26th October 2013, 05:30 PM
A Sweet Synergy Between Health and Energy Policy (
Dr. Robert Lustig and his colleagues at UCSF, and other institutions are showing that sugar, and specifically excess fructose (present in sucrose, HFCS, Agave syrup, etc.) are likely responsible for a substantial amount of disease in the US and the world, both amongst adults, and the young. Realization that this is the case is spreading through medical and popular circles. As the truth on this matter spreads, one question is 'what will we do with all the sugar produced' as informed people stop consuming it. The sweet solution is simple- we turn it into fuel to burn in our automobiles, and internal combustion engines in general! Rather than having large conglomerates like PepsiCo and Coca Cola go out of business, they need to figure out how to leverage their sugar resources for energy use. What to do with all the tree crops used for juice production (as these are as bad as soda since they contain concentrated fructose also), is not as simple. They could be turned into energy, but there are ethical concerns about displacing food for energy. Perhaps they could move to nut crops or other non-sugar producing crops. Please watch the video below to understand the problem.
Dr. Robert Lustig and his colleagues at UCSF, and other institutions are showing that sugar, and specifically excess fructose (present in sucrose, HFCS, Agave syrup, etc.) are likely responsible for a substantial amount of disease in the US and the world, both amongst adults, and the young. Realization that this is the case is spreading through medical and popular circles. As the truth on this matter spreads, one question is 'what will we do with all the sugar produced' as informed people stop consuming it. The sweet solution is simple- we turn it into fuel to burn in our automobiles, and internal combustion engines in general! Rather than having large conglomerates like PepsiCo and Coca Cola go out of business, they need to figure out how to leverage their sugar resources for energy use. What to do with all the tree crops used for juice production (as these are as bad as soda since they contain concentrated fructose also), is not as simple. They could be turned into energy, but there are ethical concerns about displacing food for energy. Perhaps they could move to nut crops or other non-sugar producing crops. Please watch the video below to understand the problem.