View Full Version : GSUS Worldcoin Promotion.
10th November 2013, 11:39 AM
One thing that finally got me over my skepticism of Bitcoin was when I actually downloaded the client and started using it.
These days however the BTC client takes days to download, and hogs many GB of Hard drive space and seems sort of clunky to me.
So to Help promote crypto currency to those of you still stuck in the stone age I am offering 50 WDC free to the first 10 long time GSUS members that go to and download the WDC client. WIndows, Mac, and Linux versions are available.
You have to download it, install it and then wait for it to sync with the network. Syncing should take 5-6 hours.
Once that is done post your WDC address here in the thread and I will send you 50 WDC to play with. I also have some other goodies but will talk about that later.
This offer is open first to members that have been at GSUS 6 months or more and have over 100 posts. If after a few days I don't have 10 takers I will open it up to anyone else on the forum.
I may decide to extend the offer but it is at my discretion.
Let me know if you have any questions or need help trouble shooting.
10th November 2013, 11:49 AM
okay, i downloaded it, now what?
10th November 2013, 11:53 AM
okay, i downloaded it, now what?
Sell all of your precious metals for dollars, and put those in there.
Bernanke says thanks.
10th November 2013, 11:54 AM
headed out to duck hunt. will check back in later liberty.
10th November 2013, 11:55 AM
Is it synced?
10th November 2013, 01:01 PM
<- awaiting
10th November 2013, 01:27 PM
it say out of synch. looked for options to synch, but i don't see anything. eh?
10th November 2013, 01:40 PM
I've never given WDC a chance, but I can't turn down free coins!
10th November 2013, 02:49 PM
it say out of synch. looked for options to synch, but i don't see anything. eh?
On your client in the bottom right hand corner there should either be two arrows making a small circle if your client is syncing. It does it automatically. If you hover your mouse over this a little window with your progress should appear. When you are fully synced there will be a green check mark instead.
Also next to this are a few little bars showing how many connections to the network you have.
10th November 2013, 02:51 PM
I've never given WDC a chance, but I can't turn down free coins!
You are ready to receive the coins?
10th November 2013, 02:52 PM
Sell all of your precious metals for dollars, and put those in there.
Bernanke says thanks.
Come on horn you going to try it out?
10th November 2013, 03:07 PM
Come on horn you going to try it out?
10th November 2013, 03:10 PM
You are ready to receive the coins?
My wallet is ready. :)
10th November 2013, 04:31 PM
This is probably a stupid question but.....what do ya do with'em when ya have'em? I've wondered about this with all of the crypto's.
10th November 2013, 05:09 PM
This is probably a stupid question but.....what do ya do with'em when ya have'em? I've wondered about this with all of the crypto's.
Fondle it like you do your Silver,
pull it out at parties and tell everyone how Constitutional it is.
10th November 2013, 05:18 PM
My wallet is ready. :)
10th November 2013, 05:19 PM
This is probably a stupid question but.....what do ya do with'em when ya have'em? I've wondered about this with all of the crypto's.
Buy/sell/trade goods and services outside of the control and monitoring of the fed gov.
10th November 2013, 05:27 PM
Buy/sell/trade goods and services outside of the control and monitoring of the fed gov.
Ladybytes awaits, she will cash it in for silver body glitter.
Warning: graphic skinny tart.
10th November 2013, 05:30 PM
This actually seems pretty neat. I downloaded the wallet and it's synching right now.
10th November 2013, 05:32 PM
This actually seems pretty neat. I downloaded the wallet and it's synching right now.
10th November 2013, 05:32 PM
This is probably a stupid question but.....what do ya do with'em when ya have'em? I've wondered about this with all of the crypto's.
Well their primary use right now is as a store of wealth or a way to transfer value freely anywhere on the globe.
50 WDC is only about $1.60 of value right now but I can easily send it to anyone taking me up on the offer and I pay no transaction fee and it is almost instantaneous. Madfranks payment was fully confirmed in under a minute. WDC is blazing fast.
Think of it as way to work around the banks high user fees and potential future capitol controls. I would never pay $10+ to a bank to wire $1.60.
Once crypto's become more mainstream you will be able to to purchase things with them but that could take awhile.
WDC is fast enough to be processed at real storefronts. BTC is slow and to be used for regular purchases like a cup of coffee or something would require a middleman to process transactions.
10th November 2013, 05:36 PM
Worldcoins has more of a jingle to it, than bitcoins. Worldcoins sounds modern, sophisticated, we are all in this world together.
10th November 2013, 05:38 PM
Worldcoins has more of a jingle to it, than bitcoins. Worldcoins sounds modern, sophisticated, we are all in this world together.
Another victim of diversityfying.
The world is gone, silver knights march on.
10th November 2013, 05:55 PM
how do we find out what our address is?
10th November 2013, 05:57 PM
Got them! Thanks! :)
10th November 2013, 05:58 PM
On your client in the bottom right hand corner there should either be two arrows making a small circle if your client is syncing. It does it automatically. If you hover your mouse over this a little window with your progress should appear. When you are fully synced there will be a green check mark instead.
Also next to this are a few little bars showing how many connections to the network you have.
i have a mining icon and two boxes with a red x on them. nothing i do syncs it. this is the problem with virtual currencies, average people are not linux nerds.
10th November 2013, 06:05 PM
i have a mining icon and two boxes with a red x on them. nothing i do syncs it. this is the problem with virtual currencies, average people are not linux nerds.
Mine has a green bar on the left bottom and says synching. Only 600,000 more blocks to go...this is not a fast process!
10th November 2013, 06:07 PM
how do we find out what our address is?
On your client click the receive coins tab. You should see your address. Copy and pasting it is the safest way to use the address. After pasting it I usually visually verify the first and last three digits of the wallet address if those are correct everything in between should also be right.
10th November 2013, 06:08 PM
Mine has a green bar on the left bottom and says synching. Only 600,000 more blocks to go...this is not a fast process!
Downloading the blockchain is a big pain but once you have it it is easy to keep it updated.
10th November 2013, 06:11 PM
On your client click the receive coins tab. You should see your address. Copy and pasting it is the safest way to use the address. After pasting it I usually visually verify the first and last three digits of the wallet address if those are correct everything in between should also be right.
Found it! Thanks, Son of Liberty.
I've got to admit, this is pretty cool.
10th November 2013, 06:12 PM
Is it wise to publicly post the wallet addy?
10th November 2013, 06:14 PM
i have a mining icon and two boxes with a red x on them. nothing i do syncs it. this is the problem with virtual currencies, average people are not linux nerds.
Sorry I am not familiar with the linux client. I only have windows and Mac. If you go to the link you can join chat someone should be able to help you I am Thorgrim on the #worldcoin chat.
10th November 2013, 06:15 PM
Is it wise to publicly post the wallet addy?
Yep that address is just the hash of the public key. The wallet consist of a public and private key. So giving out the address is fine and is the way the crypto currencies are intended to be used.
10th November 2013, 06:18 PM
Is it wise to publicly post the wallet addy?
Not if you are trying to be 100% anonymous. There are ways to "wash" your coins and send them to a new address that is not linked to the original.
For a giveaway like this it doesn't matter that much.
If we are talking mucho $$ then yeah.
10th November 2013, 06:26 PM
so how do i fix the non syncing issue? any ideas?
10th November 2013, 06:27 PM
i have a mining icon and two boxes with a red x on them. nothing i do syncs it. this is the problem with virtual currencies, average people are not linux nerds.
I know for the windows client I had to tell windows firewall to allow the program access to the internet. Is linux similar?
10th November 2013, 06:30 PM
Chad sent you PM
11th November 2013, 05:36 AM
liberty, got them in my online account you had me set up. thanks! now what do i do with them? :D
11th November 2013, 06:42 AM
liberty, got them in my online account you had me set up. thanks! now what do i do with them? :D
Trade em, sell them, hold on to them. lol About what the rest of us do with crypto currencies. :)
11th November 2013, 07:06 AM
liberty, got them in my online account you had me set up. thanks! now what do i do with them? :D
Tell everyone you know they're invincible!, a sure thing!, the government can't touch them ever!, and they are the currency of the future!...and then dump them on the unsuspecting rubes.
Then count your profits. :D
11th November 2013, 07:23 AM
where do you trade them?
11th November 2013, 07:26 AM
where do you trade them?
I know trades worldcoins. as does I also think also allows you to trade worldcoins.
11th November 2013, 07:33 AM
OK this is frustrating. Mine ran for hours synching up, and finally did. Now it says out of synch again.
11th November 2013, 07:43 AM
OK this is frustrating. Mine ran for hours synching up, and finally did. Now it says out of synch again.
It only does that when its uploading your online banking password to the NSA.
Just apply your extrasensory transmutant ability to it, should fix it up.
11th November 2013, 07:44 AM
Thanks, this is a new coin to me.
11th November 2013, 07:52 AM
It only does that when its uploading your online banking password to the NSA.
Just apply your extrasensory transmutant ability to it, should fix it up.
Hmm, it's working now. You wouldn't be trying to cheat captain ron, would you swab?
11th November 2013, 07:55 AM
again, not trying to be an ass, but the main purpose of all of these coins seems to be just buying and trading them coin themselves- speculation. can i use it to actually buy anything besides other coins? not that i will, just curious. i don't see the point of them if it's just another speculation front.
11th November 2013, 08:06 AM
again, not trying to be an ass, but the main purpose of all of these coins seems to be just buying and trading them coin themselves- speculation. can i use it to actually buy anything besides other coins? not that i will, just curious. i don't see the point of them if it's just another speculation front.
You can turn BTC into Gold/Silver at ( 58).
Bitcoin is the premier crypto-currency, so one could convert *insert coin name here* to bitcoin, and then use bitcoin like internet gold.
Bitcoin has value, and savvy internet folk recognize that.
People are willing to sell an ounce of gold for less than 4 bitcoins.
11th November 2013, 08:07 AM
You can turn BTC into Gold/Silver at ( 58).
Bitcoin is the premier crypto-currency, so one could convert *insert coin name here* to bitcoin, and then use bitcoin like internet gold.
Bitcoin has value, and savvy internet folk recognize that.
People are willing to sell an ounce of gold for less than 4 bitcoins.
okay, didn't you could convert this to BTC. i don't know, still not sold, but liberty is making me think about it at least.
11th November 2013, 08:12 AM
You can turn BTC into Gold/Silver at ( 58).
Bitcoin is the premier crypto-currency, so one could convert *insert coin name here* to bitcoin, and then use bitcoin like internet gold.
Bitcoin has value, and savvy internet folk recognize that.
People are willing to sell an ounce of gold for less than 4 bitcoins.
Converting it to Gold and Silver should be considered destroying the popular E-coins.
What kind of self defeatist attitude is this? That's Custer's site.
Chad quit being an ass, and accept your gift of nothing and watch it grow into a larger gift of nothing.
11th November 2013, 08:20 AM
Gold/silver can be seen as physical bitcoins.
Bitcoins can be seen as virtual gold/silver.
They are not conflicting; they are complimentary.
11th November 2013, 08:40 AM
Gold/silver can be seen as physical bitcoins.
Bitcoins can be seen as virtual gold/silver.
They are not conflicting; they are complimentary.
Hell even today we've learned miners can greedily destroy the entire market by producing nothing in duplicates.
Not to mention the multi-gigabit blockchain laundry list that is attached to each Bitcoin client. Forcing it back to the top of the pyramid.
WRONG! the two are so different they cannot and will not peacefully coexist.
E-coins are the complete anti to Gold and Silver. As evidenced by their destruction of the market.
Now take your effervescent floaty bits of nothing and march to another forum!
I've had enough of the traitorous lies, neglectfulness, and unfaithfulness.
There is no virtual silver and gold, there's only the real deal.
Virtual Gold, what a stupid fuckin notion to begin with.
I'm incredibly disappointed in each and everyone of you members for even entertaining the thought.
11th November 2013, 09:04 AM
Hell even today we've learned miners can greedily destroy the entire market by producing nothing in duplicates.
Not to mention the multi-gigabit blockchain laundry list that is attached to each Bitcoin client. Forcing it back to the top of the pyramid.
WRONG! the two are so different they cannot and will not peacefully coexist.
E-coins are the complete anti to Gold and Silver. As evidenced by their destruction of the market.
Now take your effervescent floaty bits of nothing and march to another forum!
I've had enough of the traitorous lies, neglectfulness, and unfaithfulness.
There is no virtual silver and gold, there's only the real deal.
Virtual Gold, what a stupid fuckin notion to begin with.
I'm incredibly disappointed in each and everyone of you members for even entertaining the thought.
Horn just fuck off.. You clearly don't understand it. Even with countless explanations. Even your half assed attempts to drag up bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse gets explained down to minute detail. You just don't fucking get it. Fine don't get it, not my problem. Just STFU.
Hell even today we've learned miners can greedily destroy the entire market by producing nothing in duplicates.
No where in that article did it say the miners would be creating duplicates. Again you have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about.
Not to mention the multi-gigabit blockchain laundry list that is attached to each Bitcoin client. Forcing it back to the top of the pyramid.
Yeah god forbid if there is an open and honest transaction log horn. We should just keep it all in secret like the federal reserve, and not to mention the non existent gold reserves in fort knox. How's that manipulated out in the open of the Gold and Silver market working out for ya?
Just STFU, I'm tired of watching you make a fool out of yourself every time you try to make a comment on a subject you don't know jack shit about. Members here have tried to educate you, but something just doesn't click, or you just blatantly ignore what is explained just looking for something to try even with the piss poor complaint of a large transaction log to pick it apart because it doesn't fit in with your world view.
11th November 2013, 09:08 AM
No where in that article did it say the miners would be creating duplicates.
A duplicate of nothing is nothing, Ares prince of Hades.
By leveraging this advantage and being careful about when they release information about new Bitcoins they have mined, the group could gradually take control of the entire mining system.
Wrong! I do understand it, and everything points to it not being able to deliver as promised.
I will challenge to route you single handily from this fine Gold and Silver Forum, less you lay down your pitiful virtual sword and beg forgiveness at my knee.
11th November 2013, 09:14 AM
A duplicate of nothing is nothing, Ares prince of Hades.
Again no fucking clue what you're even talking about.
Wrong! I do understand it, and everything points to it not being able to deliver as promised.
You don't understand jack shit. What happened to the other blocks that were mined by the other open pools while the 1 pool was mining them in secret? When you can answer that then I'll know what you're talking about. Until then you don't have a fucking clue.
Which I also explained why it wouldn't work. Show me a miner that is willing to go 1 to 2 months of 300-400 dollar electric bills without getting paid. That's for a typical 200-300Gh miner. Which is NOTHING in the grand scheme of the total network hash rate. Now the big guys that are working on margins with grand or 2 month in electric bills aren't going to be going that long without getting paid.
11th November 2013, 09:27 AM
What happened to the other blocks that were mined by the other open pools while the 1 pool was mining them in secret?
Which I also explained why it wouldn't work. Show me a miner that is willing to go 1 to 2 months of 300-400 dollar electric bills without getting paid. That's for a typical 200-300Gh miner. Which is NOTHING in the grand scheme of the total network hash rate. Now the big guys that are working on margins with grand or 2 month in electric bills aren't going to be going that long without getting paid.
As with all pyramid schemes the lower blocks look up to the higher block for direction.
Are you so naive as to disregard the enemies of Bitcoin wouldn't be so well suited as to pay their own electric bills?
Even though they've been trying for eons to produce real Gold and Silver through alchemy at their own cost.
Do they need some sort of Bitcoin mining license, pfft.
Fall unto your virtual sword, (if it will do anything)
11th November 2013, 11:29 AM
Sent to Hitcher and sirgonzo420
That is 4, 6 left.
11th November 2013, 11:48 AM
As with all pyramid schemes the lower blocks look up to the higher block for direction.
Yawn, this is pitiful... WRONG. The other blocks get discarded as orphans, and the bitcoins that were generated by the honest pools go poof as you cannot have duplicates. You'd know that if you even bothered to read the paper you decided to use as some bullshit excuse why Bitcoins aren't viable. Either that or you didn't even understand the technical fete required to accomplish that attack.
Are you so naive as to disregard the enemies of Bitcoin wouldn't be so well suited as to pay their own electric bills?
Right, because all the miners are government alphabet agencies. Even when presented with proof you'll still start calling everything a windmill won't ya Don Quixote? Considering how open the protocol is, it would be apparent very quickly if someone was trying to compromise the system.
Even though they've been trying for eons to produce real Gold and Silver through alchemy at their own cost.
No one is trying to replace gold Horn. Maybe if you got your head out of your ass you'd see it. But alas, I might as well discuss protocol topologies and technical analysis with my wall here at work. I might actually get farther.
Do they need some sort of Bitcoin mining license, pfft.
Licenses are for state controlled idiots.. So no
Indeed, you keep displaying it proudly.
Fall unto your virtual sword, (if it will do anything)
Well I'm done falling on the manipulated gold and silver sword. I guess I'll leave that for you.
11th November 2013, 11:49 AM
again, not trying to be an ass, but the main purpose of all of these coins seems to be just buying and trading them coin themselves- speculation. can i use it to actually buy anything besides other coins? not that i will, just curious. i don't see the point of them if it's just another speculation front.
Right now WDC is mostly speculation but we are trying to build it into a fully fuctioning currency in the future. WDC has only been around since April or May, it is still very new. It would be good for the Cryptocurrency market to have a few actual rivals to BTC. Right now BTC is far in the lead but that also means it is the primary target of the banksters.
I am promoting it here to help you guys learn how these cryptocurrencies work but also to help support Worldcoin. The more people that know of it and have wallets the greater the adoption rate.
The Worldcoin foundation is working on a WDC/USD market and merchant services to make it easier for vendors to start accepting WDC as payment.
11th November 2013, 11:56 AM
Sent to Hitcher and sirgonzo420
That is 4, 6 left.
Son of Liberty, got it! Thanks! It said incoming transaction, then poof, 50 wdc appeared in my wallet.
11th November 2013, 12:10 PM
Son of Liberty, got it! Thanks! It said incoming transaction, then poof, 50 wdc appeared in my wallet.
Welcome aboard, not sure what the confirmation rate for Worldcoin is, but for Bitcoin it typically needs 6 confirmations before it can be spent. Just to make sure that it's a valid coin and not a duplicate. :)
You can find out by going to transactions and place your mouse over your recent coin arrival and it will tell you how confirmations it has.
11th November 2013, 12:15 PM
Welcome aboard, not sure what the confirmation rate for Worldcoin is, but for Bitcoin it typically needs 6 confirmations before it can be spent. Just to make sure that it's a valid coin and not a duplicate. :)
You can find out by going to transactions and place your mouse over your recent coin arrival and it will tell you how confirmations it has.
Thanks, it says confirmed, 114 confirmations. What is a confirmation?
11th November 2013, 12:21 PM
liberty, thanks for doing this and sending me the pms to get me up and running. A+ job even if i don't get "it" yet.
11th November 2013, 12:22 PM
Thanks, it says confirmed, 114 confirmations. What is a confirmation?
A confirmation is a block of transactions that sits on top of the block of transactions of which your transaction is a part. The more "confirmations", or "subsequent blocks", the older a transaction, and the more "secure" it is in the blockchain, being stored on many computers worldwide.
11th November 2013, 12:23 PM
Thanks, it says confirmed, 114 confirmations. What is a confirmation?
Think of the Worldcoin block chain as an enormous digital transaction log. Miners are "accountants" in this scenario. Each time a transaction takes place it gets added to a block to be processed as the "accountants" are mining for more worldcoins. While in the process of mining they confirm that the transaction was a.) Valid, and b.) no duplicate spent was detected. Once it's in the blockchain it will continue to get confirmations as the block chain grows. Miners and pools keep going over the transaction log from the very first transaction to the most recent to verify all transactions.
Why it would be incredibly difficult if not impossible to spend duplicate coins as they'd never get confirmed by the miners. I'm not sure what security is in place for Worldcoin but I've read that in Bitcoin and Litecoin if there is an address sending multiple duplicate payments it will eventually get ignored by the entire network. I would assume it would be the same for Worldcoin but don't know.
11th November 2013, 12:40 PM
I have free vouchers to a WDC lotto site you guys want em?
11th November 2013, 12:45 PM
Considering how open the protocol is, it would be apparent very quickly if someone was trying to compromise the system.
Not at all the case, the system could already be compromised which probably is the case.
Just as the precious metal market and this forum have become compromised by E-coin & gambling promotions.
11th November 2013, 12:49 PM
Not at all the case, the system could already be compromised which probably is the case.
Just as the precious metal market and this forum have become compromised by E-coin & gambling promotions.
Horn I am keeping it in the virtual currencies part of the forum. You don't have come in here if you don't want to.
11th November 2013, 12:52 PM
Sent to Hitcher and sirgonzo420
That is 4, 6 left.
Thanks! I'm waiting for the blockchain to download and sync.
11th November 2013, 12:52 PM
Not at all the case, the system could already be compromised which probably is the case.
Just as the precious metal market and this forum have become compromised by E-coin & gambling promotions.
Oh hush, Magnes.
11th November 2013, 01:52 PM
Oh hush, Magnes.
Horn....Broken Arrow. Broken Arrow.
11th November 2013, 02:28 PM
Gold and Silver are nice to have, but isn't going to do a god damn bit of good in the long run. It isn't going to remake this world, they control all the physical. If you don't believe that you're deluding yourself.
Guess it comes down to this fellas, and FWIW they do not control the physical silver market, but for a nutshell game.
With E-coins you are pandering to the abyss, sub-dividing and promoting yourselves in line for scraps from Longshanks table.
We are divorced in our faith henceforth.
11th November 2013, 03:33 PM
lottery, hell yes. i've never bought an actual lottery ticket, so bring it on.
11th November 2013, 09:03 PM
lottery, hell yes. i've never bought an actual lottery ticket, so bring it on.
OK go to the link
You have to put in this voucher code and your WDC address.
It is good for 5 consecutive draws.
If anyone else wants one let me know
11th November 2013, 10:32 PM
Hey SOL - I will play. Thanks. It's going to take an eternity to download at this rate, so if you don't mind hold my spot - WdwhGNqnk1ppLusqgfFYMjZkfWgeAbfKca I will punch back in when I have sync'd and let you know (tomorrow). Appreciate the intro to a new coinage.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
11th November 2013, 10:52 PM
I just started synching. 700k blocks to go.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
12th November 2013, 09:24 AM
Is there a way to kick the thing into synching? All mine shows at the bottom is little pick axes saying "not mining" and what looks like two little monitors saying "0 active connections". What am I doing wrong?
12th November 2013, 09:31 AM
Is there a way to kick the thing into synching? All mine shows at the bottom is little pick axes saying "not mining" and what looks like two little monitors saying "0 active connections". What am I doing wrong?
Your client won't sync unless you can get a couple active connections. If you're behind a firewall you'll have to open the ports to allow it to connect. For Worldcoin I'm not sure what ports get used.
12th November 2013, 09:53 AM
Is there a way to kick the thing into synching? All mine shows at the bottom is little pick axes saying "not mining" and what looks like two little monitors saying "0 active connections". What am I doing wrong?
Also came up with this over at Bitcoin talk.
For anyone having connection issues, go into your .conf file and delete the addnodes they are no longer needed since the network is healthy, and will delay your sync. Also, make sure daemon=1 is in your .conf file if you are using one. Make sure port 11081 is unblocked. This is a very rare issue some users are experiencing, if the above still doesn't work, try these solutions below. Post #1279 Post #1318
Hope that helps.
12th November 2013, 09:54 AM
Finally synching! Looks like it'll be a while though.
12th November 2013, 09:56 AM
Finally synching! Looks like it'll be a while though.
Awesome, what did you have to do to get it to successfully start syncing correctly?
12th November 2013, 10:43 AM
Awesome, what did you have to do to get it to successfully start syncing correctly?
Honestly all I ended up doing was rebooting the machine. Should have just done that to start with. Your info though helped me learn some stuff though, so greatly appreciated.
12th November 2013, 11:01 AM
I got all synced. Not sure how long it took. thanks again, I will look out for the deposit.
12th November 2013, 11:57 AM
All synced up and ready to go! Went quicker than expected. Now I just need to find something to sell for worldcoins.
12th November 2013, 01:30 PM
I am at work right now but when I get home I will send Mouse and drafter their coins and vouchers if want.
12th November 2013, 01:47 PM
Son of Liberty, I'm glad this promotion has been successful! It almost makes me want to try the same thing, with litecoins or maybe even very small amounts of bitcoins. :)
12th November 2013, 02:23 PM
Son of Liberty, I'm glad this promotion has been successful! It almost makes me want to try the same thing, with litecoins or maybe even very small amounts of bitcoins. :)
MadFranks, need my Bitcoin / Litecoin addresses to deposit?? LOL j/k
12th November 2013, 03:16 PM
Son of Liberty, I'm glad this promotion has been successful! It almost makes me want to try the same thing, with litecoins or maybe even very small amounts of bitcoins. :)
Like a communion for stool pigeons?
12th November 2013, 09:09 PM
OK sent to drafter, mouse and silver rocket.
12th November 2013, 09:15 PM
Son of Liberty, I'm glad this promotion has been successful! It almost makes me want to try the same thing, with litecoins or maybe even very small amounts of bitcoins. :)
Well I am glad their was at least some interest. I just wanted people to try it and then they can decide if they want to get more involved. When I actually made a few transactions with Bitcoin I realized that it wasn't really that hard and the value of something like it clicked for me.
12th November 2013, 09:15 PM
faster than jimmy johns Status: 22 confirmations
Date: 11/12/2013 22:03 Thanks
12th November 2013, 09:20 PM
NP Mouse.
Here is a voucher for Madfranks.
Make sure you use the same address you posted here.
12th November 2013, 09:22 PM
For Hitcher:
12th November 2013, 09:24 PM
I can only do 3 vouchers a day so everyone else will have to wait :P
Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th November 2013, 10:11 PM
Thanks for the generosity! Now what? I hit the mine button but not sure what to enter for the server field.
12th November 2013, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the generosity! Now what? I hit the mine button but not sure what to enter for the server field.
I have never used the client for mining so honestly I couldn't tell you how to set it up. Most people use other software for mining and certain graphics cards work better then others.
Only one I could ever get to work right was GUIminer they have a scypt version that works for Worldcoin, or Litecoin.
13th November 2013, 12:04 AM
How's it feel to be cashless, water warm?
13th November 2013, 07:30 PM
Silver Rocket:
13th November 2013, 07:31 PM
13th November 2013, 07:32 PM
13th November 2013, 10:38 PM
Hey SoL- not sure what your count is, but if you have any of the 10 left, I would like to get 50 world coins!
14th November 2013, 09:37 AM
Hey SoL- not sure what your count is, but if you have any of the 10 left, I would like to get 50 world coins!
You're in will send tonight.
14th November 2013, 12:20 PM
You're in will send tonight.
14th November 2013, 11:04 PM
Hey SoL- not sure what your count is, but if you have any of the 10 left, I would like to get 50 world coins!
also heres a voucher for you
14th November 2013, 11:05 PM
2 left. Any takers?
14th November 2013, 11:10 PM
2 left. Any takers?
Actually you should take those last two to church with you on Sunday,
to thank him for having such a successful service.
15th November 2013, 07:09 PM
also heres a voucher for you
Increased my worldcoin holdings 1.6% (after transaction fee)!
16th November 2013, 07:04 AM
Anyone else win anything with the vouchers I gave out?
27th November 2013, 10:50 AM
I am now opening this offer to anyone on this forum. There are only two left though.
WDC is now trading at around $0.15 up from $0.03 when I opened this offer.
27th November 2013, 10:53 AM
Wait, I'll need to create a sock puppet first...
27th November 2013, 10:55 AM
WDC is now trading at around $0.15 up from $0.03 when I opened this offer.
Thanks again. Your offer motivated me to get some more WDC and it's went well so far. Will be interesting to see if it takes off.
28th November 2013, 03:43 PM
Those 50 Worldcoins are quickly approaching an ounce of silver!
28th November 2013, 11:27 PM
That 50 worldcoin surpassed an ounce of silver. Thank you
29th November 2013, 12:38 AM
Your welcome.
There is a good chance they will go higher.
Scharmbeck is going with live testing of their WDC/USD pairing Dec 20, and then it will be accessible by the public in February. They have FinCEn approval and will be like coinbase but for WDC. Not even LTC has it's own specific USD market.
It will allow newbs to jump straight into WDC without having to buy BTC first. Right now BTC is much like the USD, being used to buy commodities in that you have to buy it if you want to convert to anything else.
29th November 2013, 12:48 AM
Is this whole virtual coin thing about to blow up?
29th November 2013, 12:52 AM
Is this whole virtual coin thing about to blow up?
Possibly. But it could also go up even higher. There's a limited supply and a lot of demand. A lot of people just aren't selling at any price since they think Bitcoin will go to $1 Million one day or something like that.
There's like $11.5 Billion invested into Bitcoin. That's less than many corporations/stocks. The recent Twitter IPO hit about $24 Billion valuation and what the Hell kind of profits do they make? I think that Bitcoin will hit a $1 Trillion backing before things start leveling out. It should be a crazy and bumpy ride till then.
If there's a crash, it's a buying opportunity, and it will just feed things much higher. Look at what happened when Bitcoin went from $900 to $400 or whatever last week. Now it's at $1,200+.
The more the government tries to stop/regulate it, the more I think people will want it.
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