View Full Version : You ever get tired of trying to play a rigged game?

29th September 2013, 11:45 AM
Don't know what it is specifically but today I am in a pissy mood.

Getting tired of working my ass off and never feeling like I am getting ahead.

I am actually out working today to make money to pay bills. Sweet deal.....

Been trying to save up for my homestead but gold and silver are in the shitter, had to replace a truck last winter, had tools stolen off a job site, spend extra money to avoid toxic food, going to have to buy winter tires soon, there goes another $1200 bucks.....

FUCK! I love working my ass off to just stay even.

midnight rambler
29th September 2013, 12:16 PM
Economic warfare is being waged against you...by legal fictions. I would suggest you study up on Sun Tzu if you haven't been already.

29th September 2013, 12:18 PM
That's why I said Fuck It. I'm no better off now than when I was workin my ass off, I was fucked then and I'm just as fucked now as far as long term goes. The difference is is that now I'm off the books/radar to a degree and I'm surviving for me and not me and some gov controlled biz. I make my own rules for the most part vs having rules made for me. yeah, it's hard and a PITA but much less stressful.

29th September 2013, 12:27 PM
Been trying to save up for my homestead but gold and silver are in the shitter, had to replace a truck last winter, .

Sorry to hear about the loss of the tools. Right now though, is the time to pick up a little gold and silver...while it's in the shitter. That's about the only way I'm getting ahead, adding a little here and there to the stack. Now's a good time to do just that, imo.

Other than that, I know exactly what you mean. I've been sorta stagnant with the way things are going at work. No guaranteed hours, a busy week, then a slow one. Then pouring money into the floating sinkhole I call a boat. Break Out Another Thousand.

Hang in there. Treat yourself to a little silver and gold pron to cheer up. :)

mick silver
29th September 2013, 12:43 PM
just wait till all the people without health care get free health care pay for by working people . this will mean less paper for everyone working

29th September 2013, 01:03 PM
just wait till all the people without health care get free health care pay for by working people . this will mean less paper for everyone working

This is a major pain in my side! I never asked or want free anything and wouldn't force/point a gun at anyone making them pay for my healthcare, I just don't believe it's right! They're trying to force the issue though and it's hard trying to find an escape route. This really deserves its own thread.

29th September 2013, 01:21 PM
The other day I had the opportunity to ride around a field a couple times with a guy picking ear corn. He had two pickers going, two tractors with wagons that dumped directly into semis and he had a constant stream of trucks coming in to haul it. He could process 200 acres a day, 12 rows at a time, 4 mph, non-stop, 6am to 6pm.

Got home and looked him up on the secretary of states web site. Turns out he had around 60 UCC's filed on him and his farming operation. In other words, in debt to the hilt.

He seemed happy enough.

Ignorance is bliss.

Dunno tho. Maybe he would have been happier hand diggin potatoes on a 10 acre patch. That isn't my call.

29th September 2013, 02:47 PM
I think what is most frustrating is that the finish line is within sight but is unreachable because of a large chasm. So I am left to wonder up and down the far side looking for some way to get across.

29th September 2013, 03:22 PM
Dunno tho. Maybe he would have been happier hand diggin potatoes on a 10 acre patch. That isn't my call.

if the 10 acre patch was all paid for and in a good town with good neighbors.

digging potatoes is a lot of work. if it's all manual, if you work fiendishly hard and have a good harvest you might make $5 an hour.

if it's for your own table it's different, but it's still a lot of work. worth doing but i think a common reaction is to buy most of one's potatoes at the store. all harvested using gasoline or diesel power.

29th September 2013, 04:30 PM
I am not tired because I never played by their rules.........remember......is not what you make but what you keep...rules are make to be broken because they are made to control you.

I did keep about 99.7% of what I made and retired and happy I am.....by the way....that was what I did keep... $99. 70 hahahahahahahahahahah.


29th September 2013, 07:11 PM
That's why I said Fuck It. I'm no better off now than when I was workin my ass off, I was fucked then and I'm just as fucked now as far as long term goes. The difference is is that now I'm off the books/radar to a degree and I'm surviving for me and not me and some gov controlled biz. I make my own rules for the most part vs having rules made for me. yeah, it's hard and a PITA but much less stressful.

I feel like you somtimes. I'll take pain in the a@@ (PITA) than "Stressfull" any day of the week. I hate stress.

I admit, even though I am a wise old fool, I am not getting any better working my ass off and not seeing the fruits of my labor.

29th September 2013, 07:22 PM
I am not tired because I never played by their rules.........remember......is not what you make but what you keep...rules are make to be broken because they are made to control you.

I did keep about 99.7% of what I made and retired and happy I am.....by the way....that was what I did keep... $99. 70 hahahahahahahahahahah.


Said the guy that paid the 198.00 traffic ticket because he doesn't want problems.

Twisted Titan
30th September 2013, 04:05 AM
Get as much as you can
As fast as you can
For as long as you can
Because you will never get as much from them
As they have gotten from you.

30th September 2013, 08:13 AM
I haven't been playing the rigged game as long as some of you, but I'm positioning myself so in the next few years I can be fully self employed. Right now, before taxes, my salary is a hair over 20% of my billing rate.

30th September 2013, 08:48 AM
Said the guy that paid the 198.00 traffic ticket because he doesn't want problems.

You can get killed by a lion if the only weapon that you have is a rock, or you can survive if hold a 30-06 rifle.....in this case I had a rifle.....sorry to say that with computers the lion now holds a canon.....the game is rigged no matter how you look at it............but.......you know :)


30th September 2013, 11:59 AM
Sounds like Denninger is tired of trying to play a rigged game (http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=224712)

30th September 2013, 12:18 PM
actually, in Europe 20 years or so ago, I played once a rigged game. called "air plane". The seat cost around 300 dollars and all I had to do is to find 4 other people willing to buy their own seat, providing that each of them too had 4 other fictive travelers. Too bad for me but good lesson, I was too late already. As soon as I bought my seat, the airplane ponzi had already become so hip that the law enforcement started several cracked downs which discouraged any new reckless seat takers from boarding...

the only time I gambled in my entire life... but I digress, I still do while using the FDRs

30th September 2013, 04:21 PM
Don't know what it is specifically but today I am in a pissy mood.

Getting tired of working my ass off and never feeling like I am getting ahead.

I am actually out working today to make money to pay bills. Sweet deal.....

Been trying to save up for my homestead but gold and silver are in the shitter, had to replace a truck last winter, had tools stolen off a job site, spend extra money to avoid toxic food, going to have to buy winter tires soon, there goes another $1200 bucks.....

FUCK! I love working my ass off to just stay even.

the attitude that 'seems to work' is not an attitude that is natural for many of us.

e.g. DHS has project manager jobs that pay $150K a year.

you just have to be willing to work 9 hours a day pretending you take the War of Terror seriously.

so it's sort of an acting job.

as far as the toxic food, after eating the Cow over a period of 14 months (lean, tough, drug free), i started eating the 10 pounds of chicken quarter for $7.60 from Walmart.

tasted great, but ... after 3 months of that i began to wonder if it was affecting my mental edge (what little there is :) )

so i switched to Safeway Blade Steak. you can get it on sale for about $1 a 1/2 pound serving.

with meat i try to figure out the market schedule, i.e. when they put out the 50% off or 30% off packages.

the Safeway beef isn't perfect but i'm pretty sure it's better than the Cheapo Walmart chicken quarters.

Sorry to hear about the stolen tools ! That sucketh.

30th September 2013, 07:55 PM
with meat i try to figure out the market schedule, i.e. when they put out the 50% off or 30% off packages.

Look for a Mexican grocery in the area. Before we moved there was a couple stores that would put out NY strips at 4.99-5.99 LB. They also had a ton of other meats and fish that were not a common theme in a regular (kroger) type market. Not sure why but they had a ton of everything, I would imagine it would spoil. Either they sold to other stores or had some connection to off this stuff.

The local grocery would sell old meat, the kind of over priced stuff if you didnt cook it the moment you got home it would become rancid. Not being proactive to mexican groceries but they don't do spoiled meats/fish.

30th September 2013, 08:17 PM
Look for a Mexican grocery in the area. Before we moved there was a couple stores that would put out NY strips at 4.99-5.99 LB. They also had a ton of other meats and fish that were not a common theme in a regular (kroger) type market. Not sure why but they had a ton of everything, I would imagine it would spoil. Either they sold to other stores or had some connection to off this stuff..

I second this excellent tip. A local Mexican grocery had some of the best ribeye steaks I've had, at 6.99/lb. They just seemed fresh, like you had to eat them quickly or they would spoil. Ate them quick I did. Had ribeye on the barbi for 3 nights in a row.

30th September 2013, 08:42 PM
I second this excellent tip. A local Mexican grocery had some of the best ribeye steaks I've had, at 6.99/lb. They just seemed fresh, like you had to eat them quickly or they would spoil. Ate them quick I did. Had ribeye on the barbi for 3 nights in a row.

Who is Barbi?


30th September 2013, 08:47 PM
as far as the toxic food, after eating the Cow over a period of 14 months (lean, tough, drug free), i started eating the 10 pounds of chicken quarter for $7.60 from Walmart.

tasted great, but ... after 3 months of that i began to wonder if it was affecting my mental edge (what little there is :) )

so i switched to Safeway Blade Steak. you can get it on sale for about $1 a 1/2 pound serving.

with meat i try to figure out the market schedule, i.e. when they put out the 50% off or 30% off packages.

the Safeway beef isn't perfect but i'm pretty sure it's better than the Cheapo Walmart chicken quarters.

Sorry to hear about the stolen tools ! That sucketh.

I usually buy a steer off a local farmer each spring and pasture it all summer at my dads. Just slaughtered mine last Thursday. Should be good for beef for a year.

For chicken we buy some of the industrial farmed stuff but try to avoid it.

There is a place at the farmers market that sells organic, pastured poultry but it is pretty expensive. We have found a few ways to save on this. We get 2 chicken carcasses after they have been parted out for pretty cheap, $6. We will throw that in the slow cooker in the morning and de-bone the meat when we get home. I have weighed the cooked meat a few times and we get about 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. Will use that meat in a stir fry or chicken salad and put the bones back in the slow cooker with some vegetable scraps, carrots, celery and onions for stock.

They also have chicken livers for a reasonable price because not many people want them.

We have a garden too but it isn't that big. We did can up a big batch of zucchini salsa recently that is excellent.

Am trying to get a hold of a large piece of land to homestead on but getting to that point is starting to get frustrating. Almost had deal on some land at a good price and terms but the owners ended up changing their minds and wanting more money. Most land is either out of our price range or not suitable for the uses I want to put it to.

Twisted Titan
1st October 2013, 03:15 AM
Some home owners are still living in a fantasy land with prices and terms.

Land is some of the most illiquid assets to move.

The days of bidding wars are long gone.