View Full Version : food stamp shutdown, blood thirst riots next, and dollar collapse

Large Sarge
15th October 2013, 08:33 AM

Hatha Sunahara
15th October 2013, 08:54 AM
Civil unrest is when the government does something to one class of people that makes them lash out at everybody. The Romans bribed people to keep quiet. The minute they stopped paying the bribe, they had civil unrest. Congress just voted to cut food stamps by 5%. Obama is interested in whether DHS has enough ammunition to protect the government from the backlash. We'll find out the result of this experiment if there are more Ammunition purchases by government agencies. They may be trying to see how to distribute the ammunition they already have, and whether to change the delivery schedule.

I'm expecting a meltdown of everything no later than December 2014. That date comes from Russia--which announced they are temporarily confiscating (hah!) pension funds for a year. The Russian elite know the collapse schedule, and they are setting themselves up to steal everything they can from the proles before SHTF. Putin is playing the same game the US government is playing. The only people who don't know what's coming are the people who will suffer the most from it.


15th October 2013, 09:36 AM
Civil unrest is when the government does something to one class of people that makes them lash out at everybody. The Romans bribed people to keep quiet. The minute they stopped paying the bribe, they had civil unrest. Congress just voted to cut food stamps by 5%. Obama is interested in whether DHS has enough ammunition to protect the government from the backlash. We'll find out the result of this experiment if there are more Ammunition purchases by government agencies. They may be trying to see how to distribute the ammunition they already have, and whether to change the delivery schedule.

I'm expecting a meltdown of everything no later than December 2014. That date comes from Russia--which announced they are temporarily confiscating (hah!) pension funds for a year. The Russian elite know the collapse schedule, and they are setting themselves up to steal everything they can from the proles before SHTF. Putin is playing the same game the US government is playing. The only people who don't know what's coming are the people who will suffer the most from it.


Hatha, you got a link on that Russian siezure?

Uncle Salty
15th October 2013, 10:37 AM
Hatha, you got a link on that Russian siezure?


15th October 2013, 10:45 AM

This doesn't pass the smell test. For example, the author is completely mischaracterizing P. C. Roberts. And what the heck is the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs?

15th October 2013, 10:55 AM
Would it make any sense for this food stamp thing to be some kind of test or drill to see what the reaction is? Or is it more likely to be a genuine screwup? I ask because there seems to be a lot happening in October.

15th October 2013, 11:02 AM
This just in from ZeroHedge. I wonder if it's true. We'll find out soon enough:

Foodstamp Program Shutdown Imminent?

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://gold-silver.us/users/tyler-durden)
Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://gold-silver.us/users/tyler-durden) on 10/15/2013 13:35 -0400

When over the weekend, a Xerox "glitch" shut down the EBT system (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-10-12/foodstamp-nation-turmoil-ebt-system-goes-dark-glitch-blamed), better known as foodstamps, for nearly the entire day across 17 states leaving millions without "funding" to pay for food leading to dramatic examples of the basest human behavior possible (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-10-14/shopper-stampede-ensues-when-foodstamp-glitch-removes-walmart-spending-limits), some of the more conspiratorial elements saw this merely as a dress rehearsal for what may be coming in the immediate future. While there was no basis to believe that is the case, a USDA (the currently shuttered agency that administers the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (http://www.usda.gov/fundinglapse.htm)) memo obtained by the Crossroads Urban Center in Utah carries in it a very disturbing warning for the 46+ million Americans currently on foodstamps.

To wit: "understanding the operational issues and constraints that States face, and in the interest of preserving maximum flexibility, we are directing States to hold their November issuance files and delay transmission to State electronic benefit transfer (EBT) vendors until further notice." In other words, as Fox13News summarizes (http://fox13now.com/2013/10/14/utah-families-on-food-stamps-could-be-cut-off-soon/), "States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November, pending further notice."

The full memo first posted on the Crossroads Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/crossroadsurbancenter?ref=stream&hc_location=timeline)page is shown below:

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2013/10/Foodstamp%20USDA%20Letter_0.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2013/10/Foodstamp%20USDA%20Letter.jpg)

More on this dramatic development (http://fox13now.com/2013/10/14/utah-families-on-food-stamps-could-be-cut-off-soon/)which, if implemented, would will result in significant unpredictable outcomes across the nation:

“This is going to create a huge hardship for the people we serve here in our food pantry,” says Bill Tibbits who is the Associate Director at Crossroads Urban Center.
They posted a letter from the USDA on its Facebook page. It says in part, “in the interest of preserving maximum flexibility, we are directing states to hold their November issuance files and delay transmission to state electronic benefit transfer vendors until further notice.”
“What this means if there’s not a deal, if Congress doesn’t reach a deal to get federal government back up and running, in Utah about 100,000 families won’t get food stamp benefit,” says Tibbits.
In other words, tens of thousands of Utah families may not be able to feed their children come November.
“People out here are going to go without food,” says Loralee Smith whose been homeless since August and says the uncertainty is making her uneasy about where her next meal will come from. “I’m on food stamps, I don’t know if I’m going to get them, a lot of people are on food stamps and they don’t know if they’re going to get them.”
Others say if SNAP shuts down, they’ll find a way to feed themselves.

One hopes such "alternative" feeding arrangements will be peaceful, although in the most heavily armed nation in the world, and arguably the one where a massive portion of the population is now fully reliant on the welfare state for virtually every daily need, it is easy to see cutting off daily bread to tens of millions has a less than happy ending.

As the report notes, for people out on the streets like Richard Phillips, "It could impact us and it’s going to cause problems because you’re going to come to find out that people are going to steal and do what they have to do to survive."

Such a realization could come as a very unpleasant wake up call for the millions of other Americans who still live in their Ivory Towers, focusing on the daily gyrations of the S&P500, and largely oblivious of how the rest of America lives.

The full report on what may be the most catalytic event in the history of the US welfare state is presented below.

15th October 2013, 11:23 AM
if they shut down ebt, expect planet of the apes.

15th October 2013, 11:26 AM
Would it make any sense for this food stamp thing to be some kind of test or drill to see what the reaction is? Or is it more likely to be a genuine screwup? I ask because there seems to be a lot happening in October.


A genuine screw up. Our electronic infrastructure is now that complex and that fragile.

15th October 2013, 11:27 AM
if they shut down ebt, expect planet of the apes.

You're an optimist!:cool:

mick silver
15th October 2013, 11:32 AM
today we went in town and brought more food , this maybe there take down of this once great country . there just too many things going on right now in are goverment thats not right and people are starting to get that there something blowing in the wind and they dont know what it is

Hatha Sunahara
15th October 2013, 12:17 PM
Mamboni, try this link:


There is one paragraph, just slightly ahead of the comments, that alludes to the timing of the world financial system collapse:

And do you remember earlier when I reported that the Russian government guaranteed to only “temporarily” seize their retirement funds for one year? I think the Russians have given us a clue as to how long we will have to wait until the global economy is collapsed and all of our retirements and bank accounts are seized. Remember this chronology, false flag events followed by martial law, followed by WWIII and theft of all citizen assets is the plan and the NWO is right on schedule.


mick silver
15th October 2013, 12:23 PM

15th October 2013, 01:39 PM
I'm expecting a meltdown of everything no later than December 2014. That date comes from Russia--which announced they are temporarily confiscating (hah!) pension funds for a year. The Russian elite know the collapse schedule, and they are setting themselves up to steal everything they can from the proles before SHTF. Putin is playing the same game the US government is playing. The only people who don't know what's coming are the people who will suffer the most from it.


That's also pretty close to sparky's doom date (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57766-Suggestions-for-a-SHTF-Index&p=518251&viewfull=1#post518251):

OK, now adding a SHTF Doom Clock. You know, just for fun. ;)
Initial target date: March 7, 2014.

Today: February 20, 2012
Index: 29/100
Target: March 7, 2014
T- 746 days and counting

Have a nice day.


15th October 2013, 01:50 PM

15th October 2013, 01:56 PM
if they shut down ebt, expect planet of the apes.


15th October 2013, 01:58 PM
today we went in town and brought more food , this maybe there take down of this once great country . there just too many things going on right now in are goverment thats not right and people are starting to get that there something blowing in the wind and they dont know what it is

I shopped yesterday... i'm shopping today.

15th October 2013, 02:34 PM
Shutdown will cause federal funding for Section 8 to dry up Nov. 1, Massachusetts housing official says (http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/10/federal_funding_for_low-income.html)

15th October 2013, 03:10 PM
should have given them a bit o' land and some neighborly assistance with hunting, gardening & related skills.

then they would be like, "No Captain Crunchberries ? BWAHAA !"

instead they're on the edge of making Hurricane Rita (what was the name of that hurricane in 2005 ?) chimp-outs look like church usher training.

instead, they're TOO STUPID to modify the K-12 school curricula to teach hands-on gardening & related skills - diesel engine repair.

AND OUR G__-D___ First Chimp Lady is TOO FVCKING LAZY to harvest her $1000 cucumbers.

an outside third party (e.g. aliens) would judge our organizational IQ to be Zero (like Obama.)

it's a motherfvckin' Frosted Flake government - with Jews at the helm.

and this is before the effects of Zero-care have a chance to ripple through the economy.

meanwhiles our 'leaders' are effectively sending telegrams to the rest of the world to the effect of, "we're TOO STUPID to manage our own country. but don't forget to use OUR CURRENCY as the world reserve currency."

G__-D___, they might seem stupid now - but they're gonna seem stupider, and more vicious, next week, next month, next YEAR.

15th October 2013, 04:15 PM
Changes coming to local WIC program due to shutdown (http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2013-10-15/changes-coming-local-wic-program-due-shutdown.html)

C-UPHD's Director of Maternal and Child Health Brandon Meline said as of Wednesday, anyone who recieves a voucher through WIC will only be able to redeem the voucher for one month. Meline said the vouchers are typically good for three months, but as of now, the state can only guarantee funding for the program through the end of this month.

But Meline added that anyone who received a voucher prior to Wednesday is able to use that voucher through its redemption date. For example, he said if someone was issued a three month WIC voucher on Oct. 1, that voucher is acceptable through Jan. 1.