View Full Version : Guy goes to Israel and Palestine, realizes "everything is a lie"

4th November 2013, 01:33 PM
Went to Israel. Then I went across the wall to Palestine. Realized everything was a lie.

Guy gets asked to explain this, he posts:

I drove across Sinai from Cairo, which is crumbling. Sheep on the streets, buildings falling down, giant slums, poor education, nice food only for the very rich, streets covered in garbage, majority of the country is poor.

Went to Israel. Saw a city much like any city in Europe. Clean streets. Beautiful big store fronts. Sidewalks. Nice signs telling you where to go. Little stands and shops everywhere. Great food from around the world. Pastries, pizza. It was Europe, basically. I loved it. It was very clean! It was great.

You have to drive some distance out of Jerusalem to get to the wall. It is a nice drive past pastures and rolling hills with bushes and trees on them.

The wall is very tall. It is made of concrete. At the top there are guard posts with glass. There is barbed wire, even though the wall is far too high to get over. There are men with guns.

When you go through it, you are asked many questions about who you are and where you come from. If you have anything Arab about you this questioning is very long it can take several hours. You are brought through many layers of security, the inside of the wall is like a fort. You go back and force through a maze of metal bars, with many security cameras watching you. The bars look like the bars used to hold cattle at a rodeo.

You exit and on the other side is a tall wire fence covered with barbed wire. There is graffiti all over the wall. The buildings are crumbling. Noo nice food, streets made of dirt, everyone is poor.

There are men waiting to be taxi drivers, I went with one. He showed me an ID card with a picture of a baby on it. He told me a story.

"This is my son. You know how I got this card?"

"My son was born with a problem in his arm, and they said that if his arm wasn't operated on he would lose the arm. We don't have that kind of hospital here, so I have to go across into Jerusalem to see the doctor. So I go to the Fence."

"The man at the fence won't let me through. He says that I can't bring through any person without a card. He is referring to my son, who is a new born. He didn't have a card."

"So I say to him, where do I get the card? He says you must get the card in Jerusalem."

"I say let me through then I will get the card and leave my son with my wife. He says that won't work, a person must be present to have fingerprints and a photo and so on in order to get the card."

"I say how will my son get the card if he cannot travel through the fence to get the card?"

"He told me I was holding up the line, and my son never got the surgery, he lost his arm."

He passed me the card, he said it was fake, and he didn't have the courage to try it out, because you could be put in prison for such a thing. He had to choose between making his son grow up without an arm or without a father. The card was so poorly done. It was obviously fake.

We got up to the top of this hill, and he pointed out at these buildings coming over the hills, he said they were settlements, and they took over 3 more hills in the last few months. These were very nice buildings. Developments.

I went back to Israel that night, and I went to a waffle store. They had every kind of waffle. Chocolate waffle, ice cream waffle, Nutella. Anything. Any kind of fruit and so on. The taxis are really nice there they have meters, they don't clunk when they start. The monuments are lit up at night. There are little plaques at every monument that tell you the history in English and Hebrew and Russian and Italian.

When I took the bus back, I sat next to a young girl who had a phone with rhinestones glued to it in a heart shape, and a beanie baby on a key chain. She had a ponytail, she was texting and wearing an army uniform. She had a grenade launcher in the seat next to her. The bus stopped several times and the Palestinians were made to get off and be searched. Their bags were taken off the bus and dumped out, and the soldiers kicked through their belongings at the side of the road and we sat inside the bus and watched and they passed out snacks.

It was absolutely banal, but the whole thing chilled me, and I realized that this was the country at the center of American foreign policy, and this was the beacon of democracy, and I realized that these were the supposed "good guys," and I just thought that it wasn't fucking right, and that Christians should be embarrassed because Jesus wouldn't have stood for any of this.

Sorry I wrote a novel. It really changed me.

TL:DR; I think every American history teacher should be forced to walk around in Jerusalem, then go through the wall to Bethlehem and walk around in Palestine before teaching students that colonialism is something that "used to" happen.

original post (for now) is at http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1pvksy/what_conspiracy_turned_you_into_a_conspiracy/cd6kofo?context=2

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th November 2013, 01:44 PM
I'm not sure what truth he subscribed to before that experience but that's exactly what I would expect over there.

4th November 2013, 02:17 PM
I'm not sure what truth he subscribed to before that experience but that's exactly what I would expect over there.

I've been to Israel and what he describes is exactly what it's like over there. Night and Day, depends on which side of the wall you're on.

4th November 2013, 02:27 PM
There is no way to sustain an economy over there...the whole world is getting sucked into oblivion from the bottom to the top.

The rich create the poor and then live off them...that is the story of history...and if they revolt...they are splashed with something flammable and turned to ash.

You all are going to defend all you took from the system when the demand shows up.

It is funny how you all think you are in control of the system.

you were taught how to drive cars not build them...and you think you know everything there is to know by driving them.

ya just rub two sticks together and show me how to build one and Ill believe you know something amazing.

General of Darkness
4th November 2013, 02:43 PM
While it's sad it's also sad that Palestinians and Lebanese when they move to western countries act like light skin negros. Yes Israel should not exist, and their problem causing is fucking up the rest of the world. I do have sympathy for the Palestinians but their actions when outside of the forced "muslim" ideological societies shows them for what they are, shit birds. The jews are gypsy thieves and stole the land with the backing of the Rothschilds and the western world allowed it to happen, with a smile I might add.

I venture to guess that there will be a massive culling of the herd in the future and the world population with be reduced by 75% because so many people really do not need to exist, and I'm one of them. Am I concerned, nope, just as long as the history books are honest.

4th November 2013, 02:49 PM
I've been there too. The most racist place on the planet. Nazi-jooz's in full bloom. It's sad, most common jews want to live with their hard working arab neighbors. It's the elite psychopath joo that wants to exterminate its neighbors.


Large Sarge
4th November 2013, 02:56 PM
when I met with the mossad agent, he was a half-breed (obviously jewish), he was bred to infiltrate china.

He despised Israel, said he was treated like shit over there......

but in all honesty, I would say he despised Christians (goyim more), his level of contempt/derision for them was palpable...

he literally sneered....

4th November 2013, 02:59 PM
when I met with the mossad agent, he was a half-breed (obviously jewish), he was bred to infiltrate china.

He despised Israel, said he was treated like shit over there......

but in all honesty, I would say he despised Christians (goyim more), his level of contempt/derision for them was palpable...

he literally sneered....

He hates his mom too... probably something like 7th trump...

4th November 2013, 06:11 PM
So did this guy figure out everything spouted about the "great" US is a total fabrication too?

4th November 2013, 07:06 PM
I was there two, like ximmy.

Not really THE most racist place on earth, but close. Really to call it "the most" you gotta be trying some wicked places that are out there.

Very weird place. Clearly they made up lots of things, there was no "great king david" or "great king solomon" , and there wasn't any "king solomon's mines", it is all egyptian pharaohs mines, for example. You see them trying really hard to find any jewishness to it , including lots of rich NYC (and just american) jews financing this, but nada.

And it is interesting how the elite there hates everyone else, and I MEAN HATE. Local orthodox elites won't consider you and me for a person. when I was flying back to NYC, some orthodox jew took his suitcase from upstairs on the plane and hit a woman in the head , with a corner too, pretty hard. I saw it , he saw it too. Just ignored her screaming and grabbing her head, like she was not even there, like she was not a human being, nothing to him.

Have been to Akko, former palestinian / cannaan / philistimplyan freeman city. Taken over. Poor palestinians on the streets. haifa Oil refinery - both city and refinery taken over. Word on the street they are pumping and refining Iraq oil there.

Also when you walk in Jerusalem around anything associated with God or Jesus Christ - it is all very tense, people with guns and traders ready to rip you off are everywhere. It has nothing sacred.