View Full Version : 28 photos of Apple’s new ‘Mothership’ campus

16th November 2013, 04:36 PM
http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/QGJirgassW2uIRthYktFUw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/digitalcrave/apple-slideshow.jpg http://shopping.yahoo.com/blogs/digital-crave/28-photos-apple-mothership-campus-190816020.html http://l4.yimg.com/nn/fp/rsz/111213/images/smush/applemothership_635x250_1384288975.jpg If you thought your new office looked ultra-modern, wait until you get a peek at Apple’s next campus in Cupertino, California (http://shopping.yahoo.com/photos/25-photos-of-apple-s-new-mothership-campus-1384281252-slideshow/).

Dubbed the “Mothership” by Cupertino Mayor Gilbert Wong, Apple has submitted
architectural renderings of a 2.8 million square foot campus -- built on 176
acres of land – and capable of housing roughly 13,000 employees.

It is said to be built by 2016 with an estimated budget of $5 billion.

While initially presented to the city in 2011 by late Apple CEO Steve Jobs,
Wired has just published updated information and renderings of “Apple Campus 2,”
approved by city officials last month, says writer Kyle VanHemert.

All 28 images can be seen by clicking the image below.

The latest images show a number of areas of the futuristic-looking corporate
headquarters, including a donut-shaped main building – designed to promote
collaboration among employees – lined with floor-to-ceiling concave glass walls,
plenty of flora and fauna, and powered by renewable energy (“on-site fuel cell
plants and rooftop photovoltaic arrays,” says the Wired piece).

The latest renders show an underground auditorium (perhaps to host media
events at product launches), a massive 90,000 square foot open-concept cafeteria
that extends outside and a “Corporate Transit Center” bus depot to drop off and
pick up employees.

There’s also a concept of a subterranean tunnel that leads to a 2,000-space
parking garage. Separate research and development facilities will be outside of
the main four-story “spaceship” campus.

Renowned architect Norman Foster is at the helm of the ambitious project, but
Jobs was “heavily involved” in the earlier stages, says Wired.

16th November 2013, 05:36 PM
Mothership?? Will Noory be broadcasting from there?

6th June 2016, 05:36 PM
Sofia Smallstorm just put up this blog re aapl's "mothership" hq representing a hardenened "impregnable" female egg, with sperm swimmers outside unable to get in. Adds that's what wifi radiation does to female eggs, in addition to lowering male sperm count & vigor. With images, http://www.aboutthesky.com/smallstorm-blog/605-apple-and-fertility?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=

Apple and Fertility

Apple's Cupertino headquartersApple is a leader in the world of computers and Smart devices. Apple iPads are being used by schoolchildren in classrooms equipped with WiFi (2.4 Ghz). Education delivered wirelessly will reach the most remote regions of the world and make everybody Smart, say the globalists. However, wireless transmissions will have another sinister effect -- the sterility of future generations, warns Joe Imbriano of TheFullertonInformer.com. From a study done on hardy rats, findings were that viable ovarian follicles (eggs) diminished by approximately one half after 15 minutes x 15 days of 900 Mhz (old cell-phone-level) irradiation. WiFi and newer phones are much faster.

Children using iPads

What happens in the human body after an egg is fertilized? Its outer layers harden (called "zona response") to prevent additional sperm from penetrating. The FullertonInformer webmaster informs us that human follicles (eggs) may indeed harden in response to persistent RF microwaves, which are felt as "penetrations." Little girls are born with their eggs, to be released one at a time by the ovaries upon sexual maturity. Eggs that undergo zona response from radio frequencies pulsed against the belly (think iPad) might respond someday to fertilization in a lab with a needle ...

Now let's take a look at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA, pictured above, with layout below:
Apple HQ map
Apple's Cupertino headquarters layout
(click here to enlarge)

Human egg and sperm

Diagram of human conception as the egg is penetrated

and the outer membranes fuse to solidify

(click here to enlarge)

A new development from Steve Perlman, formerly of Apple, Microsoft and Hollywood: Artemis is the new technology for cellular transmission. Devices placed on buildings will replace cell towers, sending RF microwaves in search of receivers (e.g. our Smart phones and watches). Artemis was the Greek goddess of chastity (no sex), virginity, and of the hunt. The Artemis logo is below, next to a diagram of the female reproductive organs. The Artemis network will hunt us and invert our reproduction... turn it upside down? What is Apple saying?

Artemis transmitter
Artemis logo
Female reproductive system

Artemis logo is female organs
turned upside down

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Sofia discussed the above blog near the end of this 1.5 hr interview http://crazzfiles.com/deep-underground-military-bases-with-sofia-smallstorm/

6th June 2016, 08:56 PM
egg? just as likely a sphincter