View Full Version : Body armor

7th trump
27th October 2013, 08:16 AM
Just watched this video and.........yep gonna get some of this AR500.
I'd get some before the long wait and higher prices hits.


Here's the website to order it.


27th October 2013, 08:28 AM
gonna get some of this AR500
I agree. Abrasive people do need more protection.

7th trump
27th October 2013, 08:35 AM
I agree. Abrasive people do need more protection.

27th October 2013, 10:08 AM
Love this guy !


27th October 2013, 12:40 PM
The nicest guys I know wear body armor. Wonder why.

7th trump
27th October 2013, 05:38 PM
The nicest guys I know wear body armor. Wonder why.

Doing what you are good at huh palani?
What childish game is it now!

27th October 2013, 06:15 PM
What childish game is it now!

You plan on derailing your own thread?

7th trump
27th October 2013, 07:46 PM
You plan on derailing your own thread?

I asked you a question moron!

All the morons I know answer a question with a question?

27th October 2013, 08:32 PM
What about dragon skin? I posted that up a while ago but the thread got trolled. Far superior to the alternatives. Don't know if you can get it publically. The military seemed to have shafted the developers. If I were them I would go and sell to the public. Far superior product to what the establishment have.

It gave me several ideas unrelated to body armour or any kind of armour for that matter but the materials used were very interesting in their properties, electrically and strength wise.

What about an old pot belly stove? We know from history that they do work although weaknesses can be exploited.
caveat: not actually from a pot belly but some plough parts

I think clint eastwood used something similar. Of course Chuck Norris wouldn't need any armour at all.

27th October 2013, 08:58 PM
Dragon Skin is really really expensive. I definitely agree it's superior as Dragon Skin is known to stop armor piercing rounds. AR500 will not stop Armor Piercing.

But 210 FRN's for a plate carrier, and 2 plates that's not a bad price at all. Also knowing it can stop a standard .308 round is also a nice piece of mind.

7th trump
28th October 2013, 11:45 AM
Dragon Skin is really really expensive. I definitely agree it's superior as Dragon Skin is known to stop armor piercing rounds. AR500 will not stop Armor Piercing.

But 210 FRN's for a plate carrier, and 2 plates that's not a bad price at all. Also knowing it can stop a standard .308 round is also a nice piece of mind.

Thats why I started this thread....the price is right for this level of body armor......better than nothing!

28th October 2013, 04:52 PM
I agree. Abrasive people do need more protection.

WTF? How old are you?

Trolling people in different threads? Surely you have the intellectual acumen to debate him in the thread using rationality, reason and logic? NO?

I used to work in the construction industry, heavy mining equipment repair. We used all of the AR stuff....400, 450, 500, 550. They even make a 600, but it is VERY brittle. AR is made for abrasion, not heavy hitting. It was used on all of the haul truck liners, dump truck liners, all of the Dozer faces, etc. I have still have some scrap, and i still have connections to all of the yards. They keep piles of this stuff in scrap form. I just asked my buddy last week to round me up some...

Only problerm is its not easy to cut. Plasma and torch is really the only way.....

28th October 2013, 05:12 PM
WTF? How old are you?
Why? Do you want to go on a date?

Trolling people in different threads? Surely you have the intellectual acumen to debate him in the thread using rationality, reason and logic? NO?
My comment suggests abrasive people need body armor more than those who aren't abrasive. Isn't body armor the thread topic?

Are you trying to hijack the thread?

7th trump
28th October 2013, 08:13 PM
WTF? How old are you?

Trolling people in different threads? Surely you have the intellectual acumen to debate him in the thread using rationality, reason and logic? NO?

I used to work in the construction industry, heavy mining equipment repair. We used all of the AR stuff....400, 450, 500, 550. They even make a 600, but it is VERY brittle. AR is made for abrasion, not heavy hitting. It was used on all of the haul truck liners, dump truck liners, all of the Dozer faces, etc. I have still have some scrap, and i still have connections to all of the yards. They keep piles of this stuff in scrap form. I just asked my buddy last week to round me up some...

Only problerm is its not easy to cut. Plasma and torch is really the only way.....
Its good stuff then for common non-armor piercing rounds?

Its says good for all (or most anyway) handguns.
In a SHTF scenario I think most urbanites have a shotgun or handgun....so this might be the best thing at its price.
I heard ceramic powder (granular) is good at stopping a bullet as long as its extremely packed......I have my doubts though.

Anyway palani's only reason for posting in this thread is clearly obvious.
He believes he's clever!
And no, I have reason to believe palani cannot debate. Its hard to defend a position that doesn't have any truth or evidence to back it.
Conspiracies are very hard to prove and always will be.
Honesty and truth are not transparent like conspiracy's are.

28th October 2013, 08:56 PM
The knowledge that is sought is here and if you are patient, you shall hear it and know it, listen, if you can also see you will know it and smile. :)


29th October 2013, 06:18 AM
Anyway palani's only reason for posting in this thread is clearly obvious.
He believes he's clever!
And no, I have reason to believe palani cannot debate. Its hard to defend a position that doesn't have any truth or evidence to back it.
Conspiracies are very hard to prove and always will be.
Honesty and truth are not transparent like conspiracy's are.

So you are suggesting that abrasive people DON't need body armor? Now I am confused. Could you tell me why?

7th trump
29th October 2013, 06:59 AM
So you are suggesting that abrasive people DON't need body armor? Now I am confused. Could you tell me why?

You really are confused arent you palani!
Here's an idea palani.
Maybe if you stopped playing these hidden games that nobody knows you are playing, but you, you wouldnt be so confused all the time.

Where do you get "abrasive" from?
And where did you get the idea that I suggested abrasive people need body armor in the first?
Last a read it was you, being clever (in your own mind), who brought in the idea of "abrasive" in this thread, not I!
I basically give little credence to you and this "abrasive" thingy....why do you keep bringing it up as if I said anything to the nature?

Anyway palani's only reason for posting in this thread is clearly obvious.
He believes he's clever!
And no, I have reason to believe palani cannot debate. Its hard to defend a position that doesn't have any truth or evidence to back it.
Conspiracies are very hard to prove and always will be.
Honesty and truth are not transparent like conspiracy's are.

29th October 2013, 07:33 AM
Where do you get "abrasive" from?
You might find it in a dictionary although a definitionary would be a better choice.

abrasive (adj.)
1805, from Latin abras-, past participle stem of abradere (see abrasion) + -ive. Figurative sense of "tending to provoke anger" is first recorded 1925. Related: Abrasively; abrasiveness.

And where did you get the idea that I suggested abrasive people need body armor in the first?
Simple. You provoke anger in most of your posts (therefore are abrasive) and you are promoting body armor. By strange coincidence (not conspiracy) carborundum is also abrasive and there is a saying (in fake Latin)

illegitimi non carborundum usually "translated" as "don't let the bastards grind you down"

7th trump
29th October 2013, 07:48 AM
You might find it in a dictionary although a definitionary would be a better choice.

Simple. You provoke anger in most of your posts (therefore are abrasive) and you are promoting body armor. By strange coincidence (not conspiracy) carborundum is also abrasive and there is a saying (in fake Latin)

illegitimi non carborundum usually "translated" as "don't let the bastards grind you down"

Another example of your hidden game playing.

I provoke anger huh?
Where and how!

All I do is question your position on or about law.
You can call it angry as I beleive it angers you to have to be questioned that usually exposes you as naked....as in naked assumption mongerer.
But then again you reap what you sow!

29th October 2013, 07:52 AM
I provoke anger huh?
Where and how!
Let me check with your EX-wife and I will get back with you.

7th trump
29th October 2013, 08:31 AM
Let me check with your EX-wife and I will get back with you.

Really...you are going to go there huh!
Thats a new low for you......but isnt a surprise at all.
You do play hidden games.

You dont even know my ex-wife.

29th October 2013, 10:10 AM
You dont even know my ex-wife.

Is that the point? Or is your ABRASIVE approach the point?

7th trump
29th October 2013, 11:58 AM
Is that the point? Or is your ABRASIVE approach the point?

Why do you bring someone irrevelent into this?
What was your point in doing so?
Is this yet another one of your childish games to use someone who's irrevelent have any revelency?
Sounds like a lawyer tactic to get around something you dont wish to address.
Bait and switch trick!

mick silver
29th October 2013, 12:46 PM

29th October 2013, 01:23 PM
Why do you bring someone irrevelent into this?

Did you call your wife IRRELEVANT before she departed?

I knew a machinist at Cat who told me he was sitting in his kitchen in his skivies when the gendarmes in Peoria knocked on the door. Seems his wife wanted him out so he was not even given a chance to put his pants on.

I suspect he didn't view the need to get dressed as being relevant to his wifes desire to get him out of their home.