View Full Version : Chinese farmers capture metre-long 5kg rat

2nd October 2013, 05:50 PM
Chinese farmers capture metre-long 5kg rat that had been terrorising villagers and break two knives trying to cut it up to eat

The monstrous rodent, weighing ten times that of the average rat, had been terrorising villagers in Shaoyang, China

It was first spotted devouring 3kg fish whole from a local pond

Farmers broke two knives trying to cut the rat up to eat

By Sophie Jane Evans (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Sophie+Jane+Evans)
PUBLISHED: 17:25 GMT, 1 October 2013 | UPDATED: 20:36 GMT, 1 October 2013

Chinese farmers have captured what is believed to be a metre-long rat that had been terrorising villagers and devouring fish whole, it is claimed.

They tried to cut the 5kg rodent up to eat - but broke two knives hacking at its thick bones and skin.

The monstrous animal, weighing ten times that of the average rat, was first spotted snatching 3kg fish from a pond in a village in Shaoyang, Hunan.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/01/article-0-186F483E00000578-236_634x760.jpg Monstrous: The metre-long rat had been terrorising villagers in Shaoyang, Hunan, and devouring 3kg fish whole

It was seen wading into the pond and dragging the large fish on to the shore, before swallowing them whole in its enormous jaws, according to local reports.
Local farmers to join forces in a bid to catch the beast, which had sparked terror among villagers.
They eventually cornered the rat, before killing it with makeshift weapons, reported shanghaiist.com (http://shanghaiist.com/2013/10/01/ratzilla_allegedly_captured_and_coo.php).
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/01/article-0-186F483600000578-577_306x423.jpg Deadly: The enormous animal, weighing ten times that of the average rat, was first spotted snatching large fish from a village pond

However, when they attempted to cook the giant rodent, they broke two knives trying to cut it up.

Rat is traditionally eaten in Guangdong, southern China, where it can be served braised, stewed or cooked in soup. It can also be roasted and hung alongside duck.
The rodent, which can carry deadly diseases, is believed to be three times more nutritious than chicken.

In May, Shanghai was the subject of much controversy after rat meat was found to have been passed off as lamb.

More than 900 people were arrested during the scandal, according to figures released by the Ministry of Public Security.
Among those arrested were 63 people who had allegedly bought fox, mink, rat and other meat and processed it with additives like gelatin.

They had then sold the meat to farmers' markets in Shanghai and the Jiangsu province under the label of 'lamb', it was claimed.

In recent years, China has been criticised for its ongoing food safety scandals and lack of food regulation.
Scandals have ranged from milk contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine to rice crops contaminated with heavy metals, such as aluminum.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2440190/Metre-long-5kg-RAT-captured-Chinese-farmers-Shaoyang-Hunan.html#ixzz2gcEJOlQu

2nd October 2013, 06:17 PM
thems good eatins...

2nd October 2013, 06:38 PM
Looks a lot like the muskrats we have around here although they aren't real rats.


Twisted Titan
2nd October 2013, 07:32 PM
Gosh that made me think of Tempelton at the smorgashbor
