View Full Version : Get This: Officer in UC Davis pepper-spray incident to get $38,059

23rd October 2013, 04:53 PM
DAVIS, Calif. —The former University of California, Davis police officer who pepper-sprayed Occupy protesters has reached a worker’s compensation settlement with the university system. The Davis Enterprise reports that a judge on Oct. 16 approved the $38,059 settlement between John Pike and the University of California.
The 40-year-old former officer said he suffered depression and anxiety after death threats to him and his family after the Nov. 18, 2011 event.
University spokesman Andy Fell said the case was resolved in accordance with state laws.

I guess just sitting on the ground and yelling 'Shame on You!" is not enough to stop a CRIMINAL violent aggressive ATTACKER. (Much the same way 'voting' isnt going to stop criminals from robbing you) In case these students couldnt count, they out numbered the Cops 1000 to 1. If only a hanful of people would have been willing to use MORAL DEFENSIVE FORCE to stop him, the other COWARDS would have turned and run. Their guns are MEANINGLESS against a group of people who understand individual freedom and who are willing to sacrifice themselves for it. Sure, a couple of people would have been shot and killed, but Cops only act 'tuff' when they are in control. It is all psychological warfare. Once you break that, THEY RUN THE LIKE LITTLE FUCKING MAGGOTS THEY ARE.

I wonder if any of those students have sued John Pike, the University, The Police, etc?

23rd October 2013, 05:37 PM
[ but Cops only act 'tuff' when they are in control. It is all psychological warfare.

I think that whole story was BS. That guy, Pike, was a University cop. He was a security guard for the campus. All those protestors sitting there were staged. The whole thing was a set up, imo, I don't buy that garbage at all. Propaganda.

24th October 2013, 06:56 AM
story @ RT,

Occupy 'pepper-spray cop' awarded $38k settlement (http://rt.com/usa/uc-davis-pike-comp-641/)

24th October 2013, 09:11 AM
Had he killed a couple of students he would have recieved five million dollars.