View Full Version : Twitter: President Obama First Follower of @IHateN**gers
14th November 2013, 06:09 PM
***UPDATE: Hours after this piece published, the president's account unfollowed @IHateN**gers.
President Obama's verified Twitter account is one of only 94 followers of a Twitter account called @Ihaten**gers. On top of that, President Obama was somehow the very first to follow the offensive account.
The account features a black and white profile photo of Al Jolson in blackface and links to IHateN**, which doesn’t appear to be active.
The president's verified account is followed by almost 40 million people and follows back 655,993 others.
Whatever process the president's handlers use to choose who Obama will publicly follow is obviously as well managed as the rest of his administration.
14th November 2013, 06:19 PM
Only the white side of him subscribed...
14th November 2013, 09:32 PM
This is because the site is a put-up job by the sleazy lying agitator from Kenya. Nowhere in the real world is there near the white hatred towards blacks as that which resides in the twisted imagination of our leader, the biggest racist and bigot of them all, Barry Soetoro/Harrison Bounel/Barack Hussein Obama. This man is consumed with hate, envy and rage against western civilization and particularly America. Why? Because he is a do nothing little shit from a do nothing shit ethos excreted out of the hinterlands of the dark continent, a culture of grass huts, polygamy, tribal slaughter and human depravity and disease. You may destroy America Barry, but you never destroy the staggering achievements and glorious history of Western Civilization, from the School of Athens to the Roman Forum, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution all the way to the modern age. White Europeans virtually singlehandedly invented the world we live in today, the aggregate contributions of great creators, builders, thinkers and entrepreneurs. You are just a liar, a egotist, and a placer of blame, devoid of any shred of integrity, honor and truth. You are not worthy to shine their shoes, you sad little man of no import whatsoever. History will record you as just another human maggot feeding off of the carcass of a dying civilization whose immense success and achievements sadly morphed into mass cultural suicide.
15th November 2013, 10:25 AM
"President Obama's verified Twitter account is one of only 94 followers of a Twitter account called @Ihaten**gers. On top of that, President Obama was somehow the very first to follow the offensive account."
330 million Americans. Multiple millions of Twitter users. And Obama just happend to be the very first person to sign on this blatantly racist site tailor made to satisfy the most paranoid of blacks. I mean really folks, what are the chances that this is legit, one in 10 billion?
The man is a total fraud, from top to bottom, a sick twisted joke played on the American people by the elite. They are no doubt still high fiving and back slapping over this one, pulling the ultimate con off on America by installing a homosexual crack smoking four-flushing BS artist born of a slut mother and drunken polygamist foreigner father, into the highest office in the land. It's Trading Places II, on steroids and LSD. 74&action=dlattach;topic=118956.0;attach=20773;image
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