View Full Version : US Gold Treason - The Coming Reset and Remonetization of Gold

30th October 2013, 09:00 PM
Mamboni comments: For what it is worth, I believe this is exactly what is going to happen; because the only way to reset and restabilize the financial system is by firmly linking it to gold. And it serves the aims of the elite who own the physical gold: to retain their wealth and power over the masses. Be smart and hold on to your gold and silver. Because they will be your only salvation when the day of reckoning arrives.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

US Gold Treason

US Gold Treason

Bullion Banks are committing ‘Treason’: not that they are stealing US Gold (as I have stated that the Gold Reserves are mostly owned by the elite and are keep in order to store real wealth underneath the asset/liability of Treasuries and Currency), but that they intend hanging the losses, the liability (GLD/Rehypothecation) around the neck of the US Citizen in the form of cash settlement…using printed money from the Fed.

The Elites are setting up a new Global Financial System IN ASIA, they are taking their Gold with them. I have expressed this point throughout my blog; they how's and the why's.

The Trigger of the Golden Gun will be pulled with the commencement of immediate deliverable physical Gold on Asian Exchanges!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IQ_TBJHrcU#t=346 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IQ_TBJHrcU#t=346)

Remember how they’re accumulating the Gold? That’s right, American Banks are assisting this wealth transfer/smearing. Treason!
http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/gold-us-sovereign-coup-detat-and.html (http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/gold-us-sovereign-coup-detat-and.html)

Jim Sinclair’s call is $50,000/oz, my call is $134,000/oz. Everyone’s call (Sinclair, Rickards etc) is progressively creeping up to my 134k call which I made back in…I dunno…more than two years ago?!

I guarantee you that these Physical Gold Exchanges which will open up in Asia will be connected to a new Global Reserve Currency/Bond (SDR).

Have a very close listen to what Jim says about Derivatives at 39min 20sec. Remember, my $134k call is based upon this exact scenario where, as I clearly stated, “But there’s a catch, as I described in a post response, “When they devalue currencies against Gold, especially the US Dollar and by default, US Treasuries, a large sector of the global Derivative Market will implode and also require SDR (Gold) backing. This is because much of the Derivative Market is highly leveraged, and when you devalue the currency/asset in which the leverage is denominated (USD to USTs) you effectively devalue the financial product itself against hard (physical) assets. This is my $134,000/oz Gold price which I believe will be required in order to stabilises global economies as well as markets via a Gold Backed SDR.”

I disagree with Jim in just one area; when they devalue against Gold but attempt to revalue debt higher to offset Gold's appreciation as an asset ("no free lunches") thus attempting to remove any benefit Gold has to an investor, this approach will fail, simply because the average person has no Gold, therefore they stand to be wiped-out (Europe, US, even Asia) as their debt (Homes) will not be followed up by incomes. This would implode the entire Bank Asset/Liability model. This will never happen. What they will do though, is to shake the tree again and again to suck every last ounce out of the general public BEFORE a revaluation takes place. Then they will completely wipe out the spread between Bank Reserves and Bank Assets/Liabilities ($80 Trillion). Some of us...Gold owners...will ride the Coat Tails of the revaluation.

But we are less than 1 in 1000 people.

How much will you be worth when Gold hits $134,000/oz????



30th October 2013, 09:01 PM
So you're saying we'll all be rich?

30th October 2013, 09:03 PM
So you're saying we'll all be rich?

Well, compared to the masses, yes. But in the absolute, you will be able to live and eat and retain some assemblance of a standard of living.

30th October 2013, 09:07 PM
Mamboni beats silver rocket bitches by 4 minutes... BTW, why not 133,000, or 135,000... why does it have to be 134,000?

30th October 2013, 09:15 PM
The mistake they always make is pricing it in dollars, when it will be in yuan.

We will all meet on a boat to China to unload.

Ponce will not be allowed on with that much tp.

30th October 2013, 09:18 PM
Mamboni beats silver rocket bitches by 4 minutes... BTW, why not 133,000, or 135,000... why does it have to be 134,000?

It's obviously an estimate only. After all, no one knows the exact percentage of notional derivatives that will be wiped out in the reset. The author assumes that the bulk of the derivatives will be collateralized by gold revaluation. Otherwise, the system would implode entirely.

30th October 2013, 09:19 PM
BTW, why not 133,000, or 135,000... why does it have to be 134,000?

135,000?!? Are you crazy? 134,000 is much more believable and conservative. These guys need to keep a level head, you know.

30th October 2013, 09:24 PM
A reset would bring Silver back to the classic 15 to 1 ratio,

and each oz. would be worth $8933.3333333333333333333333333333>

The silver in my computer I estimate at about $4000 worth, or a 2 loafs a bread.

30th October 2013, 09:27 PM
A reset would bring Silver back to the classic 15 to 1 ratio,

and each oz. would be worth $8933.3333333333333333333333333333>

The silver in my computer I estimate at about $4000 worth, or a loaf a bread.

Yeah, that silver price seems extreme don't it. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

30th October 2013, 09:31 PM
A reset would bring Silver back to the classic 15 to 1 ratio,

and each oz. would be worth $8933.3333333333333333333333333333>

The silver in my computer I estimate at about $4000 worth, or a 2 loafs a bread.

I believe it's loaves, not loafs.. or you can say 2 breads ;D

30th October 2013, 09:49 PM
Mamboni beats silver rocket bitches by 4 minutes... BTW, why not 133,000, or 135,000... why does it have to be 134,000?

Here's the long answer to your question:

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Gold will rebalance the sum of all Fiat expansion

Gold will rebalance the sum of all Fiat expansion
Once you have read this post and watched the Greg Mannarino-Debt Bubble video at the end, I encourage you to re-read the post.

I have no doubt whatsoever, that Governments around the world will need to deflate currencies against Gold Reserves, thus deflating all currency denominated assets such as Treasuries, Bank Assets/Liabilities, Private/Public Debt, Real Estate…almost everything.

The reason this is inevitable is quite simple; From Central Banks to Mum & Dad savers, from Corporations to Students, Balance Sheets EVERYWHERE have been expanded to their limit. Take the Banking Sector for instance, the spread between Bank Reserves and Bank Assets/Liabilities is around US$80 Trillion, around US$7Trillion just in the United States. This ‘Peak Debt Saturation’ has Gummed-Up the global financial engine and it needs a complete overhaul. No matter how much fuel (QE/Stimulus) you throw into the engine it will merely overheat and gumm-up more. It needs to be stripped and rebuilt.

There is one other option, and it’s radical; a Jim Rickards style Kumbaya united and coordinated currency deflation against the one asset which poses no threat to the global economy, Gold!

Expressed in greater detail here: http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/kumbaya-currencies-will-bow-to-gold.html

What really needs to happen is somewhat difficult to get one’s head around but I’ll touch upon it now.

The global economy needs to drive the wealth and standard of living which was artificially created by way of Balance Sheet expansion, into the Vaulted Gold Reserves. In this way, a Central Bank can offset (neutralise) the expanded Balance Sheet against its vaulted Gold Reserves. For the US Fed this means it owns both the Mortgage back Securities and the Gold which underpins them (double for nothing).

Since the Fed - like most Central Banks – are owned by the largest banks for that given country/territory/Commonwealth, then those Banks stand to gain by way of clearing their spread between reserves to assets/liabilities…overnight! This allows them to leverage back up all over again.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and this is no different. The short straw will be held by those who use currencies, have wealth pinned to currency values, and/or must suffer the ensuing inflation as balance is restored and the leverage continues up again (watch from 15min http://goldsilver.com/video/james-rickards-future-of-money-2-0-bratislava-sept-26th-2013/).

So, there will be two forces acting upon future assets, Devaluation (or series of) followed up by Inflation.

But what if you own physical Gold? When you consider the real value of Gold in a devaluation against Gold you must look at two factors; the amount of Gold held in Reserves and the amount of Balance Sheet expansion which has taken place. Take this as a warning: they will not simply devalue a fraction of the total expansion, they will devalue against all of it. This may or may not be done in stages or over many years, but I assure you, when they are forced to do it (and they will), they will pull the total spread back down to zero. Then they will look at critical sectors of the Derivative Markets, the Insurance Markets and so-on down the line, until eventually Gold will underpin the global economy, or at least those countries who chose to invest in Gold rather than divest.

This is the wealth transfer. If you do not own Physical Gold you will suffer the fate of the masses, who unfortunately, are completely oblivious to both the situation’s cause and the remedy; all they will ever feel, understand and come to terms with, are the symptoms.

Those who own physical will experience an uplift in their wealth as they ride on the Coat Tails of inevitability. My figures point to a ratio of 50:1, meaning, for every $1,000,000 of Assets/Debt you will need around $20,000 of physical Gold (in today’s currency terms and at $1,400/oz Gold). This means that 14oz of Gold will capture any loss of wealth in, say, Real Estate, when a global Gold deflation occurs. That being said, if you own 28oz of Gold you’ll double your wealth.

NOTE: It is not the value of your Gold which is appreciating; it is merely a small fraction of the total Global Balance Sheet expansion which will be moving into your Gold. Once this occurs Gold will be of no value to you, but the next rising asset (Real Estate, Productive Agricultural Land, Next Gen Manufacturing) may be.

I wrote a post almost 1.5 years ago which describes the corner in which we have painted ourselves into, and been painted into. TSP post on ZH Fri, 07/06/2012: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-chart-tears-apart-stimulus-package#comment-2593721

“the past 20-30 years (especially the 15 years pre-GFC) the western world and some sectors of the emerging economies, have lived beyond our means, and (temporarily) brought forward a standard of living we were meant to enjoy 30-50 years into the future. The natural advancement of standards of living and wealth creation are (should be) as physically real an event as the purification of physical metal from the earth ie. it takes time, manpower, energy and intelligence to extract and purify something in the ground into something we can use, or store as assumed value. There is no magic in that, there is no circumventing time, energy and knowledge (fact and natural law). Take Gold for example; it's not money at all, nor is it a store of value. To me, Gold is merely a store of, a representation of, time, energy and knowledge/Ingenuity...it's value is only derived from a commonly agreed upon (general) acknowledgement of that notional value (an agreement to the terms), the price tag of which must be assigned - as with all things - through price discovery. Fiat paper money too must be commonly agreed upon as representing manpower and energy elsewhere. So, the real issue here is that paper money can act like a Time Machine, actually, more like a Virtual Particle where, time and energy can be circumvented for a brief period, and the fruits of labour and energy can be artificially and magically emulated, but then the natural balance of things must be restored. This is true for the economy as well as the physical universe in which it resides. During the 20 or so years before the GFC we effectively brought forward a future lifestyle and wealth epoch into the present day, but now that balance must be restored. I come from an aerospace engineering background, so for me math and physics are real. The magic and slippery trickery of the markets and economies are mere temporary manipulations which eventually become UNDONE. The only reason people do not subscribe to this notion is because they have not lived long enough to have witnessed it in action. Those who have treat money very differently from our modern-day irreverent mentality. So my outlook on the future of money is nothing like what an economist's or trader's would be today. I am trying to learn how money was viewed in the 1920's and adopt that mentality (save first then spend, no credit at all...and it's hard).

Why is there no recovery? Because there will be no recovery, can people not see that already? The data and physical reality just outside the window are staring everyone in the face, but still we look for it. Like Japan's lost decade (double decade actually), we will all need to pay the piper (perhaps even the Ferryman) over the coming decades, and it's a huge bill that has been placed on the table in front of us. The western world will pass it around the table and keep buying drinks in the meantime, hoping that our kids will pay it for us or be industrious enough to kick the can further, but soon enough we will all be in the back of the restaurant washing dishes to pay for the feast as our funny money (Virtual Money) will not be accepted.

And it is this belief which leads me to the most radical of views; that we will not just return to a Gold Standard to support Bonds and Cash, because that won't be enough, not by a long shot. I believe that Gold will need to support ALL that has been brought forward from the future since 1971, that includes Derivatives, Real Estate, Credit Card debt, everything! What's that, about 1 Quadrillion?”


30th October 2013, 10:10 PM
I believe it's loaves, not loafs.. or you can say 2 breads ;D

It depends by how many seconds they are separated by.

Anything over a meter is another loaf, for 2 loafs.

31st October 2013, 07:49 AM
Everytime gold drops, if you listen very very carefully, you will here it, ever so softly: "must....shake....out.....more....gold....must....s hake....out....more....gold...."

31st October 2013, 08:10 AM
How much will you be worth when Gold hits $134,000/oz?

Unfortunately, I won't be worth anything. I lost all of mine during a bad boating accident... Damn guns fell overboard too... :(

31st October 2013, 02:28 PM
Mamboni comments: For what it is worth, I believe this is exactly what is going to happen; because the only way to reset and restabilize the financial system is by firmly linking it to gold. And it serves the aims of the elite who own the physical gold: to retain their wealth and power over the masses. Be smart and hold on to your gold and silver. Because they will be your only salvation when the day of reckoning arrives.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

US Gold Treason

US Gold Treason

Bullion Banks are committing ‘Treason’: not that they are stealing US Gold (as I have stated that the Gold Reserves are mostly owned by the elite and are keep in order to store real wealth underneath the asset/liability of Treasuries and Currency), but that they intend hanging the losses, the liability (GLD/Rehypothecation) around the neck of the US Citizen in the form of cash settlement…using printed money from the Fed.

The Elites are setting up a new Global Financial System IN ASIA, they are taking their Gold with them. I have expressed this point throughout my blog; they how's and the why's.

The Trigger of the Golden Gun will be pulled with the commencement of immediate deliverable physical Gold on Asian Exchanges!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IQ_TBJHrcU#t=346 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IQ_TBJHrcU#t=346)

Remember how they’re accumulating the Gold? That’s right, American Banks are assisting this wealth transfer/smearing. Treason!
http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/gold-us-sovereign-coup-detat-and.html (http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/gold-us-sovereign-coup-detat-and.html)

Jim Sinclair’s call is $50,000/oz, my call is $134,000/oz. Everyone’s call (Sinclair, Rickards etc) is progressively creeping up to my 134k call which I made back in…I dunno…more than two years ago?!

I guarantee you that these Physical Gold Exchanges which will open up in Asia will be connected to a new Global Reserve Currency/Bond (SDR).

Have a very close listen to what Jim says about Derivatives at 39min 20sec. Remember, my $134k call is based upon this exact scenario where, as I clearly stated, “But there’s a catch, as I described in a post response, “When they devalue currencies against Gold, especially the US Dollar and by default, US Treasuries, a large sector of the global Derivative Market will implode and also require SDR (Gold) backing. This is because much of the Derivative Market is highly leveraged, and when you devalue the currency/asset in which the leverage is denominated (USD to USTs) you effectively devalue the financial product itself against hard (physical) assets. This is my $134,000/oz Gold price which I believe will be required in order to stabilises global economies as well as markets via a Gold Backed SDR.”

I disagree with Jim in just one area; when they devalue against Gold but attempt to revalue debt higher to offset Gold's appreciation as an asset ("no free lunches") thus attempting to remove any benefit Gold has to an investor, this approach will fail, simply because the average person has no Gold, therefore they stand to be wiped-out (Europe, US, even Asia) as their debt (Homes) will not be followed up by incomes. This would implode the entire Bank Asset/Liability model. This will never happen. What they will do though, is to shake the tree again and again to suck every last ounce out of the general public BEFORE a revaluation takes place. Then they will completely wipe out the spread between Bank Reserves and Bank Assets/Liabilities ($80 Trillion). Some of us...Gold owners...will ride the Coat Tails of the revaluation.

But we are less than 1 in 1000 people.

How much will you be worth when Gold hits $134,000/oz????



Easy to overlook, but the video in mamboni's OP is excellent:


11th December 2017, 08:31 PM
Mamboni comments: For what it is worth, I believe this is exactly what is going to happen...

