelines are being given to child psychologists across the UK that state the age of adolescence should be increased to 25. A report from the BBC has discovered the initiative is being introduced so that children aren't rushed through childhood and forced to achieve key milestones quickly

'We are becoming much more aware and appreciating development beyond [the age of 18] and I think it's a really good initiative,' child psychologist Laverne Antrobus from London's Tavistock Clinic told the BBC.

There are now three stages of adolescence, according to the BBC report: early adolescence that ranges from 12 to 14 years, middle adolescence from 15 to 17 years and 18 and over is classed as late adolescence.


Retirement age has NO impact on life expectancy...unless you are forced out of work without a choice (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2430399/Retirement-age-NO-impact-life-expectancy.html)
‘Marriage improves cancer survival rate by 20% and can be better than chemotherapy when it comes to battling the disease’ (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2430365/Marriage-improves-cancer-survival-rate-20-BETTER-chemotherapy.html)

It has been introduced because research now suggests the brain continues developing through and passed teenage years, well into a person's mid-twenties and thirties.

The new guidance is also to make ensure that over 18s don't miss out on opportunities, or are forgotten about, in terms of health and education.

New brain scanning technology has made it possible for psychologists to track how the brain changes into adulthood. This means that some of the methods and practices used in child psychology could also apply, and help, older people. Hormonal changes continue into a person's twenties, too

New scanning technology has made it possible for psychologists and other doctors to track how the brain changes and processes information.

This means that some of the methods and practices used in child psychology could also apply, and help, older people.

The BBC report claims that during adolescence, the way everyday situations and data is processed changes significantly from when a person is a child, to when they reach middle age.

It adds that as the brain 'reorganises itself', people start to see and think about things differently and the brain becomes more like an adult brain.

Antrobus also added that hormonal changes continue into a person's twenties too.

'Some adolescents may want to stay longer with their families because they need more support during these formative years and that it is important for parents to realise that all young people do not develop at the same pace.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2430573/An-adult-18-Not-Adolescence-ends-25-prevent-young-people-getting-inferiority-complex.html#ixzz2fxpQOYON
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25th September 2013, 08:37 PM
What a load of crap. 80-100 years ago adolescence ended when you were 12-13 or so.

My great grand father when he was 10 would take a team of horses from around Athabasca to Edmonton in the winter by himself to get supplies. It was a 2-3 day trip, 100 miles or so and temperatures could potentially be 20-30 below zero. He would have to care for the horses and sleep in the carriage covered in hay and not get lost. Compare that to 10 year old children today.

The globalist agenda is to keep adults in a childlike mind state their entire lives and it appears to be working quite well.

25th September 2013, 08:46 PM
New guidelines are being given to child psychologists across the UK that state the age of adolescence should be increased to 25. A report from the BBC has discovered the initiative is being introduced so that children aren't rushed through childhood and forced to achieve key milestones quickly


Being introduced because there are NO JOBS anymore for them...might as well stunt their maturation via psychobabble.

25th September 2013, 09:37 PM
John Taylor Gatto speaks of this in his 5 hour talk "The Ulitmate History Lesson"

In his esteemed opinion, children of the age of seven are capable of thinking like an adult and making adult decisions. He believes that most of a childs development for making informed and important life decisions has already occured by that stage.

He asserts that it is in the states (sic elite) interest to postpone adulthood for as long as possible to delay emotional development and stifle the creative potential of youth to protect the elites capital investment. This he argues was already underway by the late ninteenth century in the US when the Rockefeller foundation and the Carnegie Endowment funded the pensions program for school teachers in exchange for following to the letter their recomendations for the education system. Since then all education programs across the west have been following the Prussian model for education and simultaneously actively postponing/redefining adulthood.

Everyday the words of John Gatto resonate in my head. IMO If we want to change the future we need to start listening to this guy.

25th September 2013, 10:06 PM
I'm going to dissent here.....men don't fully mature till 28 and women don't fully mature till 18. I'm not talking about adolescence though, I definitely agree that it ends with puberty. And I'm not saying they shouldn't make decisions or go out on their own before that age. All I'm saying is that full maturity takes longer in men than most people think.

Also - prematurely thinking you're an adult is actually bad. Do you think you could get a bunch of 28 year olds to go out and fight wars? No way. Only people who think they already know the way the world works and they surely know x is bad and y is good are convinced to do such things.

25th September 2013, 10:30 PM
I'm going to dissent here.....men don't fully mature till 28 and women don't fully mature till 18. I'm not talking about adolescence though, I definitely agree that it ends with puberty. And I'm not saying they shouldn't make decisions or go out on their own before that age. All I'm saying is that full maturity takes longer in men than most people think.

I don't think you're dissenting at all. I have to agree that full maturity does not come for some time after adolescence. You have to consider human development in the face of evoltion. Evolution clearly rewards certain risk taking at a young age or else we would all be thinking like 80 year olds at twelve. There has to have been some benefit to this and I think the archaeological record shows this to be true. It is a time when the young of the tribe can eek out new niches or defend territory for the future. All these activities require risk taking which is the antithesis of what we perceive as 'adult thinking' today.

There is no hard and fast rule to any of this, but certainly what we need to teach the young is risk mitigation and assessment, you know is the risk/reward ratio advantageous. These modes of thinking are clearly discoraged in the modern education system, "Be a good child, do as we say not what we do, get a job, work for the man and shut your mouth" You know basically be a compliant little serf. They are actively discouraging youth from taking ANY risks whatsoever.

There has to be an evolutionary advantage to our slow development compared to other primates and I think creativity and courage are part of the answer, but you won't fond any mainstream punidts in the education system exploring this real phenomena for educative outcomes.

25th September 2013, 11:30 PM
I'm going to dissent here.....men don't fully mature till 28 and women don't fully mature till 18. I'm not talking about adolescence though, I definitely agree that it ends with puberty. And I'm not saying they shouldn't make decisions or go out on their own before that age. All I'm saying is that full maturity takes longer in men than most people think.

Also - prematurely thinking you're an adult is actually bad. Do you think you could get a bunch of 28 year olds to go out and fight wars? No way. Only people who think they already know the way the world works and they surely know x is bad and y is good are convinced to do such things.

This post is amazing. Not only do I agree, but I think men fully mature, in their early 30's. At 28, I did CPR on dead folks and broke ribs, was a traumatizing event. Now, over 10 years later, it takes a bit to make me queasy.

Point being, is that at a young age, men mature up to a point. After that point, men just harden. From all walks of life, this can be seen. It's not a bad thing, or a good thing, it just happens.

26th September 2013, 03:25 AM
This post is amazing. At 28, I did CPR on dead folks and broke ribs, was a traumatizing event.

How enlightening.

26th September 2013, 04:35 AM
So the new directive would mean no one should be allowed to fight wars until they are at least 26?

It does seem like young people are maturing slower mentally then when I grew up. Maybe because they are slower to go out and experience life due to lack of jobs, video games and computers, facebook etc.

There's no jobs for young people like delivering news papers anymore. Also kids are kept from running free at a very early age due to an unsafe world full of preditor's looking to harm them.

So how are the new adolescent's supposed to handle their sexual desires if they are not mature until 26?
Why did God give me a perpetual boner at 14, 15, etc.? Are they going to change the legal age statutory laws too?

Some things should be left the fuck alone.

Twisted Titan
26th September 2013, 04:45 AM
Since then all education programs across the west have been following the Prussian model for education and simultaneously actively postponing/redefining adulthood.

And what was expected output of this school system?

Workers and Soliders

Look at what is held in highest regard today.

26th September 2013, 06:35 AM
These "guidelines" originated and are being pushed by the Tavistock Institute.

"The idea that suddenly at 18 you're an adult just doesn't quite ring true," says child psychologist Laverne Antrobus, who works at London's Tavistock Clinic.
"My experience of young people is that they still need quite a considerable amount of support and help beyond that age."

Fucking Tavistock, the premiere school for Political Psychology and Social Engineering in the western world.

What they want is for everyone to become perpetual dependents that must be "protected" by the Technocratic Authorities of the Corporate/State Apparatus.

That, and a condition of continual ongoing cultural-political revolution that prevents any form of unity or cohesion among a controlled population.

Dependent children are easier to control than Independent adults.

26th September 2013, 06:46 AM
Here's a brief on the Tavistock methodology.


26th September 2013, 07:04 AM
Children shouldn't be allowed to vote, right? So are they going to raise the voting age to 25?

26th September 2013, 07:08 AM
Children shouldn't be allowed to vote, right? So are they going to raise the voting age to 25?

26...that will take a lot of liberal voters out of the mix.


26th September 2013, 07:33 AM
John Taylor Gatto speaks of this in his 5 hour talk "The Ulitmate History Lesson"

In his esteemed opinion, children of the age of seven are capable of thinking like an adult and making adult decisions. He believes that most of a childs development for making informed and important life decisions has already occured by that stage.

He asserts that it is in the states (sic elite) interest to postpone adulthood for as long as possible to delay emotional development and stifle the creative potential of youth to protect the elites capital investment. This he argues was already underway by the late ninteenth century in the US when the Rockefeller foundation and the Carnegie Endowment funded the pensions program for school teachers in exchange for following to the letter their recomendations for the education system. Since then all education programs across the west have been following the Prussian model for education and simultaneously actively postponing/redefining adulthood.

Everyday the words of John Gatto resonate in my head. IMO If we want to change the future we need to start listening to this guy.

The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57816-The-Ultimate-History-Lesson-A-Weekend-with-John-Taylor-Gatto&highlight=ULTIMATE+HISTORY+LESSON)

Twisted Titan
26th September 2013, 09:35 AM
Children shouldn't be allowed to vote, right? So are they going to raise the voting age to 25?

Actually if they had their way they would drop it to 13

And tell you my friends vote for me and i will make sure you get your next xbox or smartphone free!

26th September 2013, 10:10 AM
Also - prematurely thinking you're an adult is actually bad. Do you think you could get a bunch of 28 year olds to go out and fight wars? No way. Only people who think they already know the way the world works and they surely know x is bad and y is good are convinced to do such things.


You might be confusing naïveté (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naivety) with immaturity? Most of us here over 28 are still finding out how the (evil) world works.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
26th September 2013, 10:34 AM
So does that mean that men are going to have to pay child support until the child is 25?

26th September 2013, 10:55 AM
So does that mean that men are going to have to pay child support until the child is 25?

Good observation! There's always an agenda to these types of BS studies....I think you called it perfectly!

26th September 2013, 01:53 PM
as long as they don't raise the age of consent.