View Full Version : My mini-micro hydro water plant............. me............ V

13th November 2013, 10:43 AM
For the past week I have been working, almost non stop, on my mini hydro water plant, about three, or four?, years ago I bought a kit that came with eight fan and a motor to produce energy but the only thing was that you need about 50 miles wind to make the damn thing work.....however, because I have a 25 lbs natural flow from my creek water, that I was able to increase to 40 with a ventury? affect, I now use only one fan and the motor to produce 18 v that was decreased to 12 and I am now able to run 20 3 W 60 V bulbs for free, the water used goes into the ground and back to the creek.

I now have 8 generators all the way from 350 to 5,000 w, seven solar panels on roof with five spares, my 1943 dujiky that you burn a fire at the bottom and it produces electricity (tested it only once), got something else but I forgot what ahahahahahah.

I really don't know why I am bragging about it since I won't be using much of it WTSHTF, that would be like using a beacon to invite the walking dead to come to my home.

mick silver
13th November 2013, 10:51 AM
buy some black out for your windows you want to light an heat ......... tint

13th November 2013, 10:52 AM
The thing is Ponce is you CAN and have the ability to do so.

That counts for EVERYTHING!

It is always better that you "Can" and not use, than can not!

13th November 2013, 11:01 AM
You could be right, only thing is that most of the time I don't what to call what I am doing but simply do it, there are many names that I should know but don't...the way that my mind works is not in names but what they do or should be........I let those who are smart figure out what they are called.......I simply do it.

I have a roll of black (upssssssssss, I mean, African American) roll of roof cover for the windows and then I have all my cameras so that I can still look outside.

13th November 2013, 11:06 AM
Tar paper for your windows, check at night for light leakage, and if you burn anything try and do it with no or minimal smoke showing. Eliminate or hide any evidence that someone lives on the property and know all the time and have your sights on any unwelcome visitors.

No people here, this place is not habituated and deserted not worth the time to check it out.

Move on nothing of interest here!

13th November 2013, 11:22 AM
Hahahahahhahhahahah with my big "NO USRael" sign outside for the past 12 years the whole world knows who lives here.

Your advice is good for others but not for me...... :)

13th November 2013, 11:43 AM
Tar paper for your windows, check at night for light leakage...

THIS GUY (http://www.goldismoney2.com/showthread.php?48459-Lessons-from-a-personal-SHTF-experience&p=622591&viewfull=1#post622591) tried cardboard and failed. Have you verified that a single layer of tar paper blocks 100% of the light?

:(?? I am wondering about taping common kitchen aluminum foil to a single layer of cardboard...

13th November 2013, 11:47 AM
THIS GUY (http://www.goldismoney2.com/showthread.php?48459-Lessons-from-a-personal-SHTF-experience&p=622591&viewfull=1#post622591) tried cardboard and failed. Have you verified that a single layer of tar paper blocks 100% of the light?

:(?? I am wondering about taping common kitchen aluminum foil to a single layer of cardboard...

I know it works, as long as you test at night to see and fix light leaks. Fact!

Foil works and cardboard works if thick enough and if there are no pin holes in it, tar paper works also as long as there are no pinholes. That is why the windows or what ever is covered be checked out at night for light leaks and the leaks fixed. And then checked on a regular basis for light leaks.

Single layers maybe semi translucent if so double or triple the thickness.