View Full Version : Two Obvious Facts on the Debt Ceiling Showdown

10th October 2013, 07:30 AM

Big “showdowns” in Washington are always hype, with both sides distorting the facts so that the hapless citizen–whether he watches Fox or CNN–focuses on irrelevant details and misses the big picture. When it comes to the recurring conflict over raising the debt ceiling, here are two obvious facts that explode just about everything that the Republicans and Democrats are saying:

OBVIOUS FACT #1: Refusing to raise the debt ceiling is equivalent to insisting on a balanced budget. Any Republican politician who has (a) championed a balanced budget amendment but lamented the difficult road ahead while (b) voted to raise the debt ceiling, is obviously insincere (or doesn’t understand accounting). Either way, genuine fiscal conservatives cannot take such a person seriously anymore.

OBVIOUS FACT #2: If the debt ceiling is not raised, the government by no means needs to default on its outstanding bonds. There is an enormous amount of revenue flowing in, with which the government could pay existing creditors, as well as people owed money through Social Security, pensions to retired government workers, etc. Thus when President Obama and other Democrats say that if they don’t get their credit limit raised, they will crash the Treasury market, they are (using their rhetoric) holding the global credit markets hostage to their spending goals.

midnight rambler
10th October 2013, 07:38 AM
But...but...but if the debt ceiling is not raised then the US of A will no longer be 'exceptional' by being the lone Superpower (READ: able to compel foreign policy with 'lesser' nations via military force).

All together now: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!...

Twisted Titan
10th October 2013, 10:18 AM
All together now: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!...


10th October 2013, 01:54 PM
DJIA 15,126.07 +323.09

GOLD 1286.30 1287.30 -20.70

Looks like economy is booming again. Should we sell gold now and buy it back at $900?

10th October 2013, 02:08 PM
Be aware that the Hubble space telescope was sent into space to discover the limits of the universe. This knowledge now sets a new standard as to high high the debt may extend.


10th October 2013, 03:55 PM
DJIA 15,126.07 +323.09

GOLD 1286.30 1287.30 -20.70

Looks like economy is booming again. Should we sell gold now and buy it back at $900?

That's because Yellen is a shoe-in for the next Fed chairman, and she's set to put her foot on the gas pedal of QE. Bernanke was hinting at tapering off the QE, Yellen will no doubt keep it full speed or even accelerate it. Great for the top 1%, not so good for the rest of us.