View Full Version : Greek Gypsies worried about child abduction case

20th October 2013, 02:53 PM
four-year-old girl found living in a Gypsy camp with a couple
arrested and charged with abducting her from her birth parents.

Greek Gypsies worried about child abduction case

FARSALA, Greece (AP) — Gypsies living in a Greek camp are worried they will be all stigmatized as child traffickers after a couple was arrested and accused of abducting a little girl.

The common refrain among many of the 2,000 Gypsies, or Roma, living in prefabricated homes near the central town of Farsala is "Not all Roma steal children. If someone did something, they should pay for it."

The blonde, blue-eyed girl, who is about 4, was found Wednesday when police raided the camp looking for drugs and weapons. Now, police want to find the biological parents of the girl and will investigate international child trafficking rings.

The president of the local Roma community, Babis Dimitriou, hopes there is no backlash against the community. He says "it doesn't reflect on all of us."

:rolleyes: good luck with that Babis

Linky (http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-10-20/greek-gypsies-worried-about-child-abduction-case)

20th October 2013, 03:34 PM
It's sickening how the media refers to gypsies as "roma community". This happened a couple of years back and they all adopted the term simultaneously.

In the scandinavian media you will never see the word gypsy or gypsies, it's always "roma community" because they know that the word gypsy is to stigmatized and that it goes against their multicultural philosophy. They even change the meaning of words in order to enforce immigration around these parts. A fullblooded swede or german is now an immigrant in the eyes of the elite and the socialist nutjobs that follow them, of course this is done in order to make immigration seem more beneficial because they can then point at statistics and say "hey these people contribute to society".

I had a good laugh earlier when a socialist wrote in a comment that we shouldn't judge the "roma community" based on this "isolated" incidence.

21st October 2013, 03:22 PM
Fine looking couple.
How could anyone have a negative thought about them.

21st October 2013, 04:36 PM
I read about this case today in the Swedish newspaper. Apparently a couple, the man was Swedish and the woman Greek had a baby 4 years ago in a hospital in Thessaloniki, they were told the baby was stillborn and they never got to see the baby. But in December 2009, they asked to have the grave opened, because they thought there might have been a medical error the hospital had done, and the casket was empty! And no-one was able to explain that. Apparently this story is one of the eight of several thousands of leads reported the police in Greece is examining. If they are the parents, I bet the Gypsies went into the hospital and stole the girl, and someone in the hospital made the decision to report the child they lost, stillborn.

From the pictures and what was reported in the newspaper, it seemed like the girl got the only bedroom and the only bed in the house. Maybe they realized this baby girl was worth much more than any of them.

21st October 2013, 04:59 PM
The president of the local Roma community, Babis Dimitriou, hopes there is no backlash against the community. He says "it doesn't reflect on all of us."
it sure does reflect on the entire community, this girl was living among them and no-one thought a thing of it that this baby girl had been stolen from its rightful parents. The community thought they were better off with this stolen baby. That's the fact!

21st October 2013, 05:54 PM