View Full Version : Smugglers Abandon 32 Kilograms of Gold in Airplane Toilet ?!

8th October 2013, 06:13 AM

i'm beginning to like Mineweb.

"Gold smuggling has hit a new high in India, with 32 kilograms of gold found hidden in an airplane bathroom. Based on a tip off, officials from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence busted a gold smuggling racket at the Chennai airport late on Monday.

Details of the gold heist have just started coming in. Though gold smugglers have been known to stash the precious metal in every known orifice to evade capture, the smugglers decided to dump their sizeable gold reserves in the cramped plane toilet, sensing an arrest.

The gold biscuits were recovered from the lavatory of an Air India flight which had arrived from Dubai.

Officials said one of the reasons the smugglers opted to stash the gold there was because of the sheer size of the consignment: 32 gold bars weighing 1 kilo each. The gold is valued at a whopping $1.2 million (Rs 95 million) in the Indian market."

Wish I'd of been there.