View Full Version : We Are Your Enemy

20th November 2013, 09:25 PM

:o posted here to archive this link

22nd November 2013, 02:27 PM
TRANSCRIPT FOR THOSE who cannot watch the viddy...


I do not speak now to the American public, in general, which has not the capacity to understand. I speak now to those who rule the Former Republic of These United States, for you know your crimes. I do not intend for this to be all inclusive of the charges for which you should be brought to Justice. Time does not permit me the luxury of an all-inclusive indictment; only those which an average man, a free man, finds most abhorrent and deserving of your arrest, conviction, execution, and eternal damnation.

We the American people are your enemy. Not because we want to put your throat under our boot; not because we want to loot your life savings; not because we are allied with Nations, Powers and Institutions outside of the constraints of the original Constitution and Common Law; not because we wish to write laws, rules and regulations to tax, and criminalize you while exempting ourselves from any manner of law; not because we have written a law that denies you a day in court, with a jury of your peers, before execution; not because we have prepositioned war materials across the nation in case you object; not because we wish to plunder the wealth of other nations and distribute the booty among our friends and sycophants; not because we wish to destroy that we may then offer salvation- our iron fist encased in a velvet glove; but only for a time; not because we want to be your enemy; but because you have given us no choice.

Through the use of subtle and blatant law; you have systematically destroyed The Constitution of These United States. No, we are not all ignorant of the meaning behind the Gold Fringe on the flags in our courts of so called ‘law’. Nor have we ignored your passing of massive, unintelligible legislative tomes; largely unread and written by the very industries they are purported to regulate with the effect that now international corporations wield the power of Law, and as such the gun to enforce and guarantee their profits, to the negation of individual choice, liberty, and security of the American People.

Through lies deception, deceit and disinformation you have systematically destroyed our monetary system, necessitating the use of force to coerce not just your own Citizens to use a worthless, and worse, a debt instrument as currency, but have killed millions in other nations in an effort to force them to only use this totally debauched and worthless currency.

Through lies and disinformation you have erected a vast army of tax enforcement, with a court system of its own and a monumental collection of ambiguous and fluid regulations insurmountable by mere Citizens but that can be overseen by an obvious tax cheat; such is the fairness of the system which was never ratified by the states, a fact acknowledge by, but held to be ‘DeFacto’ law by a corrupt judiciary.

You have caused revolutions to install puppet regimes so your Corporate Masters could feast on the carcass’ of Nations, installed corrupt and brutal dictators till such time as it was advantageous to you to replace them; again more blood on your hands; more profit for the Industrial Military Complex and Commodity Corporations and of course your Gods, the Bankers.

You have stolen Trillions of Dollars from the American People to bail out corrupt financiers and gamblers of Wall Street. Trillions more of the Peoples wealth has gone to domestic and foreign banks and audits of the money printers are denied to hide this duplicity.

Trillions more go to Corporations whose ineptitude should have led to their demise but instead received bailouts; and they did bail out; closing plants here and relocating overseas- our money paying for our people to be thrown out of work. Mussolini, the father of Fascism said that Fascism should more properly be called Corporatism- the joining of corporate greed and government power over the people. It is a fact that now America is a classic Fascistic State.
You have codified into law, for the first time, in the human history of written law, the power of the Executive Branch and Military to kidnap, torture, and kill a Citizen, merely on the your claimed suspicion that they are “Affiliated with Terrorists”. Then claiming National Security” and forced signings of “Non-Disclosure Agreements” (NDA’s) all involved with the disappearance are silenced and an American is just gone, “Disappeared”. And who are these suspected terrorists? By your own Homeland Security a partial list reads like the best America has to offer; Christians, Veterans, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Austrian Economics Advocates, Gun Owners, Preppers, Survivalists, Citizen Journalists, and Whistle blowers of your lawless actions.

I speak of course of the 2012, 13, and now 2014 NDAA, The National Defense Authorization Act.
You have promoted Racial Hatred within our borders and promulgated that division; that the American people are at odds with one another because of skin pigmentation; the fact is that you have built these divides and exploited them. Divide and Conquer is a strategy as old as the Roman Empire.

You have through False Flag Attacks vilified a race and religion that has not attacked the United States; on the contrary the United States is demonstrably the aggressor, just as General Wesley Clark repeatedly stated in 2007, and I QUOTE “We are going to take out seven countries in five years”. I am surprised he was not given an exploding Mercedes for that one; then again he is not a Journalist but a mouthpiece sent to give us the requisite warning. You are behind schedule. That internet is a hindrance to you is it not?

And to that- You are at this moment considering Legislation to in effect ‘License’ Journalists and free speech. To License is to give permission to do that which would otherwise be illegal. Such licensing destroys the fourth estate whose most important role historically in this country used to be watching you; but no longer. Now you wish to give your lapdogs golden collars, and in your typical Fascistic fashion, limit the free speech of the real and growing NEW FOURTH ESTATE, Bloggers, Independent Journalists, You Tubers, and any not under your influence.

We who are not the recipients of your stolen largess and who would never accept the role of controlled opposition for three million pieces of silver let alone thirty, to protect your ‘Great Treason’ are the reincarnation of the Pamphleteers at the founding of this Nation. And just as King George could not stop the spread of the Idea of Liberty, neither will you be able to stop the truth, your growing use of Free Speech zones notwithstanding. Your every tyrannical act adds fuel to the fire which will consume you.

You are admittedly poisoning our skies and soil with Barium Salts, Aluminum and other toxic compounds. Long you denied it but now you just say it is “Classified”. Masters don’t explain their actions to slaves. Clasifieid’ none of your business; even how our so called ‘Representatives’ vote on military action is now ‘classified’!

You have corrupted our food supply. While you make it against the “Law” for a food product to be labeled “Contains No GMOs, your Congressional Cafeteria is a GMO Free zone, as are the Cafeteria for the British Parliament and the Cafeteria at Monsanto where they create these Franken-foods. More hypocrisy!

Our Voting machines are owned by private Corporations and no one, not even you ‘Representative’, are allowed to see the programing as it is a “Proprietary Secret”. The ease of vote rigging exposed in the video “Hacking Democracy” and Ron Paul supporters can tell you firsthand about voter fraud Republican style. Yet you, who have destroyed the sanctity and security of the vote here have the hypocrisy to point to other Tyrants and demand “Fair Elections” of them; but only if the Tyrant is not of your making.

There is much more; Pharmaceutical Fascism, Environmental Fascism, Big Agra Fascism, the Prison Industrial Complex; virtually every aspect of an Americans life is now directly affected by the merging of Government with International Corporations.

But for the sake of brevity I will address only one more; The Big Lie; The Great Treason.

A Foreign Nation, ever aggressive and violent to its neighbors has suborned the so called Representatives of the People of These United States to Treason. Further it is with the People’s money that this bribery has been perpetrated.
A Nation formed on exaggerated guilt over an ever increasingly exposed exaggerated occurrence. The very questioning of the validity of those claims now criminalized in some European Nations. What sudo-truth needs the power of the gun to defend it? The holocaust.
A Nation State which never lives up to treaty obligations nor ever pays back a loan.
A Nation State that receives Billions of dollars annually in grants of cash, weapons and loans which it will is never even asked repay.
A Nation State Racist to the core, who abuses its own citizens, is apartheid, has even sterilized minority immigrants, yet who wears race on it sleeve as a Deception; any questioning the actions of this Nation State is called ‘Racist’.
A Nation that has killed Americans in international waters in an attempt to False Flag the United States into war with Egypt; a Nation we had no quarrel with. Ironically the attack was on a Vessel named “Liberty”.
A Nation State in possession of hundreds of nuclear weapons as admitted in documented discussion in its own Legislature, and the delivery systems sufficient to threaten any point in the world yet who refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This fact alone makes it against American law for it to receive aid from the United States. Additionally this Nation State has been exposed for attempting to sell nuclear weapons to Apartied South Africa. But what does the law matter when to run for high office in The United States; a pre-requisite is to take a pilgrimage and show obeisance to this Nation State. To whom do your duties lie ‘Representative’? For whom do you concern yourself?

A rhetorical question for the answer is all too clear.
No, we are not your enemy because we wish to be. We are your enemy because you have left us no choice.
For the future of These United States to not be a Corporate Gulag controlled by and an international elite,
For These United States to not be the greatest threat to world peace,
For These United States to not be a threat to the food supply of the world,
For These united States to not be the next destructive empire,
For These United States to not be the reason thermo- nuclear war destroys humanity,
We must declare ourselves your enemies and as such enemies of the Police State you have so craftily and illegitimately created.

I, Chuck Smith, Texas USA, openly and without reservation Pledge My Life, My Wealth and My Sacred Honor to oppose you in the defense of The Original Constitution of These United States, to expose you for the war criminals and perpetrators of crimes against humanity that you are and with my last breathe to spit in your lying eyes.

To Americans I say;
Strength and Honor America, Be of Service, Talk to People, Save Lives and May your God or Gods Go With You.

Chuck (Smithfix) Smith