View Full Version : I Will Not Comply

2nd October 2013, 06:13 PM
Like most members of the Congress that passed it and, undoubtedly, the president of the United States who signed it, I have not read the entirety of the ill-named Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Yet there is one aspect concerning that legislation of which I am certain: I will not comply.

I will not comply because I am a free citizen of the United States, not a subject of its government. I consider non-compliance with this monstrosity and the tens of thousands of pages of regulations that are to be enforced by an unelected bureaucracy, and that have left a gigantic carbon footprint on our environment and the United States Constitution, a duty.

Non-compliance is my executive order, and that order reads in part that I do not recognize any government's claim on my action or inaction in the marketplace, nor upon any personal information I am unwilling to divulge.

I will not submit to a cabal who read George Orwell's 1984 not as a terrifying warning, but as an instruction manual. Nor will I submit to the dictates of those who attempt to trample the right of free speech of others in the halls of government who are warning us about the looming tyranny. I refer to those sons of liberty who, as Camus wrote, "are not all legitimate or to be admired. Those who applaud it only when it justifies their privileges and shout nothing but censorship when it threatens them are not on our side."

If (when) the IRS or HHS or any other such entity attempts to extort a tax or fee of any kind for not participating in mandated commerce, they will be met with resistance. I will not pay any such tax or fee.

I live in Massachusetts, where, once upon a time, a spirit of resistance and independence animated much of the citizenry. But many here have devolved from the shot heard round the world to sheltering in place. Not I -- nor many of my fellow Bay Staters, who are outnumbered but undaunted.

Refusing to comply with the dictates of an illegitimate law that is selectively enforced, and from which the privileged few are exempted, is not, in the annals of American history, brave or difficult. Those who refuse to comply are not barefoot in the snows of Valley Forge, crying out in agony at Gettysburg, or rushing the cockpit of Flight 93. While there will be consequences to civil disobedience in defiance of oppression, any difficulties can be and will be overcome.

We are, however, drawing a line that the forces of repression, socialism, and tyranny must not cross. Some might even color the line red. Yet unlike a certain other, this red line is immovable. I yield nothing on the plane of freedom. I will not take any small step that is, in actuality, one giant leap backward to the darkness we thought we had vanquished.

Who is with me?


Ares - I can absolutely see this conflict going hot. I know many MANY people who absolutely will not comply with this.

2nd October 2013, 07:25 PM
Don't be an idiot. I comply with all laws that apply to me. I am certainly willing to comply with obamacare when it has been demonstrated to have application to Frenchmen.

Twisted Titan
2nd October 2013, 07:40 PM
I think the Fed is gonna blink on this come January.

Some sort of extension is going to granted or fines waived.

There is no way this going down and we still got guns and ammo in our hands.

This is going to personalize the ass rape the average person take when they go to that exchange put in their personal info and get a nice round number of a new monthly bill they have to pay or else.

Somebody is going to blink or they are gonna lose it all.

2nd October 2013, 07:55 PM
I agree TT. If they were forcing someone to pay $20-30 they might tolerate it, but two, three, four hundred dollars when they are already struggling isn't going to fly.

I often wondered when the pain inflicted on the public would be enough to push them out of their comfort zone to wake up. Seems like we are getting close.

Twisted Titan
2nd October 2013, 08:17 PM
I was going to buy me a generator with my tax return ( what is left)

But i am moving on one in the next several days.

Im selling some Benchmade knives i have owned to raise cash.

I wouldnt do that unless i was really worried.

2nd October 2013, 08:47 PM
Like some, I believe this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. It's about gawddam time.

2nd October 2013, 09:57 PM
Good post folks, good posts.

midnight rambler
2nd October 2013, 10:02 PM
I will not comply because I am a...citizen of the United States, not a subject of its government.

Wrong and wrong. It's not possible to be both a US citizen and not a subject. It appears the author of this doesn't quite pick up on our dilemma.

2nd October 2013, 11:47 PM
First the market ticker guy and now this. I'm feeling the vibe, and I'm liking it.

3rd October 2013, 12:13 AM
Good stuff in the comments.

Imminent Crucible

What we have today is not exactly theft by government. Someone said above: "the Bible says you should respect the government's authority whether you agree with it or not".

That might be a valid argument if we were facing off with a government. In fact, we have NO GOVERNMENT. We are ruled by a band of pirates, a brutal thuggish kleptocracy. They are criminals. They steal at will (Corzine>Dimon). They kill at will (Hastings, Breitbart, who knows how many?) There is nothing they will not do to stay in power and keep the masses in the sheep pen. Nothing. That is not a government. It is a crime syndicate.

You haven't been thinking very hard. Get clear on one thing: PPACA will fail, and fail catastrophically, yes. That's because it was DESIGNED to fail. Harry Reid admitted it in plain words: "No, it [ACA] isn't a sustainable system. But it's a solid first step toward a single-payer system."

In less than two years from implementation, ObamaCare will have the nation's medical services sector in such total chaos that there will be no option but to have the federal gov't intervene and take it all over. That's the real purpose of a giant bill that no one read and 10,000 pages of regulations: to collapse and "force" the govt to step in and take charge of everything: all hospitals, patient records, doctors, technology...everything.
Getting all worked up about it is silly? Yeah, unless you or someone you love ever has a serious medical issue. But hey, since when do disease and deadly accidents ever happen?

3rd October 2013, 07:29 AM
I can absolutely see this conflict going hot. I know many MANY people who absolutely will not comply with this.

I have one unemployed friend and one underemployed friend who simply can't afford to comply with it. My unemployed friend lives in San Fransisco, he's barely scraping by and is practically out of money, he told me there's no way he can pay a $400 monthly premium. The good news is he's young and healthy, so he doesn't really need it. I told him come tax day he'll probably find a nice fat fine in his tax bill.

3rd October 2013, 08:15 AM
I have one unemployed friend and one underemployed friend who simply can't afford to comply with it. My unemployed friend lives in San Fransisco, he's barely scraping by and is practically out of money, he told me there's no way he can pay a $400 monthly premium. The good news is he's young and healthy, so he doesn't really need it. I told him come tax day he'll probably find a nice fat fine in his tax bill.

With no assets to fine or procure then what does the government do? Setup debtor prisons to extract wealth the old fashioned way through labor? I.E. enslavement.

3rd October 2013, 08:31 AM
I have one unemployed friend and one underemployed friend who simply can't afford to comply with it. My unemployed friend lives in San Fransisco, he's barely scraping by and is practically out of money, he told me there's no way he can pay a $400 monthly premium. The good news is he's young and healthy, so he doesn't really need it. I told him come tax day he'll probably find a nice fat fine in his tax bill.

They are forcing him and getting him used to waiting in line at welfare for medicaid.

3rd October 2013, 09:00 AM
With no assets to fine or procure then what does the government do? Setup debtor prisons to extract wealth the old fashioned way through labor? I.E. enslavement.

That's exactly what I've been ponderin on. I did though come up with another way they might get their cash. Could they debit SS accounts, even before someone is eligible to collect it?

3rd October 2013, 09:02 AM
That's exactly what I've been ponderin on. I did though come up with another way they might get their cash. Could they debit SS accounts, even before someone is eligible to collect it?

Doubt they'd be able to do that. SS has been in the red since 08-09. So everything that comes in, is already spent and then some.

3rd October 2013, 09:31 AM
Ticket into the camps right here.

How much are the penalties for not buying a health plan?

The penalties are not very high to begin with. In 2014, the fine to remain uninsured is $95 per person (up to a family maximum of $285, or 1 percent of family income, whichever is greater).

But the penalty will increase more than sevenfold in the next two years, with the fine running as much as $695 per person by 2016. The family maximum would be as high as $2,085 (or 2.5 percent of family income, whichever is greater).


3rd October 2013, 09:35 AM
Could they debit SS accounts, even before someone is eligible to collect it?

Federal law prohibits any and all seizure on the first $750.

3rd October 2013, 09:40 AM
I'm sure they could debit SS since they already do it for student loan repayments.

3rd October 2013, 02:09 PM
how can we monkey-wrench Obama-care ?

i read in one article that the biggest threat to it is young people not signing up.

3rd October 2013, 02:19 PM
Medical system is something else doomed to fail and propping it up by government is proof...............its basis is big pharm............its not based on truth.............it can not prosper...........

mick silver
3rd October 2013, 02:19 PM
we pay out of pocket for health care an we were told it was going up by almost twice what we are paying now ... so can anyone tell my how this is going to make health care cheaper by what the gov doing ?

3rd October 2013, 02:28 PM
This was rammed up our ass just like the bank bailouts were. They know what they're trying to do and doing.

3rd October 2013, 02:33 PM
i'm thinking Obamacare will inspire more Americans to ex-pat than George W. Bush.

mick silver
3rd October 2013, 02:37 PM
that would be good to up an run but i just dont have the time an money to do what the bush gang does . life short