View Full Version : Global Warming Leak Proverbial Third Shoe Dropping

mick silver
7th November 2013, 11:09 AM
http://www.thedailybell.com/images/library/leak1501.jpgnternational panel's leaked report predicts more illness, war, disease with global warming ... Starvation, poverty, flooding, heat waves, droughts, war and disease already lead to human tragedies. They're likely to worsen as the world warms from man-made climate change, a leaked draft of an international scientific report forecasts. The Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will issue a report next March on how global warming is already affecting the way people live and what will happen in the future, including a worldwide drop in income. A leaked copy of a draft of the summary of the report appeared online Friday on a climate skeptic's website. Governments will spend the next few months making comments about the draft. – MacleansDominant Social Theme: The leaked report is not surprising given the gravity of the problem.
Free-Market Analysis: Was this IPCC report leaked on purpose? A strange coincidence anyway. Follow the logic ...
Saturday's editorial at The Daily Bell pointed out that James Cameron was leading the charge to cover global warming through the eyes of world-famous Hollywood stars. Meanwhile, Barack Obama issued an executive order demanding that states and the fedgov work together to solve the "problem" of climate change.

Both of these announcements were made on Friday, the same day the IPCC report was "leaked." We pointed out on Saturday that the two initial announcements coming simultaneously had a promotional odor about them. But we missed the IPCC report leaking at the same time. Here's more:
"We've seen a lot of impacts and they've had consequences," Carnegie Institution climate scientist Chris Field, who heads the report, told The Associated Press (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/28312/) on Saturday. "And we will see more in the future."
Cities, where most of the world now lives, have the highest vulnerability, as do the globe's poorest people.
"Throughout the 21st century, climate change (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1919/) impacts will slow down economic growth and poverty reduction, further erode food security and trigger new poverty traps, the latter particularly in urban areas and emerging hotspots of hunger," the report says. "Climate change will exacerbate poverty in low- and lower-middle income countries and create new poverty pockets in upper-middle to high-income countries with increasing inequality."
For people living in poverty, the report says, "climate-related hazards constitute an additional burden."
The report says scientists have high confidence especially in what it calls certain "key risks":
—People dying from warming- and sea rise-related flooding, especially in big cities.
—Famine because of temperature and rain changes, especially for poorer nations.
—Farmers going broke because of lack of water.
—Infrastructure failures because of extreme weather.
—Dangerous and deadly heat waves worsening.
—Certain land and marine ecosystems failing.
... If emissions of carbon dioxide (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/1868/) from the burning of coal, oil and gas continue at current trajectories, "the combination of high temperature and humidity in some areas for parts of the year will compromise normal human activities including growing food or working outdoors," the report says.
Read this last graf closely to see the real agenda behind this IPCC "leak." Every problem, even a phony one, needs a solution; a "war" against carbon dioxide could prove extremely profitable for those who engage in it.
Never mind that global warming is an obvious dominant social theme (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/652/) – a promotion intended to frighten the middle class into giving up wealth and power to globalist solutions. The drumbeat for this promotion goes on and on.
It shows us what we have come to suspect about the power elite (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/610/) in these early days of what we call the Internet Reformation (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2195/): They are not apt to retreat even in the face of overwhelming exposure.
We believed that once various memes (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/654/) were exposed the top men behind these "scarcity memes" would perhaps take a step back, reduce the level of their propaganda.
But the opposite has occurred. The decibel level has gone up. And now, from what we can tell, the idea is to use JOBS Act advertising opportunities to further promote global warming and various "solutions." These solutions will be generated privately to begin with and then rolled out into the public markets when the time is right. See Anthony Wile (http://www.thedailybell.com/definitions/params/id/2012/)'s editorial for more information about the convergance of directed events leading to one final Wall Street equity blowoff – one that stars climate change as its forefront meme: Global Warming: The Wall Street Party Has Begun (http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/34716/Anthony-Wile-Global-Warming-The-Wall-Street-Party-Has-Begun/).

- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/34720/IPCC-Global-Warming-Leak-Proverbial-Third-Shoe-Dropping/#sthash.SRyAgXCY.dpuf

mick silver
7th November 2013, 11:10 AM
Every problem, even a phony one, needs a solution; a "war" against carbon dioxide could prove extremely profitable for those who engage in it.

7th November 2013, 12:31 PM
tag for later reading pleasure

7th November 2013, 12:43 PM
The only way they could convince you that CO2 is the root of all evil.

Is if you all are total weakling morons of the universe.

of course if you disagree...That makes you one of those.

Convince you...of what...that you can stab me to death to stop me from knowing what I know.

That you do not.

So called big oil has been cutting you all off...the cut off of power to you all has been visible to me for certain since 2008.

The collapse is controlled

The rich will just use the poor to break their fall...

and if any rich people get hurt.

It is the poor's fault of course..

you are in a falling elevator to your doom...do you..suffer the consequences of your actions.

or do you take what is behind door number 2...pay a poor person to take the fall for you.

The purpose of the police and military is to protect the top or cause from the consequence or bottom.

Evil pretends to be good by surrounding themselves with meatshields.

Polygamy is legal if no one knows about it.

The master surrounds themselves with pets and beasts of burden...and guard dogs.

The pawns die first.

they scream and call more pawns to die...and so on and so forth.

fake chess is less messy.

7th November 2013, 01:01 PM
the sun is either affecting us or we are affecting the sun...and since people have a godlike demand for power from GOD.

the doom is being sucked from GOD to us...

Like the rabbit in the headlights stares into the bright glorious illumination and fails to see the false GOD driving the darkness behind it.

Ignorance kills the rabbit.

promoting the green gospel of CO2 being the root of all evil is like drinking kool aid that does not kill you...if it did...the green cult would have been dead real quick...20 years ago.

but kool aid is good and positive...it does not kill you.

but CO2...silly rabbit...is the root of all evil...science says so...and if you disagree.

you are a mental retard.

a denier.

and as long as you keep denying CO2 is the root of all evil...I can not complete my mission to save the world...making you evil...and negative

I have been watching you all stalemated decades....

7th November 2013, 03:30 PM
Hyperkitty... you best watch out. You are blowing a gasket. You are either a drama queen like a gaybo spurned or a vindictive woman bound for a self-destructive mission. In these last days, those without a solid foundation will be dying from fear and heart failure. Drama queens will run in circles until their hair catches fire and they impale themselves on shishkabab spikes.... and fall into a giant boiling vat of fondue cheese.

7th November 2013, 04:06 PM
You are blowing a gasket.

Its not my fault you are not aware of the consequences of your actions.

Kill me to save the world so it can unfold the way your religion dictates I guess...If you think I'm going to spoil the fun.

You all are play things playing with each other.

you all are the brains that got us here...I just supplied the power your master demanded to supply...then began to cut off the supply of power when I realized it was insane.

you all are still doing fine as far as I can tell.

The yield starvation does not seem too bad.

The price of oil and food are fine...and there is plenty of stocks of food.

The supply of global food like oil has been getting slowly cut...cuts backs more and more globally the past 5 years to sustain the party in the USA.

England dumped grain at sea while the poor starved to support prices in London...To make sure the educated did not feel dumb.

7th November 2013, 04:58 PM
imagine that every war in history that was claimed to be won...was actually a defeat...the survivors of the black hole just think they are winners...


the USA and world have been powering down into the black hole chasing after yield for 32 years now.

at the maximum potential point.

A door to another dimension opens at the core of the banking system algorithm.

The demand for yield will hyperinflate and the credit supply will hyperdeflate.

Think of 1944 to 1981 as the explosion that is now being focused back down to an end point.

There is massive yield starvation or negative power showing up all around me.

Negative power is like the cold...It chases hot trying to become hot and hot runs from cold.

and does not get very far without a source of power other than cold to help.

I'm a tasty treat for the cold trying to obtain eternal life.

source of power or supply...the cold the demand for it to become hot.

deflation wants to become inflation while inflation is the cause of deflation.

Truth supplies inflation to lies which are deflation trying to become inflation or Truth.

fire is a lie but it is good at convincing you it is not so you believe fire is Truth.

and as long as you keep supplying it with the power of GOD it will have life.

But from chopping down trees faster than they regrow...your fire will lose its glow.

See any loss of gloss to reveal the dross?


7th November 2013, 05:15 PM
James Cameron said his lifes work was to amass enough power to build the submarine he took to the bottom of the ocean.

I guess to find the secret of how to stop taking more power than you give from all and everything to power submarines searching for that...or whatever he is doing with all the tax money he is acquiring from all of you...His oblivious tax payers.

You all are playthings to them...they make films and pay actors...to show me on screen mindlessly throwing my life away to supply you all with the power to milk people for decades mesmerizing them while picking their pockets.

Oh I get it...I take you to all the cleaners...Why didn't I think of this sooner...just lie may ass of to all of you...you all will never find out...hahahahah...


7th November 2013, 05:16 PM
If what they say is even half true ,then who caused it...............industrialists ,oil companies who have all the patents for vehicles that run on water ect and continue to supply oil for cars too burn and pollute the air globally.

In some cities of the world this pollution is so bad and little children are brought up in this poisonous stench for years on end if they ever leave that is.

The only reason we have polluted air in cities is because oil companies want to make a profit and because it is causing countless deaths around the world every day then oil companies should be outlawed as a danger to humanity .

The alternatives are there practically now and its all coming down to batteries which are being improved upon.

Especially in cities like the tropics ,the pollution seems to hang in the air and seem worse with the sun heating it up as well.

Ban big OIL

7th November 2013, 05:17 PM
My god she is annoying lately, perhaps her goal. I would just put this crap on ignore but I don't post / read much as of late so it was interesting. Now not so much.

7th November 2013, 05:20 PM
If what they say is even half true ,then who caused it...............industrialists ,oil companies who have all the patents for vehicles that run on water ect and continue to supply oil for cars too burn and pollute the air globally.
Ban big OIL

Ban global bankers and the solution would come in so fast you wouldn't recognize the earth in a year. Petro is big business, use petro to pollute and cause illness, then use petrochemicals to hasten the symptoms while poisoning it's host. This is a fucked up time and place to be but I don't have much choice.

7th November 2013, 05:27 PM
James Cameron said his lifes work was to amass enough power to build the submarine he took to the bottom of the ocean.

I guess to find the secret of how to stop taking more power than you give from all and everything to power submarines searching for that...or whatever he is doing with all the tax money he is acquiring from all of you...His oblivious tax payers.

You all are playthings to them...they make films and pay actors...to show me on screen mindlessly throwing my life away to supply you all with the power to milk people for decades mesmerizing them while picking their pockets.

Oh I get it...I take you to all the cleaners...Why didn't I think of this sooner...just lie may ass of to all of you...you all will never find out...hahahahah...


They are play things to me HT as that their puny intoxication with power and money is exactly that intoxication.

i have no need of this intoxication even though once I was intoxicated by it,now the truth and the heart ,living a real life that is true including the good /bad/ugly.

Love every part of your life even the horrible parts as it is our lives that we are living and what ever challenges are ahead know that if we are not true too ourselves first then nothing will make any sense.

7th November 2013, 05:38 PM
Don't worry about it. Things are moving along much faster then climate change.
I'm really starting to think Fukushima is our ELE.


7th November 2013, 05:43 PM
Cool avatar Serpo, WTF is this one? I initially thought starfish, wife says skin of a sea urchin.

7th November 2013, 06:29 PM
Sunday, March 27, 2011...Scapegoat Roulette

The US consumer reached their maximum potential to sustain the volume in late 2007.

But the difference has to be made up somewhere...

You could begin engineering rates higher...but that will just cause the already insufficient volume to collapse further...tightening supplies of food and fuel won't hurt the ability of consumers to request commercial banks to increase the money supply.

Ultimately the top can obtain higher yields this way...

Increasing the cost of food and fuel increases the demand for money.

Thats the trick that's been employed up to this point...It's been used in japan for 20 years...cheap slave labor electronic goodies...expensive food and fuel.

The FEDERAL RESERVE is facilitator.

One slight problem...unlike Japan...this trick can not be sustained very long...

All that's going to happen is commodity prices are going to keep rising until maximum potential and then there will be a collapse.

The various scapegoats are already out there.

The global mass strike/revolutions and the soon to be realized and comprehended Japan meltdown...

All the radiation will cause an acceleration of Death.

The top will claim the population is growing until it becomes impossible to.

Then they will claim it is shrinking by less than it really is.


You all have about as much control over you destiny as leaves blowing in a hurricane.

1986 was Chernobyl...The crisis allowed Gorbachev to collapse the USSR.

16 years later was 2001

2011 You have the earthquake meltdown.

connected to this

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3GAok8P0Ds "Windscale" is the last doomsday following the collapse of the church....nuclear power plant.

This picture below showed up...This year in the spring tied to The North Korea going from cease fire to a state of war with the USA.


In April 2008, after 16 years of inactivity, work on the building was restarted by the Egyptian company Orascom Group

330 meters tall.


Like that one

This from years ago.


then this...connected to it all.


The men who stare at goats...scapegoats


One way or the other show time is getting closer and closer.

7th November 2013, 06:44 PM


the Krell machine is the global trade system...the plastic educator is the internet.

In the movie...krell children were far superior to Earthlings...who all die when they tried to connect to the Alien Internet.

All except Morbius...who is now superior in intellect compared to the gnats that are around him...they are clueless of course along with Morbius that he is the power behind the invisible monster stalking them.

All fantasies are based on reality.

"For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to every one that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still."--JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES (1930)

wake up or die trying.

6000+ years an counting.

If you are ignorant that is the master you slave and serve.

Tell me how to slave and serve you better.

8th November 2013, 07:23 AM
The FEDERAL RESERVE is facilitator.

Their one hundred year charter ends Dec. 24th...

8th November 2013, 07:41 AM
Their one hundred year charter ends Dec. 24th...

Dude, the Fed upped their lease months ago...they're not going anywhere. Done deal.