View Full Version : Maine looks to legalize marijuana

Large Sarge
20th October 2013, 05:10 AM

20th October 2013, 08:08 AM
If a law applies to any state it can be used in any other state. (I can't remember the reason, but there is a reason.)

THE OREGON CODE AT ORS 475.125(3)(c)
ORS 475.005(22) “ULTIMATE USER.”
Oregon Law at
ORS 475.125
at subsection (3)(c) clearly reads that:

475.125 Registration requirements.
. . . (3) THE FOLLOWING PERSONS need not
register and MAY LAWFULLY POSSESS controlled
substances under ORS 475.005 to 475.285 and 475.940 to
. . . (c) AN ULTIMATE USER or a person in
possession of any controlled substance pursuant to a lawful
order of a practitioner or in lawful possession of a Schedule
V substance, unless otherwise prohibited.”
It is a undisputed fact that Oregon Law at ORS 475.125 at subsection (3)(c) clearly states that
Furthermore, Oregon Law ORS at 475.005(22) defines a person who lawfully
possesses MARIJUANA for his own use as the ULTIMATE USER and clearly reads:
“475.005 Definitions
. . . (22) “Ultimate user” means a person who lawfully possesses a controlled substance
for the use of the person or for the use of a member of the household of the person or for
administering to an animal owned by the person or by a member of the household of the
Furthermore, it is
illegal to “
” or “

“drug paraphernalia”

unless you
are using it with intent to deliver or manufacture with intent to deliver as stated at ORS
475.525 which reads:
475.525 Sale of drug paraphernalia prohibited; definition of drug paraphernalia;

1) It is unlawful for any person to sell or deliver, possess with intent to sell or deliver
or manufacture with intent to sell or deliver
drug paraphernalia, knowing that it will be used to

unlawfully plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce,
process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise
introduce into the human body a controlled substance as defined by ORS 475.005. ...
. . .
(5) The provisions of ORS 475.525 to 475.565 do not apply to persons registered
under the provisions of ORS 475.125 or to persons specified as exempt from registration under
the provisions of that statute.
(Subsection (2)(5) says that an ULTIMATE USER as defined is
EXEMPT from registration. . . .”
Oregon Law clearly provides that:
Therefore, the mere “use” and “possession” of the “drug paraphernalia” by
itself is not illegal if you are the ORS 475.125(3)(c) “ultimate user” as defined by ORS 475.005(22)
unless they charge you with and prove that you used the drug paraphernalia
with the intent to sell
or deliver, or manufacture with intent to sell or deliver as stated in subsection (1) & (2) of ORS
475.525 supra

BY KNOWLEDGE of the nature of the act AND ALSO BY THE INTENT “TO
United States v. Clark, 475 F.2d 240, 248-49
(2d Cir. 1973).”
UNITED STATES v. JEWELL, 532 F.2d 697 (9
Cir. February 27, 1976.)
is crystal clear that 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1) is worded in the conjunctive “and.”)
United States v. Jewell, supra, makes it clear that you cannot be charged with the
“lessor but
included offense
” of “
” unless they also charge you with
“manufacturing with intent
to distribute.

Furthermore, you cannot be charged with any violation of the PHARMACEUTICAL CODE
unless you have or possess a PHARMACEUTICAL LICENSE on the following authority:
"privilege" . . . is synonymous with license . . . .
The possession of a . . . license is a
prerequisite to violation of this statute. . . . On appeal the Superior court dismissed the charges against
Cole on the ground that since he had no . . . license, he had no privilege . . . [2] the statute refers to
those whose "privilege” . . . is suspended. Cole never had any type of privilege ....
...License is
synonymous with privilege, since Cole did not have a license, and that state did not grant Cole
Aberdeen v.
Cole, 13 Wn. App. 617, 537 P.2d 1073 (June 10, 1975)
. (See also United States v. Jin Fuey Moy,
241 U.S. 394 (June 5, 1916.)
CALL Luis Anthony Ewing (253) 226-3741 or Kurt Ranald Riggin (303) 822-8921 for help
with Drug Possession, D.U.I.’S, Driving While License Suspended Violations.

20th October 2013, 08:37 AM
Wish the ptb's in Texas would get their heads out of their asses and do the same and legalize it. But it will be a good fight, they have too much money tied up in all of the prisons and such just because of the so called war on drugs. Lot of people behind bars here for marijuana related stuff and that gives the donut eaters a reason to be and jobs...

Pray everyday that before I pass that I see weed legal here..

Good reason to stick around for it..;D

20th October 2013, 08:50 AM

:rolleyes: yeah...this will restore our great Goyim nation as our Founding Fathers intended

20th October 2013, 08:51 AM
Wish the ptb's in Texas would get their heads out of their asses and do the same and legalize it. But it will be a good fight, they have too much money tied up in all of the prisons and such just because of the so called war on drugs. Lot of people behind bars here for marijuana related stuff and that gives the donut eaters a reason to be and jobs...

Pray everyday that before I pass that I see weed legal here..

Good reason to stick around for it..;D

It is already legal, but not taxable. The state wants to tax it and wants you to demand your right to pay the tax.

It is only against the law to sell it/distribute it.

Large Sarge
20th October 2013, 08:52 AM

:rolleyes: yeah...this will restore our great Goyim nation as our Founding Fathers intended

more about restoring liberty,

baby steps....

20th October 2013, 08:52 AM
The pot vote in Maine is a sham and is purely symbolic, better than nothing and could maybe pave the way for real initiatives.

20th October 2013, 08:54 AM

:rolleyes: yeah...this will restore our great Goyim nation as our Founding Fathers intended

I know a very smart fellow who uses it and says it helps him to concentrate. He is very wealthy and he earned his wealth by working.

20th October 2013, 08:57 AM
It is already legal, but not taxable. The state wants to tax it and wants you to demand your right to pay the tax.

It is only against the law to sell it/distribute it.

Yep, but if one shows up to pay the "tax" which I understand is a very elusive thing, they will screw you , blue you , and tattoo you.

Not a good thing under the current system..

Someday..someday, it will happen, we probably will be the last state in the nation that will do so.

20th October 2013, 08:57 AM
more about restoring liberty...


Being impaired is not "liberty" Sarge.

:) another joo trick to weaken then destroy our society

midnight rambler
20th October 2013, 09:02 AM
Book apparently you like to gloss over the FACT that George Washington grew hemp and most likely smoked it.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_politicians_who_admit_to_can nabis_use

Large Sarge
20th October 2013, 09:03 AM

Being impaired is not "liberty" Sarge.

:) another joo trick to weaken then destroy our society

IMO alcohol is more dangerous/destructive than weed, and its been legal for a long time....

obviously not legal for kids/minors...

20th October 2013, 09:05 AM

:rolleyes: yeah...this will restore our great Goyim nation as our Founding Fathers intended

Aren't you contradicting the values of freedom you espouse? Or does "your" freedom have limitations of use? If people "choose" to use one of the myriad of natural substances that mother nature has provided, for whatever the reason, and it harms no one but the user, who gives a sh*t? Thats freedom whether you approve or not.........

20th October 2013, 09:06 AM

Being impaired is not "liberty" Sarge.

:) another joo trick to weaken then destroy our society

Joo's didn't create marijuana........

20th October 2013, 09:07 AM

Being impaired is not "liberty" Sarge.

:) another joo trick to weaken then destroy our society

Heh...even Book's into selfies.

20th October 2013, 09:15 AM
... it harms no one but the user...



:rolleyes: ...it harms no one but the user

20th October 2013, 09:20 AM
Joo's didn't create marijuana...



:rolleyes: Joo Hollywood sold it

20th October 2013, 09:23 AM
Drugs only become legal when the Jews think they can make more money on it being legal rather than illegal.

20th October 2013, 09:30 AM
Yep, but if one shows up to pay the "tax" which I understand is a very elusive thing, they will screw you , blue you , and tattoo you.

Not a good thing under the current system..

Someday..someday, it will happen, we probably will be the last state in the nation that will do so.

No bar attorney will defend you, you have to present yourself as a sui juris litigant. Not an easy thing in our corrupt court system.

20th October 2013, 09:36 AM


:rolleyes: ...it harms no one but the user

Is that what caused the car pile up? Do we have to go over the fatalities from DUI or distracted driving and make some sobering comparisons? Your hatred for pot is known, but, scientifically not justified weighed against its benefits. Anything can be abused to the point of ridiculous. And like anything, "you" are responsible for "your" actions whether it be from playing with guns to DUI or smoking pot and OD'ing on Cheetos. Once someone else's rights/freedoms are infringed upon by anothers poor choice, well, then there are repercussions. The majority of car crashes are not pot related, so don't even go down that avenue of bs. At least find something credible that can be debated besides the standard, "your an idiot" answer. Your jabs are generally better laid out than this. I guess theres not enough ammo to work with.........

20th October 2013, 09:38 AM
No bar attorney will defend you, you have to present yourself as a sui juris litigant. Not an easy thing in our corrupt court system.


That is why I said this

Yep, but if one shows up to pay the "tax" which I understand is a very elusive thing, they will screw you , blue you , and tattoo you.

Not a good thing under the current system..

Someday..someday, it will happen, we probably will be the last state in the nation that will do so.

The system as it is would need to change 365° and for now I just can not see it..

But hope is eternal to see it in my lifetime..

20th October 2013, 09:38 AM


:rolleyes: Joo Hollywood sold it

Joo hollywood sells death and sex, and nowadays, hard drugs. They instill doctrine and glorify killers. I find that a lot more repugnant than the odd movie where someone is smoking a spliff........

20th October 2013, 09:41 AM

Was popular and use spreading way before Hollywood got into the act... It was only after it got more popular during the so called "cultural revolution" of the 60's, that Hollywood saw there was money to be made that they jumped on the bandwagon.


20th October 2013, 10:05 AM
The majority of car crashes are not pot related, so don't even go down that avenue of bs.


This where you post how lucid YOU are whenever you drive stoned?

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/smoke/stoned-smiley.gif I'M A GREAT DRIVER UNDER THE INFLUENCE...LET'S GO TO 7-11 AND GIT US SOME MUNCHIES FOR THIS ROAD TRIP

20th October 2013, 10:06 AM
Being impaired is not "liberty" Sarge.

:) another joo trick to weaken then destroy our society

>> Being impaired is not "liberty"

of course it isn't.

of course you can become stupefied by overconsumption of sugar, alcohol, by not eating nourishing food, by not exercising and burning off the 'shit'.

if you don't like weed, you better avoid anything to do with high-tech and electronics. caffeine & pot (high grade pot) permeate Silicon Valley. that's not a coincidence.

that's not to say that over-consumption does not occur. obviously it does. i've seen med. mar. patients consume 10 grams a day and then complain about anxiety - or their sore throat.

and of course, Silicon Valley, being in California, is at this point quite over-run by Jews. many Jews are also involved in the marijuana industry.

but that doesn't mean that marijuana is bad or unhealthy.

20th October 2013, 10:17 AM
I have never used drugs like MJ, etc. and never intend to. I don't like to get drunk and I don't smoke.

However, I am here in Denver and the ease of buying MJ has not seemed to lead to the unrest and general anarchy that Nancy Reagan told us would happen.

Here are some things to chew on:

1. Many politicians admit to doing MJ, and Obama even admitted in his book, that he did MJ, coke, and even dealt drugs. If pols flaunt the law, then enforcement of the same law on others is wrong.

2. I believe that MJ will grow and grow, and will be used as social pacification, in the same way that vodka was used for this purpose in the USSR. Get the 10% of awake people hooked on vodka because they are so depressed about the situation, and they can't wake up the rest. Maybe the same deal with MJ?

3. MJ means more profits for the Big Ag companies once they figure out how to grow it commercially.

20th October 2013, 10:24 AM
2. I believe that MJ will grow and grow, and will be used as social pacification, in the same way that vodka was used for this purpose in the USSR. Get the 10% of awake people hooked on vodka because they are so depressed about the situation, and they can't wake up the rest. Maybe the same deal with MJ?


Thoughtful analysis SJS. You nailed it perfectly.

Large Sarge
20th October 2013, 10:38 AM
I can see the pacification thing come into play,

20th October 2013, 11:39 AM
I can see the pacification thing come into play,

It's sort of like in Brave New World.

Orgy Porgy.

midnight rambler
20th October 2013, 11:54 AM

This where you post how lucid YOU are whenever you drive stoned?

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/smoke/stoned-smiley.gif I'M A GREAT DRIVER UNDER THE INFLUENCE...LET'S GO TO 7-11 AND GIT US SOME MUNCHIES FOR THIS ROAD TRIP

You haven't a clue Book. During my misspent youth there were innumerable times when I was stoned to the bone to the degree that I would momentarily forget precisely where I was in Dallas, and yet I didn't have a single accident, not even a fender bender. What you don't get is that most people are extremely careful (IF they are careful as a habit) when stoned and behind the wheel. But with alcohol, how often do you hear, "I've only had a couple of beers, I'M FINE TO DRIVE*"...?

*drinking 2 beers in one hour is clearly physically impaired, NO WAY around it whereas with being stoned on pot one is not the least bit physically impaired

midnight rambler
20th October 2013, 12:03 PM
I have never used drugs like MJ, etc. and never intend to.

2. I believe that MJ will grow and grow, and will be used as social pacification, in the same way that vodka was used for this purpose in the USSR. Get the 10% of awake people hooked on vodka because they are so depressed about the situation, and they can't wake up the rest. Maybe the same deal with MJ?

If you have no experience with it, then how can you POSSIBLY draw any objective conclusions?? ??? WTF do you get this 'belief' from?? ???

Have you even considered for a moment that smoking weed more often than not causes one to become reflective, engage in critical thinking and to question the status quo along with the rest of the illusion??

20th October 2013, 12:17 PM
The passivity argument doesn't hold any water whatsoever. Folks that smoke might be more laid back, in their base nature or when they're indulging but I doubt anyone wants to stir shit with the folks I knew/know, stoned or not. Go ahead, poke that bear minding his own business and he'll have you redefining your definition of passive.

20th October 2013, 12:19 PM
If I had a choice between drinking and smoking weed, I would take weed any day. Have done it in the past, if weed was around I never drank, no brainier for me.

20th October 2013, 01:47 PM
...I would momentarily forget precisely where I was in Dallas, and yet I didn't have a single accident, not even a fender bender...

...with being stoned on pot one is not the least bit physically impaired



:rolleyes: the denial in this thread is amazing...are you guys stoned now?

20th October 2013, 02:09 PM
If I had a choice between drinking and smoking weed, I would take weed any day.

Your THREADS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?70785-Just-for-a-giin-tho) here are legendary examples of lucidity Dogman. I imagine you are also a safe driver.


20th October 2013, 02:17 PM
Your THREADS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?70785-Just-for-a-giin-tho) here are legendary examples of lucidity Dogman. I imagine you are also a safe driver.


I do not drive while I drink, I also hate my drinking and hate myself when I drink and have been fighting to quit for quite some time. I would not have the same problem smoking weed..

I at least try and contribute to the forum and I think I do as long as I do not fall off the deep end, unlike some here that only get off tearing people down....

Look in a mirror and you will see one of the ones I refer about.

You are alright as long as you do not stick a knife into people and enjoy twisting it like you commonly do.

20th October 2013, 02:27 PM


:rolleyes: the denial in this thread is amazing...are you guys stoned now?

Who the hell are you to dictate what one cannot smoke, drinks, or decides to put into their body? I've never smoked a joint in my life. But I've never had an issue with my friends or even family who partake in it. It's not my decision, it is their life, their body and their decision.

Your weak ass attempts to post videos of people doing poorly on driving test while stoned is pathetic. Where are the videos of idiotic diabetic patients who cause accidents because they over did their glucose injection because they can't read a blood glucose meter or can't be bothered to administer their glucose correctly? Where are the countless video's of morons texting, talking on the phone, not even paying attention to the road causing accidents? I see that EVERY DAY here in North Carolina. The morons here can not operate a vehicle sober. Last month a woman killed a biker because she couldn't even bother to look over her shoulder to check her blind spot. Every day going to work I see cars off in ditches, flipped over, or outright stupidity in operating a vehicle. So you can get off your high horse about being impaired.

But we all know you have a point to make and you'll drive your worthless point into the ground with stupid pictures and videos with moronic sarcastic remarks until you're blue in the face. Facts and reality be damned.

Not you nor the government have any right on what one chooses to do with their life or their body. The ONLY time the state has any authority to get involved is if someones rights were violated.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson

20th October 2013, 03:12 PM
Who the hell are you to dictate what one cannot smoke, drinks, or decides to put into their body?...it is their life, their body and their decision...you nor the government have any right on what one chooses to do with their life or their body...

A drunk driver killed my best friend Mowby (http://www.kboi2.com/news/40707882.html?tab=video&c=y) in 2009. I'll ask his daughter about your opinion regarding freedums and liberty.

:rolleyes: who the hell am I indeed...

20th October 2013, 03:15 PM
A drunk driver killed my best friend Mowby (http://www.kboi2.com/news/40707882.html?tab=video&c=y) in 2009. I'll ask his daughter about your opinion regarding freedums and liberty.

:rolleyes: who the hell am I indeed...

Accidents happen whether impairment or not is the culprit.


From attached URL: Police said it did not appear that impairment was a factor in the accident.

The investigation is ongoing.

But let's just hide behind impairment to extend government overreach. Ok?


20th October 2013, 03:19 PM
A drunk driver killed my best friend Mowby (http://www.kboi2.com/news/40707882.html?tab=video&c=y) in 2009. I'll ask his daughter about your opinion regarding freedums and liberty.

:rolleyes: who the hell am I indeed...

Nothing in your link about alcohol and as far as your supposed friend, anyone can find an accident write up and post it.

Well, seeing as you were his BF you were surely a paul bearer or on the visitors list, that info is available online. :)

20th October 2013, 03:32 PM
Nothing in your link about alcohol...

Yeah...the funeral and toxicology reports and lawsuit and insurance settlement came later.

:rolleyes: ...but continue to think what you want to think about your impaired driving freedums and liberty

20th October 2013, 03:34 PM
Yeah...the funeral and toxicology reports and lawsuit and insurance settlement came later.

:rolleyes: ...but continue to think what you want to think about your impaired driving freedums and liberty

Continue to think that drunk driving laws actually reduce drunk driving.

You're only deluding yourself while you give up liberty for "security".

20th October 2013, 03:37 PM
...anyone can find an accident write up and post it.

Oh...or invent a sad song (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71614-Just-some-reflections&p=652631&viewfull=1#post652631) about the loss of a loved one.

:rolleyes: you of all people saying this

20th October 2013, 03:39 PM
"Davidson - better known as "Mowby" to friends - was the owner of Boise bar Tom Grainey's Sporting Pub until last year when he sold the establishment. He owned the popular pub for more than 10 years."

So, how many folks left his bar in those ten years and hurt someone or themselves? I'm sorry for your loss but your BS is intolerable.


20th October 2013, 03:41 PM
So, how many folks left his bar in those ten years and hurt someone or themselves?

You are not the first to notice the irony. Maybe why I give BrewTech a hard time...


20th October 2013, 03:46 PM
2.5 OUNCES?!! You can get much JUICE from 2.5 ounces! Jucing, the IDEAL way to take it the beneficial properties.

You need at least a pound to get any reasonable amount of OIL which then leaves ONLY enough (2.5 ounces) for smokers, the one way NOT to use marijuana

20th October 2013, 03:52 PM
2.5 OUNCES?!! You can get much JUICE from 2.5 ounces! Jucing, the IDEAL way to take it the beneficial properties.

You need at least a pound to get any reasonable amount of OIL which then leaves ONLY enough (2.5 ounces) for smokers, the one way NOT to use marijuana

When in Thailand, twenty sticks of Thai went for twenty baht (one dollar) and we would chop it up to smoke.

The side of the knife that pressed against the weed as it was being chopped, after a stick or two hash would build up on it And then more joy for the bong.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
20th October 2013, 04:07 PM
A drunk driver killed my best friend Mowby (http://www.kboi2.com/news/40707882.html?tab=video&c=y) in 2009. I'll ask his daughter about your opinion regarding freedums and liberty.

:rolleyes: who the hell am I indeed...

My brother died from a heroin overdose. Maybe we should make that illegal.

20th October 2013, 04:56 PM
Your sig line is also relevant to this thread SRB.

20th October 2013, 05:38 PM
Continue to think that drunk driving laws actually reduce drunk driving.

A six pack, a half ounce of weed, and some crank to keep you going Sir.

Yeah...legalizing impaired driving will improve America's roads.


20th October 2013, 05:48 PM
A six pack, a half ounce of weed, and some crank to keep you going Sir.

Yeah...legalizing impaired driving will improve America's roads.


Are you just thick or is someone paying you to tow the statist line? No where in any of my threads pointing out your complete stupidity and hypocrisy have I advocated driving while under the influence.

Impairment or not, you cannot stop traffic accidents as long as humans are behind the wheel. For every news article, picture, video displaying your complete support for statist control for "laws" that do absolutely nothing to protect anyone. I can show you an article where there were no impairments whatsoever that resulted in a traffic accident.

Not sure what it is with you Book. Your beloved state is a malevolent cock sucking, oppressive, tyrannical piece of shit. All who worship the state should die by the state.

20th October 2013, 06:25 PM
...No where in any of my threads...have I advocated driving while under the influence...

drum roll...

Great...this is your big chance to publicly condemn it.

:rolleyes: waiting...

20th October 2013, 07:06 PM
drum roll...

Great...this is your big chance to publicly condemn it.

:rolleyes: waiting...

It's not my place to condemn anothers activities or behaviors unless it infringes on someone else's rights. If they cause harm to someone, then I'll condemn their behavior all day long. But I have no place or leg to stand on before hand.

You start condemning activities you don't agree with, you open pandoras box of behavior that the state can condemn at will.

Government or the state in general cannot be trusted with power of distinction. If justice is supposed to be blind, you cannot have pre-crime. That is arresting, fining, and hassling anyone who engages in an activity you may not agree with, but is not harming or infringing on anothers rights.

20th October 2013, 08:45 PM
If they cause harm to someone, then I'll condemn their behavior all day long.

http://thumbnails.visually.netdna-cdn.com/united-states-drunk-driving-statistics_5173df25cdd2f_cx18_cy0_cw986_ch986_w250 _h250.jpg

Ares has "all day long" here at GSUS but we are still waiting for him to publicly condemn impaired driving.



20th October 2013, 09:18 PM

Like I said earlier in this thread book. You try to drive your point home no matter how worthless, pathetic and off base as it is.

You're so fucking deluded with your devotion to stealing other peoples rights because you think it will do good. Why are you on this forum exactly? I know we can't all have cheer leaders here, but your evidence (when you actually do provide some, which is exceedingly rare) and post are baseless and moronic.

So Book, since there's a law against drunk driving, then why did your best friend die? I mean there's a law against that sort of thing. You'd think that the law would have prevented that from happening. It's the law right? http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.png

We're all still waiting for you to grow up and recognize that you have Stockholm syndrome. But as this thread and countless others will attest. That will never happen. The best that you can come up with, and are known for is stupid pictures with smart ass remarks that don't amount to jack shit. And let's not forget the sarcastic rolls eye smiley. http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.png

But Here straight from your National Highway Safety Administration:

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conservatively estimates that 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver fatigue each year. This results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries, and $12.5 billion in monetary losses. These figures may be the tip of the iceberg, since currently it is difficult to attribute crashes to sleepiness.

You see that number Book? 100,000 crashes a YEAR are attributed to just plain old tiredness. But we all know once you pick your dead end crusade you'll stick to it to the end. So you can get in the last sarcastic word, with your pathetic utterance of existence to try and convince someone, anyone that you're right. The only one out of the countless crusades you've been right about has been the Zionist Jew. All others are to provide the foundation that you're a statist. What's really ironic, and it really is fucking hilarious if it wasn't so sick. Is that without the state, the Jew would not have power.

But go ahead and believe that removing the Jew will result in corruption ending and freedom prospering while you worship the alter that allows them to control you.

And Nope, I WILL NOT CONDEMN drunk driving until someone gets hurt. It's not a wise decision on the drunk drivers part. Monetary aside you'd also be responsible for someones death if an accident is that bad. But nope, I will not make that decision for some one. There's this code, this thing that humanity including you has forgotten. It's called personal responsibility. We are responsible for our actions and decisions. While I do not agree with drunk driving and certainly will not advocate for it, I cannot condemn it as it is not my place to decide.

If you cause the death of another human being due to your actions you certainly deserve to pay for it. You can pass all the laws in the world, and your beloved U.S. government has certainly accomplished that. The laws do not amount to jack shit as you cannot legislate morality.

You ever ask yourself Book? I mean honestly.. If laws changed or amounted to anything, wouldn't your friend still be alive? I ask that in all seriousness. If he really was your friend, and I have no reason to doubt that he wasn't. Wouldn't you be a little upset that this honest and just law was flaunted so easily to cause the death of your friend?

When you come up with the answer that laws don't matter, then you'll start to realize that there is only 1 law. The creators law. The golden rule. Mans law is worthless, and meaningless. It is baseless and used as a control mechanism.

20th October 2013, 10:27 PM
And Nope, I WILL NOT CONDEMN drunk driving until someone gets hurt.

Took you long enough to declare your position on impaired driving.

:rolleyes: what should be the legal penalty for death or injury by impaired driving?

20th October 2013, 10:47 PM
Some of the guys on the thread, think I am sure that all MJ users are stereotypical potheads, or, that MJ use leads to social pacification.

The reality is, we don't know what will happen, I am only putting forward theories...even I would be surprised if I am 100% correct.

21st October 2013, 02:19 AM
If you cause the death of another human being due to your actions you certainly deserve to pay for it. You can pass all the laws in the world, and your beloved U.S. government has certainly accomplished that. The laws do not amount to jack shit as you cannot legislate morality...When you come up with the answer that laws don't matter, then you'll start to realize that there is only 1 law. The creators law. The golden rule...

Let's pretend these are Ares' three children in his perfect "Stateless" world.

1) Two Guys (http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/cheechandchong-upinsmoke-carwithfringe.jpg) intentionally get so stoned they hit Ares' car and kill one of his daughters. They are reeeeeeal sorry man.

2) A week later, SOME GUY (http://www.lethalwrestling.com/le/csme/jackass/Retard.jpg) who was born retarded, hits Ares' car again and kills his other daughter. He don't know any better.

3) A week after that, a DUMP TRUCK DRIVER (http://www.eastpdxnews.com/ktmllite/images/uploads/090619/5-3-TBSafety-Driver.jpg), just for fun, intentionally swerves and kills Ares' surviving son. He laughs on down the road.

In Ares' perfect "Stateless" world there are no police, no judges, no courts, and no prisons.

:(?? How you gonna make them pay for it Ares? What's your notion of a Golden Rule?

21st October 2013, 05:56 AM
Let's pretend these are Ares' three children in his perfect "Stateless" world.

1) Two Guys intentionally get so stoned they hit Ares' car and kill one of his daughters. They are reeeeeeal sorry man.

Citizens Grand Jury to levy level of guilt, blame, and disperse of assets as well as jail time.

2) A week later, SOME GUY who was born retarded, hits Ares' car again and kills his other daughter. He don't know any better.

Even in a Police state such as ours that cannot be prevented. What would you have me or even the state do in that circumstance? Poor example.

3) A week after that, a DUMP TRUCK DRIVER, just for fun, intentionally swerves and kills Ares' surviving son. He laughs on down the road.
In this scenario since it's intentional, that's vehicular assault and I would be justified to remove my weapon from it's holster and dump the magazine into that sorry S.O.B. Same applies today in a Police State. But could also go with a Citizens Grand Jury again to levy guilt, blame dispersion of assets and jail time. American Indians didn't have a state, but they had a system of justice as well. And before you jump on "Well who pays for the jails?" Private enterprise. Use portions of his assets to pay for his own confinement. With competition among the free market the cost of incarceration can be greatly reduced as there is incentive to house prisoners the cheapest possible way.

In Ares' perfect "Stateless" world there are no police, no judges, no courts, and no prisons.

Sounds perfect, but even in a stateless society there is still prisons they just aren't as full. Outside of peoples rights being violated, what right or authority does the state have again? Or is that authority just perceived and self granted?

How you gonna make them pay for it Ares? What's your notion of a Golden Rule?
Do to others as you would have them do to you. But in a police state where people like yourself worship the state and force the brute strength of force and intimidation where each try to see how much of their opposing teams assets they can steal each election cycle which is our current system. I'll take a stateless society any day of the week.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
21st October 2013, 06:52 AM
Prescription drugs are handed out like candy. We assume the user is going to be responsible enough to not drive while impaired on them. However, that is not always the case. Same goes for any substance. Someone can drink ten cups of strong coffee and be a different driver behind the wheel. That's no reason to demonize coffee. MJ shouldn't be demonized either as there are countless cases of people using in the privacy of their own home without consequence.

21st October 2013, 10:12 AM
Citizens Grand Jury to levy level of guilt, blame, and disperse of assets as well as jail time.
Oh. You and your buddies "elect" each other to your "Grand Jury" and also run your own privately-owned jail.

What would you have me or even the state do in that circumstance? Poor example.
Oh. You just allow retards and potheads to drive vehicles then give them a free pass when they kill your children.

In this scenario since it's intentional, that's vehicular assault and I would be justified to remove my weapon from it's holster and dump the magazine into that sorry S.O.B. Oh. You just shoot people without trial. But could also go with a Citizens Grand Jury again to levy guilt, blame dispersion of assets and jail time. Oh. Cover your ass by having your buddies pretend to be a Grand Jury, then shoot him.

And before you jump on "Well who pays for the jails?" Private enterprise. Use portions of his assets to pay for his own confinement. Oh. Your buddies steal his money then charge him "rent" in their privately-owned jail.

I'll take a stateless society any day of the week. Of course you would. YOU and your buddies are the "Grand Jury" and will profit from your privately-owned jail.

:D so much for taking you seriously Ares...lol

21st October 2013, 10:18 AM

:rolleyes: yeah...this will restore our great Goyim nation as our Founding Fathers intended

Should a human being be locked in a cage for smoking a leaf?

21st October 2013, 10:24 AM
Should a human being be locked in a cage for smoking a leaf?

After their vehicle crashed into Ares' family car and killed his child?


21st October 2013, 10:31 AM
After their vehicle crashed into Ares' family car and killed his child?


Yes or no?

You cant answer it because you know you are wrong.

A VICE is not a crime! http://mises.org/books/vicescrimes.pdf

Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.

Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another.

Book, why dont we debate this subject on my Youtube channel? I will give you every advantage: You pick the day, time, streaming service, etc. I will gladly stay polite and courteous so we can have a nice well thought out discussion on this topic. I would think it would be pretty easy for you to pick apart my stance on this topic, right?

21st October 2013, 10:38 AM
Book you do this same shit with the 'Jews'. You see a person comminting a CRIME and you look at their skin color and religion. Its not the pigment of their skin that comitted the crime, and its not their religious book that did it either.

When a person crashes their car and injures another, its not the 'weed' or 'alcholol' that did it. It was the act of an irresponsible human being, nothing more.

EVERYTHING you preach is to remove the responsibility from the individual onto some sort of archtype image, where the collective can come together and CRUSH the individual. I spotted you on this 2 years ago, and you have never stopped it. I KNOW you are Abe Foxman behind the keyboard. You are here to create conflict and to sway others away from learing about REAL individual freedom and liberty.

21st October 2013, 10:50 AM
When a person crashes their car and injures another, its not the 'weed' or 'alcohol' that did it. It was the act of an irresponsible human being, nothing more.


Exactly! Intentionally getting so stoned or drunk that you can't safely drive an automobile or fly an airplane is the crime.

I say hang the fuckers upon their first offense. WE AGREE FOR ONCE

21st October 2013, 10:55 AM
:D so much for taking you seriously Ares...lol

Whatever you say book. You're notorious for twisting words, and logic and putting words in peoples mouths. I might as well argue the merits of liberty and personal responsibility with a wall. At least I'll get a better response instead of irrational stick poking.

Vehicular assault is a Felony. I would be within my rights to respond with force. The individual in your scenario INTENTIONALLY used his vehicle as a weapon to cause harm to another human being. Why I said I would execute the son of a bitch. I would do the same with a person who took out a knife and started stabbing people.

For some reason you cannot make the distinction and feel that we should all be beholden to the state. Is it because you lack personal responsibility, or you would just rather not make any decisions for yourself? You need big brother state to make your decisions and live life for you?

We all know the answer to that one. It's pretty apparent in thread after thread that you're a statist.

Those who live by the state, should die by the state.

21st October 2013, 11:04 AM
It's pretty apparent in thread after thread that you're a statist.

You and your buddies calling themselves a "Citizens Grand Jury" with your privately-owned jails and prisons is Liberty?

:D too funny

21st October 2013, 11:07 AM
You and your buddies calling themselves a "Citizens Grand Jury" with your privately-owned jails and prisons is Liberty?

:D too funny

Being told how to act, and who you can and cannot associate with. What you can and cannot put in your body by an all powerful state that enriches their buddies in the courts (judges taking bribes to send children to prisons) and the prison system getting fat checks from the state for housing "inmates" is liberty?

You're a fucking riot of laughter when it comes to what you "believe" to be freedom and liberty book. You espouse garbage collectivist bullshit and you call it society. :rolleyes:

21st October 2013, 11:13 AM
"Citizens Grand Jury" with privately-owned jails and prisons.

:rolleyes: tell us more about your scheme Ares.

21st October 2013, 11:23 AM
"Citizens Grand Jury" with privately-owned jails and prisons.

:rolleyes: tell us more about your scheme Ares.

Why bother? Most jails are already privately owned, or outsourced by the state to be privately ran. You're just delusional or trying to annoy me to the point of personally attacking you in an attempt to get me banned for a few days.

Citizens grand juries are authorized by the Constitution. But what do you care? It's not a scheme and it was how things were done before the state took it upon itself to make laws where non existed and enforce it's will upon the people. Just like you want.

I'm done, I'll be ignoring your rhetoric and moronic sarcastic bullshit from here on out.

21st October 2013, 11:26 AM
Citizens grand juries are authorized by the Constitution.

The ultimate "Statist" document if there ever was one.


21st October 2013, 11:28 AM
Exactly! Intentionally getting so stoned or drunk that you can't safely drive an automobile or fly an airplane is the crime.

I say hang the fuckers upon their first offense.What about a pretty young soccer mom in a hurry to pick up her daughter at school who Intentionally speeds
and runs a red light, slamming into an unseen VW, killing four of her daughters classmates. Do you want to get your blue coat posse to hang her too?

21st October 2013, 11:49 AM
Do you want to get your blue coat posse to hang her too?


Hilarious how all you potheads eventually plead the "Oops" defense when, before your auto accidents, you all yammer so much about Personal Responsibility.


21st October 2013, 11:56 AM
What's hilarious or rather more like a comedic tragedy is you Book.

21st October 2013, 12:18 PM

Hilarious how all you potheads eventually plead the "Oops" defense when, before your auto accidents, you all yammer so much about Personal Responsibility.


Why don't you just answer the question? Do you wanna hang the pretty soccer mom too? She Intentionally broke laws that led to Killing innocent people. Right?

21st October 2013, 12:25 PM
Do you wanna hang the pretty soccer mom too?

Oh. Santa insists that "pretty" women should be exempt from justice.


21st October 2013, 12:28 PM
what i don't understand is why you guys spend time sort of arguing.

21st October 2013, 12:43 PM
Book is doing some good bookwork in this thread.

If we could all be ourselves as well as book is book, then we would all be better off.


21st October 2013, 12:59 PM
Oh. Santa insists that "pretty" women should be exempt from justice.


Classic Projection...

21st October 2013, 01:08 PM
Book is doing some good bookwork in this thread.

If we could all be ourselves as well as book is book, then we would all be better off.


What? Short, churlish and endlessly repetitive?

21st October 2013, 03:56 PM

Exactly! Intentionally getting so stoned or drunk that you can't safely drive an automobile or fly an airplane is the crime.

I say hang the fuckers upon their first offense. WE AGREE FOR ONCE

Cool, now that we agree you can stop posting all of the anti Jew CRAP and start looking at the INDIVIDUALS who commit crimes and call them out for it. Bringing up their religion and pigment color is a DISTRACTION used by poeple who dont want to discuss the facts but would rather change the topic so as to make sure people never intellectually see what is happening and resort to emotional responses. Hint, hint....

(Dont worry, i wont hold my breath on this one)

21st October 2013, 03:58 PM
You and your buddies calling themselves a "Citizens Grand Jury" with your privately-owned jails and prisons is Liberty?

:D too funny

Debate me!

21st October 2013, 03:58 PM
"Citizens Grand Jury" with privately-owned jails and prisons.

:rolleyes: tell us more about your scheme Ares.

Debate me!

21st October 2013, 03:59 PM
The ultimate "Statist" document if there ever was one.


Debate me!

21st October 2013, 03:59 PM

Hilarious how all you potheads eventually plead the "Oops" defense when, before your auto accidents, you all yammer so much about Personal Responsibility.


Debate me!

21st October 2013, 04:00 PM
Oh. Santa insists that "pretty" women should be exempt from justice.


Debate me!