View Full Version : Enzo is an uncle!

midnight rambler
8th October 2013, 11:59 AM
Four puppies so far, three females and one male, two more to go.

(Enzo also now has some half-sisters and a half-brother.)

8th October 2013, 01:43 PM
Four puppies so far, three females and one male, two more to go.

(Enzo also now has some half-sisters and a half-brother.)


8th October 2013, 01:48 PM
What does that make the General?

8th October 2013, 01:49 PM

family tree ?

midnight rambler
8th October 2013, 01:59 PM
What does that make the General?

A GoD uncle?

midnight rambler
8th October 2013, 02:00 PM

Just as soon as I clean up the whelping box. She just had another male, one more to go.

midnight rambler
8th October 2013, 02:01 PM
family tree ?

Will post pedigree later.

Hatha Sunahara
8th October 2013, 03:15 PM
Where's the General? Don't tell me I'm the only one who doesn't know.


General of Darkness
8th October 2013, 03:43 PM
Congratulations Tom. I'm also having a litter of puppies from another line next week. What sucks for me is that Tom's puppies are going to be very sharp dogs, and my litter is going to be similar to that and since Enzo is a VERY sharp dog I can't breed back into that. Because you can quickly go from sharp to nervy. And that's what you get with a lot of the police dogs. If I was in the market for a dog Ferrari I'd definitely be interested. The great part about dobermanns are that with simple obedience training they're awesome. I can go from doing bite work on my lawn, living room, anywhere to belly rubs in under 10 minutes. These dogs LOVE to work. Jumping, playing fetch with two balls etc.

The only gotcha with most working dogs is the first 10 months. If they're in a safe environment and not being harassed by other dogs, i.e. fence fighting, bullied, they'll be the most clear headed gun you can pet on the planet. And if people are interested I can post a piece a friend did that explains that in detail.

8th October 2013, 05:25 PM
We want puppy pics!!!


midnight rambler
8th October 2013, 11:06 PM
After 14 hours #6 arrived, the final count* is four females and two males.

*unless one was hiding behind another in the x-ray

midnight rambler
10th October 2013, 05:46 PM

10th October 2013, 06:24 PM

Do you dock and crop them?

10th October 2013, 06:29 PM
Do you dock and crop them?

To add, momma ain't docked. Is that normal rambler?

10th October 2013, 06:31 PM

midnight rambler
10th October 2013, 06:34 PM
Do you dock and crop them?

I do the tails and dewclaws, I leave it up to the new owner to do the ears if they want cropped ears. (Note that the male on the right in the foreground has a naturally docked tail which I will likely leave that way.) Ears are usually done at about 10 weeks old and I have no intention of keeping any of them past 8 weeks (they need to be in their new homes by that stage). I will not be cropping the ears of the female I keep - I prefer natural ears at this point in time primarily because cropped ears makes for a more aggressive look* which can draw too much attention from trigger happy donut munchers.

*this bloodline is very high aggression as it is, and I see no point in drawing that sort of attention, I think 'low profile' is better but that's just me

midnight rambler
10th October 2013, 06:40 PM
To add, momma ain't docked. Is that normal rambler?

I had two females in my orphan litter, one was weaker than the other and I intended to only dock the stronger of the two and not stress the weaker one, however at the vet clinic I got the two confused and the weaker one got docked instead. I ended up losing her. I saw no point in amputating Abby's tail later on. Abby's dam Katja was all natural as well - I imported Katja from the breeder in Germany and it's a *crime* to dock and crop in Germany (plus I promised the breeder I would not crop and amputate).

To answer your question: No, it's not 'normal' in the states but it is 'normal' in countries in Europe which have banned docking and cropping. It's purely a cosmetic thing, many people like 'the look' and that's what sells Doberman(n)s, however I'm at the point I like docked tails but I'm ambivalent about cropped ears (and I really don't care for the hassle/expense of doing the ears). In the future I may crop the ears of a male, but I'm done cropping the ears of the females (I'm in the process of turning the females into service dogs [so they can be taken ANYWHERE] and natural ears will be much better in that case).

10th October 2013, 06:55 PM
Those are beautiful animals. I would love to adopt one, personally, but my family is still getting over the loss of our last dog, and we're not in any real sense ready for a new pup.

General of Darkness
10th October 2013, 07:16 PM
To the dock and crop question. With a tail they actually turn a lot tighter when they're running blinds but with floppy ears they tend to need more cleaning. The intent of the cropped ears and tail was to make it hard for someone to grab a hold of their tail or ears. But I do love the way Enzo looks, it just suits him and I love my female with a natural tail and ears. She does look a lot more inviting and friendly, just don't put your hand through the truck window, you might loose some digits.

midnight rambler
12th October 2013, 10:01 AM
We lost 'Stubby' the male very early yesterday morning however everyone else is doing well with their freshly cropped tails. Abby is finally eating well, she's just finished off her fifth cup of puppy food this morning. When we weighed her yesterday she was 5-6# over her normal weight anyway. She is still being a great momma dog.

midnight rambler
14th October 2013, 10:42 AM
This is an example of what a puppy from a breeding of Avatar back to an Avatar daughter can result in, a 3 time winner of the UDC Nationals and Boris came in second at the UDC Nationals once, Boris lived to be 10 y.o. -



14th October 2013, 10:46 AM
Congratulations Tom. I'm also having a litter of puppies from another line next week. What sucks for me is that Tom's puppies are going to be very sharp dogs, and my litter is going to be similar to that and since Enzo is a VERY sharp dog I can't breed back into that. Because you can quickly go from sharp to nervy. And that's what you get with a lot of the police dogs. If I was in the market for a dog Ferrari I'd definitely be interested. The great part about dobermanns are that with simple obedience training they're awesome. I can go from doing bite work on my lawn, living room, anywhere to belly rubs in under 10 minutes. These dogs LOVE to work. Jumping, playing fetch with two balls etc.

The only gotcha with most working dogs is the first 10 months. If they're in a safe environment and not being harassed by other dogs, i.e. fence fighting, bullied, they'll be the most clear headed gun you can pet on the planet. And if people are interested I can post a piece a friend did that explains that in detail.

I nominate you to be head of HUD. We've got millions of Leroys who could really use your training expertise.

midnight rambler
24th October 2013, 10:24 AM
Devil dog update: starting yesterday (at 2 wks old) I noted how the single boy is stirring it up/getting VERY aggressive with the orange collar female - or vice versa. Neither one is backing down and it's getting pretty intense at times.

midnight rambler
24th October 2013, 06:34 PM
Photo from tonite -


They are all growling when they're hungry when Abby is not down with them at this point (there may be one which isn't growling but I haven't be able to precisely pinpoint one that is not growling, if one isn't).

24th October 2013, 06:36 PM
Photo from tonite -


Isn't the General supposed to be having pups too?

midnight rambler
24th October 2013, 06:39 PM
Isn't the General supposed to be having pups too?

I don't think GoD is whelping them, I think the woman who actually owns the female has taken the responsibility for whelping the pups so the female is with her or someone helping her. And those puppies are not remotely related to these.

midnight rambler
28th October 2013, 11:12 AM

midnight rambler
16th November 2013, 03:50 PM
I've two very nice females available to anyone here who is interested - you'll be getting the GSUS discount.

mick silver
16th November 2013, 03:56 PM
ill take one if there free , nice farm to run around on

midnight rambler
16th November 2013, 04:00 PM
ill take one if there free , nice farm to run around on

If I were to give them away 'for free' (I'm offering them at an eye-popping sharp discount here considering other breeders sell dogs of lesser quality ROUTINELY for $3k) I can easily find someone locally for that and then I would be able to monitor them. I'm offering them here for less then I have in them, considering this litter cost me well over $6k.

16th November 2013, 04:01 PM
I've two very nice females available to anyone here who is interested - you'll be getting the GSUS discount.

If I was in the right situation I'd love to have one, there's no doubt in my mind of their quality and I know they'd be worth every penny.

mick silver
16th November 2013, 06:33 PM
i was just kidding about them being free i know you have to be able to make some paper with them to keep being able to breed them , hope you find a good home for them

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 03:44 PM
Dixie is still available, she's going to be a very serious girl and I'm being very selective about who gets to adopt her.


10th February 2014, 06:55 PM
She looks great! The intense look in her eyes/focus is evident..I wish it were me but I hope ya find a great home for her.