View Full Version : Israel to attack Iran in less than a month

Large Sarge
1st November 2013, 01:45 PM

1st November 2013, 02:02 PM
It's easy to find joo porn in the internet... hard to find a list of the many states & countries they have attacked...

1st November 2013, 02:14 PM
Sure is possible with the debt ceiling, budget deficit and squester cuts coming up in February.
Wouldn't it be convenient. The Israeli strike on Syria was meant to provoke something, but Syria didn't bite...they know.
The Saudi's and the Jews are chomping at the bit to get it on.

1st November 2013, 03:22 PM
Sure is possible with the debt ceiling, budget deficit and squester cuts coming up in February.
Wouldn't it be convenient. The Israeli strike on Syria was meant to provoke something, but Syria didn't bite...they know.
The Saudi's and the Jews are chomping at the bit to get it on.

if we could only hack in to their targeting computers so that they end up shooting at each other.

Large Sarge
1st November 2013, 03:25 PM
I found it very strange that Sinclair brought this topic up

Sinclair does perhaps 4 video interviews a year, and for him to bring Israel and their announcement up,

Sinclair is jewish, and very well connected...

just struck me as strange

1st November 2013, 03:52 PM
This target is too far for the Zio-crud.

They need their Gentile whores to do it.

Some of the contributors to ISIS

ISIS has been funded by:[5] Ploughshares Fund, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Colombe Foundation, New-Land Foundation, The Prospect Hill Foundation, United States Institute of Peace, The International Atomic Energy Agency, Ford Foundation, The Scherman Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, Compton Foundation, The Stanley Foundation, The John Merck Fund, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, W. Alton Jones Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, United States Department of Energy