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View Full Version : 1 Smart Meter=radiation exposure of 160 Cell Phones

24th October 2013, 12:47 PM
Smart Meters Radiation Exposure Up to 160 Times More Than Cell Phones (Hirsch)

Daniel Hirsch, California radiation expert and UCSD instructor, criticizes the industry-influenced CCST report that incorrectly minimized smart meter risks, based on the widely distributed industry-generated Tell Associates report. CCST is a partner with US DOE (US Dept. of Energy), funder and promoter of smart meters. In the following analysis, Hirsch informs us that one smart meter can provide up to the full body radiation exposure of 160 cell phones; in an interview (video), Hirsch provides the average exposure, equivalent to the full body exposure from 100 cell phones. This completely debunks the Tell Associates report, which was paid for by Pacific Gas & Electric.


AUGUSTA, Maine —Some Maine residents say they started experiencing headaches and other health concerns after "smart meters" were installed at their homes

Maine's Public Utilities Commission held a public witness hearing on Wednesday at the University of Maine at Augusta.

The hearing is part of an investigation the commission launched into health risks of Central Maine Power's smart meters.

More than 6,000 smart meters have been installed in Maine while 8,000 have opted out.

CMP says the meters have been proven safe. It says the meters provide residents detailed information about their electricity usage, allowing them to cut back and save money.

Donna Giroux of Kennebunk says she became extremely ill and experienced facial burning, weakness and other cognitive and neurological effects after smart meters were installed in her neighborhood.

May 21, 2013 By Cheryl Harter, MD, MD(H), Sedona Resident
(May 21, 2013)

I am a medical doctor and have studied the health effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) for several years. I have learned that children are the most vulnerable to detrimental effects of EMFs. The younger the child, the more vulnerable. Their brains are still growing and developing, so errors induced in the DNA of brain cells have far greater consequences than in brains already formed. Because of the thinner skull bones and greater water content of their brains, the same dose penetrates deeper into a child’s brain than into an adult brain.

Children are most vulnerable to EMFs at night when sleeping, the most important time for the brain to rest, de-stress, and grow. I believe the exponential growth in children with ADD, ADHD, and autism spectrum is at least in part due to the concurrent exponential growth in environmental EMFs. In 1984 autism was 1 in 10,000. The Center for Disease Control recently reported 1 in 50. Dr Klinghardt of Seattle, who has successfully treated many autistic children, said the most important therapy is the elimination of EMFs from the child’s bedroom at night. He warns that smart meters must be removed because there is no way to turn them off at night.

The Santa Cruz Public Health Dept. found that smart meters emit spiked pulsations 9,600 to 190,000 times each 24 hours, day and night, 24/7. This study also found that, “depending on the proximity to the meter, smart meters expose persons in the home to full body radiation exposures 50-450 times greater radiation the cell phones.”

We must protect our children from wireless smart meter neighborhood networks until they are proven safe by independent research paid for by the public, not by companies that stand to benefit from their installation.


24th October 2013, 02:32 PM
havent looked at the content of these sites much yet, but they seem informative

check out this one too
FAQ: Radio-Frequency Radiation Issues | Stop Smart Meters!

5th November 2013, 10:14 AM
very informative video... but the guy who is interviewed asserts that each smart mater is 1000s times more harmful than 1 cell phone... if my memory doesnt fail me, I think he said 8000 times...

History... Solutions Take Back Your Power w Josh del Sol


5th November 2013, 03:34 PM
found this. is this a gimic? http://smartmeterguard.com/products/smart-shield

made from 316 S/S, how is that superior to good old aluminum window screen? Made in aluminum screen would be a whole lot cheaper in price???

i have never seen the tool used to measure what they are calling radiation in the youtube posted by the guys who make this. in fact i know next to nothing about radiation or electricity either one.

5th November 2013, 03:53 PM
My actual home meter... Opt Out people!!!
