View Full Version : Would you vote for The Nuge as POTUS?

midnight rambler
19th October 2013, 10:34 AM
That is if you sworn under the pains and penalties of perjury that you're a 'US citizen' in order to be a 'registered voter' (aka a practicing Communist).


19th October 2013, 11:58 AM

midnight rambler
19th October 2013, 12:03 PM

I think The Nuge is too dense to pick up on that.

19th October 2013, 12:05 PM
“We need to ride into the battlefield and chop their heads off in November … Any questions?”

he couldn't chop off Obama's head, so ... he's cutting his hair ?

still, if he brings up REAL key issues instead of the "Zio-compliant conservative talking point" issues.

"Libertarian columnist Ted Nugent calls on Israel to use "Total Warfare" against enemies: Calls Hamas vermin who need to be exterminated"


Nugent is 100% Zio-compliant.

Next candidate ?

19th October 2013, 12:07 PM
He does have the money to make a fuss, like Donald Trump.

19th October 2013, 12:11 PM
Are you allowed to run for President while serving probation?

In April 2012 Nugent signed a plea bargaining agreement to plead guilty to two misdemeanors for illegally taking a bear after shooting one earlier at a bait station. He will be fined $10,000, banned from hunting in Alaska and on Federal land for one year and must complete two years on federal probation.

19th October 2013, 12:56 PM
Are you allowed to run for President while serving probation?

Not just probation but
federal probation I'm sure he is on the no fly list at the least.

19th October 2013, 01:11 PM
No....and HELL NO! I might be inclined to go with Ventura, "might", but probably not giving any creedance to the system, period.

Uncle Salty
19th October 2013, 01:42 PM
I am not registered to vote.

19th October 2013, 01:53 PM
Are you allowed to run for President while serving probation?
A misdemeanor is not a criminal offense. So I am not sure what the probation means in this case. Probably not much at all if he has proven his zio-eligibility...

19th October 2013, 02:21 PM
No....and HELL NO! I might be inclined to go with Ventura, "might", but probably not giving any creedance to the system, period.
Yeah, I think I'd also be much more likely to vote for Ventura.

midnight rambler
19th October 2013, 02:24 PM
What's interesting is that the online poll on the CBS affiliate in the OP The Nuge is showing 54.37% yes.

19th October 2013, 08:36 PM
If I thought for a second anybody really gave a shit about what I think, I might be inclined to "vote".

Knowing that I'm more or less alone in my principles, I'll just chill.

Hatha Sunahara
19th October 2013, 11:59 PM
Anybody who wants to be the POTUS under current circumstances disqualifies himself by demonstrating an ignorance that the POTUS is a job description for a marionette.

Would you tell people that your ambition is to be someone who follows orders of banksters, zionists, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, defense contractors, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, and every other corrupt entity that has their fingers in the pie?

More to the point, would you vote for somebody who has that kind of ambition? Would you vote for a fool? Because that's who is occupies the token positions in the government.

Now there is a tautology whose only use is as a rationalization for not voting for anybody--because if they're running for any kind of office, they are certifiably unqualified.


20th October 2013, 04:59 AM
Does the Nuge have a new show or album to promote currently?

20th October 2013, 07:34 AM
If Ron Paul can't make it, he won't either. As if the popular vote elects a person... isn't the POTUS elected by the electoral college?

20th October 2013, 08:47 AM
If Ron Paul can't make it, he won't either. As if the popular vote elects a person... isn't the POTUS elected by the electoral college?If by "electoral college" you mean (per Hatha) banksters, zionists, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, defense contractors, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, and every other corrupt entity... then yes.

Large Sarge
20th October 2013, 08:50 AM
I saw Ted in 1988 or so, he was "old" (born in 48, so 40 years old at the time), by old I mean in rocker years...

most hard rockers are used up by 40, drugs and alcohol, their bodies are fit for the mausoleum, not for the stage...

Ted is drug/alcohol free, he came out at age 40, and rocked hard 3 hours, jumping off speaker stands, etc.... hell of a show,

I was shocked at his energy level, etc

he leads a clean life, and it shows....

20th October 2013, 08:37 PM
Is Ted Nugent considering a run for the White House?

The outdoorsman, and Michigan native, is known for his guitar licks and long locks, but a recent photo posted to his wife Shemane Nugent’s Instagram (http://instagram.com/p/fXlBs7t01J/) account shows The Nuge with a short, conservative haircut. and no ponytail.

In a Washington Post interview, The Motor City Madman hinted at presidential ambitions (http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/ted-nugent-guitarist-and-gun-lover-rocks-the-political-world/2013/07/02/).

Hi, I’m Ted Nugent. I have nine children from seven women, and I’m running for president.” Nugent takes a sip of water, having delivered his potential slogan. “Yeah, I’m thinking about it.”

The Detroit rocker is known for his political statements and during the 2012 presidential campaign, Nugent got into hot water (http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2012/04/17/report-secret-service-investigating-ted-nugent/) for ominous comments related to the eventual re-election of president Obama.

The 64-year old Nugent still maintains a part-time residence in Jackson County. He considered running for governor of Michigan in 2006 and 2010.

21st October 2013, 01:38 PM
I saw Ted in 1988 or so, he was "old" (born in 48, so 40 years old at the time), by old I mean in rocker years...

most hard rockers are used up by 40, drugs and alcohol, their bodies are fit for the mausoleum, not for the stage...

Ted is drug/alcohol free, he came out at age 40, and rocked hard 3 hours, jumping off speaker stands, etc.... hell of a show,

I was shocked at his energy level, etc

he leads a clean life, and it shows....

I'm originally from Detroit [as is TN], and was at this show. I agree, he was awesome. One of the better ones I've seen


21st October 2013, 03:22 PM
with a name like Nuge, you'd think his friends would give him the Nugies. :)

(that's where you roll your fist on someone's head, an odd American custom involved in fraternal male bonding.)

21st October 2013, 09:01 PM
with a name like Nuge, you'd think his friends would give him the Nugies. :)

(that's where you roll your fist on someone's head, an odd American custom involved in fraternal male bonding.)

Are you Nugies doesn't have 2 G's in it?

22nd October 2013, 03:04 AM
Are you Nugies doesn't have 2 G's in it?
I think it is spelt with a D, know what I mean, Aye?


anyone knows how to embed videos with an iPod touch?

22nd October 2013, 10:39 PM
Like this;


and no.

22nd October 2013, 10:45 PM
Like this;


and no.
That's the one!

22nd October 2013, 10:49 PM

Pronunc. <Noogy>

22nd October 2013, 11:06 PM

pronunc. <​nadj>

22nd October 2013, 11:18 PM

pronunc. <​nadj>

No, that is Hindu

when the d is silent.

23rd October 2013, 12:45 AM
No, that is Hindu

when the d is silent.

mick silver
23rd October 2013, 03:15 AM
nope , maybe