View Full Version : the only money left will be what is in your pockets

Large Sarge
19th October 2013, 02:11 AM

19th October 2013, 05:06 AM


19th October 2013, 08:00 AM
Answering only to the tittle of this thread ............ "Only as long as is not petro-dollar"

The more poor that a country is the better chances that they will have to survive the hell on earth that is coming down the road.......I am happy to say that my country, Cuba, will be one of them.


Large Sarge
19th October 2013, 08:15 AM
Answering only to the tittle of this thread ............ "Only as long as is not petro-dollar"

The more poor that a country is the better chances that they will have to survive the hell on earth that is coming down the road.......I am happy to say that my country, Cuba, will be one of them.


Cuba has done an amazing job with their healthcare, with budget constraints, they were forced to embrace solutions that work, and are inexpensive, they have become amongst the top (likely the world leader) in the use of ozone therapy (Russia is close in stature on this topic/therapy)

there is no way cuba can afford to buy expensive, toxic, and largely useless pharmaceuticals, month after month... so they had to bypass all of that, and find something that worked, and was not expensive... enter ozone, stage right....

19th October 2013, 10:21 AM
The main mode of transportation in Cuba is the bysicle so that 65-75% of them ride one every day........very seldom do you see a "fat" Cuban and those who who do see are usually a very well positioned government worker........the biggest, and only, drug store in Cuba is in Havana, a 20X15 room, and is only for tourists and foreign embassy people........there is always a guard posted outside.


19th October 2013, 11:14 AM
Cuba, will be one of them...V

Was talking about that with a partner recently, the one beneficial thing about Costa Rica economically is that if it were hit with a major market shift, a solar flare took out all the satellites, or extended power outage business on the street would still pretty much operate as usual, in perpetual shit hit the fan mode... :)