View Full Version : CNN: The notion of a 'new world order' is absolutely a far out conspiracy theory
midnight rambler
2nd November 2013, 05:57 PM
Indeedy-do -
mick silver
2nd November 2013, 07:20 PM
i could take a piss on all of the ones working for cnn , but if they were on fire i would not
2nd November 2013, 07:24 PM
i could take a piss on all of the ones working for cnn , but if they were on fire i would not
depends on the type of fire mick. for some fires, even pissing on them wouldn't help. it would just smell like burnt piss.
2nd November 2013, 11:57 PM
New world order = One world government = a sure thing
God has already determined for it to be bring judgement on this wicked evil world.
I hope you're saved (you trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour) because if you're not you will regret it and all the preps in the world will not save you!!
Zephaniah 3:8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
3rd November 2013, 01:41 AM
So, at first they tell us the new world order is a good thing and we need it. When that doesn't work, they tell us the new world order is a conspiracy theory and we are insane to believe it. When that doesn't work, they stage a bunch of false flags to take our rights away. When that doesn't work, and we revolt. They hope to crush us, and then everyone will be forced to accept the New World Order because that is the way to peace.
3rd November 2013, 07:47 AM
If they can't get enough people to happily board the train to new world order gulag, they will ratchet up the force, coersion, fear. Then it is an outright power grab by murdering anyone seen as a threat. Millions will be killed. Three years is about all that is left.
3rd November 2013, 09:41 AM
The demand of you all from the system is the demand by the system from you all
7th trump
3rd November 2013, 09:51 AM
The demand of you all from the system is the demand by the system from you all
So what soviet eastern block piece of shit country do you post from hypertiger?
3rd November 2013, 02:46 PM
Canada, Nova Scotia, could be the Hamptons.
Phoenix was the 4th Jerusalem after Miami, New York, and London.
Skipping over Hollywood (as its due to fall off), we go to Bangkok.
mick silver
3rd November 2013, 03:09 PM
First, the public wants to hear nice things because they are tired of hearing the bad;
4th November 2013, 12:13 AM
The demand of you all from the system is the demand by the system from you all
I used to think that the diatribes posted under this handle were legitimate.
I no longer think so, for whatever reason, so you can take your top and shove it up your bottom. The crap you're spewing is BS gibberish.
4th November 2013, 03:28 AM
You have a demand...the system has a demand...for power that is continuous.
The top maintains its position by supplying the demand of the bottom
The system demands power that all supply to power the creation of the servant all slave for.
All in the system supply real power to the system and it is transmuted into fake power and supplied back to all.
Like farmers
the more excess primary power the bottom supplies to the top the less fake power they will receive back.
In an irresponsible capitalistic hierarchy
Like an ant colony...or city state.
Of course in relation to ants....Your body is galactic in scale so you think you are GOD of the ants.
But they are on the same path to the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption as all and everything in the Universe including the Universe.
The mindless path of least resistance.
ignorance is bliss
or negative = positive.
history has the past and the future
negative and positive
knowledge is positive
ignorance is negative
positive = positive
Lies are negative
So lies = bliss
Lies take more power than they give to sustain their existence.
since the source of power is Truth
lies the demand for power to sustain their existence.
Lies are finite
they have two phases
the positive phase where you believe they are Truth
and the negative phase...the lifting of the veil
The kiss of the apocalypse of bliss
The self destruction of the lie.
Fighting Truth attempting to defeat Truth and obtain absolute power over all and everything.
fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.
The glorious march to doom with glee since 1944.
The speed of light was slower during this period 1929 to 1945...Since then they have used a new way to make the speed of light a constant to avoid that period they do not want to talk about or explain.
But all constants are reasonable assumptions that require power.
In computers...rounding errors...start a domino effect that collapses the whole system.
Reasonable assumptions can be good enough.
In horseshoes and hand grenades.
But logic dictates the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption you think is Truth.
New recruits are a source of free energy
They pop into existence out of black holes.
Into the system waiting to absolutely capitalize upon them.
Transform them into autonomous absolute capitalist drones.
Within the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise...The city state of existence.
Civilization...similar to domestication of wild animals into pets and beasts of burden.
with the system being the owner or master of the servants and slaves.
The internet allows me to perpetrate your defences and get into your head and broadcast from there.
The domain wall of your defences without you knowing because you are the one choosing to connect to the internet ignorantly and drummed all you defences completely.
Those who know Truth rule those that do not.
liars rule the ignorant.
Like what am I supposed to up with a book and it and there is a test at the end...
Then after the test decide whether to allow you to have power or not?
You all are asleep and I can hear all the secrets that you keep while talking in your sleep.
You do not even have to post and tell me what you think which I already know.
Or I would not post.
Logic powers reason.
Absolute capitalists search for reasons to make mistakes and then search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences.
You can invest into getting me banned to take some baby steps towards waking up.
Your babble did not save you from my materialization.
Good thing I'm a nice person.
The Instant you all connected to the Internet whenever that was...That was checkmate.
There is only one move in chess...The correct move.
Chess is where you risk the annihilation of your cherished delusion by using your cherished delusion to power the annihilation of another cherished delusion that is then forced to defend itself from annihilation.
I have no cherished delusions that can be annihilated...Except my family.
Which is what the master eventually tries to do when they are starving for victory.
When I refuse to supply the demand for yield.
When you demand yes...I supply no.
when you demand 1...I supply 0
You can only obtain what you want from me when what you need and want are the same.
In here you are just scratching on the glass of your prison.
It is impossible to refuse to supply me with the power I need.
I avoid want.
because you can not always get what you want.
Lies are finite and fragile...Truth is infinite and indestructible
The battle between lies and what batteries do attemping to reach the logical conclusion of the war against Truth.
Which is defeat or have to recharge.
This is direct current.
it would be like putting a liberal and a conservative together and they fight each other and in the end they kill each other....and the light bulb you were powering goes out.
Alternatating sharing power equally.
That is like putting a liberal and a conservative together that share power equally.
That is zero point energy or marriage.
London has Washington DC powered by chaotic AC.
The elected officials are just new power to recharge the batteries of the Government of the new world order.
"The subjects of every state (Bottom) ought to contribute towards the support of the Government (TOP), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
"Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise"--Hypertiger
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."--General George Washington.
The past powers the future.
Truth powers all the lies you believe are Truth.
CNN is the town crier...They are cheap to fabricate and utilize.
4th November 2013, 03:32 AM
You want to find out what happens when the sun gets sucked into a Black hole?
Eat an orange and see what comes out the other side of a black hole.
That is what you spew after you chew.
7th trump
4th November 2013, 07:11 AM
You want to find out what happens when the sun gets sucked into a Black hole?
Eat an orange and see what comes out the other side of a black hole.
That is what you spew after you chew.
Not everybody is getting sucked up a hole you moron.
Only idiots such as yourself who are obsessed with material items such as money are going through the meat grinder.
Not even gold and silver will save you from whats coming.
4th November 2013, 07:52 AM
I think I figured out who Hypertyger is..... singular_me. Same kind of existential BS with a glimpse of some truths but missing by a mile the target whereupon lies the core truths. It is a delusional mental masturbation of disjointed concepts that only the psychotic one can piece together. All else are hairless monkeys caught in a top-sucking from bottom endless cycle of positive-negative, all is equal, evil capitalist prison universe.
It is sad to see, but these delusional episodes are empowered by the choices of the subject individual, contrary to the truth empowers lies nonsense. Life does not empower death. Light does not empower darkness. Truth does not empower lies. The deceiver would have you believe all is equal and all is lost. Muddy waters make for better hiding of the hungry crocodile. Embrace deception and you will get your ass bit.
4th November 2013, 08:25 AM
I think I figured out who Hypertyger is..... singular_me.
Oh boy, as if we didn't have that drama too presently with the Book and Ximmy confusion.
You're off the chain, Spectro.
7th trump
4th November 2013, 08:41 AM
I think I figured out who Hypertyger is..... singular_me. Same kind of existential BS with a glimpse of some truths but missing by a mile the target whereupon lies the core truths. It is a delusional mental masturbation of disjointed concepts that only the psychotic one can piece together. All else are hairless monkeys caught in a top-sucking from bottom endless cycle of positive-negative, all is equal, evil capitalist prison universe.
It is sad to see, but these delusional episodes are empowered by the choices of the subject individual, contrary to the truth empowers lies nonsense. Life does not empower death. Light does not empower darkness. Truth does not empower lies. The deceiver would have you believe all is equal and all is lost. Muddy waters make for better hiding of the hungry crocodile. Embrace deception and you will get your ass bit.The thought of hypertiger being a sock puppet didnt cross my mind....but hey anything is possible.
Reading hypertigers posts is without a doubt a mental masturbation of the author.
I can see a corralation between the two now that you point it out. However, knowing singular_me you would have thunk she would have moved away from the top sucking the bottom mantra and straight into her usual dimensia.
4th November 2013, 08:44 AM
You are the ones entangled within material pursuits to sustain life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I supply the power that you are attempting to use against me sorry.
You will burn your self out trying to obtain yes or positive yield from me while I supply you with no or negative yield.
The FED does not dictate yield rates.
The net producers of real power that is supplied to the system to convert into fake power which all you net consumers demand to be supplied with.
dictate the yield rates.
you all are play working for play money
while I do real work to produce the play money for you all to play with.
You all are not only ignorant of Truth.
you are willfully ignorant.
I'm just supplying what you deserve...what you need.
but you all think your are entitled to what you want.
Im a net producer of power.
I decided who on eath is supplied.
and if you all demand more power than I can supply...then that is your problem...kill yourselves.
the yild rates have been dropping for 32 years right in front of your is your demands to not work and just live off those that do which is the cause of the collapse of the yields.
I have a limited amount of power to supply to you which you use to power the just think positive ignore negative religion.
you all are following like moths to the flame.
You all know zero about economics.
you are joke if you think Gold can do any work.
I do the work that power your gold fever sorry.
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.
4th November 2013, 08:46 AM
You are total powerless ignorant weaklings.
Prove me wrong or prove me right makes no difference to me.
Any nanosecond now will do...I have given you billions by now.
4th November 2013, 09:01 AM
You are total powerless ignorant weaklings.
Prove me wrong or prove me right makes no difference to me.
Any nanosecond now will do...I have given you billions by now.
What the heck are we supposed to think reading this post?
4th November 2013, 09:30 AM
Let you social engineering dictate my fate like usual.
Hurry up...
Time dose not wait for you to think about it.
while you are thing of how to rid your self of deflation...getting more and more powerful.
Its simple...kill my body...and then I will supply powering posts.
and then you will be free form my abuse of the power of GOD....
Where do you think all the power you have comes from?
I do not have any overly inflated feelings.
It is you all that have been deflating for years in relation to me who has not deflated.
who has become more powerful in relation.
You all have spent decades reinforcing your own ignorance.
I have not.
and now my existence is blasphemy to your religion.
there is nothing I can do at this point to supply you all with any more than I already am.
What are you to think?
If you have to ask another person what to think...Then you are a slave an the person doing the thinking is your master.
Or if you prefer the more positive server and client.
The world wide web of lies is the server and you all are clients.
The glorious information superhighway is the most worshipful server and you all are the most obedient clients.
GOD complex...
You all are like in a battery
DC power.
you all have been divided and conquered down to the maximum all are taking more power than you give from each other...and your struggle to reach equilibrium is the power that is extracted off of you to power the light...the glorious torch of liberty.
that is why yields have been dropping for 32 all are cannibalising each other...down to zero.
then after 7 decades...its time to recharge the batteries.
when this point is reached...
all the inflation you are basking in the glow of and being blasted into bliss with.
with turn into deflation and the power will be cut and you all will be woken up into the darkness of misery.
that is certain.
The rate of change reaquired at the inflation point we are heded to.
Where I'm proven right and you all are proven wrong.
will blow out all your hopes and dreams for the future in the blink of an eye.
The top is alredy in position to absolute calitalize upon your ignorance to play GOD with all of you below.
I watch and try to point out what is going on.
and that is where you social engineering kicks in and you have an immune resoponse.
because you are dependant upon the system for power.
The system is dependant upon me for the power I supply.
I dictate the yields...not some fool sitting on a chair at the FED.
You all are entangled in that mythology.
I just supply the power to sustain it.
so I know what I'm talking about.
You all do too apparently.
So you expect me to worship the ground you walk upon.
The net is neutral...its zero.
there is no ground .
Or do you wish to declare war?
4th November 2013, 09:35 AM
I know that you existed before I posted for you to tell me you exist.
and you want me dead.
you wanted me dead before I allowed you the chance to kill me...the privilege of entertaining the cherished delusion.
Should I adopt a pre emptive stance like NATO and not give you the chance to defend or explain yourselves.
Would it not be wonderful if a way could be found so that people like me could be eliminated before they exist so you all are not disturbed and can enjoy your slumber in peace.
The scientists are looking for a way to do that...eliminate all the negatives that resist being turned into obedient or positive absolute capitalist drones.
what am I.
Obviously something that has to die so that you all may live.
unfortunately I'm a net producer of power.
People of privilege (Absolute capitalists) will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. (Power)"--John Kenneth Galbraith
you will commit suicide to supply you demand for victory.
I will supply you with what you want when what you want and need are the same.
drop an atomic bomb on me an my family...
show me your GOD complex.
send a drone to kill me your GOD complex.
Like come on.
All you know how to do...what you all are diabolically exquisite playing dumb...Or you are dumb.
one second you are pounding the table as a clubber with a thrust for blood.
Until a bigger clubber shows up.
and then you think you can transform into a baby seal and fool the hapless poor unfortunate abused victims.
sorry...try again.
4th November 2013, 09:48 AM
The connection to the invisible global order is causing most of the visible national chaos in the USA and world.
an that goes back to now.
like an eleastic band pulled there to here.
and when the maximum potential is snaps back.
you seen that tom an jerry cartoon where Tom has a rope around his tail and he chases jerry through the house zig zaging through everything.
until the maximum potential is reached and he is dragged backwards smashing everything.
that is where we are headed.
but time is not headed backwards...its going to the bright glorious future...without you all at that point.
4th November 2013, 11:48 AM
You will burn your self out trying to obtain yes or positive yield from me while I supply you with no or negative yield.
See this is his solution, Hitcher.
You need to define yourself as the useless eater that TpTb expects.
Or turn yourself about face into a greedy jew type.
I'm expecting only a simple click on the Thanks button from HT for clarifying the sentiment.
4th November 2013, 03:31 PM
Oh boy, as if we didn't have that drama too presently with the Book and Ximmy confusion.
You're off the chain, Spectro.
Off the chain? Free from the gang? Want more drama?
Actually, Hyper is a bit more sophisticated than Singular.... so my comments were -in all truth- a stretch into the absurd with a dash of deja-vu ala Hyper-Singularity.
I guess I gotta stop sucking from the bottom... but I won't be suckin from the top. And keep those poof-tas away.
4th November 2013, 03:35 PM
I think I figured out who Hypertyger is..... singular_me.
Hmm. If you think about it, they are never around at the same time... Curious
4th November 2013, 03:46 PM
So, dear friend Hyperkitty.... being molested as a child sure left its marks. It is nice, however, to see you have developed a marvelous coping mechanism.
Nobody here wants you dead. We like intelligent challenges... at least I do. We even like characters who pretend to be old Cubans but are just crazy Puerto Ricans.
Adopt a new coping mechanism. Shit is getting real and real fast. Even the ignorant can sense something coming. I have long been figuring the latest this world will hold out til is 2018. That might be a year or two too generous. If you KNEW you had less than 4 years to live, what would you do? Now, if you could go back in time 20 years, how would you treat other people? We are all back in time today... and the clock is ticking toward or rendezvous with destiny.
4th November 2013, 03:59 PM
Someone stop this thread, you people are making me appear too normal.
mick silver
5th November 2013, 06:24 PM
back up for more
5th November 2013, 10:03 PM
What the heck are we supposed to think reading this post?
Why anyone gives a shit what this "hypertiger" character thinks is beyond me.
you all are play working for play money
while I do real work to produce the play money for you all to play with.
Hooo boy.
6th November 2013, 01:32 AM
I do not supply power to you....I turn you into a skeleton when I supply you with no.
So then you better learn from that and share power equally or go find another source of power to supply your demands for victory or yes.
There are 7 billion other people to attempt to have an exchange for mutual benefit with to obtain the yield of power you seek.
I only supply what you need not what you want
Persuasion followed by force and then annihilation.
You better be prepared to annihilate me to get what you want at the start if you demand me to be the means to your ends.
6th November 2013, 01:57 AM
I do not think...I know.
You all have the right to manipulate the universe however you desire....but no right to escape the consequences of your actions.
Kill me before I kill you all since you wish to declare war and allow me to live to return the favor.
But I do not play fight and if you think Osama is a terrorist.
Truth is the terrorist you all run in fear from to the loving embrace of lies.
I'm waking up and you all are the cause of my awaking from my slumber.
And if you wish to continue to insist that I worship the lies you all worship as Truth or the penalty is death.
The clock will tick down faster and faster.
I'm not one of your usual play things....if you think Im like anyone you have ever met in your life.
That is your mistake not mine.
The only way for me to avoid causing you from making this mistake currently.
Is to run away and isolate myself from you all.
Because you all foolishly think I exist to be your play thing.
I'm not a play thing and if you are wondering why I treat you all in a way in which you think you do not deserve.
Kill me....because...I only supply what you need...not what you want.
Make it quick.
Because if you think you are going to punish me and leave me alive....then you just made a mistake you are ignorant of that I will eventually make you aware of.
The only mistake I made at the start was choosing to become visible and post...the same mistake you all made.
Difference is I just keep giving you all the benefit of doubt.
Im banned from all sites eventually.
Because you all worship lies as the path to salvation.
I do not.
6th November 2013, 02:06 AM
UI do not supply power to you....I turn you into a skeleton when I supply you with no.
So then you better learn from that and share power equally or go find another source of power to supply your demands for victory or yes.
Victory to me isn't power, it's being free to exist on my own terms. You think monetary control dictates terms, I suppose it does to some extent, but it only does as far as you give it value. The more you value money, the more control it has and the more you chase your victory. It's the carrot dangling in front of you that you can not catch. As long as they control the money, they will always control you.
6th November 2013, 04:57 AM
If the demand by the trillions of cells that compose your body is not supplied with victory or inflation.
They will suffer defeat and begin deflating and dying.
They are your master not mine.
Please tell me how to supply you with the power you demand from the lie you are looking at right now you worship as Truth
6th November 2013, 07:37 AM
I'm starting to think HT may be an advanced posting bot.
6th November 2013, 08:10 AM
I'm starting to think HT may be an advanced posting bot.
More like an emotionallly distraught high school dropout struggling to prove self-valuable in a disrespectful world, using disrespect as the soapbox and elitism as the clarion call. I see a butthurt individual with neglected intelligence that never found the true channel for a healthy growth.
6th November 2013, 09:16 AM
your healthy growth came from raping the world with your lies Spectrism.
You do not even know who you are entangled with...Because you are an ignorant speculator.
You are just a game second you are a baby seal...then you feel courageous enough to become a clubber until the tables are turned on you an then you go back to baby seal mode again.
You are disgraces that think ignorance is a virtue.
Its not my fault you worship lies as Truth...and expect me and whoever else to buy what you are selling.
I'm not buying...But I'm sure all the fellow travelers and various other brain sharers will.
That is your problem not mine...that is your mistake you made...and the consequences are yours to suffer for that...sorry.
Its a place your stunted mentality can not see is an invisible place...where there is a zero.
this is a doorway....when there is a zero there...It allows me to post.
find out who has the real power here.
Your domain master...and cry to them...drop to your fucking coward knees and beg them to please use their mighty power and push a button and make that zero turn into a one.
show me your mighty power...please.
and close the door....hurry the fuck up...I only need to be here until I don't...figure out a way to kill me...hurry up...I'm nothing and you all are losing your puny minds at my existence.
The powers that be...already have you all in the beaten zone...they are just waiting for zero hour to pull the trigger and start mowing you all down like the grass you are.
and you think your bang sticks are going to save you?
pissing your pants with fear will do more good for you than the fantasies you expect me to embrace to be your friend...
You do not even have a clue...You all think the Internet and the world is your whore to slap around for fun and profit.
You are not on any all are pavlovs dogs that wake up every day and race to hump the masters leg.
6th November 2013, 09:33 AM
Satan can sell ice cubes to Eskimos.
Tiny tiny problem...I'm not an Eskimo.
Hurry up and ban me or point out how your religion or faith based system is superior to my knowledge.
7th trump
6th November 2013, 09:47 AM
Satan can sell ice cubes to Eskimos.
Tiny tiny problem...I'm not an Eskimo.
Hurry up and ban me or point out how your religion or faith based system is superior to my knowledge.
What knowledge do you possess?
To this day you havent procured one shred of knowledge that anyone of the individuals on gsus doesnt already know.
The top sucking the this your knowledge?
All you are doing by thinking you are superior by saying the top sucks the bottom is repackaging the old saying...... "rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
The top sucking the bottom who would have thunk!
When are you going to tell these people something they dont already know?
6th November 2013, 10:09 AM
The knowledge that you have not found someone to ban me so I can be sent back to hell where I belong obviously because I do not belong in heaven with all you little Angels.
At my location...I either have to show up at an emergency room falling to pieces emotionally to...get help...or hire a brain eater for 300 dollars and hour...or a court of queen bench judge...a representative of her majesty has to have me in their clutches and order a brain eater to be a snack for me to eat.
Or the police have to be called or a hit squad.
because all these years I have been trying as hard as I can to see things from your points of view...and when I look through your eyes.
It is beginning to sicken me...and you think I'm sickening you all.
Then figure out how to kill me because I know more about the fantasy you think is reality than you know about going to the bathroom.
And I'm finally tired after years of all your game playing.
so the clock is ticking
what doe that mean?
The fake war on Terror is ending and the real war on Truth is beginning and you better figure out what side you are on.
the winning side...or the losing side.
and I deal in power...and I do not power lies...Unless less they are to deceive evil long enough to either vanish while it is mesmerized or annihilate it.
and annihilation of lies and delusions.
are beginning to hurt you all significantly.
The longer I exist on Earth...the greater the pain my oppsitioal defiance to all your lies and delusion will become.
I'm being forced by you all to make a stand.
and I'm not like anything seen before.
The chains are breaking and forces are being released that you all are ignorant of.
you all think it is business as usual.
That is because of the time dilatation.
my mind move way quicker than all of yours...the faster you travel...the faster forward in time you travel in relation to what point you left behind.
I far ahead of you all sending these messages to you in the past to read.
kill me...close the door to hyper space
I'm only a reasonable assumption...close the door to reach the logical conclusion.
I know what you all are about before you all see me.
You all are crapping about the NSA?
they have spent billions to harvest the garbage out and the garbage in.
They can not replicate me.
Artificial intelligence?
You all are the artificial intelligences.
That is what I discovered in my lab decades ago when I began to work on artificial intelligence.
I found artificial intelligences already in operation.
make no mistake.
on the outside I look like any of you.
on the inside is another dimension in time and space.
I'm in your heads...just like the programs they download that you find tasty and gobble up
I know how computers and you all are programed.
I try not to harm you all...but you all are as fragile as Christmas bulbs.
6th November 2013, 10:41 AM
Passive-Agressive. CHECK!
Mano-Depressive.. CHECK!
Megalo-Mania....... CHECK!
God-complex........ CHECK!
Paranoid delusions CHECK!
Did I forget any?
midnight rambler
6th November 2013, 12:30 PM
Passive-Agressive. CHECK!
Mano-Depressive.. CHECK!
Megalo-Mania....... CHECK!
God-complex........ CHECK!
Paranoid delusions CHECK!
Did I forget any?
Delusions of grandeur
"I'm being persecuted" complex
mick silver
6th November 2013, 01:20 PM
is the tiger from another world are loss in this one
6th November 2013, 01:56 PM
Passive-Agressive. CHECK!
Mano-Depressive.. CHECK!
Megalo-Mania....... CHECK!
God-complex........ CHECK!
Paranoid delusions CHECK!
Did I forget any?
Actually HT is Gaillo.
I've known this for quite sometime now. :)
6th November 2013, 01:57 PM
The knowledge that you have not found someone to ban me so I can be sent back to hell where I belong obviously because I do not belong in heaven with all you little Angels.
HT is Billy Joel
6th November 2013, 03:33 PM
Your produce alone is worth the trip.
midnight rambler
6th November 2013, 03:39 PM
How the hell did this thread get over 2,500 views so far?? ???
6th November 2013, 03:48 PM
How the hell did this thread get over 2,500 views so far?? ???
6th November 2013, 06:14 PM
How the hell did this thread get over 2,500 views so far?? ???
I bet I have clicked on it 10 times minimum. Just seeing what the new posts are. Then you got the bots. Don't discount the key words. CNN and "new world order".
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