View Full Version : Hypertiger's latest Visdooms

10th October 2013, 08:22 AM
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 Led to the logic gates of slaughter in pursuit of the latest version of happiness. (http://hypertiger.blogspot.com/2013/10/led-to-logic-gates-of-slaughter-in.html)
Obamacare was named after him...So that all of you would have zero trouble knowing who to blame.

It was a set up from square one.

Obama did not write the program...

it's a killer app...you all believe it is designed to work.

it was doomed to fail from square one.

the only way to make obamacare work...is to remain ignorant of the fact it does not.

when it was first proposed...it was designed to produce the chaos you see now.

that is being blamed back and forth between the two divided and conquered programs.

but the legislation or program you all are following...was designed from square one...to screw you all...not help you.

this was obvious back when Obamacare first showed up.

You all will never suspect this...that you all swindled yourselves...all part of a secret doomsday cult and Obamacare was the LSD spiked kool aid...you all drank...and are going insane.

You all (in and out hook line and sinker) have already fallen hard for the scam...and you all will never admit you were fooled...While at the same time.

You all and everyone else in the world watching you all...do not even know you all in the USA have been fooled or that everyone watching from outside the USA has been fooled into thinking that what they are watching is real.

All consumed...like a virus in a Trojan horse....the sugar coated outside of the pill dissolved revealing the real payload...once it was inside behind the walls of your immune system.

The reality is that...There is no way to change any legislation in the world like this.

it takes decades to construct a functional medical care system.

You all were sold a fantasy...

That you all are killing yourselves paying to make a reality.

this is good medicine...and you all better have smiles on your dial...because if good medicine is making you feel bad...you all must be suffering from a mental problem.

A reasonable assumption or lie you were sold as Truth.

That you all bought and are powering to the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.

killing yourselves to supply power to...what a wonderful care system.

too bad you all are not computer programs.

then all I would have to do is change a bit of information.

where the check by the program is made to see if you are going to cry like babies when you get what you deserve.

is made.

I just make sure to force no bit of information to be in there.

Like making you all forget to cry like babies on the Internet...

I just keep eliminating bits of information...until you all are robots following a basic program.

And I relax while you all are caught in power struggles that last decades...hacking yourselves to pieces trying to reacquire what you never had to begin with or what you never will.

Freedom from the tyranny of Truth.

killing yourselves to implement plans...that have no end to the implementation except death...you all will just take a licking and keep on ticking proving you are right every time you are wrong until you run out of time...and going like little energizer rabbits caught in the headlights of the positive future.

Oblivious of what lies behind the delusion you cherish...

The drone wars.

All of you are the drones.

in the hive mind.

of the matrix.

the world wide web of lies an delusion.

Entangled particles trying to have spooky action at a distance sexual relations.

To find new followers...to the bright glorious future.

That all the 1000 points of light connect to.

All the light the rabbits in the headlights think is awesome.

Until what is behind the headlights...gives them the kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.

The revelation of the negative consequences hiding behind the positive consequences of choosing to worship lies as Truth.

rabbits do not want that fate...but the universe only supplies the rabbits with what they need.

Not what they want.

Below is what a retard obviously produced...Please tell me how to do math like a normal person please...the calculus is off a tad I think.


10th October 2013, 08:40 AM
i think kitty is secretly reinhardt.

7th trump
10th October 2013, 09:23 AM
Blah blah blah!
Hypertiger is just starving for attention.
The top down bullshit once again.

When Social Security was proposed within the New Deal era of FDR there was tremendous fighting going on within DC about SS being Constitutional that FDR threatened to stack the supreme Court with Justices that would vote SS as constitutional.
This show down with obamacare is nothing to what went on in FDR's time.

Nothing new under the sun. Hypertyger is just hacking up a fur ball seeking to satisfy his ego. He wants you to stroke his ego.

10th October 2013, 11:17 AM
You all is not me all and them all be less than two thirds of the population.

The design of this game is destruction of all that is good up to and including mankind, and establishing controls on the flesh until destruction is complete.

10th October 2013, 11:24 AM
The design of this game is destruction of all that is good up to and including mankind, and establishing controls on the flesh until destruction is complete.

Where's William Wallace when you need him?


10th October 2013, 01:52 PM
On GIM, I thought HyperT was way too edgy and sometimes kinda arrogant, today I think she definitely is intriguing (not that 100% of what he says).... depending on one's personal evolution, either one hates or likes her very much.

mick silver
10th October 2013, 05:18 PM
this bill was writen to back this country so obama can take control of us all

10th October 2013, 08:46 PM
this bill was writen to back this country so obama can take control of us all

Like car insurance in the U.S. nowadays.

You can't go a days late on paying it, or they remove all your privileges to survive.

11th October 2013, 01:23 AM
I think this was a decent blog post. I remember having a go at HT a couple weeks back maybe. Just about being a broken record, then the very next post He/She came out with was gold quality stuff. I knew it was there to be shared. Just needed a nudge to express it.

11th October 2013, 08:11 AM
I knew it was there to be shared. Just needed a nudge to express it.

I've noticed slightly more "social" nuances in the writing, and like this one also.

I like to think of us as the base that HT rallys around to support his pyramid :)