View Full Version : Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

4th October 2013, 11:13 AM
On Thursday, the government's official Obamacare Facebook page was riddled with people expressing sticker shock over the government's high cost premiums after struggling for hours to wade through the technical failures vexing Obamacare exchanges all across the country.

"I am so disappointed," wrote one woman. "These prices are outrageous and there are huge deductibles. No one can afford this!" The comment received 169 "likes."

"There is NO WAY I can afford it," said one commenter after using the Kaiser Subsidy Calculator. "Heck right now I couldn't afford an extra 10$ [sic] a month...and oh apparently I make to [sic] much at 8.55/hour to get subsidies."

Another person shared a link found on the federal government's main Obamacare page listing premium estimates for small business employers:

The information is not very complete as I don't see anything about deductible or other detailed info, but it does given an actual price as to the "Premium." It is VERY SCARY!! For example, my insurance plan right now for my spouse and I costs $545 a month with 100% coverage after my $2500 deductible. We are both 32 years old. When I looked at this site for 80% coverage it says it will be $954.78 a month!!!! So compare my old Plan: 100% coverage for $545 a month To New Plan: 80% Coverage for $945 a month. This is only only an estimate but it is VERY Scary for me to see this kind of increase in rates and reduction in benefits!

A single mother of two said she is in school and working full-time while living "75% below the poverty level." She said she was shocked to learn she did not qualify for a healthcare subsidy. "Are you F'ing kidding me????" she wrote on the government's Obamacare Facebook page. "Where the HELL am I supposed to get $3,000 more a year to pay for this 'bronze' health insurance plan!?!??? And I DO NOT EVEN WANT INSURANCE to begin with!! This is frightening," she wrote.

Amid scores of comments expressing frustration with technical failures, one woman said she is "just amazed you could even get to the point of seeing pricing" and that she had been trying to access the system for three days to no avail.

Obamacare sticker shock will not affect millions of low-income Americans; a New York Times analysis published on Wednesday found that Obamacare "will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance, the very kinds of people that the program was intended to help."

Obamacare will cost taxpayers an estimated $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years.


4th October 2013, 11:14 AM
"I thought I was signing up for free stuff, not signing up to pay!"

4th October 2013, 11:17 AM
"I thought I was signing up for free stuff, not signing up to pay!"

LOL no shit, and with everyone for the past 2-3 years telling them how expensive it was going to be. Now they're "shocked"....

Nothing from the government is free. It always has a price.

4th October 2013, 11:43 AM
LOL no shit, and with everyone for the past 2-3 years telling them how expensive it was going to be. Now they're "shocked"....

Nothing from the government is free. It always has a price.

Wait until they receive a $2500 fine after the second year of being able to "not afford it"

Hopefully their servers run into the same problems the Bitcoin exchanges do. ;)

Twisted Titan
4th October 2013, 11:45 AM
"I thought I was signing up for free stuff, not signing up to pay!"

Wonder where she is now?


4th October 2013, 12:12 PM
Wait until they receive a $2500 fine after the second year of being able to "not afford it"

Hopefully their servers run into the same problems the Bitcoin exchanges do. ;)

If not repealed this is what will spark a revolution. When they can't pay their rent because the government started garnishing wages they are going to lose their shit. It is one thing to think about the pain but something else entirely to feel it.

4th October 2013, 12:15 PM
This is just the tip of the iceberg, I think only a small percentage of people have logged on and saw their plan, crunched/saw the numbers and know exactly what the deal is. The noise from this is gonna get very, very loud as more and more folks actually look into the bottom lines.

4th October 2013, 12:22 PM
The people must suffer!

4th October 2013, 01:06 PM
This is just the tip of the iceberg, I think only a small percentage of people have logged on and saw their plan, crunched/saw the numbers and know exactly what the deal is. The noise from this is gonna get very, very loud as more and more folks actually look into the bottom lines.

And then the proclamations from on high about how Obamacare tried so hard to work within the free market capitalist system we all hold so dear, but the harsh realities of the market continue to break the people's backs. Therefore the American government will nationalize the entire healthcare industry and run it fairly, finally free from the greed and profiteering of those who would dare try to (gasp) make a profit on the backs of people who need medical care.

4th October 2013, 02:05 PM
i miss the "Good Old Days" when simple fiscal irresponsibility led to bankruptcies.

"Medical problems caused 62% of all personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. in 2007"

and O'care is going to fix that ?! /sarc


4th October 2013, 02:18 PM
And then the proclamations from on high about how Obamacare tried so hard to work within the free market capitalist system we all hold so dear, but the harsh realities of the market continue to break the people's backs. Therefore the American government will nationalize the entire healthcare industry and run it fairly, finally free from the greed and profiteering of those who would dare try to (gasp) make a profit on the backs of people who need medical care.

The Fed might do exactly that but I just don't see people going for it, I see mass resistance ahead and just for the simple fact it's not affordable. Throw in the social media/internet aspect and I think a lot of people will say WTF, are they gonna throw us all in jail? Fines be damned!

4th October 2013, 02:24 PM
Obamacare will cost taxpayers an estimated $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years.

LOL... next year it will be discovered that estimates were wrong - as usual... my estimate is 10-15Tn over 10 years. Unless a pandemic kills off half of population.

4th October 2013, 02:49 PM
Yeah, I'm thinkin 2T for 2 years.