View Full Version : "Thank you Satan!/Yes we can!"
midnight rambler
1st November 2013, 11:34 AM
1st November 2013, 12:51 PM
satan's promises are short lived...
1st November 2013, 02:30 PM
The Lord's blessing
What's the difference?
The devil's "blessing" has a BARB attached to it. It's called SORROW
Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
1st November 2013, 03:32 PM
He's actually flashing I love you in sign language, not the devil horns.
He's just doing that to screw with ya'll.
1st November 2013, 03:38 PM
He's actually flashing I love you in sign language, not the devil horns.
He's just doing that to screw with ya'll.
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
1st November 2013, 03:39 PM
He's actually flashing I love you in sign language, not the devil horns.
He's just doing that to screw with ya'll.
No shit! Just looked that up.
1st November 2013, 03:52 PM
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
Why did Helen Keller wear skin tight pants?
--So you could read her lips!
Why did Helen Keller wear skin tight pants?
--So you could read her lips!
1st November 2013, 04:02 PM
How do you get Helen Keller to keep a secret?
Break her fingers.
1st November 2013, 05:13 PM
He's actually flashing I love you in sign language, not the devil horns.
He's just doing that to screw with ya'll.
Or did the guy that came up with sign language use symbolism that most would never understand?
midnight rambler
1st November 2013, 06:35 PM
He's actually flashing I love you in sign language, not the devil horns.
He's just doing that to screw with ya'll.
Yeah, all those head-bangin' rockers are just expressing their love for everyone. Right. Got it.
1st November 2013, 08:32 PM
It may say I Love You in sign language.
But he is giving, then taking it away with the other, in a two handed gesture.
Curse of warlocks.
1st November 2013, 10:16 PM
All lies are finite and fragile...Temporary prosperities...but with 7 billion supplying power to Satan...lies become more and more powerful while the people become more and more powerless to resist accepting the lies as Truth.
GOD powers Truth...and Truth powers lies.
GOD supplies power to people and people supply power to lies to sustain their existence as Truth.
Lies can outlive liars.
Just as a virus can spread from host to host.
Or a Demon possessing a person.
Credit is a derivative of money like Science is a derivative of religion.
1st November 2013, 11:07 PM
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
Okay, this is crap. First, the hand sign system for the deaf was created well before Helen Keller was born.
Second, the sign for "I Love You" makes perfect logical sense, as it is the simultaneous signing of the letters I, L, and Y. And the signs for I, L, and Y also make make perfect sense as the simplest finger representation of each of those those letters. "I" is the raised pinkie, "L" is the extended thumb and forefinger in the shape of an L, and Y is the extended thumb and pinkie, in the shape of a Y. The "I love you" sign is simply those three letters signed at the same time.
2nd November 2013, 01:45 AM
you all employ absolute self indulgent reason....So does Satan fighting GOD attempting to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all and everything...
Satan is negative GOD is positive
If you think GOD is negative.
Then you are evil like Satan...Satan sees GOD as negative and Satan as positive.
Satan is negative...Like Lords are.
The Lord works in mysterious ways...GOD does not.
It makes perfect sense to me too.
When you stub your toe...Blame yourself...not GOD.
Your ignorance is to blame...GOD is knowledge.
You all are looking for an escape from the consequences of your ignorant actions.
Satan which is ignorance...Thinks defeating GOD and obtaining absolute power over all and everything is how to escape the wrath of GOD.
That is the very best way to obtain the wrath of GOD.
When hate attempts to become love by attempting to defeat love and become love.
Hate loses and Love wins.
Remember Gandhi?
"Gandhi travelled to London, England, to study law at University College London, where he studied Indian law and jurisprudence and trained as a barrister at the Inner Temple in the city of London"
"Thomas willing completed preparatory studies in Bath, England, then studied law in London at the Inner Temple in the city of London"
He was at the signing of the declaration of independence...and someone...made note...that he declined to sign the declaration of independence from His majesty...The 4 dimensional shape shifting lizard king...of England of which is was a loyal subject and servant to.
Appointed by Alexander Hamiltion who...was a banker...that set up the entire financial system of the USA private and government...based on...the exact same system in the city of London.
Thomas Willing was the first president of the first central bank of the USA...The Federal reserve is the third temple of banking...That George Washinton signed into LAW...
that Alexander Hamilton...the banker...that is buried on Wall Street...supposedly dreamed up on the toilet one day...while he was the 1st treasury secretary appointed by Washington based on the Constitution that Alexander Hamilton...the only representative from New York helped to write.
"We the people"...that gave congress all their powers to coin money and borrow money by issuing bonds and enslaving the population of the USA to alter the Universe...He helped write it and get it all passed to give General Washington the greatest hero of heroes in US history ever because he is US History...the power to appoint him Alexander Hamiltion treasury secretary on Sept 11, 1789
Why do I know more about you...than you all know about anything?
"Influenced by Henry Salt's writing, he joined the Vegetarian Society, was elected to its executive committee, and started a local Bayswater chapter. Some of the vegetarians he met were members of the Theosophical Society, which had been founded in 1875 to further universal brotherhood, and which was devoted to the study of Buddhist and Hindu literature. They encouraged Gandhi to join them in reading the Bhagavad Gita both in translation as well as in the original. Not having shown interest in religion before, he became interested in religious thought."
"The Theosophical Society was officially formed in New York City, United States, in November 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others. Its initial objective was the "study and elucidation of Occultism, the Cabala etc." After a few years Olcott and Blavatsky moved to India and established the International Headquarters at Adyar, in Madras India." based in fort St George in Madras India.
While George Washington's headquarters were in Cambridge, the flag was not hoisted at his headquarters, but on nearby Prospect Hill in Somerville, so it would be prominently visible for miles around.
"We re-enact the flag-raising every January 1 and have a great time celebrating our proud history."
--Linda Gritz, 2 January 2004
The CEO or president of the British East India company was called the commander in chief.
The Boston tea party?
the tea that was being thrown in the water...Was British East India company tea.
"An artist drew a picture of the Green Dragon Tavern. Below it he wrote these words:
"Where we met to Plan the Consignment of a few Shiploads of Tea, Dec 16, 1773"
In the upper left hand corner of his drawing he put a square and compass. To this day no one knows who planned the Boston Tea Party.
"The building had been purchased by the St. Andrews Lodge in 1764. There was a square and compass over the front door and a copper Dragon that had turned green through the weather. It was a community center. Downstairs was the Tavern. Upstairs was the St. Andrews Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (Ancients). It was the largest place for meetings in the north east end of Boston. Historians have called it "headquarters of the American Revolution."
No one knows who the "Chiefs" were that commanded the "Indians."
Just a mile from the Potomac River, in Alexandria, Virginia and overlooking the nation's capitol, stands the 333 ft. George Washington Masonic National Memorial on historic Shooters Hill. ...
Who did the British Parliament give the monopoly on tea to?
In May 1773, Prime Minister North and the British parliament passed the Tea Act. The Tea Act allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists.
All the above information was found decades ago.
It's not even a molecule in a snowflake laying on the tip of an iceberg.
The Jews...the ones you can see in positions of power...They are puppets...meatshields.
Like a security alarm.
You start touching them...and they go off.
You all lack leadership.
There are two kinds of leaders.
Ignorant chaotic
knowledgeable logical
The Ignorant chaotic leaders...They lead you to the bright glorious a cliff generally or ultimately defeat.
The Knowledgeable realistic leaders...They lead to the bright glorious future of ultimate victory.
Once the population of India has been fooled into thinking they had won independence from the city of London.
The city of London killed Gandhi and to this day...the population of India still thinks they gained their independence from London...They have never been independent from London.
neither has the population of the USA...there is zero evidence that independence of the city of London was acquired by the population of the USA...ever.
It appears to be a mass cherished delusion or a lie the population of the USA believes is Truth like the population of India believes the lie they believe is Truth.
Motto of the city of London.
Lord direct us...and the mayor of the city of the Lord.
The Queen walks behind the Lord when she visits the city of London.
But you all are just think positive ignore negative drones.
You all will fight to the death to remain asleep to enjoy the dream you are awake and die in your sleep.
What you all consider evil.
Is a laugh to me.
I've had evil people's necks in my hands crushing I've been in the clutched being tortured to scream to supply the demand of evil for pleasure.
All of you that connect to the world wide web of lies seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.
"I have completed to-day a very great thing. I have finished the National Bank Act. It will be a blessing to the country long after I am dead."--Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury
Lies and delusions or lies you tell to yourself and others can outlive liars and the delusional.
"My agency, in promoting the passage of the National Bank Act, was the greatest mistake in my life. It has built up a monopoly which affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed, but before that can be accomplished, the people should be arrayed on one side, and the banks on the other, in a contest such as we have never seen before in this country."--Salmon P. Chase
The Chase in Chase Manhattan bank.
now back then it was a gangs of new York scenario.
now you have computer viruses that walk up to you and stick their hands into you and turn you all black.
Agents that try to touch me when I do not allow it have their fingers snapped off and fed back to them.
The Internet puts you all into contact with forces...that in the would never see.
Pre Internet I was invisible.
Now you see you don't.
The force has a powerful influence on the weak minded.
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."---British East India company asset master mason general George Washington.
The revelations of the whistleblowers and all the antiInternet social engineering...Is an operation...a plan or program being followed.
Is the pre social engineering for the shut down of it.
bush Yale class of 68...Kerry class of 66...and both possible Presidents with one a president looking for a second term and one looking for a first term...Skull and bones members are more rare than Jews...what are the odds? anything about Yale?
Satan rolls the dice...GOD shows Satan the result.
When Satan has a plan to defeat GOD in a dice game...that plan fails every time...Satan is ignorant...Knows nothing...GOD knows everything.
GOD is something and Satan is nothing...I know something about nothing.
Before the has to spent years searching for what you can find in the blink of an eye now.
You all spent your time on the Internet reinforcing your ignorance of Truth...not breaking free from it.
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.
The liars rule the ignorant.
The above information is old.
I'm in the future...sending these messages to you all in the you can speed up...catch up.
Or maybe effort is work...and you all would rather just enjoy life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...Or play.
“The study of money (Power), above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.”--John Kenneth Galbraith Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p15
"All the perplexities, confusions and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, as much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." (Absolute capitalist economics)--PRESIDENT JOHN ADAMS
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity into perplexity which is then divided unequally and subtracted to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
2nd November 2013, 03:48 AM
want to see a magic trick?
this is a magic trick Alexander Hamilton was taught...I traced it back to at least 1172 with the bank of Venice...but it is far older.
You wish to obtain have a source of power...but need more power to obtain the power you seek.
Come see a power broker...
They can lend you the power you now pay later...just sign on the dotted make all your dreams come true now...and you will pay for them later.
How is this possible?
where do they get this power?
From you...It is your power...all the power you must supply to have what you want now...and not later.
fake exchange for real power.
You give me your soul or real power in bondage for 25 years...and I will supply you 100000 fake power now...if you give me 100000 fake power in the next 25 years...and if at any point in time in the next 25 years you fail to supply my demands...I will take all you have in order to supply my demand.
Worship Satan now to get what you want?...or refuse?
Well this is magic and the bible says you should remain ignorant of can not see the magic world.
Good thing Satan can not manipulate the bible or anything at all and does not exist...
But something exists...and we have to search for it.
The FED has a 6% dividend in the act.
A mortgage at 6.448% over 25 years to inflate
Supplies a yield or profit to the bank of
100,038.73 on a mortgage of created out of thin air credit or fake power of 100,000 dollars
A poor unfortunate powerless soul comes looking for help...from a Banker
I create a mortgage contract...A Death pledge...that you sign agreeing to supply the holder of this death pledge or asset with...100,000 Dollars at 6.448%
I also create 100,000 dollars of credit out of thin air to supply the demand of this contract...this is the liability.
To buy a house.
For you...that you think you own...because I send you off to buy it for me but you think you are buying it.
But are only a renter until you pay it off now or later...but no later than 25 years later...and in small payments every month...Or I will take everything you have to supply my demand for yield.
I give you 100,000's worth of banknotes I printed up...Its another prop in this trick...or I can write 100,000's on a piece of paper or give you a magic rock and say its 100,000 Dollars
I have to supply you with something to give to the current holder of the that they will take your power and they will give you power in return an exchange for mutual benefit.
how are you liking the exchange for mutual benefit?
You give him the banknotes...and he give you the House.
I the magician doing GOD's work have a death pledge attached to the house you think you own but belongs to me...and you will spend the next 25 years slaving to supply my demand for payment or yield.
you will slave or annihilate yourself to obtain fake power or banknotes or exchange for real power you generate in your matrix pod for me to live off of for 25 years.
at the owe me 100,000 Dollars and do not own a house.
in the end you owe me zero...I supply you with the house that cost 100,000 to buy and I have 100,038.73 dollars profit.
I lent you 100,000 dollars for 25 years and at the profit is only 38.73$?
Or yield from that little tiny Tax I put on the money I lent you of 6.448%
What is going on?
lets look at the payments you must supply to me...I'm an honest banker...I make sure you understand fully what you are getting yourself into before you make a death pledge.
per month for the next 300 months...They are 666.67.
6.448% is the Bloch wall.
The zero point.
At 6% like the FED so called "dividend"...In Iran its Sharia and attaching Interest to money is forbidden...So they call Interest in Iran...dividends ...
100,000 of credit created out of this air and supplied to you to make your dreams come true to blow now in an instant at 6%...will yield to me 91,941.99 Dollars after 25 years.
with monthly payments of 639.81 Dollars
I create 100,000 of new power your slavery the next 25 years and at the end I get 91,941.99 Dollars
You get 100,000 dollars to blow now to buy something...and then pay later to me back...I created it...It belongs to agreed to blow it and then spend up to 25 years getting it back and giving back to me.
Buy now pay later
But we have some problems...that are worse.
At 6.448% the yield from 100,000 Dollars of fake power with monthly payments of 666.67 Dollars per month is 100,038.73 Dollars.
or ultimately 38.73 Dollars in 25 years...that is not very much...But still inflationary
But at 6% the yield from 100,000 Dollars of fake power with monthly payments of 639.81 Dollars per month is 91,941.99 Dollars.
Or ultimately -8058.01 Dollars in 25 years...that is not a positive yield...that is deflationary
What is happening?
what about 10%?
But at 6% the yield from 100,000 Dollars of fake power with monthly payments of 894.49 Dollars per month is 168,346.17 Dollars.
Or ultimately 68346.17 Dollars in 25 years...that is a hyper positive yield...that is hyperinflationary
But raising the demand for growth of fake power stops hyperinflation...
That is what you all are trained to believe...increasing growth rates stops growth...
what about 1% then?
But at 6% the yield from 100,000 Dollars of fake power with monthly payments of 376.78 Dollars per month is 13,033.53 Dollars.
Or ultimately -86,966.47 Dollars in 25 years...that is a hyper negative yield...that is hyperdeflationary
the zero point is not inflationary or deflationary...the yield from 100,000 is 100,000
but above the zero point of 666 is hyperinflationary and below is hyper deflationary.
above you want to fly to heaven and below you want to fall into hell.
1 and zero
There is maximum potential power greater than previous power...maximum potential power less than previous power.
This a wave...
maximum potential positive is 1
maximum potential negative is zero.
But what about the zero point...or Bloch wall.
The block wall is the singularity at the center of a magnet where the negative and the positive are zero.
To see it you make it zero...and the maximum potential inflation or positive is 1 and the maximum potential deflation as negative 1.
there is a bloch wall that separates the haves from the have not's.
The rich from the poor
Below it and you are pushed down...above it you rise up.
The powerful from the powerless
the victor from the vanquished.
the knowledgeable from the ignorant
Tesla was a mutant.
"Magneto is a mutant with the power to manipulate electromagnetic fields to achieve a wide range of effects.
The primary application of his power is control over magnetism and the manipulation of ferrous and nonferrous metal. While the maximum amount of mass he can manipulate at one time is unknown, he has moved large asteroids several times and effortlessly levitated a 30,000 ton nuclear submarine. His powers extend into the subatomic level (insofar as the electromagnetic force is responsible for chemical bonding), allowing him to manipulate chemical structures and rearrange matter, although this is often a strenuous task. He can manipulate a large number of individual objects simultaneously and has assembled complex machinery with his powers. He can also affect non-metallic and non-magnetic objects to a lesser extent and frequently levitates himself and others. He can also generate electromagnetic pulses of great strength and generate and manipulate electromagnetic energy down to photons. He can turn invisible by warping visible light around his body.[90] Another way in which Magneto frequently uses his power is the projection of force-fields which selectively block out matter and energy. These fields are strong enough to withstand the detonation of multiple thermonuclear weapons, hence Magneto is invulnerable to most harm when surrounded by his shield and can survive in deep space thanks to it. He can also channel his powers through his own body to increase his strength and durability far beyond human limits and has a baseline reaction time 15 times shorter than that of regular humans. On occasion he has altered the behavior of gravitational fields around him, which has been suggested as evidence of the existence of a unified field which he can manipulate. He has demonstrated the capacity to produce a wormhole and to safely teleport himself and others via the wormhole."
2nd November 2013, 04:24 AM
the only thing you are obligated to supply is need to a demand...not want.
truth is all people need...but you all seem to want lies...that are compatible with your cherished make them more that less powerful lies can not harm them.
Truth powers lies
Need powers want
supply of power...demand for power.
1 and zero
positive and negative
Good and evil
life and death
logic and reason
order and chaos
White and black
+1 and -1 = zero or Gandalf the grey...who fought the Balrog to the the archangel Michael and was saved by GOD
and became Gandalf the white after the negative one was destroyed.
GOD supplies the power that I use to see.
but what is need and what is want.
pay now and buy later or buy now and pay later.
Work then play or play then work.
Or do what all the rich people that made it to heaven then play...while you all figure it out.
I hope you are not rich...because the only way to protect your cherished delusion from being shattered...Is to figure out how to kill GOD.
or body and my whole family...go get Obama to send a drone to splatter me to defend the lie you believe is Truth.
That is way easier to accomplish...and possible.
only Satan thinks GOD can be annihilated.
the source of power can be annihilated?...that is ignorance.
just like powerful people think they are the source of power.
People that do not work...and just play their lives away...think the people that do work...are the demand for their power.
The power I supply to the rich in power to allow them to have the required power to sustain their cherished delusions for as long as possible...ultimately forever.
So far according to recorded history...All of it so far.
2nd November 2013, 04:51 PM
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