View Full Version : Dissection Of A Veterans Notice

20th October 2013, 04:08 AM
As in all NOTICES your response when receiving one of these is of importance.

OUTRAGEOUS: Veterans receiving letters prohibiting the purchase, possession, receipt, or transport of a firearm/ammunition...


How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.

What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?

That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.

The letter provides no specifics on the reasons for the proposed finding of incompetency; just that is based on a determination by someone in the VA. In every state in the United States no one can be declared incompetent to administer their own affairs without due process of law and that usually requires a judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent. This is a requirement of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states that no person shall “… be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law…”.

Obviously, the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t be bothered by such impediments as the Constitution, particularly since they are clearly pushing to fulfill one of Obama’s main goals, the disarming of the American people. Janet Napolitano has already warned law enforcement that some of the most dangerous among us are America’s heroes, our veterans, and now according to this letter from the VA they can be prohibited from buying or even possessing a firearm because of a physical or mental disability.

Think about it, the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend us and our Constitution are now having their own Constitutional rights denied. There are no clear criteria for the VA to declare a veteran incompetent. It can be the loss of a limb in combat, a head injury, a diagnosis of PTSD, or even a soldier just telling someone at the VA that he or she is depressed over the loss of a buddy in combat. In none of these situations has the person been found to be a danger to themselves or others. If that was the case than all of the Americans who have suffered from PTSD following the loss of a loved one or from being in a car accident would also have to be disqualified from owning firearms. It would also mean that everyone who has ever been depressed for any reason should be disarmed. In fact, many of the veterans being deprived of their rights have no idea why it is happening.

The answer seems to be it is simply because they are veterans. At the USJF we intend to find the truth by filing a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Veterans Affairs to force them to disclose the criteria they are using to place veterans on the background check list that keeps them from exercising their Second Amendment rights. Then we will take whatever legal steps are necessary to protect our American warriors.

The reality is that Obama will not get all of the gun control measures he wants through Congress, and they wouldn’t be enough for him anyway. He wants a totally disarmed America so there will be no resistance to his plans to rob us of our nation. That means we have to ask who will be next. If you are receiving a Social Security check will you get one of these letters? Will the government declare that you are incompetent because of your age and therefore banned from firearm ownership. It certainly fits in with the philosophy and plans of the Obama administration. It is also certain that our military veterans don’t deserve this and neither do any other Americans.

20th October 2013, 04:12 AM
View the three pages of the letter purportedly sent by the VA to someone? They are at the bottom of the page if you open up the URL I gave.

Here is a synopsis

We received a report from Portland VA medical center on December 3, 2012.

The evidence indicates that you are not able to handle your VA medical payments because of a physical or mental condition.

We propose to rate you incompetent for VA purposes. ....

...VA may appoint a fiduciary to manage your VA payments....

... A determination of incompetency will prevent you from purchasing, possessing, receiving or transporting a firearm or ammunition ...

... If we decide that you are unable to handle your VA funds you may apply to this regional office for the relief of prohibitions imposed by the Brady Act with regards to the possession, purchase, receipt or transportation of a firearm.

If you agree you do not need to do anything if you agree that you need help managing your VA money.
If you disagree You may request a personal hearing within 30 days.

representation An accredited representative of a Veterans organization or other service organization recognized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs will represent you without charge. An agent or attorney may also represent you.

If we don't hear from you within the next 60 days we will assume you have no additional evidence and do not want a hearing.

Now how do you like THEM apples? The letter is one of NOTICE. Do nothing and you have 60 days to engage them in a contract. But wait. The incompetency has only to be of a FINANCIAL kind. Has to do with receiving payments from the VA.

20th October 2013, 05:26 AM
Steps involved to refuse contract.

1.) Mark all pages "Refused For Cause, Without Recourse, Without Dishonor"
2.) Copy all pages (x2)
3.) Create an Evidence Repository (Misc Case File) at your local federal district court. (Copy1)
4.) Go to your local USPS service and send your Refused For Cause papers back with clerk instructions via Registered Mail to file it in your brand new misc case file. (Copy 2) Certified Mail only protects the envelope and not the contents. Registered Mail protects the envelop and it's contents.
5.) File your paperwork in your own folder as a backup. (Originals)

This is the proper procedure for refusing a contract with a government entity. Sending it back on your own doesn't mean much as they are untrustworthy. When you file it at a court, it's public notice and gets a government time date stamp that you refused contract within the allotted time.

20th October 2013, 06:14 AM
This is the proper procedure for refusing a contract with a government entity.

While this might be the PROPER procedure to refuse a contract it certainly is NOT the cheapest method. Those miscellaneous files at the federal court cost $46. Registered mail is not the cheapest either. Besides, there are other methods that cost virtually nothing.

This letter is a contract offer. You cancel an offer by counteroffer. I doubt if the VA sent the letter registered or even certified so why should you?

A response might be:

Dear VA

Thank you for your offer to find me incompetent to manage my own affairs. I intend to accept your offer conditioned upon proof of claim that I am more incompetent than the federal government when it comes to financial matters. As evidence I submit the lack of a federal budget and an acknowledged accumulated federal debt of 15.6 trillion dollars.

Please send your evidence of my grosser incompetence to the address above. Oh and without regard to your findings my unlimited right to self-defense is not included in this contract unless you agree to assign me without charge a secret service detachment that is twice as large as the presidents and better armed to boot Brady Act notwithstanding.

20th October 2013, 06:41 AM
Like everything the modern totalitarian state does, this is not just about one thing. It is, for them, getting much much more of what they want.

Yes, they want us disarmed, and this is a move in that direction.

But notice they also want to appoint an overlord to "manage" your payments. In other words, the government will send a check not to you, but to some bank who will appoint a trustee to spend it for you. Guess who is guaranteed to get paid? Guess who reaps the time value of money? Guess whose deposit balance swells, bolstering their capital position?

20th October 2013, 06:43 AM
While this might be the PROPER procedure to refuse a contract it certainly is NOT the cheapest method. Those miscellaneous files at the federal court cost $46. Registered mail is not the cheapest either. Besides, there are other methods that cost virtually nothing.

This letter is a contract offer. You cancel an offer by counteroffer. I doubt if the VA sent the letter registered or even certified so why should you?

A response might be:

Dear VA

Thank you for your offer to find me incompetent to manage my own affairs. I intend to accept your offer conditioned upon proof of claim that I am more incompetent than the federal government when it comes to financial matters. As evidence I submit the lack of a federal budget and an acknowledged accumulated federal debt of 15.6 trillion dollars.

Please send your evidence of my grosser incompetence to the address above. Oh and without regard to your findings my unlimited right to self-defense is not included in this contract unless you agree to assign me without charge a secret service detachment that is twice as large as the presidents and better armed to boot Brady Act notwithstanding.

Definitely not the cheapest, registered mail also runs in the 40 FRN range. I just like doing it to show proof that I refused their attempts to contract.

It cost them virtually nothing to submit a contract proposal. That much is true. Now the counter offer approach I've never taken personally. I just outright refuse to conduct business with them.

20th October 2013, 07:14 AM
But notice they also want to appoint an overlord to "manage" your payments. In other words, the government will send a check not to you, but to some bank who will appoint a trustee to spend it for you. Guess who is guaranteed to get paid? Guess who reaps the time value of money? Guess whose deposit balance swells, bolstering their capital position?
It is good to recognize that the basis for the INCOMPETENCE rating is financially related. However, if you have a license plate on your car then you have declared yourself incompetent to hold on to it. If you have recorded your home with the county and pay property tax you do so because you are incompetent. The fact that you have a FRN in your pocket is evidence that you don't purchase things on your own behalf but as an agent for the federal reserve (so saith 12 USC 411).

The first step to recovery is to recognize one simple fact: THERE IS NO MONEY.

20th October 2013, 07:16 AM
I just outright refuse to conduct business with them.

The next step forward in recovery is to be able to differentiate HONOR from DISHONOR. To refuse outright to do anything does not show much HONOR. It is also against bible teachings which tells you to agree quickly with your opponent lest he haul you in front of a judge and have you imprisoned. When confronted with an offer the only HONORABLE course is to agree with conditions. You just make the conditions in your favor rather than theirs.

Government employees stay in honor almost exclusively. Any time you send THEM an offer they generally go silent and accept your offer as it stands. What you then fail to do to seal the deal is to not send them a FAULT and a DEFAULT letter. After this then you might send them a bill or whatever it was you and they agreed to.

20th October 2013, 07:30 AM
Government employees stay in honor almost exclusively. Any time you send THEM an offer they generally go silent and accept your offer as it stands. What you then fail to do to seal the deal is to not send them a FAULT and a DEFAULT letter. After this then you might send them a bill or whatever it was you and they agreed to.

That's debatable. Is it honorable to change the rules to suit your agenda? Is it honorable to send a man to prison for paying his employees in gold and silver even though he followed the law? (example - Robert Kahre (http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2012/03/26/use-real-money-go-to-federal-prison/)) The judge denied his ability to inform the jury of the law he was using to justify him paying his employees with gold and silver. Was the judge in honor? His first trial he was acquitted of all charges. But in our "fair and honorable justice system" where double jeopardy is supposed to protect people like Mr. Kahre the government brought up new charges for him and denied him his ability to inform the jury of his reason. They made that mistake the first time, and the jury rightfully sided with him.

This is equivalent to a Salem Witch trial. Tie a rock to her, if she floats she's a witch and needs to be killed. If she sinks, well wasn't a witch.....

This system and the people it employs are far from honorable.

20th October 2013, 07:44 AM
This system and the people it employs are far from honorable.
I'd say they are honorable but are dealing with many many people who don't stay in honor. I don't know much about Robert Kahre's case but I am pretty sure he made some bad decisions.

Winning or losing has nothing at all to do with honor or dishonor. Granted generally you prefer to win but occasionally losing something that costs you little is not bad either. I notice people doing this all the time in regards to traffic tickets. Rather than fighting a charge many people just pay it and go about their business.

By not engaging in conditional counteroffers you miss out on a lot of fun too. How cool would it be to have a secret service detail twice the size of the presidents following you around. Your own private army. Not that I would care for this much since any one of them could turn rogue and put a bullet in you (conjecture that Reagan did not feel his gunshot until a secret service man jumped on top of him ... and then they took him on a tour of D.C. before dropping him at a hospital).

A lot of people really believe the system is supposed to be 'nice'. This is not the case. Look at what 'nice' really means:

nice (adj.)
late 13c., "foolish, stupid, senseless," from Old French nice (12c.) "careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish," from Latin nescius "ignorant, unaware," literally "not-knowing," from ne- "not" (see un-) + stem of scire "to know"

Don't be nice. Be honorable.

7th trump
20th October 2013, 09:53 AM
Steps involved to refuse contract.

1.) Mark all pages "Refused For Cause, Without Recourse, Without Dishonor"
2.) Copy all pages (x2)
3.) Create an Evidence Repository (Misc Case File) at your local federal district court. (Copy1)
4.) Go to your local USPS service and send your Refused For Cause papers back with clerk instructions via Registered Mail to file it in your brand new misc case file. (Copy 2) Certified Mail only protects the envelope and not the contents. Registered Mail protects the envelop and it's contents.
5.) File your paperwork in your own folder as a backup. (Originals)

This is the proper procedure for refusing a contract with a government entity. Sending it back on your own doesn't mean much as they are untrustworthy. When you file it at a court, it's public notice and gets a government time date stamp that you refused contract within the allotted time.

This evidence repository is a made up creation of David Merrill Vanpelt.....it doesn't work.
The courts figured out what Merrill was trying to do with this repository and stopped it in its tracks. They no longer allow this type of file to be added.
They stopped it because Merrill doesn't know or understand what hes doing.
He's under the belief (his belief) that fiat currency (reserve notes) is the cause of being imposed the federal income tax.
So his belief is adding a file in the federal district courts system that would get evidence into the system where the courts would normally ignore frivolous evidence based on "hear say".
The problem is the evidence he and his followers would submit into this repository was hear-say....basically "frivolous" and irrelevant ....like his whole premise that fiat currency caused the federal income tax.
The courts, or the clerk of court anyway, are stopping this repository bullshit from getting into the system.
Beware that David Merrill Vanpelt has been found "incompetent" by medical professionals to stand trial for his abuse to his elderly mother.
Watch what you read and hear!

7th trump
20th October 2013, 10:01 AM
It is good to recognize that the basis for the INCOMPETENCE rating is financially related. However, if you have a license plate on your car then you have declared yourself incompetent to hold on to it. If you have recorded your home with the county and pay property tax you do so because you are incompetent. The fact that you have a FRN in your pocket is evidence that you don't purchase things on your own behalf but as an agent for the federal reserve (so saith 12 USC 411).

The first step to recovery is to recognize one simple fact: THERE IS NO MONEY.

Watch out for this fiat reserve note 12usc 411 scam promoted by palani here......it originates from the very David Merrill Vanpelt who as you know has been found incompetent to stand trial for his abuse to his elderly mother.
Also if you want to see where the federal income tax originates just look in title 26 (internal revenue) you wont find anything relating to 12usc 411 as you do with Social Security. Social Security is codified in Title 42 and if its related in anyway to being imposed the federal income tax you'd see it in Title 26........Chapter 21 to be exact.
Funny thing, theres nothing in title 26 (internal revenue) that references 12usc 411.
Watch and be careful, of what palani tells you. If he cannot provide the necessary statutes proving his premise he gets from David Merrill Vanpelt then it simply doesn't exist and therefore isn't honorable........more likely along the lines of a snake oil salesmans pitch.

20th October 2013, 10:47 AM
This evidence repository is a made up creation of David Merrill Vanpelt.....it doesn't work.

An evidence repository might be the county recorders office or any other reliable place where files may be stored. A notary may maintain an evidence repository. An evidence repository is a place for things you don't want to lose but when it exists at the federal level also provides some evidence of notice to the federal government ... a good step towards staying in honor.

As to what 'works' or not that has nothing to do with how you choose to store your essential papers. Your obsession with David Merrill speaks volumes as to your own prejudices. As far as I know David Merrill is as fictional as Osama Bin Obama.

20th October 2013, 10:53 AM
Watch out for this fiat reserve note 12usc 411 scam promoted by palani here......it originates from the very David Merrill Vanpelt who as you know has been found incompetent to stand trial for his abuse to his elderly mother.
Does anyone here really 'know' that Merrill has been found incompetent because of some action of his?

To call 12 USC 411 a scam is to label the federal government dishonorable. Is that what you intended?

Also if you want to see where the federal income tax originates just look in title 26 (internal revenue) you wont find anything relating to 12usc 411 as you do with Social Security. Social Security is codified in Title 42 and if its related in anyway to being imposed the federal income tax you'd see it in Title 26........Chapter 21 to be exact. Good to know but then income tax the topic of this thread?

Funny thing, theres nothing in title 26 (internal revenue) that references 12usc 411. There is nothing in chicken bones that references VOODOO either is there?

Watch and be careful, of what palani tells you. If he cannot provide the necessary statutes proving his premise he gets from David Merrill Vanpelt then it simply doesn't exist and therefore isn't honorable........more likely along the lines of a snake oil salesmans pitch. palani is not a statute whoremonger like 7th trump.

7th trump
20th October 2013, 11:14 AM
Does anyone here really 'know' that Merrill has been found incompetent because of some action of his?

To call 12 USC 411 a scam is to label the federal government dishonorable. Is that what you intended?
Good to know but then income tax the topic of this thread?
There is nothing in chicken bones that references VOODOO either is there?
palani is not a statute whoremonger like 7th trump.

You've demonstrated without a doubt you're a conspiracy whoremonger.
Wheres the beef palani....wheres the beef?

We all know you don't research the statutes.
Apparently you're incapable of researching them....if you were capable you'd research them and find where the rubber meets the road to render them useless.
I don't give a rats ass about dishonorable......12usc 411 has nothing at all to do with anyone being an agent of the federal reserve.......you got that insane idea you're peddling from David Merrill Vanpelt.
No where does 12usc411 say having federal reserve notes in your pocket makes anyone a reserve agent.
12usc 411 doesn't apply to everyday people....if you were capable of reading statutes properly 12usc 411 is between the government and the reserve bank system.....only!
If I was you I wouldn't claim to read statutes either (play dumb because ignorance is just bliss. You're a spectacle of bliss)........in your case its much easier to believe in a lie when the truth fits.
You're a drama queen palani.......lets keep the conspiracy alive and going because its easier to blame a conspiracy than to blame your laziness to research the truth.
So far everything you said can be found regurgitated all over the internet.
You really are a follower aren't you..........and it doesn't bother you the least bit that you are just regurgitating internet conspiracies.

7th trump
20th October 2013, 11:18 AM
An evidence repository might be the county recorders office or any other reliable place where files may be stored. A notary may maintain an evidence repository. An evidence repository is a place for things you don't want to lose but when it exists at the federal level also provides some evidence of notice to the federal government ... a good step towards staying in honor.

As to what 'works' or not that has nothing to do with how you choose to store your essential papers. Your obsession with David Merrill speaks volumes as to your own prejudices. As far as I know David Merrill is as fictional as Osama Bin Obama.

That's nice palani!
I have to ask....did you fail as a lawyer or were you real good at the art of deflection...........or both?

20th October 2013, 11:47 AM
You really are a follower aren't you..........and it doesn't bother you the least bit that you are just regurgitating internet conspiracies.
Gee ... and here I was thinking you were the nicest guy on the board.

20th October 2013, 11:56 AM
G.S.U.S team sport!

