View Full Version : The Food Stamp Glitch: Shock Frame Testing in Action

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th October 2013, 08:16 AM
From ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/walmart-food-stamp-shopping-spree-choice/story?id=20579980):

Walmart (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/walmart.htm) has no regrets about allowing a wild shopping spree at two of its Louisiana stores when an electronic glitch lifted the spending caps on the cards of food stamp recipients.

"We know we made the right choice," Walmart spokesman Kory Lundberg told ABCNews.com today.
The chain has no regrets even though Louisiana's Department of Children and Family Services said food stamp recipients should have been limited to $50 each during the emergency and that Walmart will have to pay the difference.
Lundberg declined to comment about how much the company may have lost or why it did not follow the emergency $50 limit.

So why does Walmart have no comment about not restricting people to use a lesser amount until the issue was resolved? Because they were told to let it happen.

That is the only logical explanation. Of course Walmart doesn't want to have to absorb the cost of people running off with eight carts of food. But they did.

Consider this:

The aviation field provided the greatest evolution in economic engineering by way of the mathematical theory of shock testing. In this process, a projectile is fired from an airframe on the ground and the impulse of the recoil is monitored by vibration transducers connected to the airframe and wired to chart recorders.
By studying the echoes or reflections of the recoil impulse in the airframe, it is possible to discover critical vibrations in the structure of the airframe which either vibrations of the engine or aeolian vibrations of the wings, or a combination of the two, might reinforce resulting in a resonant self-destruction of the airframe in flight as an aircraft. From the standpoint of engineering, this means that the strengths and weaknesses of the structure of the airframe in terms of vibrational energy can be discovered and manipulated.

To use this method of airframe shock testing in economic engineering, the prices of commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction is monitored. The resulting echoes of the economic shock are interpreted theoretically by computers and the psycho-economic structure of the economy is thus discovered. It is by this process that partial differential and difference matrices are discovered that define the family household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry (dissipative consumer structure).
Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.
Eventually every individual element of the structure comes under computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences (universal product code, UPC; zebra-striped pricing codes on packages) with identified consumers (identified via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent "tattooed" body number invisible under normal ambient illumination).

Ergo, each of the 17 states that were affected by this outage probably had its own use-case scenario and the data is currently being pored over to predict and plan for the inevitable future event or events.

16th October 2013, 08:52 AM

Thought-provoking post SRB.

I don't think this four-hour glitch in the food stamp system was planned or a social test. Our electronic system is this complicated and fragile.

They can't even get the Obamacare signup system up and running now. They couldn't prevent Snowden from taking all their secrets to Russia.


16th October 2013, 10:01 AM
To use this method of airframe shock testing in economic engineering, the prices of commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction is monitored. The resulting echoes of the economic shock are interpreted theoretically by computers and the psycho-economic structure of the economy is thus discovered. It is by this process that partial differential and difference matrices are discovered that define the family household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry (dissipative consumer structure).
Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.
Eventually every individual element of the structure comes under computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences (universal product code, UPC; zebra-striped pricing codes on packages) with identified consumers (identified via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent "tattooed" body number invisible under normal ambient illumination).

Sounds to me like the nightmare of Zeitgiest has already been rfealized = Computers using mathematical algorythms written by man to control every single resource on planet earth.

They can't even get the Obamacare signup system up and running now. They couldn't prevent Snowden from taking all their secrets to Russia.

The 'Obamacare' website was NEVER meant to work. It was meant to cause even more problems: Hegelian Dialectic via Problem > Reaction > Solution.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th October 2013, 10:52 AM
The fact that they were told to allow it to happen and never instituted a maximum purchase amount leaves me scratching my head. This is Walmart ffs.

16th October 2013, 11:51 AM
I don't think this four-hour glitch in the food stamp system was planned or a social test. Our electronic system is this complicated and fragile.

They can't even get the Obamacare signup system up and running now. They couldn't prevent Snowden from taking all their secrets to Russia.
Reminds me of Skyvikes sig-line. Don't blame Malice, what can be explained with incompetence...

(or something along those lines)

16th October 2013, 11:53 AM
From ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/walmart-food-stamp-shopping-spree-choice/story?id=20579980):

So why does Walmart have no comment about not restricting people to use a lesser amount until the issue was resolved? Because they were told to let it happen.

That is the only logical explanation. Of course Walmart doesn't want to have to absorb the cost of people running off with eight carts of food. But they did.

Consider this:

Ergo, each of the 17 states that were affected by this outage probably had its own use-case scenario and the data is currently being pored over to predict and plan for the inevitable future event or events.
Spot on! It was market research!

16th October 2013, 04:42 PM
To me that this was only a test in preparation to what will happen in Nov when ther will be no more food stamps.