View Full Version : Cops Force Man To Have Surgery

5th November 2013, 09:17 AM
This 4 On Your Side investigation looks into the actions of police officers and doctors in Southern New Mexico.

A review of medical records, police reports and a federal lawsuit show deputies with the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office, police officers with the City of Deming and medical professionals at the Gila Regional Medical Center made some questionable decisions.

The incident began January 2, 2013 after David Eckert finished shopping at the Wal-Mart in Deming. According to a federal lawsuit, Eckert didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign coming out of the parking lot and was immediately stopped by law enforcement.

Eckert's attorney, Shannon Kennedy, said in an interview with KOB that after law enforcement asked him to step out of the vehicle, he appeared to be clenching his buttocks. Law enforcement thought that was probable cause to suspect that Eckert was hiding narcotics in his anal cavity. While officers detained Eckert, they secured a search warrant from a judge that allowed for an anal cavity search.

The lawsuit claims that Deming Police tried taking Eckert to an emergency room in Deming, but a doctor there refused to perform the anal cavity search citing it was "unethical."

But physicians at the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City agreed to perform the procedure and a few hours later, Eckert was admitted.

What Happened

While there, Eckert was subjected to repeated and humiliating forced medical procedures. A review of Eckert's medical records, which he released to KOB, and details in the lawsuit show the following happened:

1. Eckert's abdominal area was x-rayed; no narcotics were found.

2. Doctors then performed an exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

3. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

4. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

5. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

6. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

7. Doctors then x-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were found.

8. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert's anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines. No narcotics were found.

Throughout this ordeal, Eckert protested and never gave doctors at the Gila Regional Medical Center consent to perform any of these medical procedures.

"If the officers in Hidalgo County and the City of Deming are seeking warrants for anal cavity searches based on how they're standing and the warrant allows doctors at the Gila Hospital of Horrors to go in and do enemas and colonoscopies without consent, then anyone can be seized and that's why the public needs to know about this," Kennedy said.

Search Warrant Concerns

There are major concerns about the way the search warrant was carried out. Kennedy argues that the search warrant was overly broad and lacked probable cause. But beyond that, the warrant was only valid in Luna County, where Deming is located. The Gila Regional Medical Center is in Grant County. That means all of the medical procedures were performed illegally and the doctors who performed the procedures did so with no legal basis and no consent from the patient.

In addition, even if the search warrant was executed in the correct New Mexico county, the warrant expired at 10 p.m. Medical records show the prepping for the colonoscopy started at 1 a.m. the following day, three hours after the warrant expired.

"This is like something out of a science fiction film, anal probing by government officials and public employees," Kennedy said.

No Comment

KOB reached out to the attorneys representing the defendants in the lawsuit and all declined to comment on the situation. The attorneys said it's their personal policy not comment on pending litigation.

4 On Your Side Investigative Reporter Chris Ramirez cornered Deming Police Chief Brandon Gigante.

"As the police chief what reassurances could you give people when they come through your town that they won't be violated or abused by your police officers?" Ramirez asked Chief Gigante.

"We follow the law in every aspect and we follow policies and protocols that we have in place," Chief Gigante replied.

"Do you think those officers in this particular case did that?" Ramirez asked.

Gigante didn't answer, instead he referred Ramirez to his attorney.

The Lawsuit

David Eckert is suing The City of Deming and Deming Police Officers Bobby Orosco, Robert Chavez and Officer Hernandez.

Eckert is also suing Hidalgo County Hidalgo County Deputies David Arredondo, Robert Rodriguez and Patrick Green.

Eckert is also suing Deputy District Attorney Daniel Dougherty and the Gila Regional Medical Center including Robert Wilcox, M.D and Okay Odocha, M.D.


5th November 2013, 09:26 AM
I hope he hits the mega lotto of lawsuits here.

5th November 2013, 09:44 AM
Eckert's attorney, Shannon Kennedy, said in an interview with KOB that after law enforcement asked him to step out of the vehicle, he appeared to be clenching his buttocks. Law enforcement thought that was probable cause to suspect that Eckert was hiding narcotics in his anal cavity. While officers detained Eckert, they secured a search warrant from a judge that allowed for an anal cavity search. WTF kind of probable cause is that to begin with? Apart from the goons the judge should be jailed!

midnight rambler
5th November 2013, 10:12 AM
WTF kind of probable cause is that to begin with? Apart from the goons the judge should be jailed!

Incidentally, monkeys (literally live monkeys) demonstrate more intelligence than this.

5th November 2013, 11:17 AM

5th November 2013, 11:19 AM
I hope he hits the mega lotto of lawsuits here.

Ahh yes.....That will stop the CRIMINAL THUGS from doing this again....By making the CITIZENS pay the bill.


Try thinking once in a while......

Twisted Titan
5th November 2013, 11:28 AM
Nah let him get billions......all it does is speed up the date of the collapse.

5th November 2013, 11:43 AM
Ahh yes.....That will stop the CRIMINAL THUGS from doing this again....By making the CITIZENS pay the bill.


Try thinking once in a while......

Who cares? That money will be spent anyways.

Try thinking once in a while.

5th November 2013, 01:01 PM
Yeah I know what you are saying Sui Juris but this guy needs to be compensated, they raped and tortured him. Yeah the tax payer will pay but if the bill is big enough maybe the tax payers will get pissed off enough to do something about the out of control police.

This is like a bad horror movie.

Besides the fact that the cops had no probable cause they couldn't just wait to let the guy take a shit? You can't hold it in forever. Bunch of sadistic fucks.

5th November 2013, 01:16 PM
Violate his rights and body for what ? Nothing!

Hope the guy takes them to the "cleaners" and laughs all of the way to the bank!

5th November 2013, 01:18 PM
In addition, all those involved should lose their jobs permanently and pay restitution.

5th November 2013, 01:23 PM
In addition, all those involved should lose their jobs permanently and pay restitution.

This is the important thing. As long as these thugs can hide behind sovereign immunity and make the taxpayers foot the bill, they have no reason to change.

5th November 2013, 01:24 PM
What happened to the consciences of so many involved in raping the man, and not one of the 20 or more participants in his torture said, "This is enough!"

It would have been easier to plant drugs on him, but finding drugs was not the intent here, was it? He must be humiliated & abused in front of those placed over him, the proper authorities.

mick silver
5th November 2013, 01:32 PM
i am with ximmy here , now he knows who the boss is

5th November 2013, 02:26 PM
i've heard of a lot of cases of police brutality.

this is one of the 'best', i.e. worst.

5th November 2013, 02:35 PM
i've heard of a lot of cases of police brutality.

this is one of the 'best', i.e. worst.

Dunno. That one from a few years ago where a black guy in NY City experienced the pleasures of a broom handle dipped in battery acid at the hands of the coppicemen seemed extreme.

5th November 2013, 02:56 PM
Oh let them do me next. After I sued their asses off, I would be in a public place drinking the finest wine and socializing with some of the nicest people.... when each of them disappeared from the face of the earth.

5th November 2013, 03:41 PM
Dunno. That one from a few years ago where a black guy in NY City experienced the pleasures of a broom handle dipped in battery acid at the hands of the coppicemen seemed extreme.

A-something Diallou, the Haitian immigrant.

NYPD showing their true colors. hey, can't a Shabbas Goyim have some fun ? -- or were some of those cops Jewish.

NYC being about 1/3 Jewish.

6th November 2013, 02:21 PM
Another NM Man Subjected to Rectal Exam After Traffic Stop

Maybe aliens from Roswell have infiltrated the police force. Perhaps that’s what explains these rectal cavity invasions.

Timothy Young was stopped by police for turning without putting his blinker on. Just like David Eckert (whose story we covered yesterday (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/man-subjected-to-8-anal-exams-after-routine-traffic-stop_112013)), he was taken to the Gila Medical Center in Silver City. And, just like Eckert, he was given x-rays and anal exams without his consent.

Curiously, both cases involve a K9 named Leo, who alerted to drugs on the car seats of each man.

And in both cases, the men were subjected to hours of invasive exams, without consent, in a hospital in a county that was not covered by the search warrant.

Neither man was found to have so much as a trace of drugs on or in them.

KOB 4 reports (http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S3210356.shtml?cat=500#.UnqYvJyYbF8):

One can’t help but wonder what is going on in New Mexico, and if more stories like these will be exposed.


midnight rambler
6th November 2013, 02:41 PM
i am with ximmy here , now he knows who the boss is

Yeah, a bunch of beaner cops who wanted to show whitey what for.

midnight rambler
6th November 2013, 02:47 PM
We're gonna torture you with sodomy for hours, then when we're through with that we continue the emotional/mental torture with some financial torture - FUCK YOU VERY MUCH WHITEY!

It's unclear why the colonoscopy was necessary after enemas and x-rays did not reveal hidden drugs. Eckert was sent a $6,000 bill for the medical procedures he involuntarily underwent, his lawyer says.

Civil rights attorney says Hispanic officers may have targeted 'white boy' because they 'don't like him living in their community' - http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/11/05/man-seeks-millions-after-nm-police-force-colonoscopy-in-drug-search

21st January 2014, 03:03 PM
Man Subjected to 8 Anal Probes Awarded $1.6 Million Settlement

A little over a year ago, David Eckert (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/man-subjected-to-8-anal-exams-after-routine-traffic-stop_112013) was subjected to 8 anal exams after he was stopped by New Mexico police for rolling through a stop sign.

One of the officers claimed Eckert’s posture was “erect and he kept his legs together,” which led him to believe Eckert may have been hiding drugs in his anal cavity. A search warrant was obtained, even though no drugs were found on his person or in his vehicle.
The search warrant included permission to search Eckert’s anal cavity. The warrant did not mention what kind of medical procedure could be used – or that a medical procedure could be used at all.
Here’s what Eckert was subjected to at the hospital, according to medical records and lawsuit details provided to KOB 4 news (http://www.kob.com/article/stories/s3209305.shtml#.UnlAspyYbF8):
1. Eckert’s abdominal area was x-rayed; no narcotics were found.
2. Doctors then performed an exam of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.
3. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.
4. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
5. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
6. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.
7. Doctors then x-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were found.
8. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert’s anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines. No narcotics were found.

Eckert never consented to any of those exams – in fact, he protested the whole time. To add insult to injury, the hospital billed him for the procedures.
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/man-subjected-to-8-anal-probes-awarded-1-6-million-settlement_012014#sthash.y55WofmV.dpuf