View Full Version : Trans Pacific Partnership

Hatha Sunahara
9th November 2013, 10:17 AM
I watched this episode of Bill Moyers on PBS.

Didn't surprise me a whole lot that these negotiations are going on in secret. All I knew prior to watching the Moyers piece on it was that the US was trying to isolate China.

It's not a trade agreement. It's designed to subordinate national sovereignty to corporate interests. I liked the brief clip of Ross Perot explaining what would happen to the US economy if NAFTA became law.

Americans should oppose this--but they know nothing about it. The real question is Why so secret? The answer is If you knew what it was, it would have no chance of passing.

I'd embed the video, but I don't know how to do Vimeo on this forum.



9th November 2013, 10:53 AM
I saw something on this not too long ago, I thought it was on 60 Mins but I got nothing from my search for what it was I saw. Anything that secretive means we get screwed again, who'd a thunk it?!

9th November 2013, 01:40 PM
I saw something on this not too long ago, I thought it was on 60 Mins but I got nothing from my search for what it was I saw. Anything that secretive means we get screwed again, who'd a thunk it?!

I read something about it awhile back. Seems like it is all about taking away our national sovereignty. We be sold down de river Bro. What's new......fucking politicians should all be hung, alongside the banksters.

Hatha Sunahara
10th November 2013, 08:38 AM
They're gonna sneak it in, just like the Patriot Act, and Obamacare. If I was a member of Congress, I would vote against it just because the Executive branch thought it needed so much secrecy to pass. I wouldn't even read it. The secrecy surrounding it tells you all you need to know.

Unfortunately, we have a congress that doesn't represent the people, and doesn't act as a check or balance against overreaches by the 'unitary executive' aka 'Der Fuhrer'. None of them read the Patriot Act or Obamacare; none of them will read this 'treaty'. They will just let it trump the constitution and pretend they represent the people. No wonder they have <5% popularity rating. I often wonder why anybody votes for any of them in our sham elections.


mick silver
11th November 2013, 04:38 PM
congress that doesn't represent the people .................................. in six words tell it all

Hatha Sunahara
11th January 2014, 11:54 AM
Here they are, trying to sneak it in on a fast track:


I saw a video of Max Keiser interviewing Kim Dot Com. Kim Dot Com characterizes the TPP as an attempt at world domination by global corporations, and what's in it is a wish list of all these corporations who expect to get whatever they want without any discussion or the public's knowledge beforehand. Here's the link to the Max Keiser/Kim Dot Com interview. Kim Dot Com shows up in the second half. The whole Max Keiser video is interesting though.

