View Full Version : Latest anti-Iranian Zio-propaganda

midnight rambler
2nd November 2013, 12:06 PM


2nd November 2013, 12:15 PM
"The slogan Death to America is the symbol of strength and determination of the Iranian nation against the dominance of the United States, which is an oppressive and untrustworthy nation," said the Revolutionary Guards on their official website.

Untrustworthy?? How dare they say that !!

midnight rambler
2nd November 2013, 12:22 PM
Trust us, trust our FRNs. We will never let you down. We have the world's most clever tribe running the show.

2nd November 2013, 12:59 PM
The clever tribe...please...

rich people are clever...and they do not run the show...You all do...and are trained to think they do.

money was invented by higher forms of life to manipulate lower forms of life.


Just have to get the male monkey to bring 10 pieces of fruit...and you can sell the excess...its free energy...

hey that is what the superior forms of life do to you now...Have been doing to you for...all of recorded history.

2nd November 2013, 01:44 PM
At this point, those controlling the weapons ("law enforcement"), prisons, media mind control machines (teevees) are in charge. If people saw truth and were able to unite - everything could change, but that's a very unlikely scenario.
"money" is a mechanism to facilitate bartering goods and services so that a plumber doesn't have to seek out farmers that need pipe repairs so that he can eat.
Back to the OP - this country (or criminals leading the country) is insanely corrupt and anyone who exposes or challenges the lies become a target of the war machine - plain and simple.
The tribe running the show has it's footprints and fingerprints all over everything, it's pretty blatent