View Full Version : Democrats Rewriting History

22nd November 2013, 04:54 PM
If there’s one thing we know about Democrats it’s that they will do ANYTHING in an effort to make themselves look better than they really are. However, this may be one of the most glaring examples of the lengths to which they will travel to do so.

LINCOLN A DEM??? A plaque at Jacob Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies of Northeastern Illinois U #tcot #tlot pic.twitter.com/DHJDokYJoF

— slone (@slone) November 4, 2013

That’s right. The plaque says that Abraham Lincoln was a… Democrat.

Now, I might be a bit more upset because of the almost ten years I spent teaching history at the High School level… but this is really upsetting. The fact that President Lincoln was a Republican is hugely important to our national history, and not for any political reasons. President Lincoln was one of the founders of the Republican Party, a party that was established as an anti-slavery counter to the Democrat Party which held sway throughout the Southern States.

The fact that President Lincoln was a Republican was one of the important factors that led to the outbreak of the War Between the States! It’s an extremely important fact to just get wrong…

Democrats need to simply face the facts of history: the Republican Party has led the way in the most significant advancements in the last 150 years of our nation’s history. We led the way against slavery, we led the way on Civil Rights, and we led the way in the greatest periods of cultural and economic advancement in our nation’s history. Republicans are the party of progress, and Democrats are the party of regression and revisionism.


What might make this worse (if it can get worse), is that this plaque is affixed to the outside of a building in Lincoln’s home state of Illinois. What might make it even worse, is that it is affixed to a building on a college campus. The plaque can be found on the outer wall of the Jacob Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies of Northeastern Illinois University.

What a sad day for higher education in the state of Illinois.


mick silver
23rd November 2013, 06:03 AM
its not just a sad day for illinois it a sad day for every state in this country on higher education . one shoe fix all

23rd November 2013, 07:10 AM
The term 'Higher Education' is a euphemism for 'Government funded PROPAGANDA'.

Notice there really is no difference in the minds of ANYONE who went through this so called 'Higher Education'. It is almost impossible to find someone who went to an Ivy League school for 8 years who does not parrot back the GLARING contradictions in the belief in 'Government'.

99% of people who graduated with a 'Higher Education' will vehemently tell you that 'Government' makes the grass grow and the sun come up. Without 'Government' we would live in a desert wasteland covered in darkness.

23rd November 2013, 07:39 AM
The article struck me as humorous considering how I feel about the 2 parties. I find the label of democrat fitting for Lincoln. A tyrant, hell bent upon subjugating the states to his oppressive will, all the while claiming to be "for the people".

He really is a modern day democrat. So I can't tell a difference between a statist pig, and a person who has an R or a D after their name.

23rd November 2013, 08:02 AM
If Lincoln were a democrat and he ran for president against Stephen Douglas (a democrat) then this was first monoparty election in the U.S.


Stephen Arnold Douglas (April 23, 1813 – June 3, 1861) was an American politician from Illinois and the designer of the Kansas–Nebraska Act. He was a U.S. Representative, a U.S. Senator, and the Democratic Party nominee for President in the 1860 election, losing to Republican Abraham Lincoln.