View Full Version : A movie to see................. V

8th October 2013, 07:01 PM
On NetFlix......I just saw a movie by the name of "Assault On Wall Street".....see it and you will thank me.....and.....if don't have NetFlix then rent it......you won't be sorry......a movie that will become a classic. Is a movie as to how someone paid back the Wall Street bankers for their wrong doings and got away with it.....WARNING ... blood and gore.

8th October 2013, 08:41 PM
On NetFlix......I just saw a movie by the name of "Assault On Wall Street".....see it and you will thank me.....and.....if don't have NetFlix then rent it......you won't be sorry......a movie that will become a classic. Is a movie as to how someone paid back the Wall Street bankers for their wrong doings and got away with it.....WARNING ... blood and gore.

Blood and gore and banking all in the same flick?

I'm intrigued...

8th October 2013, 09:17 PM
And for a change?.........no sex.


8th October 2013, 09:47 PM
what blood and gore from an American movie......................I dont believe it.........

Hatha Sunahara
8th October 2013, 10:18 PM
It's on the Instant Queue. Here's the description:

Jim's an average New Yorker with a well-paying job and a loving family, but when the economy crashes, he loses everything. Filled with rage, Jim snaps and goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge over what's been taken from him.

Sounds like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. I'm gonna watch it soon as I have some time.


8th October 2013, 10:21 PM

Watch for free here.

8th October 2013, 10:22 PM

Watch for free here.

be careful for bugs & viruses...

8th October 2013, 10:26 PM
be careful for bugs & viruses...

Works fine if you are using NoScript with Firefox.

Otherwise, heed Ximmy's warning.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
9th October 2013, 10:10 AM