View Full Version : I Met A Saint Today

14th October 2013, 11:11 AM
It is Sunday, a day my son and I regularly pick up boxes of outdated fruits and vegetables out back of the local supermarket. Normally we take it home to call folks we know to come by and pick up what they need and later feed our cows and chickens with the rest but this was the first time I had heard that the nonprofit thrift store was going to be open Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00. You see, we always stop there with our fruits and veggies on Wednesday and Saturday, our other market pickup days.

Just yesterday we were at the thrift store dropping off fruits and veggies and a young lady I had never seen before came out back picking up some. Her eyes sparkled when she asked if we got grapes and I told her that we often got grapes, sometimes loads of grapes. I started to tell her that it was a good idea to take the grapes off the vines, wash them and freeze them for a treat while watching TV (I tell everybody that so that they will take some grapes home).

Today started out like any other day until we arrived at the back dock of the thrift store and this young lady volunteer (that’s right, they get paid from the heart) came out and said that she claimed all the grapes ! Everybody laughed out loud and got back to filling their bags. This was funny on another level because we have been delivering produce there for a couple of years and nobody gets excited about seeing yet another box of grapes.

Well, this young lady was serious and did end up with quite a lot of grapes. And no arguments there. In the past I named one young lady at the thrift store “strawberry Lisa” and the receiving manager “banana Bob“. So I guess I will have to name this newbie too. How about grapenuts ?

A few minutes before we were to depart she asked if we could stop at her home to drop some more produce off. She said that she couldn’t carry much home because she was on foot. No bike, no car. She must be around 15 or 16, an extraordinarily beautiful tall young lady. But there was something more; she carried herself with grace and a sense of inner joy that is hard to describe. I have just never seen it in such a young person. I said that we would be happy to take her home.

So we loaded up all the boxes of produce from the thrift store’s loading dock and proceeded to her home. She said that her mother would be surprised. Little did I know.

When we got there I had a hard time backing in the driveway; almost hit the house. You see, I have no depth perception and have to be careful in backing up. There was no car in the oh so long driveway either, something I found curious.

The young lady went inside and beckoned her mother to come out; she had a surprise for her. The mother was a small lady; reminded me of my grandmother. When she first saw all the boxes of produce she didn’t know what to think. She just stood there, unconsciously waiting for someone else to say something. At least that is the way it appeared. I told her to help herself to whatever she needed; we got it for free. She took what seemed a long time in processing this unexpected news and then opened up and said that she could use just about everything ! We loaded up some boxes and her children carried them inside; some of the boxes weighed up to 40 pounds. I told her that she could get more every week.

This mother told me that she does a lot of canning and enthusiastically offered to teach this to my son and me. She also recognizes all kinds of produce and knows what to do with them. A down home country mama.

Afterwards I spoke to this mother. She had raised 4 children of her own and then adopted 8 children ! I was shocked and speechless, contemplating the enormity and dedication of such an undertaking. Some of the children were a bit reticent since apparently they didn’t yet realize what was transpiring; I think that the understanding would settle in later as family set about processing all this free produce. A happy time indeed. By the way I would soon discover another reason for their reticence.

I had told her that she was welcome to come down to the thrift store and pick up what she wanted. But she said that she had no car and her children would have to take their bicycles to carry the produce home. A woman with 8 children and no car in the driveway? It made no sense until she said that she had had a long van that could transport her and all the children but someone had come by the house and shot out all the van’s windows . She said that it was too expensive to replace the windows and that is why she had no transportation. She also said that someone had burned down her storage shed behind the house. And that someone had badly beat up one of her sons. I felt as though I had been punched in the gut. This happening in my own community ? I could see the fear in her body language; not a fear for herself but a fear for her children and their future. She said that she had moved here in the belief that her family wouldn’t be treated this way but came to discover that it was not a safe haven after all.

This has been a happy home with lots of love and joy. But something lurks on the periphery. Something dark and evil.

At this point you, the reader, may wonder just what is going on here. This is because until now, you see no more than a blind man.

A blind man cannot see colors or even black and white. The 8 adopted children of this white mother, lets call her Saint Mary, are of different races. And therefore different colors.

America will never be a true melting pot in peace and harmony until we learn in our hearts that we are all created equal in God’s eyes. And that we are all unique and all miracles.

So the next time you see someone with their hands full in doing good in this world, lend them a hand. Your hand. And I can guarantee that a spiritual alchemy will take place wherein a most precious mettle is created.

Best wishes,


"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

14th October 2013, 11:46 AM

Twisted Titan
14th October 2013, 12:16 PM
Blessed*is the one that*considereth*the*poor:*the*LORD*will*deliver*t hem in*time*of*trouble.

Psalm 41.1

14th October 2013, 12:58 PM
Hail to Saint Agnut, may you live long a and be happy.........with best wishes from devil Ponce :)


mick silver
15th October 2013, 11:48 AM
back up . we need more of this

15th October 2013, 01:52 PM
Great story!!

Horn would like some grapes for his virgins feet...

15th October 2013, 02:19 PM
ximmy? I'd rather he give you some grapes for your sweet mouth.....ufffffff I must be a Cuban hahahahahahah


10th June 2014, 10:28 AM
About time for a Saint Mary update. Almost 8 months since the last post. Yikes ! How time flies when you are havin’ fun.

I’m still dropping off fruits and veggies three, sometimes four times a week. Mary has been canning some of the fruits and veggies and has about 200 quart jars put away. She is nobody’s fool and sees what is coming and is prepping like there is no tomorrow. Well, no tomorrow like yesterday anyway. After unloading the truck we sit on the tailgate and talk politics and economics and what is going on in our lives. This reminds me to drop off another hundred canning jars; I still have about 500 in the barn. It has worked out to be a tradeoff; we get all kinds of dinners and pies and cakes. Bartering that naturally happened on its own.

A few months ago I was introduced to a new friend who has been volunteering to help me and has relieved my younger son from having to go with me so often. A couple of ladies picking up fruits and veggies behind the thrift store talked with me and wanted me to meet their son and husband. A quite interesting character, Robert is about 70 years old, a world traveler experienced in all kinds of things from exotic woods to derivatives. I have never met anyone like him. He is from Iceland and his wife, an absolute sweetheart, is from Denmark. He has invited me and my sons to stay with his mother (another sweetheart) in Maui where he lived for almost 30 years. See, the thing is that Robert has no friends here and most of his long time friends have passed away (same as me). He hasn’t been here long and in a household with his wife, daughter and mother he needed some outside stimulation. Unfortunately, he and his wife will be leaving in a month. I will really miss him and his family but hopefully we will stay in contact.

A couple of months ago Robert wanted a chest freezer and I found one for $40 but it wasn’t nice enough on the outside. Robert paid for it and gave it to Saint Mary; she has it crammed full now. I just happen to have a large chest freezer that is a backup for my other three freezers. I don’t really need it and will be dropping it off as soon as I check it out. Let’s see how long it takes her to fill it too.

Last Sunday afternoon I was approaching Mary’s house and there were 5 pickup trucks parked in front and I had to park across the street. It was so funny to see lots of people buzzing about on a Sunday; they were there from her church to fix plumbing and electrical problems. See, this is what I believe good Americans are really about. Helping each other out, paying it forward.

Mary has a Toyota now; donated by her son’s swimming coach. I checked it out and fixed a few things and now she can shop and take the kids where they need to go. The hospital is a major destination since some of the kids (all teenagers) have various medical problems. She told me that they were all drug babies when she has adopted them many years ago. And now I am seeing up close and personal how drugs have affected the unborn. And you know what ? I hate it with a passion. I didn’t feel this way before but China’s law to put a bullet in the head of a drug dealer now sounds just. And sending a bill for the bullet to the parents drives home their failed responsibility. So look around America and think what this policy would do for our society. I suspect that if/when things fall apart, there will be a reckoning for those who have been a destructive force. Time to take out the trash. Avenging angels ? Could be….

You who are reading this may think I am some great guy but the truth is that it just fell in my lap; I had no choice. To do anything else would have been wrong. I guess you could say that I am just along for the ride. And what an uplifting ride it has been. My life has been greatly changed. I don’t have much time or energy to write and read the internet any more. And besides, they can’t hold a candle to getting out there and mingling with my people, fellow Americans.

There is a reason that there is literally nothing to watch on the television. There is a reason that there is literally nothing to read in the newspaper. This is our brain on the mundane, presented to dull our sense of boredom. When someone says that they are bored I think that they are being boring. There is a virtual buffet of possibilities. To be bored is to have one’s eyes, ears and mind shut.

How is your precious mettle ?

Best wishes,


".Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!"

10th June 2014, 12:08 PM
You people are lucky, you people have to put up with (saint Agnut) only when he write, but me?.....just about every day when we talk, as a matter of fact.............let me give him a call.........yukkkkkkkkkkkk


10th June 2014, 01:00 PM
Yeah, I got your call you crazy Cuban. yukkkkkkkkkkkk right back at ya.

Beast wishes,
