5th November 2013, 03:54 AM
So if you have ever wondered why I am so difficult to get ahold of, it is because I am by no means a CHIMP and I assert my right to remain as I am, and will die before surrender. All whistleblowers who are genuine and manage to get through to me get posted here. If there is any threat mankind faces that is above all others, it is tainted vaccines, which really will throw our future to the jungle if people do not wake up and realize that we are in a war, where children are being destroyed one shot at a time.
After posting the following testimony from a Queensland police officer, the censorship picked up to prevent me from getting more whistleblowers published:
Root of "Shaken Baby" Scam Revealed
Root of shaken baby scam revealed
"I was in the Queensland Police Service for 20 years and I saw first hand how the vaccines caused death and the police would investigate, and while supported by the medical system would prosecute the parents for the injuries and death caused by the vaccines."
Chris Savage, Queensland Police officer
Jim Stone, Editor
I joined the Queensland Police Service in Queensland Australia in 1989 at the age of 27. In my work as a State Police officer I would be called to sudden deaths to investigate the circumstances. This included babies and young children.
I attended several where the baby was found dead by one of the parents in the morning, in Australia the term "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" is used to describe this outcome. Notice how the "syndrome" is frequently used - I believe this serves the purpose of mystifying the problem and therefore the cause. Another is "gulf war syndrome" which is clearly caused by the Anthrax vaccine.
I began to dig deeper whenever I had the opportunity to conduct investigations into the infant deaths. In 1993 I was the first response to a 6 month old baby death. I went to the hospital because the baby had been taken there by ambulance, and at the hospital I obtained the testimony of the mother. In her statement she told me that her baby was eating and sleeping normally but when the baby was vaccinated at the age of 2 months (which was the vaccine policy in Australia) the baby then would not sleep and would not eat properly and suffered frequent convulsions
She went to several doctors trying to find an answer. They gave her a common drug called "Panadol" which did not do anything. The convulsions continued so she went to another doctor who gave her another drug which also did not work. The baby continued to convulse and vomit frequently. The little girl would not sleep and the mother was sleep deprived also.
Because the situation was so desperate, the mother went doctor shopping. The other doctors simply gave her more drugs. At the age of about 5 months the baby died. The QPS then charged the mother for causing the death by using a forensic report which showed slightly elevated drug levels. Fortunately in this particular case the Director of Public Prosecutions did not want to proceed with a murder charge because the mother provided a statement which outlined normal sleep and eating prior to the vaccine.
Another incident occurred when I saw a father come through the Ipswitch District Watchhouse Q1D on the charges of Manslaughter (similar to 2nd degree murder) of a 5 year old that had suffered a severe reaction to the initial vaccines and was brain damaged. The QPS relied on the false medical premise titled "shaken baby syndrome" - there is that "Syndrome" word again.
The child succombed to the injuries from the vaccines and the QPS opted to blame the father on the basis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" but there was no evidence other than the vaccine for the cause of the injuries when the "shaken baby" accusation was applied.
I have seen grieving parents charged with causing the deaths of their babies,
The highest risk period for death by vaccine was at two months when the babies are given all the vaccines;
When the detectives investigate the death of a baby they interview each parent separately. If there are any conflicting versions of the story they use the differences to attack the parents credibility and rely on the flawed "shaken baby syndrome" medical evidence. If there is no conflict, even a minor one in the parent testimony, the police then turn it over to a "medical doctor" who has "experience" with "shaken baby syndrome" and attempt to prosecute from that angle.
If the parents tell the investigator they picked up the lifeless baby and shook it to wake it, the police will prosecute even though the baby was already dead. Since "shaken baby syndrome" has no hard evidence, such as bruising or other injury, it's the perfect way to blame parents for damage caused by vaccines.
In October of 2009, a baby died shortly after being vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine, and to everyone's surprise the state coroner ruled that there was no link to the vaccine.
In my view, the QPS officers are sufficiently brainwashed to not realize the vaccines are causing the injuries and deaths; and when they investigate and prosecute they rely heavily on "medical evidence" which is significantly influenced by big Pharma, and appear to wish to divest responsibility.
Now they give the vaccinations at birth and I speculate that this is so that any damage can be blamed as having the problems since birth.
After giving a parent an article by Dr. Vera Schreibner, which outlined vaccine damage, the hierarchy of the QPS pursued me so I left on medical grounds. Upon my exit they tried to get me to take SSRI's but I threw them all in the trash; they would have caused severe problems as you already know.
Chris Savage
Former Sergeant of Police, Queensland Police Service
Registered number 4007505
After this was published, Officer Chris Savage went completely silent, which is odd because I offered him free advertising for his health care products to help him recover from having his life destroyed after he stood up for what was right. He was going to do this before this got published, but the day this went up all contact with him was lost. And I know why:
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982)
And if you find the Officer's testimony intersting, you might also be interested in THIS
Remember, Jewish autism rates remain 1 in 20,000 - the same as they were before the whole "shaken baby" scam was hatched and not 1 in 50 like they are for the rest of us. Not all vaccines are created equal, and being Jewish has it's perks. I find it interesting that the Jewish press so accurately nails future autism rates, years before they actually happen. And WHY ARE THE JEWS NOT AFFLICTED BY THIS? Six months ago, when I published Israel's autism rates, they were 1 in 20,000 but they have been careful and covered it up. Fortunately I saved captures of the web sites that had those stats, but since I am at a cyber cafe right now I cannot post them. I definitely will, they are NOT going to get away with lying about this.
Israeli "perception management" NAILED
About six months ago I published the autism rates for the Jewish community in Israel, where the Jewish community mysteriously enjoys an ultra low autsim rate of 1 in 20,000 Jewish children, and I told people to just google it out.
Now many of the Google results are showing ultra high Israeli autism rates even post dated to up to a decade ago and it's all a BIG FAT LIE. And HA HA, I have PROOF.
For starters - here is an easy one. Though it says autism rates are high, this particular article at least has them 1 in 1,100 and it does not separate the non Jewish community from the Muslim minority in Israel, which is what is dragging Israel's stats up to one in 1,100. Here is another article which shows Israel's overall autism rates for Jews and non Jews combined is 1 in 2,400. If you measured Jews only, it would still be 1 in 20,000.
So don't fall for the new B.S. on the web obviously put out by perception management complete with history as tweaked and edited as the all new not so "wayback" machine at not so Hmm, Someone ought to register that before they do.
After posting the following testimony from a Queensland police officer, the censorship picked up to prevent me from getting more whistleblowers published:
Root of "Shaken Baby" Scam Revealed
Root of shaken baby scam revealed
"I was in the Queensland Police Service for 20 years and I saw first hand how the vaccines caused death and the police would investigate, and while supported by the medical system would prosecute the parents for the injuries and death caused by the vaccines."
Chris Savage, Queensland Police officer
Jim Stone, Editor
I joined the Queensland Police Service in Queensland Australia in 1989 at the age of 27. In my work as a State Police officer I would be called to sudden deaths to investigate the circumstances. This included babies and young children.
I attended several where the baby was found dead by one of the parents in the morning, in Australia the term "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" is used to describe this outcome. Notice how the "syndrome" is frequently used - I believe this serves the purpose of mystifying the problem and therefore the cause. Another is "gulf war syndrome" which is clearly caused by the Anthrax vaccine.
I began to dig deeper whenever I had the opportunity to conduct investigations into the infant deaths. In 1993 I was the first response to a 6 month old baby death. I went to the hospital because the baby had been taken there by ambulance, and at the hospital I obtained the testimony of the mother. In her statement she told me that her baby was eating and sleeping normally but when the baby was vaccinated at the age of 2 months (which was the vaccine policy in Australia) the baby then would not sleep and would not eat properly and suffered frequent convulsions
She went to several doctors trying to find an answer. They gave her a common drug called "Panadol" which did not do anything. The convulsions continued so she went to another doctor who gave her another drug which also did not work. The baby continued to convulse and vomit frequently. The little girl would not sleep and the mother was sleep deprived also.
Because the situation was so desperate, the mother went doctor shopping. The other doctors simply gave her more drugs. At the age of about 5 months the baby died. The QPS then charged the mother for causing the death by using a forensic report which showed slightly elevated drug levels. Fortunately in this particular case the Director of Public Prosecutions did not want to proceed with a murder charge because the mother provided a statement which outlined normal sleep and eating prior to the vaccine.
Another incident occurred when I saw a father come through the Ipswitch District Watchhouse Q1D on the charges of Manslaughter (similar to 2nd degree murder) of a 5 year old that had suffered a severe reaction to the initial vaccines and was brain damaged. The QPS relied on the false medical premise titled "shaken baby syndrome" - there is that "Syndrome" word again.
The child succombed to the injuries from the vaccines and the QPS opted to blame the father on the basis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" but there was no evidence other than the vaccine for the cause of the injuries when the "shaken baby" accusation was applied.
I have seen grieving parents charged with causing the deaths of their babies,
The highest risk period for death by vaccine was at two months when the babies are given all the vaccines;
When the detectives investigate the death of a baby they interview each parent separately. If there are any conflicting versions of the story they use the differences to attack the parents credibility and rely on the flawed "shaken baby syndrome" medical evidence. If there is no conflict, even a minor one in the parent testimony, the police then turn it over to a "medical doctor" who has "experience" with "shaken baby syndrome" and attempt to prosecute from that angle.
If the parents tell the investigator they picked up the lifeless baby and shook it to wake it, the police will prosecute even though the baby was already dead. Since "shaken baby syndrome" has no hard evidence, such as bruising or other injury, it's the perfect way to blame parents for damage caused by vaccines.
In October of 2009, a baby died shortly after being vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine, and to everyone's surprise the state coroner ruled that there was no link to the vaccine.
In my view, the QPS officers are sufficiently brainwashed to not realize the vaccines are causing the injuries and deaths; and when they investigate and prosecute they rely heavily on "medical evidence" which is significantly influenced by big Pharma, and appear to wish to divest responsibility.
Now they give the vaccinations at birth and I speculate that this is so that any damage can be blamed as having the problems since birth.
After giving a parent an article by Dr. Vera Schreibner, which outlined vaccine damage, the hierarchy of the QPS pursued me so I left on medical grounds. Upon my exit they tried to get me to take SSRI's but I threw them all in the trash; they would have caused severe problems as you already know.
Chris Savage
Former Sergeant of Police, Queensland Police Service
Registered number 4007505
After this was published, Officer Chris Savage went completely silent, which is odd because I offered him free advertising for his health care products to help him recover from having his life destroyed after he stood up for what was right. He was going to do this before this got published, but the day this went up all contact with him was lost. And I know why:
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982)
And if you find the Officer's testimony intersting, you might also be interested in THIS
Remember, Jewish autism rates remain 1 in 20,000 - the same as they were before the whole "shaken baby" scam was hatched and not 1 in 50 like they are for the rest of us. Not all vaccines are created equal, and being Jewish has it's perks. I find it interesting that the Jewish press so accurately nails future autism rates, years before they actually happen. And WHY ARE THE JEWS NOT AFFLICTED BY THIS? Six months ago, when I published Israel's autism rates, they were 1 in 20,000 but they have been careful and covered it up. Fortunately I saved captures of the web sites that had those stats, but since I am at a cyber cafe right now I cannot post them. I definitely will, they are NOT going to get away with lying about this.
Israeli "perception management" NAILED
About six months ago I published the autism rates for the Jewish community in Israel, where the Jewish community mysteriously enjoys an ultra low autsim rate of 1 in 20,000 Jewish children, and I told people to just google it out.
Now many of the Google results are showing ultra high Israeli autism rates even post dated to up to a decade ago and it's all a BIG FAT LIE. And HA HA, I have PROOF.
For starters - here is an easy one. Though it says autism rates are high, this particular article at least has them 1 in 1,100 and it does not separate the non Jewish community from the Muslim minority in Israel, which is what is dragging Israel's stats up to one in 1,100. Here is another article which shows Israel's overall autism rates for Jews and non Jews combined is 1 in 2,400. If you measured Jews only, it would still be 1 in 20,000.
So don't fall for the new B.S. on the web obviously put out by perception management complete with history as tweaked and edited as the all new not so "wayback" machine at not so Hmm, Someone ought to register that before they do.