View Full Version : Dollar is worthless about to crash, world bank whistleblower!

Large Sarge
8th October 2013, 04:02 PM

Large Sarge
8th October 2013, 04:18 PM
I think she is disinfo,

"gold is not a great investment"

"tons of it all over"

"The bank of Hawaii alone has 170,000 tonnes of gold" (fort knox only reportedly had 8000 tonnes)

this is imaginary, and no mention of jews, on Jesuits

8th October 2013, 04:38 PM
I think she is disinfo,

"gold is not a great investment"

"tons of it all over"

"The bank of Hawaii alone has 170,000 tonnes of gold" (fort knox only reportedly had 8000 tonnes)

this is imaginary, and no mention of jews, on Jesuits

She mentions a Brettwoods Conference on Oct 9th. Interesting timing.

8th October 2013, 10:07 PM

8th October 2013, 10:14 PM
I think she is disinfo,

"gold is not a great investment"

"tons of it all over"

"The bank of Hawaii alone has 170,000 tonnes of gold" (fort knox only reportedly had 8000 tonnes)

this is imaginary, and no mention of jews, on Jesuits

Bingo Sarge. At the 12:00 mark she names the international evildoers as "Jesuits" not da joos.


8th October 2013, 10:35 PM
170,000 tons China and Asias gold from WW2 most probably

Unbelievable amount stashed at Hawaii Bank she mentions

Karen Hudes speaks the truth and is not a disinfo agent

8th October 2013, 11:15 PM
The number just seems way too large. I would need documented proof to believe it. If china is supposed to have 3-4000 tons and Fort Knox 8000 tons, 170,000 tons seems ridiculous.

8th October 2013, 11:23 PM
170,000 tons seems ridiculous.

It has been estimated that all the gold mined by the end of 2011 totaled 171,300 tonnes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonnes)

Linky (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_reserve)

8th October 2013, 11:34 PM
Sure the Dollar is worthless.......but only to us who knows all about it......but........that's the only currence that will be circulated for a while because as we know 94% of the people are sheeps and the greenback is all that they know and untill Uncle Sam takes it out of circulation it will circulate.


8th October 2013, 11:37 PM

8th October 2013, 11:58 PM
the interviewer was hopeless........when she mentions 170,000 tons the interviewer could and should of asked for clarification about this

the world is going to be awash with dollars

Greyerz: “The outcome (of all of this) will be more debt, more printed money, and more misery for the masses. Remember that US debt was $10 trillion in 2008 when the crisis began and now it’s $17 trillion. And the Fed’s balance sheet was $900 billion in 2008 -- it’s now at $3.6 trillion....

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2013/10/9_Governments_Will_Start_Panicking_As_Chaos_%26_Cr isis_Accelerates.html

Large Sarge
9th October 2013, 01:15 AM
She talked about north Dakotas bank system (designed by ellen brown), which has thrived/prospered during the malaise..

she states "we won in Syria"

and some other things, which are all true....

9th October 2013, 04:49 AM
She talked about north Dakotas bank system (designed by ellen brown), which has thrived/prospered during the malaise..

she states "we won in Syria"

and some other things, which are all true....

(designed by ellen brown) Described by Ellen Brown would be accurate.

Ellen Brown thought that it was designed by Swede's, but in truth it was designed by Norwegians and Germans in 1919. A populist movement.

from joopedia
The Bank of North Dakota was established by legislative action in 1919 to promote agriculture, commerce and industry in North Dakota.[3] Though initially conceived by populists in the Non-Partisan League, or NPL, as a credit union-style institution to free the farmers of the state from predatory lenders, the bank's functions were largely neutered, by the time of its inception, by the business-backed Independent Voters Association. The recall of NPL Governor Lynn Frazier effectively ended the initial plan, with BND taking a more conservative central banking role in state finance. The current president and CEO is Eric Hardmeyer; however, the bank itself is managed by the North Dakota Industrial Commission, which is composed of the Governor, Attorney General, and the Agriculture Commissioner (formerly the Agriculture and Labor Commissioner) of North Dakota.[4]

The Bank of North Dakota is the only state-owned facility of its type in the United States other than the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank.[3]

9th October 2013, 05:58 AM
Bingo Sarge. At the 12:00 mark she names the international evildoers as "Jesuits" not da joos.


That damn Society of Jesus!

What will they come up with next?

They already sit in the Pope's chair!

9th October 2013, 12:34 PM
This looks like the Swiss paper she is talking about:


No mention of Jesuits that I can see.

9th October 2013, 01:20 PM
I have fun reading what some of you are posting because you are talking about what they want YOU to talk about and not about what is all really about......like a magician they are guiding you down their road and not allowing you to walk on your own path, be a person with a free mind and look behind the curtain in search of the truth.

I am not saying the above as an insult but rather showing you how I see things in my crazy mind.