View Full Version : Social Security Warns Benefits Could Get Cut................. V

8th October 2013, 11:16 AM
SS was paid by us "We The People" and not by the government....but.......who will listen to us "We The People?"

he Social Security Administration has begun warning the public it cannot guarantee full benefit payments if the debt ceiling isn’t increased.

When asked by the public, the agency is notifying beneficiaries that “Unlike a federal shutdown which has no impact on the payment of Social Security benefits, failure to raise the debt ceiling puts Social Security benefits at risk,” according to a person familiar with the agency directive.

The warning was assembled after the agency consulted with the Treasury Department, which would play a lead role in determining how the government handles payments if the borrowing limit isn’t raised soon.

“Our employees started receiving questions from the public, so the agency worked with Treasury to provide an answer they could use when asked about the debt ceiling by the public,” a Social Security Administration spokesman said.


8th October 2013, 11:34 AM
But wait...why can't the Social Security Administration just use the $2.7 Trillion sitting in the Social Security Trust Fund? You know, the fund that has enough money to last until 2038? What?? There's no actual assets in the fund??? The fund is just a promise to pay social security???$ I'm shocked!

8th October 2013, 11:44 AM
From 2009 to 2018, the United States is scheduled to give Israel--the largest recipient of U.S. assistance--$30 billion in military aid.

http://www.goldismoney2.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13561&d=1323966927&thumb=1 http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Flags/israel-flag-51.gif http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Flags/israel-flag-52.gif http://th660.photobucket.com/albums/uu330/cthulhu19887/smileys/th_SmileyHoldingIsraelFlag.gif

8th October 2013, 11:48 AM
But wait...why can't the Social Security Administration just use the $2.7 Trillion sitting in the Social Security Trust Fund? You know, the fund that has enough money to last until 2038? What?? There's no actual assets in the fund??? The fund is just a promise to pay social security???$ I'm shocked!

*gasp* I know... it's like you can't trust a government entity to manage your retirement. If you can't trust a governing body to force money from your fellow man at the barrel of a gun to pay for your retirement who are you to trust these days?


8th October 2013, 12:06 PM
The Social Security Administration has begun warning the public it cannot guarantee full benefit payments if the debt ceiling isn’t increased.

This literally begs the question to any thinking American, "why does the US have to go into debt in order to pay SS?" Most people think that there is a trust fund, where all the money relieved by all the millions of people over the past 8 decades is sitting, waiting to be paid out.

Hatha Sunahara
8th October 2013, 03:57 PM
They have to borrow money to pay SS benefits because they do stupid sh*t like this:


No telling how much they've paid out to bail out the banksters this year. There is no doubt about it. Corruption is really expensive.


8th October 2013, 04:02 PM