View Full Version : After Obummer demands that we should ignore the bloggers and talkiing heads...

Celtic Rogue
21st October 2013, 07:05 AM
Under new orders for King Hussien, from his bully pulpit he has instructed his loyal followers to stamp out bloggers, talk radio, & internet sites that criticize him. As of this morning 3 sites will not allow a share on face book . Conservative Lady, Barracks dead fly and We know the secrets of the federal reserve will no longer appear. That's a pretty fast response to the orders from the white house to shut down political free speech. I am also unable to post anything at all... they have been blocked!

I use an alias to promote freedom and liberty there and to hold the libtards accountable for their outright bull shit lies! Shutting down the opposition is what this is plain and simple.... Shutting down my freedom of expression. These libtards cannot stand ANY dissension in an argument.

I believe we are very close to a FF event of some kind. I feel it in my bones that we are very close. They are setting up an environment with little way to oppose their actions using social media.

21st October 2013, 07:13 AM
And the so-called open minded and progressive drone that worship this melanotic interloper from the dark continent can't see that they are engaging in censorship and suppression of freedom of speech, the very evils they accuse the conservatives of.

21st October 2013, 07:19 AM
You are in their plane of existence and fighting battles under their rules. I doubt if you will ever be successful knocking them out of their own plane so maybe you should stop and figure out a plane of your own where they will have trouble knocking you out of? If it is necessary for you to believe that they are marxists or communists then let them be marxists or communists.

7th trump
21st October 2013, 07:39 AM
You are in their plane of existence and fighting battles under their rules. I doubt if you will ever be successful knocking them out of their own plane so maybe you should stop and figure out a plane of your own where they will have trouble knocking you out of? If it is necessary for you to believe that they are marxists or communists then let them be marxists or communists.

And there lays my whole bitch about you palani.
You're a transparent phoney baloney!
You are all talk!

Heres an idea Palani.........instead of belittleing the people on this forum by telling them they need to do something why not show them how to do it?
Or do you actually know how to show them.
I mean gee.........how many times are you going to be like Lucy and pull the football away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it?
Shit or get off the toilet palani because the statutes you REFUSE to research is where the clues on getting off the federal plane exist. Without the statutes you are lost in the law.
And dont think you can make up your own law because that doesnt magically negate the federal plane the feds last seen you on.
Once on the plane you lose most of the Bill of Rights and you dont get them back just because you bury your head in your own made up make beleive law. You have to set the record straight with the feds otherwise to them you are still their chattle no matter when they last seen you on the plane.

(13) the term “Federal personnel” means officers and employees of the Government of the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including survivor benefits).

Whats 5usc 522a(13) saying Palani?
Do you have the balls to admit Social Security is the main reason why the American people are no longer viewed as "the People", but "federal personel" chattle. Or are you just going to ignore the truth of the matter and side track everyone into yet another conspiracy that not even you have the answers to?
You got the balls or not Palani?

Celtic Rogue
21st October 2013, 07:45 AM
You are in their plane of existence and fighting battles under their rules. I doubt if you will ever be successful knocking them out of their own plane so maybe you should stop and figure out a plane of your own where they will have trouble knocking you out of? If it is necessary for you to believe that they are marxists or communists then let them be marxists or communists.

I am not trying to knock them out of their so called plain of existence??? I am awaking people and holding the libtard lies to the flame of reality and facts! FB is a great tool to counter the MSM! So far I have made a good step towards my goals of telling the truth and keeping it in their faces. I have a great deal of fun holding them to the flame while maintaining some measure of anonymity! If I just wake up one person I feel that at least I did something no matter how small. If everyone could awaken just one other person then our ranks would double... SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!

Update: I now can post again... but a lot of sites are still blocked to link to.

21st October 2013, 07:50 AM
And there lays my whole bitch about you palani.
You're a transparent phoney baloney!
You are all talk!

Heres an idea Palani.........instead of belittleing the people on this forum by telling them they need to do something why not show them how to do it?
Or do you actually know how to show them.
I mean gee.........how many times are you going to be like Lucy and pull the football away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it?
Shit or get off the toilet palani because the statutes you REFUSE to research is where the clues on getting off the federal plane exist. Without the statutes you are lost in the law.
And dont think you can make up your own law because that doesnt magically negate the federal plane the feds last seen you on.
Once on the plane you lose most of the Bill of Rights and you dont get them back just because you bury your head in your own made up make beleive law. You have to set the record straight with the feds otherwise to them you are still their chattle no matter when they last seen you on the plane.

Whats 5usc 522a(13) saying Palani?
Do you have the balls to admit Social Security is the main reason why the American people are getting the shaft or are you just going to ignore the truth of the matter and side track everyone into yet another conspiracy?
You got the balls or not Palani?

I still believe you are the nicest guy on the board.


21st October 2013, 07:52 AM
I am not trying to knock them out of their so called plain of existence??? I am awaking people and holding the libtard lies to the flame of reality and facts!

THEIR reality and facts are not YOUR reality and facts. In their plane you are classified 'insane'. Who would listen to an insane person?

edited to add ... The concept of a 'plane' is not mine although I used it frequently when drafting with Autocad (they call them 'LAYERS' in Autocad). Instead 'plane' is a concept conceived by the U.S. Supreme Court in the celebrated case of Ponzi vs Fessenden in which they describe the state and the federal as being in separate planes that never touch each other. While this might have been the case in 1922 these planes are now merged completely and the several states are nothing more than administrative subdivisions of the federal government.

7th trump
21st October 2013, 07:56 AM
I still believe you are the nicest guy on the board.


Obviously you've come to realize that I dont have a problem with calling an asshole..........an asshole.
The question still remains.......are you ging to shit or get off the toilet?

7th trump
21st October 2013, 08:02 AM
THEIR reality and facts are not YOUR reality and facts. In their plane you are classified 'insane'. Who would listen to an insane person?

edited to add ... The concept of a 'plane' is not mine although I used it frequently when drafting with Autocad (they call them 'LAYERS' in Autocad). Instead 'plane' is a concept conceived by the U.S. Supreme Court in the celebrated case of Ponzi vs Fessenden in which they describe the state and the federal as being in separate planes that never touch each other. While this might have been the case in 1922 these planes are now merged completely and the several states are nothing more than administrative subdivisions of the federal government.

And the point is, which you cant see, is that the government doesnt care what plane you are on. However, if you are going to ride the government plane they expect you to adhire to the rules, regulations and policy's until you tell them you are getting off the government plane.
Your problem is you are ignoring what is causing Americans to ride the government "federal personel" plane.............muchless how to show them to get off the "federal personel" plantation.
You're lost in the law palani and make up shit to fill in the blanks.

21st October 2013, 05:23 PM
the government doesnt care what plane you are on

Why would anyone REAL care two cents worth what a legal fiction feels?

“No," said the priest, "you don't need to accept everything as true, you only have to accept it as necessary." "Depressing view," said K. "The lie made into the rule of the world.”
― Franz Kafka, The Trial

Twisted Titan
21st October 2013, 08:20 PM
And the so-called open minded and progressive drone that worship this melanotic interloper from the dark continent can't see that they are engaging in censorship and suppression of freedom of speech, the very evils they accuse the conservatives of.

Those who worship The State will eventually be crushed by it.

22nd October 2013, 05:51 AM
Those who worship The State will eventually be crushed by it.

While the government is fictional the State is not. (You are the State). However when it comes to self worship those to indulge in these narcissistic feelings generally come to a bad end.

7th trump
22nd October 2013, 05:55 AM
Why would anyone REAL care two cents worth what a legal fiction feels?

“No," said the priest, "you don't need to accept everything as true, you only have to accept it as necessary." "Depressing view," said K. "The lie made into the rule of the world.”
― Franz Kafka, The Trial

There is your problem Palani........you lack the neccessary "critical" thinking.
You lack the nessessary basic understanding of how the system operates to properly disect to find your way out.
This is why you have yet to teach anyone the direction to the exit............. palani you cant see the exit.
The exit is not public notices of old or fiat money or saying for someone to get off the federal layer, plane or what have you.
The exit is in understanding the law and its operation......that means you're gonna have to read the statutes and figure out HOW they are applying to the populace and then educate the populace on what causes them to find them in the cross hairs of the fedeal government regulations and policies.
Anything else is just an old broken road sign that we all have read changing directions as the wind.

We all know theres somehing wrong....we dont need reminded of what we already know palani.
If you are going to give direction then give direction or just shut the fuck up!

7th trump
22nd October 2013, 05:58 AM
While the government is fictional the State is not. (You are the State). However when it comes to self worship those to indulge in these narcissistic feelings generally come to a bad end.
Why tell them they are the state palani?
Why not show them how they are the state?
Teach them something that isnt already taught in the "public" schools.
They dont need regurgitation of what they already know.

22nd October 2013, 06:03 AM
They dont need regurgitation of what they already know.

Them? They?

I have already indicated that I believe YOU are the NICEST guy here.

22nd October 2013, 06:05 AM
you lack the neccessary "critical" thinking

MEANWHILE you believe there are two 'c's in necessary? And this indicates that YOU possess the necessary 'critical' thinking?

'Course to be fair I ought to give a clue as to how to actually ACT like a State so here it is:


Statutes are somewhat akin to a STOP sign. A sign by itself lacks authority to enforce its command. All traffic signs have a border around them which shows they are for informational purposes only. The only ones who can actually violate a STOP sign are a registered sex offender or a public employee.

7th trump
22nd October 2013, 08:13 AM
MEANWHILE you believe there are two 'c's in necessary? And this indicates that YOU possess the necessary 'critical' thinking?

'Course to be fair I ought to give a clue as to how to actually ACT like a State so here it is:


Statutes are somewhat akin to a STOP sign. A sign by itself lacks authority to enforce its command. All traffic signs have a border around them which shows they are for informational purposes only. The only ones who can actually violate a STOP sign are a registered sex offender or a public employee.

Perfect example of you lacking critical thinking! Thank you very much for the opportunity to show your lack thereof.
Yeah sure stop signs have a border around them....so what, its insignificant!
States very much do obey statutes.......Iowa piggybacks the federal income statutes as far as imposing state taxes.....thats just one example of obeying statutes. States even obey federal statutes as much as other state statutes. Drunk driving in one state flows over to another state.
If you are cited by illinois for drunk driving and you are from Iowa, having an iowa drivers license, you will loose your Iowa drivers license.......hows that for the state obeying statutes MORON!!!
I dont make it a case to say a sign lacks authority or has authority. I have never beleived an inert object can do anything. why you beleive inert objects have authority and use it as an example of "structure of law and authority" is beyond me.
Stop signs arent given authority to cite anything a ticket for not stopping. Only morons who cant comprehend the structure of law think that way.
People who dont read the statutes to verify what they read on the internet is true usually tend to beleive theres a conspiracy of some sort when they cant find the truth from being lazy assholes......reminds me of trailer park ghetto trash who hate people who have worked hard to afford a real house and new vehicles.
These same lazy ghetto trash people would rather bitch (conspiracy nuts) about the accomplishments of acheivers than join them in being hard workers......you're lazy palani!
Stop signs are to notify the public they need to stop. Usually its because the intersection has blind spots or to deter an accident.....its not a bad thing!

And no anyone on the road who is seen by an authority to cite the offense of not obeying a stop sign is cited.....your sex offender and public employee is just more bullshit conspiracy you found on the internet.
Wheres the statute saying sex offenders and public employees are the only types that can violate a stop sign.
Speed limit signs also have a border around them.......are you saying anyone cited for speeding is a sex offender or a public employee?
What fucking planet are you from?

22nd October 2013, 11:21 AM
Wheres the statute saying sex offenders and public employees are the only types that can violate a stop sign.
Speed limit signs also have a border around them.......are you saying anyone cited for speeding is a sex offender or a public employee?
What fucking planet are you from?

BY JOVE. You might be the nicest guy on the PLANET!!!

7th trump
22nd October 2013, 01:08 PM
BY JOVE. You might be the nicest guy on the PLANET!!!

Another fine question added to the pile that you cant answer isnt it palani.
I didnt think you would find the statute..........because it doesnt exist.
If it doesnt exist then your interpretation is wrong.

So what you are doing is spreading disinformation. The reality is you are spreading studity. You're making anyone listening to you dumber than they were before listening to you.
Confusion begets confusion.........the blind leading the blind into a ditch.

22nd October 2013, 02:25 PM
I didnt think you would find the statute..........because it doesnt exist.

You are the statute worshipper. Just like the STOP sign example. There is no authority for a STOP sign because there is none posted on it. Now because there is no authority does not mean that the STOP sign might be ignored with impunity. It is advisory after all and if confronted with one then reason would dictate that you observe for other traffic that might be in the area before proceeding. The same holds true for statutes. While they might not have authority they could be there for a reason and certainly they are controlling on our employees.

While you are perusing your statutes see if you might find one that creates the State. The legislators might be borrowing from the 'which came first ... the chicken or the egg' routine. Or put in other words IN WHAT WORLD DOES THE EGG DICTATE WHAT THE CHICKEN DOES?

7th trump
22nd October 2013, 08:12 PM
You are the statute worshipper. Just like the STOP sign example. There is no authority for a STOP sign because there is none posted on it. Now because there is no authority does not mean that the STOP sign might be ignored with impunity. It is advisory after all and if confronted with one then reason would dictate that you observe for other traffic that might be in the area before proceeding. The same holds true for statutes. While they might not have authority they could be there for a reason and certainly they are controlling on our employees.

While you are perusing your statutes see if you might find one that creates the State. The legislators might be borrowing from the 'which came first ... the chicken or the egg' routine. Or put in other words IN WHAT WORLD DOES THE EGG DICTATE WHAT THE CHICKEN DOES?

Ohhhh "our employees"....huh?
You are not going to give that one up are you.....still slipping that old tired conspiracy theory in when ever you can huh palani.
Where are you getting this idea that sex offenders and government employees are the only ones who can violate a stop sign that you say holds no authority?
I'll ask again........where is the statute that say sex offenders and government employees are violating the authority of a stop sign by ignoring the stop sign?

I'm not playing your silly iconic bait and switch game here Palani.
You say there's an authority held over the heads of sex offenders and government employees..............so where is it!
Does the authority exist for you to say government employees are controlled by the stop sign or not?
Or are you just regurgitating crap you read from other armchair lawyer websites?

Ok people watch palani....he's a slick little fucker to say the least.....he wont answer....just watch.
See how he was trying to turn it around and make me prove his position........like a politician!
All I'm asking from him is to show me the law.

mick silver
23rd October 2013, 03:24 AM
you two can an will fuck up a thread

23rd October 2013, 04:29 AM
All I'm asking from him is to show me the law.

I can show you the law all day and you wouldn't recognize it because, well, your just so NICE!!!

... then reason would dictate ...

23rd October 2013, 04:30 AM
you two can an will fuck up a thread
And this is a constructive post HOW? Explain precisely why you believe this adds value to the OP.

7th trump
23rd October 2013, 06:11 AM
I can show you the law all day and you wouldn't recognize it because, well, your just so NICE!!!

There you go people the famous palani nonresponsive response that insults the intelligence........... and he has the nerve to say people like me who call him out arent nice.
What a fitting thread title....it should read "palani demands that we ignore those who question him". Sounds just like the political lawyer speak hes known for.
If I'm not mistaken palani wants to be Lord as he implies what he says is the law....or his interpretation of the actual law is what counts.

Theres law he can show all day long but chooses not to and hides from showing us by claiming I wouldnt recognize it.
I think the real reason is palani wouldnt recognize it..........if he had he'd post it.
Traffic citation always have the law listed on the citiation you brake (last speeding ticket I received anyway), so it will be in statute form, but palani refuses locate the statute that says only sex offenders and government employee can violate a stop sign for authenticity.

23rd October 2013, 06:50 AM
he has the nerve to say people like me who call him out arent nice.

hey!!! 'Tard!!!! I have called you NICE at least half a dozen times and YOU interpret this to mean I am calling you not nice?

Did you bother to look up the definition of NICE?

nice (adj.)
late 13c., "foolish, stupid, senseless," from Old French nice (12c.) "careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish," from Latin nescius "ignorant, unaware," literally "not-knowing,"

You are the most "foolish, stupid, senseless" person I have ever had occasion to communicate with and therefore you must be the most NICE!!!

7th trump
23rd October 2013, 07:49 AM
hey!!! 'Tard!!!! I have called you NICE at least half a dozen times and YOU interpret this to mean I am calling you not nice?

Did you bother to look up the definition of NICE?

You are the most "foolish, stupid, senseless" person I have ever had occasion to communicate with and therefore you must be the most NICE!!!

Just more hidden games plated by palani.
You're a hoot palani!
Either way you wish to interpret "nice" it doesnt matter.

Whats senseless, stupid and foolish to me is you saying only sex offenders and government employees are the only ones who can violate a stops signs authority.................... and then later saying a stop sign has no authority.
Sounds pretty senseless to me!
Since you said "government employee" then for sure there has to be a statute on the law books somewhere...........wheres it at?
Dont tell me you said something without first checking it out...............sounds a bit foolish dont ya think?
Who's the senseless stupid fool now?
Ummmmm......looks like you palani.

23rd October 2013, 09:42 AM
you two can an will fuck up a thread

we need a master thread to all threads where people argue ... and argue